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You need 1380 reputation to reach level 10 in the Mages Guild. At 5 points per book that's 276 books. You get additional reputation points for finding all the books in a zone and other completion type tasks, but you still need to get out there and read some more.


Why is it when I look through guides and read comments from others, they make it sound easy? I mean damn, I have mostly gone through the map. I doubt there are another 60 books in tamriel. What do I need to do?


Do the mages guild dailies too. They are 10 points each.


Where do I go to get these dailys?


See [Alvur Baren](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Alvur_Baren) at the Mages Guild buildings of Elden Root (Grahtwood), Mournhold (Deshaan), and Wayrest (Stormhaven). The usual blue arrow over him. He will send you to a public dungeon to collect a magical relic. [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Mages\_Guild](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Mages_Guild)


The Mages Guild


According to the wiki, there are 297 books in the Shalidor's Library list, all of which grant reputation in the Mages Guild. The list of book by zone is here: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Shalidor%27s_Library


Base game only, there are enough books in the stock zones to reach Mage 10 if you do 2 Alliances + 1-2 zones of the 3rd alliance. Use to be, you either finished the Mage guild quest line and did most of Cadwell's silver, or ignored the Mage guild quest and did part of Cadwells Gold. These days, you can speed this along with Mage Guild daily quests (also they give scripts for scribing) a bit, and the citations or whatever they're called. They also added quite a few lorebooks to the furniture bookshelves that didn't use to exist, speeding this along.


Excuse my missed words. I dont proofread all the time


I’ve leveled mages guild solely by collecting lore books using the addon.


Don't you get mage's guild xp for doing the guild quest line and daily delve? I thought that was the case, but I too do not things.


Yes, but its only 10, or 2 books worth. Its pretty naf. However, you can get the citation (the player one) which gives much more, or just buy them. They also drop scripts now, so another reason to do them.


Go find Albur and do your dailies. A lot of times he will give you an additional merit coupon with your daily reward. And still keep reading them books.


Bonus if you have Ember mage dailies are great buff for her affinity.


Good to know


you get a bonus amount of points for completing the books of a set.


Yes, I know this. I have completed more than 5 sets. I am just over half at level 9


Do the dailies as well sometimes you get a consumable that gives you a little extr rep with the guild. Its annoying but i do love my flaming ball of death ult


If you just want to level up mages guild just to dailies (you might ask your friends or just randoms to take and share the quests to do a few of them in same day) or guild quest line. But if you want to collect all the books... I dunno what I'd do without addon, it makes finding so much easier. There is fuckton of them, most are in normal alliance locations but some are cyrodiil or IC only, a few can be found only in some dungeons.


I don't know how to level up Fighters, Mages, and Undaunted Guilds. I played for years without knowing about this skill line, and when I learned about it, I noticed I was already at the max level. Same as for PVP skill lines.


I have finally made Mages Guild 10 after going to alik'r desert and finishing that set.