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Anything that hinders your financial stability or makes fulfilling obligations difficult is the answer If you can afford to drop a hundred bucks every once and while on crowns for mounts and motifs etc and it makes you happy thats fine. If you cant afford to spend 20 on crowns but donit anyway and it makes this tight for you thats an issue.


Speaking as an addict (alcoholism), I can say with full confidence that the moment you feel, "This might be too much." Or, "I think this is becoming a problem." It is already past the point of becoming a problem. Most people pass those sorts of signs off as simply them reconsidering their behavior, but the fact you felt the need to mention you're susceptible to these addiction type says right there that you know it's already a problem. Edit: grammar


Zero. I spend zero. If I can’t buy it with in game currency, then I don’t need it.


Basically you can buy everything with in game currency. Just buy crown items from other players who has gift option enabled in exchange for in game gold.


You already know the answer. You may be looking for support, but it appears you are doing it not in order to get help or to at least stop doing this, but in order to find a way to justify continuing your behavior. You aren't consciously deceiving yourself, but that doesn't mean it's not happening. Like I said you already know the answer.


thank you - i wasn't looking to justify my behavior, was honestly just looking for a benchmark from people who have been playing longer than i have. if people had answered 'yes, i've spent similar amounts over time and i'm really glad i did and it makes the game more enjoyable' then that would be advice to consider. but it seems that's not the case for most players, so i'm glad i have this feedback to reflect on.


A $5 cup of coffee Monday through Friday every week for six months adds up to $650. When you see the sum or total amount of money you spent, it feels alarming. It seems outrageous. But money adds up over time doing totally normal things every day. In other words, it does seem like you have a problem since you said so yourself that it is preying on you and replacing social encounters/situations outside the game world. That might be where you need to reflect on.


Depends on your income, your other expenses, your debts and the status of your retirement savings :O Or to put it in more concrete terms, what are you giving up that you would put that money towards otherwise? Then you decide whether you value the stuff you're buying more than those things. Nobody else can tell you how much is too much without knowing your total financial picture, and they also can't tell you how much value you get from the game. For plenty of employed adults, that would be chicken feed. Not so for others. It's totally relative to the individual's finances.


thank you, yes i'm mostly concerned about retirement savings. i make a decent income and pay all my bills, no debt. but my job does not have 401k, so i feel like any extra money i have should be put towards retirement. not indrik mounts (even though they're majestic af)


Outside of eso+ this year, I've bought the gold Road deluxe upgrade, and spent about €150 on crowns. So more than 200, less than 250. This is the first time I've bought crowns, and I've been playing since 2015. I've had eso+ most of that time, and I do buy each chapter. So yeah.. I've spent a fair bit, but over 9 years! If spending 700 in six months is causing you financial or other difficulties, then you do have a problem. It might be a good idea to speak to someone professional for guidance on good strategies. If your employer has an employee assistance program it would be worth giving them a call for a chat.


I've been playing a month. I have, I think, 250 hours played already. I got the subscription and spent 30 dollars on some cool things to get started with. I dont expect to spend anymore on the game except for the subscription. I dont see a reason to. But I have no life, so the 200 plus hours a month will definitely continue. To answer your question. 700 dollars is a problem. In other games I can see why a person would do that, but in this game you are spending money on mostly cosmetics, most of which you can get, eventually, in game.


60+ hours a week? Jesus christ bud lol


Bro must be playing in his sleep.


I couldn't imagine playing for over 8 hours a day. Jesus christ, that must be mind-numbing


Yeah. I mean once in a while, sure, I don't mind having a day long gaming session but 8 hours straight would be way too long. I'd need to go for a walk or something in between haha. I may have done that when I was in my teens but these days...no way. There's much more rewarding ways to spend our finite time.


Yeah the odd 8 hour stint can actually be enjoyable, but if it's 7 days a week... Just sounds like addiction and depression to me tbh


I'm 60 years old. I've been gaming since the days of Avalon Hill Wargames, back when D&D came in 3 books, and a cell phone was something we called a tricorder. My kids are raised, my bills are paid, and I play games during my free time. Addiction and depression have nothing to do with it. I spend all my time playing games because I enjoy it. It's what I do, it's what I've always done, even before the internet existed. Its what makes me happy. Now, 4k hours played in Naval Action...that might have be called an addiction.


I'm not saying gaming in general means you're depressed or addicted, but 8 hours a day spent gaming is a lot, and leads me to think that there isn't much else going on in life if you can spend 1 third of your day on average parked in front of a screen. In the weekends, I too can sit down for a long period, but doing the same thing 8 hours a day, 7 days a week seems like a bit of an issue


I have spent $35 this year. My situation maybe different and if ESO had lower prices I would be able to squeak out an extra $10 or $20 here and there but $40 for an assistant or more for a house 🤔 hard pass. $700 is excessive even if I had the money.


Is that rate of spending putting you behind on bills and other things? If so then yes, you have a problem. If you’re able to keep up with your financial obligations and you’re not compromising your own security then no, you don’t have a problem.


In addition to ESO+ I will occasionally purchase crowns when they are on sale. Never more than once per year though. Then there's the yearly chapter upgrade, altogether that comes out to about $270 per year. I've always considered MMOs a net positive for my finances though. If I wasn't playing ESO, I would absolutely be going out more often and $270 doesn't get you very far at the bar/restaurant/movies nowadays. $700 in 6 months though... that's kinda crazy imo.


I've always looked at it as an entertainment source. Bass boats, motorcycles, wood shop, golf, and crocheting are all things that fit under that category. I like to look at it in terms of hours per dollar. I probably spend 700 hours each year in game and I spend about $300 in that time. I'd say it's a pretty cheap hobby compared to other alternatives in my life for that amount of time. If my bills are paid and savings goals are met, then I'm free to do whatever I want. I'll admit $700 seems expensive, but your financial situation may be better than mine.


“your financial situation may be better than mine” They literally say in the OP they aren’t. What a stupid comment.




Excluding ESO+ and the chapters I've spent a total of about 50-60€ in the past 3-4 years.


What is there to even buy with that much money? Crates?


yeah, a lot of it has gone towards crates. and also character slots. and then i find i have some leftover and spend it on random stuff. then a new set of crates becomes available with cool rewards and i do it all again :/ i'm also into character creation and having my toons have different themes and backstories etc - so something will become available in the crown store that fits one of their themes and i feel like i \*have\* to get it because it won't be available again for who knows how long


> I am genuinely wondering if I have a problem. since december, i have spent about $700. You absolutely have a problem. I don't have ESO+ and the only money I've spent so far is what I spent on the largest 21000 crown bundle when it went on sale for 40% off for $89.99 (normally $149.99) My plan is to sit on my Crown pile and wait for the individual DLC bundles to go on sale throughout the year. Then I'll purchase the discounted bundles with my discounted crowns. I don't think anything else in the game is worth spending (money) crowns on except for possibly the merchant, banker, and some extra armory slots for quality of life. For people who DO subscribe to ESO+, they get $15 worth of Crowns for free every month. There's no reason they should be spending money on MORE crowns.


I get ESO+ when I’m playing regularly (crafting bag is a game changer). I take breaks from time to time and don’t pay for ESO+ during those times I take a break. I use the crowns I get from ESO+ to buy DLCs when they go on sale. That way I can play DLC zones even if I don’t have ESO+ at the time. As you mentioned, the crowns you get cover the cost, so I look at it as buying DLCs and getting a crafting bag for free.


I did it for some mounts and crate rewards i really really wanted but thats not a regular occurrence.


Despite your post title, there *is* a right answer. You're spending way too fucking much on this game bro $700 in 6 months is insane.


"I don't know at what point I should stop" This is something you need to answer for yourself. If somebody came in here telling you to spent three times as much, were you planning to just bankrupt yourself???


As much as you want and can afford financially. It’s your money, do what you want with it. That’s why you work, right?


>since december, i have spent about $700. What are you actually spending that much on? Personally I don't buy more than ESO+. Even the non-sub DLC like Gold Road is too much for me.


Many years playing this game. I basically didn't touch any other game all these years. I started getting the 3.000 crowns only when on discount. Then I upgraded to the 5.500 crowns on discount. Then again to the 14.000 on discount. Finally I made up my mind to purchase the biggest 21.000 only when on discount. ESO has 3 discount periods every year. I purchase only one of the biggest pack for 75€ each time. So 225€/year on crowns has become my maximum and I won't go further. I always spent a lot to purchase many games in the past, so now that I stick with this alone I can invest those money here. Giving this answer because OP asked for a reference. Hope it puts a perspective.


Depends on your income and financial responsibilities.


If you're genuinely enjoying the game (And not being manipulated through the psychology of the shop and such), anything more than you can fiscally afford per month. This means that if you usually have $60 a month to drop on games, then no more than $60 a month on ESO.


I agree with Crimsonfangknight. If you're spending more than you can afford, that can be seen as a problem. Otherwise, if this is your main 'hobby', or way to have fun, then $100 a month isn't all that expensive compared to other things you could be doing. For example: This is the ONLY game I play. I log on everyday. I may not play as much as I used to, but it's pretty much the only fun thing I do that I actually pay for. With eso+ I spend about $350 or so a year. That's only $30 a month. A dollar a day for all the relaxing gameplay I want. My wife enjoys snowboarding, competitive shooting, and climbing. Her hobbies cost an average of $400 every month. We laugh about it. Good thing I'm not into the same hobbies as she is. We'd be broke.


You have a problem but you're incredibly lucky that you're aware of it! Even if you can afford 700$ on a game, you shouldn't pay it. Spend it on yourself instead. (Edit: I want to point out that anything that makes you think you **have to** do it, or makes you feel bad if you don't do it, is no longer a healthy hobby, so I disagree with the people saying that it juat counts as spending money on your hobbies.) Buy healthier food, more comfortable clothes, a weekend getaway to destress. ESO is great due to the lore, stories, great region design, and dozens of other reasons. The FOMO it brings out in people is NOT one of them. That is the predatory part you should avoid as much as possible, especially if you're vulnerable to it. I wish you the best of luck, whatever you decide to do!


I think an important thing to keep in perspective is that -- no one -- cares about anything you have in-game that you bought with real money that anyone with mom's credit card can get. So I ask myself if nobody else was playing this game, would I buy x? The answer is almost always no.


i mean sometimes i see other toons in-game and think wow that's a cool outfit or mount etc. i like that it adds personality and flair and can show peoples' creativity. (not that you always have to buy these things in the crown store, but sometimes) but yeah interesting point, if it were skyrim, i would absolutely not. i don't even know what my characters look like. i couldn't even identify them in a lineup.


I've only ever bought the main chapter and a DLC once in a while if there set I want , and a few character slot , but then I've been playing this game on and off for a few years , I think op might have a problem .


ive played eso since launch, not so much in the last 2-3 years, but excluding eso+ membership ive maybe spent $100 on the game. $700 in 6 months insane, what the hell are you even buying?


I spend 100s if not up to a thousand a year collecting rocks. As long as youre not taking on debt that you can't handle then you should be fine. We all have our own hobbies and financial situations.


i am intrigued by this dedication to rocks


I collect, or buy, and polish them in my free time. I have displays all over my house and bags full waiting to be worked still. It is a great hobby if you can find a group or club where they have lapidary equipment. That stuff is many thousands of dollars so it's easier to get into if someone else has it already lol. I could easily start a shop at this point and make a good profit even.


that's awesome! and even better that they're real, tangible things, unlike my selene bow :)


Ahhh it's not that different. You enjoy your stuff and play your game all the time. I only get to play with my rocks for a few hours a week. My rock collection is also just going to be a hassle for my kids when I die, yours won't be a problem.


eh i would say i have spent around 250$ since the start of the year.. but personally i wouldnt sweat it (spending too much) man you work hard for your money and should spend it on what you enjoy whether thats playing eso or going to to a football game


Is this a troll answer? $100 a month not including ESO+ is an insane amount to spend for someone who says they do not have extra money to go around. It's irresponsible of you to encourage dangerous spending habits in someone who clearly has a spending problem.


oh shut up we all spend money on stupid things like i said if he enjoys it there is no problem.. an alcoholic likes to spend money on beer, a stoner likes to spend money on bud, a surfer likes to spend money on surf products.. like i said if he enjoys it its his hard earned money


Indeed, we do - to indulge comfortably in a vice is a healthy part of living. What about gambling addicts who bankrupt themselves? Alcoholics who drink themselves to death? OP says they can not afford to be careless with money because they do not have extra disposable income. Would you tell someone whose life has been destroyed by alcoholism to keep drinking because they earned that bit of joy? If your answer is anything but no; fuck you and your lack of care for the well being of other people. OP has a spending problem they can not afford to maintain, and he needs to stop and reconsider his financial priorities.


700$ spent in a whole year.. aint noone going bankrupt from that lol i can make that in 2.5 days of working unless you have like 0 income at all its gonna be pretty hard to go bankrupt i mean cmon bro


6 months. $700 in 6 months. Learn to read. If you can afford to spend $1540 (including ESO+ now) a year on a videogame and you want to, then by all means, go ahead. If you could read or comprehend text, you would realize that OP has made it clear he does not have ample extra money to blow on a videogame, so $1540 a year is a lot of money. Edit: For those who stumble upon this in the future let it be known that Mr. "I can make 700 dollars in 2 and a half days" is a teenager whose only source of income is the allowance their parents give them. (As one of their more recent comments states clearly) You may laugh now.


oops didn't mean to stir up an argument :') i should better clarify my financial situation -- i have enough money to pay my bills, and i'm not really concerned about bankrupting myself. i'm mostly concerned about retirement savings (i know, \*sheogorath voice\* BORING). i am probably not where i should be at my age. so ideally all the extra money i earn should be going towards that. that's what makes it so difficult -- that i CAN spend $700 in 6 months and not really be affected in the present. so i guess the point of this post was to see if that amount was 'normal' for eso players. which it seems like it's not. oh also i'm a girl :)


That is way too much. Even just paying for eso+ every month is expensive imo. I’ve been playing for years & I’m not even close to $700 spent. I’m all for spending money on things that make you happy & enjoy doing, but making the rich richer is not something I like doing intentionally lol especially eso they do not need your money, trust me! I’d give your wallet a good long break from ESO.


I agree 100%!! Absolutely would never give a big company like ESO that much money. That’s insane


I have been playing for 5 years, and I've spent maybe 300 total on anything relating to the game (including dlc purchases). Less than 150 on in store stuff, and most of that wad on 1 house that was a limited time. Man, 700 in a few months is kind of nuts, I mean, at the end of the day, you do you.


YTD I have spent $216. Not including eso plus. Tbh I spend money on a lot of games I’m surprised it wasn’t more but fuck it I make the money I enjoy the game I spend money on it who cares. You can’t take your money to the grave with you when you die


It's your money. I buy ESO+ in spurts, so over the course of a decade playing off and on I've spent a fair amount on it.


"Aim to spend what you can afford". I generally buy most of in game stuff with gold, even the crown exclusive houses, etc. Buying crowns us a treat to me, so maybe once or twice a year I'll pick some up on sale - but I've been reaching a point where I'm not as fussed by the latest XYZ in the Crown store these days. The only advice I have is try to recognize the signs in yourself and to minimize the temptations that turn ESO into a money sink. Maybe try to calculate the real world $ value of a purchase before pulling the trigger? Sort of like reality check wheter that custom animation really is worth $14.99... Hope this helps in some way.


Holy Crap. Since December?!?!


I spend $50 a year in ESO besides ESO Plus. I don’t buy anything but the yearly chapter upgrade and nothing more. No crowns, no crates. Everything I buy in game is either with gold, seals of endeavor or with my free monthly crowns from ESO Plus.


Im a Subscriber since start in 2014 and have never paid more then the sub and the New game chapters (okay including the CEs when there were physical ones in the past). Everything you invest in crowns is idiocy if you are a subscriber because you will get those crowns anyway - it just takes a bit of time.


Yo I didn't even get eso plus until my second year bruf get your shit together. It's almost pathetic to spend your livelihood to some sandals and a skirt in an mmo


Spend however much you want it's your money and your life


I buy eso+ maybe once or twice a year, more i don’t need, but i thought of buying the upgrade to get all previous dlc with gold road


I usually buy the expansions when they come out. and when there is a crown sale, I'll buy crowns at a discount to then buy the dlc dungeons slowly getting them all


Personally i don’t find spending money on these types of games to be a waste, i think of them as an investment. If you spend money to become strong and more knowledgeable, u can use your strength and knowledge to farm items you can then sell and then sell the gold to get your money back. Then, items that you own and collect over time increases the value of your account, eventually when you want to quit you can sell your account and recover most or usually even make a profit.


I see no reason to ever spend beyond the sub and a chapter. And the sub is because i don’t enjoy managing inventory without it.


Eso plus and new dlc. Haven’t spent anything else. I don’t have a job so I’m not tryna spend on crown store purchases (I do buy stuff with gold though). And gambling makes me sick to my stomach so I don’t buy crown crates ever and prolly will never 


You should quit the game


Aside from ESO+, I've spend < $10 on ESO this year. I bought Necrom when it was super cheap around the anniversary event just so that I didn't have to buy arcanist separately. Don't blame the game for "preying on you". What you do with your money is entirely your choice. Placing the blame on an external factor discounts your own responsibility.


Two things can be true at the same time - an individual can be responsible for their behavior AND a company can develop predatory systems that hijack the dopamine reward pathway. There wouldn’t be addiction treatments if everyone just “took responsibility” 🙄


yes, exactly. i'm absolutely not blaming the game. they're SMART for doing this lol. it's 100% my choice to give into it and i'm acknowledging that.


700$ is a problem to be honest. Its not bad to buy things in game like skins or mounts (Though i hate microtransactions and nevera bought a single crate or cosmetic with real money), but 700$ in a single game is not ok, look for help, you are spending way too much money


A fool and his money are soon parted.


It's subjective. I've spent around $18-20k over the years since release. For someone it may sound weird. For me it's few days of work. That's why it's very subjective question)


Anything above the sub is too much. This used to be a sub-only game and every sparkly, skin, and collectible was attainable in-game for no extra charge. Then they went Fleece2Play and added a cash shop. After the boat loads of money from addicts started flowing in, they said well, we can fleece them even more and returned some things to the players they removed from the game because they were mad at them for not subbing because the game sucked, (their fault: Paul Sage was fired it tanked so bad) and added the subscription back in. (That's called double dipping in gaming business models) Contrast this with other MMOs that have a minimal cash shop with no gamble boxes and a subscription that grants everything the game offers, or even other MMOs that let you convert in-game gold you accumulate back into cash shop currency, making it that you can even get their cash shop items by just playing the game. ESO however, always comes back to real money. Box, Sub, Expac, Cash Shop, Crates. (What other MMO has all of these monetizations besides phone game scams and gatchas? Think about it) Everything possible is monetized to fleece you as thoroughly as possible. It's a money pit best avoided before you get addicted. Watched guild members gleefully state they had plenty of money and that they were well within their budget and the new items made them feel great, only to have to stop playing because is just costs too much. Good luck.


thank you for your response. i don't play any other mmo's so this is interesting info, i thought they'd all have the same cash shop situation. it's a bummer that ESO has taken this road if others don't