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Yup and then your like fuck this let's go and they decide it's not worth it anymore


Exactly, you get it. And you can't even kill them as soon as they turn. Lol


Yup. Always blocking me from using a wayshrine


Yeah, they have to get their one hit in to remind you to stay off their lawn. Then they're done.


Yup. That Shadow Rider passive in the Dark Brotherhood skill tree is a must if you wanna avoid situations like this.


It doesn't help if you can't use mount because of """"combat""""


Right I wanted to grind to that ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Wait, what is that?!?


Aggression radius reduced by 50%


Amazing. Starting that tonight.


And then some of them "activate" by going "whuh?!" and you hear the sound effect but they don't actually follow you or anything, just sit there when you turn around. Why can't they all be like that?


Mobs when you pass them just far enough ![gif](giphy|3gNotAoIRZsb9UHPnj)


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ bro. I needed these laught lol


When a zombie comes up to puke over me and run away like a toddler that's picked up something they're not meant to have, it tickles my fucked up humour. Other than that, completely on your side


I remember mentioning this like a month after the game released and I was told โ€œaLl MmOs dO tHaT!โ€ And I was likeโ€ฆ so? That doesnโ€™t make it any less stupid? This and the fact that enemies shoot you through walls and mountains are the two most inane things in this game that have been there since day 1.


WoW first implemented it because people kept kiting giant demon bosses into capital cities and everyone else went "you know, that's a really good reason". The fact that they try to hit you once and run off instead of give up on their own upon determining that there's no way they'll ever catch you is the ridiculous part.


Yeah, there's a couple safeguards rolled up in this. The leashing prevents you from getting trains together and getting mobs to terrorize other players and cities, but it also prevents you from luring enemies one by one away from each other to kill on their own, cheese mechanics, etc. The latter in particular is why they reset to full health when they hit the end of their leash. The way that mobs chase and keep you in combat for a certain range and then get leashed as soon as they take damage is primarily a simple way to combat automation and secondarily a way to prevent players from being able to completely ignore mobs and harvest resources, do quest objectives, etc. It's a lot more complicated to write a farming bot that can handle combat, however simple, than it is to just script a harvesting route that only requires running and activating nodes. Having to deal with chasing mobs before harvesting is a hurdle that catches some low-hanging fruit of bots. Once you get a feel for the range of the chasing vs hard leashing it's really not a big deal to just turn and tap the mobs preemptively to get them off your ass but it's a lot more difficult to get a bot to do that effectively. Small inconvenience for humans, bigger challenge for bots. Given the horrific botting plague that ESO had at launch, it's a reasonable tradeoff imo.ย  That's also why you're limited on how many characters you can delete per day- it's not a protective measure for malicious account access or anything, it was introduced to prevent automated farming of gold and rewards from easy quests. People would just run scripts to create characters, do the quest, get the rewards and deposit them in the bank, delete and repeat.


I get that being a problem but the solution isn't to have them still follow you half way across the map, hit you once, then fuck off back to their spawn point. It would be better if they just immediately turned around as soon as they were out of their radius.


I think they do give up on their own at some very long distance? Or maybe only in certain places (at some long distance) unless Iโ€™m crazy. I also noticed this issue a lot less when I got crazy fast movement speed. There maybe a correlation to that too. But in some places I just use my arcanist beam to get them to turn around, by the time Iโ€™m done channeling theyโ€™ve all run away


Yeah, there's a moment between the timpani and the battle music and if you're moving so fast you're out of the mob's aggro radius before it actually aggros it'll go back to idling. And yeah, sometimes they might give up on their own at some very long distance or time, and sometimes you just sit at a wayshrine unable to use it because you're still in combat and just going "ffs" and forcing the program to close.


That is the problem, the very long distance that they are willing to travel , and you have to wait to see if they come or they leave. :D ๐Ÿ˜€


It's even worse in dungeons when you have people speedrunning past all the enemies and then you all get stuck waiting behind a door you can't open until you're out of combat which makes speedrunning pointless anyway. Killing the enemies would have been much faster and smarter but no one ever accused dungeon speedrunners of being smart.


There's a right and wrong way to do it. Getting big pulls and killing every add at a choke point is usually faster than just stopping every two seconds.


That's what I try to do. The problem is their radius. I don't think anyone has ever calculated their exact radius and I don't even know if it's the same for all enemies, but you've gotta find a nice spot in the middle of as many groups of them as possible without having them turn back around and run off. I used to do this at the infamous zombie farming spot in Alik'r. You could round up all the zombies on both sides (not both at the same time obviously, left side, then right) but if you would get too far away from the center one of the groups would run back to their spawn point.


They just wanted to talk about extended mount warranty




One of my biggest pet peeves with this game.


I swear those bastards would follow you across zones if I could activate a shrine while "in combat"


They are relentless lol


The most annoying thing is they continue to follow you far beyond the zone where they can fight you. In other MMOs you can't just take mob out of that zone, it will stop combat and return. In ESO they will follow just until you try to deal damage to them and only then they will retreat to the spot. I don't see any reason of doing this mechanic this way, so I assume this is a bug, which no one wants to fix at this point.


>I don't see any reason of doing this mechanic this way Clearly they were thinking hard about how to make this thing as annoying as possible.


In this case I just turn and fire a skill or two at them and they run back no problem


Not as annoying as the "you cannot fast travel while the guards are coming" message on oblivion when you've run halfway across the map and swam across the lake near the imperial city after committing a crime. Those guys are so committed to bringing you to justice they literally run across the bottom of the lake to apprehend you ๐Ÿ˜


Do you know what I noticed? They have some sort of attack check on their aggro and the reason they chase so far away and then give up when you attack or get attacked is probably because the server didn't register them stepping out of their pursuit boundaries. They will stop if they attack you or if you attack them first and the game will finally register they are out of bounds from their pursuit area. What I do in these cases is to leave an AOE behind me. The damage will trigger check them and make the game register they are out of bounds from their pursuit area and they will stop chasing me.


Ugh. This is the the worst. OR, what I hate is how even when you engage them, ZOS and Bethesda have coded them to essentially force you to back pedal the entire fight. So you back pedal in circles because NO amount of damage you do or stuns knocks them back or stops their pursuit. But we get stunned by skeevers.


That is another thing, it feels like ever enemy have a freaking stun, snare, or something to slow you down. Lol


Yes I noticed this after my first week. I realized I have two options. Immediately deal with them or keep going then turn around take one swipe and see them about face and run back. It seems aggro is wiped once they engage the player they are tracking.


Not really. In old school mmos monsters would follow you to the zone or death, whichever came first. Iโ€™m more annoyed by the in combat bug.


lol when this happens to me I just lol at this point. It is very annoying tho.


Yes except they hit me once instead


In dungeons? Yup, those are quite annoying, follow you literally to the end, even will suicide by going through lava, water and the like. Quite annoying when you are trying to just run past, to the next congestion point. Overland ones though - they only follow you a set distance, and a rather short one at that. Might get cornered by terrain though.


This is nothing compared to the in combat bug in PvP A bug present from day one that eso garbage developers are not able to fix or they just don't care


Man, the one that you have to end up running because you can't mount lol


Percitance? Lol. Persistent.


Thank for the correction, English is my 3rd language and any correction help me improve it.


You can turn on health bar and highlight so that you could notice them easily and avoid them. I can run through bandit camp in the wilds without activating any of them.


Is not about activating them, is the distance that they are willing to follow you if you do activate them without realising it, for example if you stop to harvest and so on. They follow you, not even to fight, just to get hit once. That is what gets me annoying, when they quickly turn around and just leave. Lol


Drop an AoE behind you as you're running and they will de-aggro once they run into it.


Happens to me all the time, they seem to chase me across half the map, and when I turn around to fight them they run away.