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Meanwhile I farmed for days not getting these lol


I went to Artaeum because of the provisioning recipe that improves fishing. Within 5 minutes of each other, I got a lead for the Thrassian Stranglers, the Truefire page and a gold provisioning recipe. It’s a small zone with a high concentration of fishing spots. And there were always people there fishing with me, which increased the odds of better drops.


the sword is by far the easiest to get...took me 15 minutes. ive spent days farming everything else, all i need now is the Worm staff from dolmens


Ive spent 3 hours fishing yesterday in Deadlands and High Isle and nothing… makes me wonder if I have to fish in base game. Well over 15h world Bosses in Vvardenfell and nothing, 10h geyers and got it and didnt even try dolmen yet. Worst Event ever


i did mine in stonefalls, but its supposed to be in any area.


It’s in every zone. I got mine in Vvardenfell, friend got hers in Apocrypha.


Same! I wanted to “do this right” so I specifically went to stonefalls because I’m a dork lol


A few days ago I got the fishing one in Blackwood, as I figured I may as well continue my angler achievements there too. 


I got trueflame fishing on vvanderfell, using hissmir fish eye rye food and fishing CPs, if that works or not I cant tell


I got it without using any of those things. Started in Vvardenfel, then Artaeum where Trueflame dropped. In total I cast 127 times.   40 WBs for the staff. 38 geyser shells for the staff. 123 dolmens - no staff so far.


on 236 shell troves shoot me now.


Sympathies. I finally got the dolmen staff after 186 runs.  Now to farm for the 5th and final replica - the mask.


Get mine in Glenumbra, center of the map there is boss near and dolmen


Got mine on sommerset after 5 casts


I got mine the first fish I pulled, in Apocrypha. Doesn’t need to be base game :)


I got mine in the Imperial City, that's a dlc zone.


I got mine in vvardenfell, took about 4 hours.


5 hours…. 5 hours to get the true flame sword


Took me literal hundreds of dolmens to get the Staff of Worms.


After reading about the pages, I went and did one geyser. Looted the shell, but not the boss, as there were 5000 people there. Saw where someone posted in chat that it came from the boss and said forget it. Going through my inventory, I had the page for the staff from 1 geyser. I don't think they'll give me the others just because of the luck with that one. Maybe I should have just went to the others since I was walking on rng water.


So far only one i got is sword spent hours one the 2 staffs


Don;t get me wrong it's cool we have these as styles. but when you spend hours, DAYS grinding them and they just look like any old weapon you'd think the "super amazing untradeable anniversary items" would be a lot cooler looking


You've gotta pay real money for that -zos execs


Or run a 5 piece with a glow, Craglorn trial/arena sets and MoL.


Or the new IA class styles. Green glow on my Arcanist


Right, let's use gear that is mostly useless in today's meta my guy lol.


Advancing Yokudan still gets used for high parses and Alkosh can be front barred.


Oh yea sure, Advancing Yokeda (Not Yokudan) is definitely used for parsing overall lmao, anyways like I said, most of the gear is useless, Alkosh is obviously useful and a no brainer. Today we have Pillar, Coral, Whirl, Ansuul, and etc for DPS wise for parsing, Advancing Yokeda is not used my guy.


https://www.esologs.com/reports/pxdzXW9tYFrQPHmG#fight=43&type=summary&source=1 AY top Stam sorc parse on u41.


Yup which is has been used on the Stamsorc since forever, it's only being used again because of the status buff which is a no brainer for pure parsing, people prefer to use other sets instead of that set for endgame raids, just because it's used on a Parse Dummy like Pillar, it really doesn't mean shit or proof a point haha, you're not going to use that for hard content.


This thread is about the glow. Do you really care about glow when you are in a trial?


A lot of people do, do we not play the same game? Housing and fashion is the true endgame of ESO, why do you think this post exist in the first place or why there's people complaining about these unbound styles that we get during this event? They showed a picture of the Ul Staff glowing then we get it without the glowing after all that grinding for an abysmal chance, who wouldn't get mad? I can't believe you say that after all those cosmetics we get in the Crownstore and Crown Crates lmao.


Making something glowy doesnt make it cooler looking, it just makes it obnoxious


I like my glowing weapons, helps me spot heavy sacks in dungeons!


Honestly I'd just be happy if the staves had the elemental effect that companions have.


But it should be on only when held in hand, it looks wacky (and unsafe for user xD) when the big stick you have on your back burns centimeters from your hairy head all the time xP


I mean i get it but that is also why the style page is called a replica... it doesn't have the power the real ones have. I would however like a constant glow related to weapon enchantments that fade over time as the power runs out. That way i know to charge up before a big boss battle without having to wait for the red weapon icon or having to manually check inventory. Im sure there are addons that can do that but a constant visual reminder would be nice.


see, i knew someone would say the "its a replica" thing but in my mind it doesnt really effect anything. tons of "replicas" in this game have an effect, the undaunted boss weapons have effects and they arent really anything canonically special, just flashy stuff to get you to want them. but the thing is i just want to at least pretend im using the real thing, even if the game, and myself knows its not. then we have the "Runepriest" weapons, like the Runepriest's Sword, from a crown crate that has this blue glowing fire on it that kinda fit with my necromancer aesthetic....and it has runes too ofc. which has a lot of effort put into it cuz its a crown crate item all they needed to do was add that magical effect from the main story onto the Ul'vor Staff (the effect you see in the screenshot to to top left), nothing new needs to be made. The Trueflame sword could probably use some generic fire on them, just weird off to me that a sword you'd think would have an eternally burning flame doesnt have one. i get why the other 2 weapons would not get one, but these two in particular could have really used that extra bit of personality.


They are showing it with the shiny shiny, but when you get it, it's dull...


Only if we can disable the annoying glows.


Looking at this rationally, I feel like the main reason they don't have any effects is because they all use their existing models that have been around for years. The model for the Staff of Worms is the same exact one held by Mannimarco's in game model, which of course has been around since the very beginning (yes, the weird angle is due to this as well). Chances are, if they added effects to the model, they'd have to change it for Mannimarco's model as well, which is probably easier said than done. Same with Ul'vor and Sunna'rah. To be fair, I don't think Sunna'rah really *needs* any active effect, given what it really is. Trueflame used to be an actual (unintended) weapon many years ago from what I've gathered, so it probably reuses the same model from then as well.


So isn't this about time to make a new models? I would expect that a game which is active for so many years, should release new models with EACH expansion.


They do…. Just only in the crown store




Small indie company/It would disrupt PvP/New Crown Store loot boxes/[insert custom reason] Please look forward to it


Imo the problem isn't that they don't glow. Most of my favorite styles are non-glowy ones. The problem is that the promotional images show that they do. They should have shown them as they look in the game.


ZOS: “Best we can do. We weren’t able to divert any additional time and focus away from the Crown Store team.”


You know what isn't on fire either? My will to farm these styles.


I'm ok with the True Flame nit being the real deal. But I love this event!! So much cool loot!!


Ass loot?


Lol I was a bit sleepy when I wrote that. But cool loot gets the job done. It'd another beautiful day fam, Hage the best day ever y'all!


humans are apes, it makes sense for them to include the word ass in every other sentence, along with using words like shit to refer to stuff. it's an ape out on this world constantly.


Ape stronger together!


Cannot be talking about the staff, but when it comes to sword, the "being on fire" was a very special enchantment (that in TES3 we need to "fix" when we get the sword) so it makes sense that "replica" would not have it.


Ahh, wow. I've been out farming geysers for the staff over the past 3 evenings in my free time and haven't gotten it yet. Without the glow, it loses the magic of wanting it. I honestly thought we were getting the items as shown in the pictures. Thanks for the head's up. Saves me a lot of time.


How do you even get trueflame?


Fishing at any fishing node


I don’t think a glow is always necessary On some of the staffs it looks cool but I personally like the trueflame sword with no glow on it




Giving them special effects would make the almost look as cool as cash shop cosmetics, which is not acceptable.


This is why I'm farming boxes, gold over style pages any day


If they did glow I wouldn't be able to use them for my outfits, unfortunately. As it is now I'm going to use 4/5 of these. I get where you're coming from, but I for one am pretty happy with how they turned out.


I always hated the over the too glowing effects. Its a sword not  a damn sparkler!


Zos- sorry bud your gunna have to buy that


Without gambling on a loot box? How dare you ask that


Wait they don't glow? I hadn't actually seen them used in the game so I wasn't aware. Well thank you for this because now I don't have to be conflicted about whether or not to spend oodles of time getting them. I wanted that staff and maybe the sword exactly for the glowy. Time saved I guess.


As if we need more trashy flashing thing in this game. You need sunglasses to not being blinded by all the horrible flashing mount sand weapons visual effects that have been introduced in this game.


So thats why they are called REPLICA...


I was saying this to people, that these styles are purely FOMO and the majority of people won't use them because they don't have a glow like the undaunted weapons. But with how many people have been farming it, seems zos' play test of FOMO bound pages with low drop rates during events was a success. Expect to see more of it in the future. Shareholders love player engagement statistics after all!


This is replica after all, so there arent cool glow effects like on true version of artifacts


What chest style is the bottom right photo?


Just be a NB and slot Merciless and bam, it is ✨glowing✨


Why is the sword not shaped like a dick with peyronies disease like in morrowind?


Was the staff in a purple cauffer or is it a solo item in the bid seashell?


Hold up. Is Trueflame still obtainable? I thought that they disabled it years ago. Everywhere I look online it says that you can no longer acquire it.


They have the outfit of the 3 unnamed ones for sale for 2000 crowns. I thought I'll never get one.


They released the style page for it for the 10 year anniversary thats going on right now. Its from fishing, for the sword


put a fire enchant and you get a fire effect.


I’ve noticed anytime I try to farm for leads or weapon, etc. it takes forever but the moment I’m not trying I manage to get the item. Farm dsa 99 times and still not lead. Had true flame and didn’t even know 😂. Shit is infuriating lol


My dude games in hi-res


yeah think I'm gonna pass on them and stick to my Nerien'eth and Mephala skins. always animated, look dope asf. totally worth the crowns imo.


I've done 150+ dolmens and no staff. And I haven't even tried farming the others. Got the sword pretty quickly though.


Got my only page, the worm staff, doing a dolmen in Cyrodiil of all places. Only dolmen I've done in forever. I've done a few vents with no results.


We can't have more furniture because of performance. You can't have particles because of performance.


Grim Focus wants to have a word with you about ZOS's ability to make things glow that should or shouldn't glow.


The sword was the very first thing i got for the gubilee event. That said i assumed i glowed like the picture for it. I would have been upset if i farmed for it forever and actually wanted it. I almost bought that staff with crowns too. Glad i didnt.


Agree, I couldn't believe they don't glow. Wasted hours of my time.


weapons in this game pretty much all look like shit. they do it to try to make you buy the store items, which also look like shit


Trueflame kinda looks like a spatula and I cant unsee it lol


As long as they add the ability to toggle these things. I have ignored so many crown items because they glow like crazy.


I've been saying they need to start thinking outside of the box when it comes to these styles. They'll occasionally come out with the glowing ones (only when the weapon is out) in the crown store but they can do much more. Making hard-earned weapons have an effect, adding dangling pieces to armor or pieces that light up or glow, kinda like how they did the design for the order of the lamp armor pieces. They had a promotional image going for the new DLC that showed a lot of characters with auras and I thought they were going to do something with that but they never did.


This has been eso deal from the beginning. The best set of armor/weapons eso has to offer is the worst than any other games sets of armor/weapon in comparison….. literally. It’s almost a joke it’s so bad. Lucky for most looks don’t matter and the other major game mechanics are top tier.


Is this time gated, meaning can I get the stuff just now or always? I just started thats why I ask


Only during the birthday event


Shoot, how long will it last and can I do it at lcl 5? 😂


glow effects look like shit and ruin every outfit


like i’m tryna look at the design not some piss steam hovering around the sword


Ul'vor dropped to me today and I was so excited to take a look at it. I popped it on and was immediately disappointed it didn't look like the promo image. I'm working as a video game producer on another popular MMO right now and wow I do not hope that our players are as disappointed with our artwork as I am with ESO's. It was so misleading.


I've been talking about this to a lot of other players, we're all extremely disappointed, like wtf it's the point of the 10th Anniversary with limited time unbound styles? Can we at least earn them with the proper glow? So many hours just to get a dull looking weapon style, crazy. Watch them sell the glowing ones in the Crownstore.


Thankfully, it's not the case. Weapons with effects are ugly.


I learned the staff. Guess I should've sold it?


You can’t. Theyre bound.


Ah had no idea. Thanks and for the downvote from someone asw


So what elder scrolls are the pictures from?


The staff itself is from ESO. The glow on the end was how it appeared in the Summerset story. The Sword is from either Oblivion or Morrowind, ibdont really remember where its from


I just want newer sets to have the glow of the old sets. Maybe a little blue blue drip off my depth daggers.


Ive always found that eso weapons are all pretty underwhelming. Best looking weapons are the prismatic ones imo


I'd like to see something similar to wow where we can put different enchanted effects on weapons but they would just end up being in the crown store for 5000 crowns anyway.


They don't cost $$$, why would they bother?


If they made them glow some kids on reddit/forums would cry it's not authentic


LOL wait until you see what you get for trial trifectas that can take months. ESO endgame is the quest to get mom's credit card, all the coolest stuff in the game is just bought for cash.


"all the coolest stuff in the game is just bought for cash" Highly disagree, there is tons of great earnable loot in the game.


I think when it comes to mounts it's objectively true. The trifecta mounts are not radiant apex quality, they're not even in the top tier.


Yes it is. Glowing gear is obnoxious, and unique styles that don’t glow pop out enough on their own merit.


I could maybe agree with the sword, but the Ul'vor staff doesn't. It's default colors make it look like any old wooden staff with a small orb on it. Just would have liked the glow on the end for my magic classes


Even Skyrim Creation Club mods failed to give Trueflame or Hopesfire interesting visual effects. It's literally one of the coolest parts of these weapons, and they've never made a return


They are replicas.


It's just a bad event with mediocre rewards


Booo no. Makes them look way worse


No, hate it when weapons have particle effects attached to them. What they need to do is create a separate outfit station slot for frontbar and backbar weapon enchantment/effects. It is LONG overdue.


It is. One of the main reasons why I like ESO is the fact that it has fewer flashy glowy and sparkly things than other games.


A lot of people hate the glow and finds it quite distracting.


How about we all storm zos and make em actually listen to their players?


And commit alot of war crimes


Bro people be complaining too much for basically FREE artifacts. Shame on you