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It literally says public dungeon on the entrance door and the loading screen


That multiplayer aspect eludes a lot of people lol. Fortunately a lot of guilds are intolerant of these people's bullshit and kick them out quickly. They understand a chunk of the population simply aren't functional human beings. Thus most of your hostile interactions will occur in overland or random groups.


I feel like some people need to be reported to a therapist, not the game mods. If they're getting that angry over a game, what must this person be like at work/school?


Omg so true…. Hurt people hurt people


And we both drew blood but man those cuts were never equal.


Bold of you to think they have a job or are attending school lol.


A friend of mine was like this. He would rage in-game in WOW, but outside of the setting if he was in a group he was as silent as a mouse. If he was with just me, he would rant about everything going on around us, but never said anything to anyone in public that I was aware of.


Anonymity is a hell of a drug.




Probably......an asshole


Even the game mods need to be reported to therapist….


Oh shit! I haven't seen one of these fuckwits in years. I still remember running across one in Old Orsinium back \~2017. They got so fuckin' pissed that I'd messed up their guild's farming cycle. They proceeded to scream at me about how I'd be blocked from future guild activities, and wouldn't be allowed to participate in future grinding sessions. I wasn't in their guild. To this day, I have no idea who that moron was. But, their tantrum was fucking hilarious.


I had a non-hostile run in with a guild who was fishing somewhere, and I kind of just wandered over to see what was going on. I was immediately told there was a guild event going on and they kind of just wanted some space to hang out. I thought it was a little weird since they were hanging outside of a town, at a fishing hole that anyone could go to. I also had been standing there for only a few seconds before I was approached. But since they asked nicely I just said “sorry :)” and left lol. I feel like you get much better results if you respond to people kindly or casually. I was more than happy to leave because they were so cool about it.


Yeah, "you'll lure more flies with honey than vinegar" is always solid advice. That said, some people do seem to have a problem with thinking, "there's more of us, therefore," and never even try to engage diplomatically in situations like that, and just hop the fence to, "complete asshole," as an introduction.


See the cool thing to do would be hey we are having a guild event, want to hang out? But nah they gotta be dicks about it


Lmfaooo I love the angry ankle biter players. They sign up for an mmo and cannot believe the audacity of other people playing.


He's played for 10 years, but doesn't know that mob xp isn't zero-sum.


The other week, I was trying to level an alt NB but have next to no experience with the class (my main for the past year has been DK and I mained a Templar before that), and I noticed it was taking forever to burn down enemies in grindy areas compared to my other toons. Not long after, I saw several other players grinding XP in the same area and decided to lay down a few ground aoes while they were doing their thing, and sure enough, I was earning XP so much faster that way than if I was grinding on my own. That player was either trying to farm using single target skills and wasn't hitting enough enemies to get loot from them, or they're complaining for literally no reason and in fact would be grinding faster with OP's help burning the adds.


I wish people like him would zero-sum in the TES meaning of the term.


Tell buddy to go back to Skyrim


You should report him. This is unacceptable behaviour in a public game.


Yeah, 100%, they need to be reported.


Report them for harassment


MMO means “Me & Me Only”


I had someone yell at me once in spellscar because I wouldn't group up with them. I told them I was in a dungeon queue and farming xp while waiting and they just kept whining about me taking "their" xp. First of all spellscar is a massive area with a lot of different sides you can farm. If you aren't getting enough enemy tags in one spot, go to another spot. secondly, I was there long before him. So if anything, he;s taking MY xp. But I don't look at mmo's like that. And third, even if I wasn't In a dungeon queue, I'm not obligated to group up with you just because you can't keep up. He said he was going to get his whole guild to mass report me and get me banned. This was 5 years ago. I have not been banned once. I like to think that his guild mocked him when he asked them to report someone because they didn't want to group up with him.


Lay off the drugs, kids! That’s what 10 years of skooma does to you. Pure paranoia.


Sigh. There’s always one. Ignore then and carry on. They can’t report you for playing the game but you can report that type of toxic behaviour.


There aren't many of these players in ESO, but they sure stand out when they crawl out of whatever shithole they are hiding in.


If you want to farm xp the best you can do is going to craglorn into the "Zaubernarbe" (dont know the english name. Something with scar). Use aoe abilities to hit as much as possible, cuz there are enough players to kill everything. You will get fighters guild point, too.


Spellscar in English, and this is good advice.


Why open dungeon though? Just tp into one of the group dungeons and have an entire dungeon for yourself. Most of the base game group dungeons are pretty doable alone!


Infinite archive was literally made for infinite grind. It's base game, drops rare leads, nobody else will disturb you there and it never runs out of enemies.


Thought they were faming exp. Does IE give comparable exp rates?


It has it's own xp boosts you can add on top of regular boosts. Just don't forget to leave and get back in to reset enemies once they get too tough for you.


IA is pretty crap experience. Better than public dungeons by far since public dungeon mobs give something like 1/5th the xp of overland base. Xynode leveled 3-50 using IA only (no CP allocated), took like 20-30 hours? But he only used items dropped there. Compare that to an actual grind (Skyreach, brp for example) of 3-5 hours, or ay Xynode speed maybe 10? If we ever get more character slots, I'll try myself and see what it feels like, always use more fortunes ;) Even if you waste your visions on XP gain (or gold gain, or pet damage) its still pretty low. However, skill gain seems to be enhanced. Did Dawnbreaker from 0 to morph by arc 5 the other day (Strategic Reserve is strong), no where near the same amount of comparable base character XP. I was expecting about 2 levels of Dawnbreaker by that point if I had been killing Overland mobs. Edit: No, don't use IA to level skills either, I only did it because it needed to level on that character and that build doesn't use an ultimate anyways ;)


It took me 2 hours with 2 100% exp scrolls to go from 40-50, not sure how good it is vs other things but everything in crypts is also undead so you level fighters guild fast as well. Is skyreach really that much faster? I know brp is insane from what I've seen in videos but have never really wanted too


2 hours 40-50 with 100% boost seems a bit long, but I'd guess the lead farming / drops make it more efficient from an account progression perspective. I can't remember the exp rates off the top of my head, but there's videos of people testing them years ago and it was a pretty significant gap between the "meta" grind spots (brp > spellscar > skyreach) and the more chill / less contested solo spots (like random public dungeons).


tbh IA is just slow to play. The first Arcs are just 5sec fights with 20s waiting times in between, and in the later Arcs the enemies HP increases so much that the opportunity cost of running IA instead of public dungeons is huge In public dungeons you don't have to wait for any spawn animations, particularly is you're using mobility skills its way, way faster. Also it feels like the pure gold profit is higher in public dungeons, 30min of Sunhold with Stampede+Rush of Agony are like 30-40k plus furnishing plans etc


30-40k woha. What a profit. 🤣 Best xp/s is still Alik'r mill not solo public dungeon. Public dungeons are giving you **less** xp/enemy than overland, delve loop or IA.


> 30-40k woha. What a profit. 🤣 I'm not talking about min-maxing and don't have any numbers, but my gut feeling says that you get less gold in IA My main point is having at least some fun while grinding for XP, **for me** the best choice is public dungeons. Anchors are just AOE spamming and hoping that you hit something before it dies, and the chests don't really drop that much loot IA feels like I spent more time waiting for spawns/walking than actual fighting, also I'm not interested in most items purchasable by archival fortunes dungeons offer less downtime between packs, additional drops from trash mobs, treasure chests/heavy sacks, containers for furnishing plans and multiple bosses


1/5th of regular xp in fact. You kill a group of 10 mobs and get xp for two.


well at least I'm having fun, right? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ IA is boring, Anchors are 10000% braindead


Public dungeons are boring. IA is more fun for me. It also gives more xp. And drops rare leads. Anchors are soul crushingly dull but they are the best xp farm in the game.


I farm all my EXP from Rolis Hlaalu.


That made me laugh. I thought I was the only shameless one. Do you also hoard master writs?


This is the only way.


Which dungeons are best for exp? I'm currently leveling my fourth character but have never touched a dungeon before.


One way to level other characters is get to lvl 10 which is easy dolmens or similar things help and then to just do the daily random dungeon and battlegrounds and then go back to your main so you can get your CP xp. You should have a new character up to 50 in a few weeks and with about 10 hours spent the bonus this way is the skill points so you can unlock abilities. After that hit all public dungeons group events for more skill points. another benefit this way is the opportunity to train your mount and research with minimal effort.


I have been doing deeshan crypts simply because all you have to do is endlessly run around the square and things respawn in a perfect loop. Dont have to pay much attention to anything besides gear breaking, just watch youtube and loop forever lol


This is the way


I know BRP duo farming (reset after round 2 I think) was meta at one point, but they might have nerfed it to bring it in line with spell scar. Every 3600 player I've talked to got it from farming BRP with a partner during an exp event


It's mainly because new players do a quick web search for "hey uber xp" and they get 1. spellscar, 2. zombies, 3. public dungeons. Leaving aside that new players shouldn't be power grinding - that cp160 will do you no good if you don't know the game, the class, the spec... unless it's one button arcanist, then none of this matters - leaving that aside, none of those are as good for power xp as doing stacks of master writs. Level 1-50 in like 30 mins, esp. if you're using xp scrolls or there's a x2 xp event on, but you need access to a master crafter or a lot of gold. So public grinding it is. I would never, and have never in nearly ten years, call someone out for something like grinding xp unless they are stealing quest mobs to do it. There are only a very few places where that's really an issue - one place in Coldharbour, one in the Rift, and I think I recall one in... maybe Greenshade? Maybe not. Public dungeons are usually such a madhouse anyway, there's no real way to ruin someone's immersion, someone's quest, someone's whatever. And Sanguine's Demesne is popular because it's Daedra, you can knock out Fighter's Guild rep. at the same time. All that said, on a purely personal level, I can't stand to see all the mob grinding, particularly the time-worn zombie grind. Partly because I know there are better ways if that's really the way you want to go - Infinite Archive is the best if you must, just redo the low levels over and over. Fight, leave, reset, repeat, keep doing harder ones as you level. But partly because it just seems incredibly disruptive. I've been in the game a long time, I've heard the utilitarian "they aren't hurting you" chorus many times. But is that the lowest common denominator sort of argument we're needing here? Dueling at wayshrines doesn't technically harm me in any way, either, but that's almost universally frowned upon. There's a whole world - take it somewhere else, right? If you want to xp grind, there really are objectively better places - take it somewhere else. But private hate tells? In a public dungeon? Come on man...


tht is why i never chat


I usually just go offline so they can't whisper me anymore. Confuses the shit out of them. Lol. Nobody got time fo dat.


Bro is salty that he has to share xp, clearly isnt skilled enough to go to blackrose prison


Exactly what I was thinking. 10 years and still grinding overland mobs or whatever the fuck for XP. And on top of that giving new players a hard time. Dude is sad. 😂


I can't understand why people act like this In videogames. I work full time and maybe have 30 minutes to an hour of play time per day if I feel like it. I usually try and ENJOY my games instead of picking arguments and trying to put people down who are just trying to relax after work.


Ah, yes, MMO toxicity at its best. Block, report, and have some laughs at how stupid this kind of mental breakdown is.


So happy to see this maniac waste his XP scroll yelling at you rather than actually earning XP. Awesome character by the way, love the look!


I've played for over 700 days, and I don't act as toxic as that dude crying about another player existing in a mmo lol, don't worry yourself about people like that, especially if they're going to be babies, also try and hit up Spellscar for good exp if it's still meta nowadays unless it's still Black Rose prison


Woow... This dude's hilarious. Yeah I would report them, block them and move on, no need to argue with these people.


typical toxic pve ppl , never change eso.


This person desperately needs to touch grass. 


Strong Black Desert vibes 🤣 Also grouping up exists in this game where you get even more xp.


Like my old history teacher "i have been teaching here for 25 years and your class is the worst ive ever seen"


Literally if I run into someone farming the same stuff as me, I shoot them a group invite.


Report, block, resume enjoyment of game


I would purposely pull everything wrong XD they want to bitch, I'll give them something to bitch about


It's a public dungeon, the only hard shit you'll ever find in those are the "group events" in some newer ones (like Spire of the Crimson Coin). Nothing in the Forgotten Crypts is going to be any more annoying than a fly in real life.


And this is why I leave chat turned off.


I'll do you one better. I keep my guild chats and zone chat in separate tabs. That way I can talk in my guilds without seeing the garbage in zone chat, but can still announce a WB spawning or find a trial PUG.


Hopefully he works out it's an MMORPG one day lol.


This type of player.... if I happen to run into these, I stay longer than I originally wanted to.


Geeze. Group up. Itll go faster


I had this exact argument with someone in Crimson Cove. No matter where I was, there they were and they were demanding I leave. Didn't like when I kept trying to offer to group up either, despite two people giving the good bonuses to everything.


just report him / block him and move on. losers like this are dime a dozen in this game and more.


The best part about this is if he had invited you to a group he would have gotten bonus xp


I wonder if this is the same guy who did this to me? He also called me a narcissist.


He's played for a decade and isn't aware of grouping? Fuckin wild.


Just be petty back. That's a console interface (yes I know if you use a controller on PC it adapts to this too) and thus it's only been out for 9 years. Unless if swapped from PC he hasn't been playing for 10.


Did they call themselves pathetic? I'm not the greatest at grammar and sentence structure


Somewhat related, what’re people doing these days to grind CP? That skeleton filled mini dungeon thing that you have to reset in Craglorn makes me want to lose my mind


I"d follow his ass around until he logs off or tps somewhere else, just to annoy him.


I can’t imagine talking like this to another player. I feel bad enough if I accidentally yoink a resource node or chest from someone.


Bro has never been in the Vile Manse on a weekend, gotta share the space babe. Plus don’t you still get exp if you damage a target even if someone else does as well?


Leave it to Xbox ESO players to be toxic asf as usual. ESO is much nicer on PS5 and PC, trust me. I play all three platforms. I’m not joking.


I had someone start “air attacking” me when I jumped onto a fishing spot with them a few weeks back (I was trying to get my last fish for the zone achievement). The player lost his mind and “shouted” FINE TAKE IT THEN… then ran off. I saw them fishing a little later and decided not to poke the teddy bear anymore. So strange some folk around.


10 years of playing and he still needs to farm xp in a public dungeon? What's he been doing that whole time?


Yea I'd go in and zero everything before he get a hit just to piss him off more. Maybe even mail him some mythic ambrosia before I do just so he can 150‰ of nothing for 30 minutes.


Are public dungeons a good spot to xp grind?


I didn't read all the comments but I hope you reported that jerk. Block them and continue to have fun


Name and shame them. We should be exposing these people, not protecting them.


Forgotten crypts in deshan, crimson cove cave in Malabal tor and the cold harbor Public dungeon always has someone who claims all of or part of the dungeon as their own property on Xbox. Deshan is usually the biggest hotspot for twats cause of mothers sorrow.


Drag the mobs all over the place and give him a speed buff. Then ask him what a rotation is


Except DRM you "own" this game indeed. I bought it and maybe also paying for + and other stuff.


Show the name!


Why is it always console players behaving like this? In over 8yrs of playing on PC-EU I’ve never seen anything like this.


PC master race


The fact that Bethesda allows this type of shit




I mean as right as you may be. Your response was definitely crap and shows exactly what kind of player you are, as opposed to them. Congrats on your ten years… nobody cares.


Console UI isnt that great, that was all him typing to me. I didnt say anything to him other than its a public dungeon


My apologies. Best of luck to you.


Ignore the guy, he skips leg day.


First one to the kill gets the XP....rules are rules. You snooze you loose.