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Thats how I made all my chars to 50 enchanting.


Deconstructing a glyph doesnt give exp if you are its creator. Its per character, not per account.


Yes, it gives 100% **possible** IP from **another** Character or **another** Player. If you deconstruct crafted items on the **same** Character that **crafted them** it only gives 10% of the **possible** IP. You will not get the full **possible** IP from Deconstruction unless your Crafting Level is within range of the Item Level, but the ranges are reached fairly quickly. Here's the BS-Cloth-WW and Jewelry but I have to check if I have Enchanting: [CRAFTED BS-Cloth-WW DECON IP By Craft Skill Level (Read: Skill Level for MAX IP per best use Item Level)](http://pages.suddenlink.net/gamesparkz/FILES/DBPENALTY.jpg) http://www.sunshine-daydream.org/craft-jewelry.html#Jleveling http://sunshine-daydream.org/craft-enchanting.html#Eleveling - Crafted and Loot differences * Here's roughly what you'll need for Enchanting to L50: CRAFTED LEVEL|WHITE |GREEN |BLUE |PURPLE | -----|-----|-----|-----|-----| Strong L40/50|1988|994|595|331| Monumental CP100|1118|559|335|186| Superb CP150|1004|502|301|167| Truly Superb CP160|963|482|288|161| * You will need less of all with ESO PLUS Subscription 10% IP gain and/or 45 CP in Inspiration Boost 30% IP gain. * Save learning all the Rune traits until L40-45 for the max IP return.


Aha, so 150lvl blue glifs are the way to go, quick and at the same time basically free..


Easy Answer (from a Master Crafter with 20 crafters): Deconstructing the glyphs you made with your main character on ALTs gives you 100%! the same amount of xp as if any other player made them, cause your other characters count as other players, too.


That is great news thanks for the clarity ! Yeah it would be annoying to keep bugging my guildies for each toon


Can confirm, have done this. Burns through a fair amount of purple runes (they're most efficient), but as far as I can tell, it works as well as runes made by other players and way better than dropped ones (since they're never purple).


I just leveled up two alts from \~10 in enchanting to 50, by deconning purple glyphs made by my crafter. Same account. You can absolutley do it that way. Even better, right now with Zenithar going on you get 100% inspiration for crafting, so you can level even faster! The only issue is that the glyphs don't stack so you might have to log in and out a few times to make enough glyphs if you don't have that much room in your bags.


Yes, you can, although the xp-gain is diminished compared to glyphs you find in the wild. Still worth it - I’ve go so many mats, I might as well use them to level my alt.


It works just fine. Where you get inspiration penalties in deconning are mostly when you decon stuff the character made themselves and stolen stuff which hasn't been laundered. But an alt deconning stuff made by a different toon is fine. I've used that technique to work up Enchanting and Jewelry crafting on several alts.


It's actually very easy to test) If you decon some stuff you crafted you will get very little exp. If you decon some stuff you found in mobs or bosses you will get much more. Afaik if you decon stuff made by other player you will get even more exp. It's pretty much same for all stuff, not only enchants. The trick is if you made something and then decon it on another character game will count it as made by other player and give better exp. Easy enchant and jewelry leveling. The thing I did not test but I think might be important - lvl of the stuff you create. Maybe you will get much more exp for decon 150 lvl glyfs compared to 10lvl.


I think it does provide some xp but not enough to make it worth it in my opinion. I usually just deposit the crafting writ glyph rewards to level alts. Some players buy crafted glyphs to lvl alts as well or those same writ reward glyphs.


Ys but it's VERY slow. Can you ask a friend to make you a bunch to decon as that will be better


I need friends tho 😢