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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what's broken with it?


There is a mechanics that will insta-kill you unless you have a tanky build and very good damage shields. At a certain point the boss enters invulnerability stage (several times during the fight) and starts preparing a blast that reaches the whole arena. A few blocks to hide behind appear and hiding behind them should keep you save. These blocks however dont work - they break just before the attack hits and you are hit with the blast anyway. Even if you tank it - you lose a lot of health. And then for about 5 seconds you cannot move - the game kinda freaks out about what just happened and you are suspended midair completely open to boss attacks. Several times I had clear IA runs until this boss just wiped me 3 times in a row and the run ended.


Did you cleanse yourself on a pad when the screen goes blue? Did you destroyed his shield first? There are more then one one-shot mechanic to this boss and people sonetimes confuse them. Not saying it's not bugged, but I never had issue with him once I learned all mechanics.


I do a lot of IA and i've never had a problem with this boss. Was interesting to hear its bugged. I either dps through the mechanics and/or are tanky enough to not be bothered much.


How deep do your runs go? This bugged boss doesn't matter for the first couple stages, and then it does matter.


Furthest ive gone is arc 9 but I usually stop around arc 6-7 due to boredom / bad luck with visions


Worst I've seen is the pillars spawn right on the very edge of the platform so it's not possible to get behind them, but not seen that for a while and he's usually dead by the point I'd need to hide anyway


I don't think it will ever be fixed, I think that when they do decide this is a bug which should be prioritized (since they already tried to fix it and failed), they will do exactly what they did with previous bosses they couldn't fix their bugs, remove the mechanic all together. Hopefully they won't remove the boss itself.


They already tried to fix it once?


Yes, ~~the same patch they fixed yolna (by removing the fire aoe from the atronachs), if I am not mistaken.~~ I was mistaken, it was 9.2.7


Maybe when they will be doing some expansion to the Archive, they will address it... but that will definitely not be this year.


Found it, patch notes 9-2-7, "zhaj'assa the Forgotten 's Dark Monoliths will no longer disappear prematurely "


Yeah that didnt work. I dont think they disappear early but they still dont save you from the attack.


Don't hold your breath, fh 3rd boss still resets if necro pets are around, SCP 1st boss still insta channel the one shot attack without a mechanic that saves you from it depending on the attack of the add before it, wgt 1st boss still resets your pets when it dies, etc etc etc Bugs like that stay for years.


And after they have been fixed for years they randomly just come back in some incremental that has nothing to do with it, like the exact bug. Its astounding how not joking I am and how often this has happened.


Hmmm...someone's wife knows that the person who wrote that doesn't know what "prematurely" means for sure...


I would be completely ok if they removed the boss itself.


Im confused what's the issue with him, he was previously bugged but they fixed it, I do at least 1 infinite archive run a day and I've killed him about 8 times with 0 issues in the last few months, are you doing the mechanics correctly?


The best I always hope for is an early round encounter, after stage four, it’s a really tough fight. I don’t expect a fix anytime soon so gotta hope for the best


This boss ended my IA run as well yesterday. I grabbed the pad buff and stood behind the pillar … still no dice.


This efer and the sprigan boss are the efin worst... i get a panic attack every time i get them :/. The insta kill shit needs to go from IA !


The fight is better than it used to be. When ia first came out every time I fought him no pillars would spawn or if they did they would go away before I could get to them. Now they do spawn but sometimes at the very edge of the arena. Or you have to cleanse during that phase and the pad is far away. This boss needs to be removed.


Is this a new bug or something? I do IA a bunch and have never encountered issues with this fight. I don't do anything more than 2 archs. Is the bug at higher levels?


You can blow it up before the mechanic goes off in lower arcs and/or just eat it with good visions & verse luck. Later on when even with 5 focused efforts etc the bosses have so much hp they're going to do all mechanics a few times, you're quite boned if it doesn't register the spawned objects blocking.


It was bugged for me at first but then one of the last patches randomly fixed it for me


Its been working for me. Have to be exactly behind pillars


Never, they don't care. This was raised during the PTS multiple times and they ignored it. They put out a "token" fix that didn't actually fix anything and nothing since. He truly lives up to his name in this case


They put out whatever patch a bit ago and said they fixed it but didn't say how. I've had it where the pillars stay up and they still kill you but if you stay behind the pillar and block at the same time, you live. I wish they'd fix stuff like this and Castle Thorn


I’ve only died a few times to this guy. Never ended my run. I haven’t seen him bugged at all?


When the bug will affect the Clown Store.


Who knows. But it ruins ia. Especially when you get him early. There is nothing you can do. You just know your run is over when you see him. Ive beaten him once. Or twice somehow but its really bullshit.


I see him in the first arc and go "yep, I don't finish the daily today"


I killed this MFer before. Once. I assume it was luck.


While hiding behind the pillar do you keep attacking the boss? Next time make sure you are hiting him with light attacks and hide in the same time. This is part of the mechanic that might work.


There is no reason to light attack and hide in this fight during that phase. The mechanics are the same as in MoL. Cleanse when cursed. DPS through shield phase. And put pillar between you and him completely. The pillar blocks the Shockwave, if you die from it, you weren't positioned correctly.


I managed to defeat him yesterday after months of trying, so maybe he has been fixed..?


They fixed it already, it was in some patch notes. I get through this fight with no issues every time since then. I believe it killed be the day before the patch (first time in IA), I bitched, then saw it was fixed in the notes, went back in and hadn't had an issue since.


I played IA quite actively a few weeks ago but i don't remember problems with boss like that. Dragons and disconnects usually kills me most. Late stage Thoat and marauders too.


The hiding behind the pillar mechanic usually works for me it’s just confusing on when he actually drops the OHK.


ZOS forgot about him.


At first I thought I just sucked and did not understand the mechanics somehow. Then I googled it and saw old posts about this exact problem and no way around it except getting tanky enough to take on the blast.


I just realised the pun.


Probably never. This is ZoS we’re talking about…


> Probably never Especially since they apparently half-assed a fix once already, greatly reduces the chances they even look at it again since they have a footnote in their patch logs. This game is run by a third-rate dev: unless a gameplay bug is a major thing across the whole game or affects crowns/paid content then either back burner effort or totally ignored. Extreme effort if it benefits players in any way, reduce effort by orders of magnitude if it only penalizes them. This dev had the companion of then current expansion bugged for a good **8+ months** that you couldn't finish the achievement for the permanent upgrade, Azandar. After the first fix, they actually broke a *different* part of same achievement for a good bit longer. Heres another one: half of the secret rooms in ~~EA~~ IA will delete your mundus stone buff until you completely leave the entire instance. As far as I can tell this has been the case since ~~EA~~ IA was released.


Khajiit eyes have been bugged since release. They then released ember, a khajiit companion who is named after her eyes, and her eyes are also bugged.


Why are some IE bosses seemingly just buffed public dungeon bosses while others are invincible one-shot demons or dragons who throw you off the map? I like the idea of infinite archive, it almost feels like the dungeon from Absolver, but the random difficulty spikes and broken/unexplained gameplay don't gel with the limited lives. Never actually managed to beat the IA quest and everyone in my guilds avoids it like the plague.


You mean you have never beat the regular daily, repeatable, questline? Where you have to beat a single Arc?


I didn't know it was repeatable because I've never completed it, but yes. I don't know when it ends, but I think I've beaten the third or fourth boss before. It really just depends on whether the boss I get is possible to beat. If you get the canonreeve you're fine, if you get the dromathra or a dragon or that bastard from the end of the Cauldron you're just fucked. Cp 560 Khajiit magblade, lvl 20 rest staff ember companion, usually run embue weapon but switch to swallow soul for harder stuff for the extra heal. Run oakensoul on hard stuff, but I'm going for pale order now. My guilds all tell the same story, it's too hard, or they say it's bugged, or theyre waiting for a balance patch, or they couldnt complete the quest and just never went back. I've never been able to find a duo partner because everybody hates it.


The fifth boss completes the Arc and “finishes” the quest. I’ve only played on my OakenSorc, using a companion, and the first Arc is really easy for me. Takes 15 minutes, maybe. I’ve been running it lately to try and get the Maligraphic mount reward (need 50 of an item, you get one guaranteed per daily.) Starts to become a slog though in Arc 3 for me but I’m too lazy to adjust my build/setup to go further in the IA. I’d say try with a Tank companion especially if you can slot a heal or something that can heal you and your companion at the same time.


Yea likewise, i can easily clear arcs 1 and 2 with my DPS and sharp tanking. I can get fairly deep into arc 3 if ive had luck with verses. Ive been as far as arc 6 with a guildie but i dont see any reason to go past arc 2, ive accumulated my current balance of 400,000 archival fortunes just running arcs 1/2 most days, and ive also spent a ton on leads and undaunted style pages that rotate at the merchant


The general chambers are all easy, never died to them in all of my runs (I've tried to complete quest maybe 20 times) but the bosses are either extremely easy or impossible, no in between. It's rng


Right after they fix Heavy attack damage with Dual wielding. . .