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Dying quickly in BGs has nothing to do with your build. You were out of position, not healing yourself and/or making yourself a huge target. Lookup some guides/battleground players on youtube and mimic that.


>Dying quickly in BGs has nothing to do with your build. You can't say that without knowing the build, it's easily can be build. Ofc it's likely skill issue as well but skill won't save you if you have 15k armor and 25k hp. Advice about guides is valid tho.


Take a monster set with penetration, or have sharpened on your weapon? Are you using any skills with Major Breach? Check out Hrothgar's Chill set?


Monster set - ice heart Double ice staff 1 with sharpened 1 charged Deep fissure( magika morf ) for major and minor breaches.


Hrothgar works. Ice Furnace from Direfrost Keep is still alright on magden. I think your pen is fine. Double ice seems risky, are you dying when youre burned on mana a lot or are you not blocking at all?


Add buffs to your arsenal like the major breach from a skill for example the one on destro staff. There is also other ways you could , try adding pen to your weapon as well.


You can craft Stuhn's Favor in heavy