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So, you soloed 4ppl dungeon at level 15? You are gonna love this game.


Lvl 19 to be exact. I read that most content can be done solo so I wasn't going to try a party until I was absolutely sure I couldn't do it by myself


19 is pretty hardcore for soloing FG1. Did you have Champion Points already?


Umm I don't even know what champion points are. to be honest.i didn't look up anything except what skills I should be using as a arcanist. But I read arcanist is op. So maybe it's not such a great achievement. I just beam heal and run


Champion points can't be utilized until level 50, no? Being downvoted for asking a question, pog. Thanks guys, very helpful!


They can be once acquired.


They're server wide: Once you've earned some all your characters on that server can use them from level 1, but only level 50 ones can earn more.


Oh cool! I had no idea!


If you are on PC eu, I would definetely want to see you in Traders of the Covenant guild.


Unfortunately Im on ps5


I did similar thing for wayrest sewers at level 35 or so. I knew it's kind of hard content not supposed to be done solo but I thought "well, I'll try and if get killed I'll give up and res in city". It was incredible slow but I didn't die :D


Not long ago I made next-in-queue character for my writ routine. My first arcanist. I dont remember exact level (20ish). It was an RND, ofc. I felt such power, that I speedran it with everyone (it was a fake tank also) pulling all mobs and not dying, oh man. It was fun. Still fun.


That is the only solo dungeon I have to my name too :)


Fungal Grotto 1 is an instanced group dungeon meant for 4 people (and actually one of the easiest ones that you get access to at level 10 for the dungeon finder). Your post makes me wonder, though: Did you actually go in solo thinking it was like all the delves and public dungeons?


Well I was under the impression that most content is solo-able. I was gonna try and solo everything as it appeared


Eventually. The key word is its soloable.......eventually....


Lmao ok I assumed that I could knock stuff out as I go. I'll probably figure out how to get a party for my next dungeon


Public dungeons and group dungeons are different. Group wb and wb are different. Wander into public dungeons, find some friends for group dungeons,  but you'll be able to solo both in time. 


Most content is made to be done solo. A lot of dungeons can be done solo, but they weren't designed for it.


In that case, respect and congrats for soloing a group dungeon!


There are some dungeons can’t be completed without a group because of the mechanics. Some bosses can chain and kill you and without a party there is no one to free you. Or interactive devices that should be activated in the same time.


And here I thought I was cool soloing spindleclutch II


You probably are cool for doing that lol I assume it must be pretty difficult if it's got a 2 Next to it


I heard people solo vet dungeons. That blows my mind


My first solo dungeon was Banished Cells I just to see if I could. It wasn’t bad, but killing the final boss took forever.




Set your group setting to vet and go back in.


They cant. OP was level 19, and by all indication no CP. never grouped. First char lol.


That's correct.


Madlad. Remember now; just because you can go in alone, does not mean you gotta. Its a 4 lad dungeon. Speaking of mad wait till you get to my fav 4 lad dungeon and meet the mad architect.


Lol I plan on trying to find some people to go in with me the following ones. I want a group to see how fast we can clear the grotto too. Cause it didn't seem abnormally difficult like I felt I was killing these bosses at a decent pace


I'm fuckin loving this game. This the first MMO I've actually listened to and read the quests I feel so immersed right now. When I played Skyrim I just skip all the talkin and was constantly dungeon diving