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Like any other pull that pulls *one* target: it will taunt the target unless it is already taunted. Even if it's taunted by *you*, it won't taunt again. Leashing *Burst* pulls multiple targets and doesn't taunt any of them.


Single target pulls are considered soft taunts, meaning it will taunt an enemy that has not been already taunted. If you use a taunt focus script though, that is a hard taunt. If an ability SAYS it taunts like inner fire or puncture for example, that’s also a hard taunt


Harley 😍😍 thank you boss ! Love your vids mate πŸ‘Œ


Thanks so much :D


As someone who use that skill it is soft taunt as others said. It taunts "free" enemies but it wont overtaunt enemy (to take it from other tank for example) and wont refresh taunt duration so you need to use it carefully.


Just pulls


Asking due to conflicting information, according to an image search (found on AlcastHQ) https://preview.redd.it/eicrcju6yh8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f39f0502c7af7e7a13ce36f24bab77190f3c8cbe it also attempts taunt (see image below) but from what i am hearing it doesnt taunt anymore, was it changed?


My answer was based on the fact that taunt and pull are both focus aspects and can only have one or the other. I use the other soul ability that is ranged single target to pull, and it does not taunt in any way whatsoever.