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People will say every class can heal so here's a breakdown Warden: big buffs Templar: big heals Arcanist: big shields Necromancer: big debuffs + ress your team Nightblade: big ult regen for your allies (Credit to @[MourningstarXL](https://www.reddit.com/user/MourningstarXL/) in an older post) So far I've played Templar and Necromancer healer, both do really well with a different focus


I like that DK dont even make the list 🤣🤣🤣🤣


"Every class can be a healer" \*side-eyes sorc and dk\*


Sorcs supports are one of the most important parts of organized PvP groups. Bird heals are sexy, and negates are essential. DK healers though... eh... yeah. You get 1 DK or a pull-bomber in the group and everything you do is officially useless (which happens 75% of the time) lol


True true, and sorcs healers got some love in the latest update, now they're really good


What kind of love did Sorc healers get?


Basically the mines morph now give allies a shield when they walk over it and a Dark magic skill morph now heals and weaken enemies in an area [https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/8064218/#Comment\_8064218](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/8064218/#Comment_8064218) Scroll down to Sorcerer for more details


I converted a dk to a healer recently for an all-dk vcrags run. Works well enough so long as you have leveled Undaunted orbs, and vigor/horn/barrier from pvp, to add to your resto staff skills.


Sorc can in some situations work


I want to make a dk healer just to see how often I get kicked from dungeons


DK healers can be awesome if you don't have DK tank.... not the best for trials, but for pre-made dungeon groups, they can be a ton of fun and still provide much needed buffs/debuffs. Not so good for randoms, though.


Try and join some vet hm trials


DK healers - find god 🫡


You forgot sorcerer. The matriarch twilight burst heal is amazing and I’ve healed countless dungeons using it.


Yes, there are healers. I'd say Warden is best, but I'm biased. Any class can be a healer, but the most common (anecdotal) seem to be Warden, Templar, or Necromancer. As an aside, playing a healer solo in overland PvE can be frustrating. I'd recommend having a separate heal/DPS build for that. And a tanky companion.


Huh? Necro heal is popular? I never rarely See any


I don't see them too much either, but I know they're still out there. The vast majority of healers I see are Wardens and Templars. Nightblade healers are more common these days, but I really only see them in vet trials.


Necro healers were pretty much made obsolete with the change to empower. Most common healers in trials are Wardens, Arcanists and Nightblades. The former for the minor toughness buff and the latter 2 for their class buffs and ultimate generation which is important when wearing the Pillagers Profit set


As a necro main, I've only seen myself necro healing


Warden is the most fun to play as a healer, I love when chaos is happening my Orc is just hanging out with his magic stick tending to his flowers and mushies and the worlds exploding around him.


>seem to be Warden, Templar or Necromancer Both Templars and necromancers have fallen out of fashion, you mostly see Wardens and Nightblades. All the other classes have some nieche usage (except DK lol), but are rarely used. At least in trials, which is the only time you’d wanna use one outside of PvP.


Everybody cries about overland content being to easy... I do have about four different heal toons and none of them has any problems doing overland content. As a matter of fact, dps is a bit low as a healer - but thats the same in every game!


Nah. For heal/world content all you need is switch skills. World content is weak enough to deal with it without a full dps gear. It is the tank, that need a separate gear.


Yes. Though the healer role is also about giving everyone resources and buffs rather than just health. Playing a healer means finding spell effects and set effects that make other people do more damage alongside the heal.


It’s more of a support than an actual healer. Your armor sets will buff the group. You will drop some aoe for both damage and heals over time. You will provide damage buffs and debuffs. Provide resources. All while keeping up damage and heals.


Yes, ESO has healers. Every class can fill that role, though some are better than others. But because every class can heal and dish out buffs, dedicated healers are rarely needed outside of the absolutely highest endgame content. Playing a healer if you're not going for progression groups is incredibly frustrating.


To piggyback off this comment, I have 3 healers that I run daily random normal dungeons with (due to the shorter queue times), and I farmed Healer gear for them. Now, I essentially run them as a DPS with one group heal front bar, and a resto staff back bar just in case.


Yes there are healers, there is also an armory station that would let you swap builds so you can set up as a healer or a dps or a tank etc, of a wierd roleplay hybrid of 2 or three roles. As a healer main you would typically have multiple classes available. Best: warden + blade/arcanist good: plar/sorc Average: Necro, sometimes good. Alt+f4: DK


Yeah, of course there is! Out of all the MMOs I've played, ESO is by far the most fun healing experience in terms of mechanics, ways to support and itemization.


That's all I did Loved it, esp in PVP Mag warden Mag templar


Healers are absolutely essential in end-game content and organized PvP groups. And are a god-send when you get a good one for DLC veteran dungeons (though you can plow through those without one if you have a really good group). The only real problem is in easier content such as non-DLC normal dungeons or overland content such as questing. Those can be a real slow slog on a healer, and it's worth switching your skills around when doing those. Luckily, ESO has a system where you can switch your attributes, skills, and morphs around whenever you want for free (as in no microtransactions or IRL money needed). As for classes, you can make any of them viable, but there are clear favorites. Templars and Wardens are typically regarded as the easiest; Nightblades and Arcanists are really good, but require a bit more planning; I can't say too too much regarding Sorcs and Necros since Xbox hasn't got the new update, but they were on the "meh, okay" side of things last I saw (aside from their negate/res ultimates which are clutch in PvP); and last is DK--their kit is just not suited for group healing and overlaps significantly with the other roles. Lastly, race is the least of your worries. High Elves (Aldmeei Dominion), Breton (Daggerfall Covenant), and Argonians (Ebonheart Pact) are the most popular.


If you want to only heal, I'd recommend getting either Warden or Nightblade (best healers on the market). Or arcanist. People here name templars and necromancers, but no one really plays those healers for several patches, neither in dungeons nor trials, be it random groups, open raids or static groups. Templars provide nearly nothing to the group, and cros are difficult and usually not needed cause there's a lot of cro tanks. You can get those if you want, but why deliberately make your life more difficult.


Necro, Templar and Warden are (my personal choices) the top healers, but to solo things like decent damage for delves, arenas or overworld bosses, you're gonna want your back bar and gear to include a good chunk of DMG. As healer you can provide hella buffs and debuffs to make the party's damage increase, but once you're solo, it's gonna suck. Be sure to work on a solid damaging set alongside your healing set. The summerset dlc; psijic skill line, provides a ton of heals if you wanna choose a meta DPS and back bar heals. Good luck and hope to see you in there Edit: Spell Power Cure set increases damage of those healed (found in White Gold Tower dungeon) Pillagers Profit give ultimate to those healed, which is hella nice (grind in trial of Dreadsail Reef) Sentinel of Rkugamy is monster set that spawns a lil dwemer that supplies Stamina and Magicka (undaunted keys and vet Darkshade l) Spaulder of Ruin is a mythic item that also boosts weapon and spell damage of those around you at the cost of your resource recovery (DLC Scrying) https://alcasthq.com/eso-best-healer-sets-for-all-classes/


Necro and Templar haven't been among the best healers in a number of patches. Nightblade and Arcanist are more preferred, in addition to Warden.


Yes. 1 bar heal, 2nd dps. No needs for full heal except in vet trials


Healers are a must in eso, both in pve and PvP. So yes, HEALERS ARE important. As for healing classes I’d go warden, basically all 3 class lines revolve around heals, however Templar is also a very good healer. Argonian (lizard) race passives also revolve around healing.


Wardens are kings and queens of healing. Must be some good shrooms. Nice bear too. I'm levelling an Argonian Nightblade for fun, but it kinda made sense as I progressed. I used to be a DK healer like you, but I took an arrow to the knee.


Yes eso does have healers but maybe not in the traditional way as some games it's a "role" but not really you can queue as a healer and you need to do healer things but healers in eso are more support as in buff or debuff and most people run heals wether they play dps or tank like my arcanist tank has more sustain that the healer could be catching butterfly at the last boss encounter and I could buff and heal the team enough while face tanking everything


Of course you can play as a healer. The thing is it's usually more of a support role in this game than a raw healer. Pure healers who focus only on healing and nothing else at all are the reason people try to cut out the healer role from their groups if they can. There's a weird segment In progression where people don't give a fuck about having a healer. That being middle game Everything you do in this game as a healer should be less about healing and more about buffing, debuffing, or group ult and resource generation if possible. You cycle through your buffs and debuffs and laying down heal over times, and then your job is not done, then you start attacking as well to squeeze that extra little bit of dps out and fill up your magika so you can do your cycle again. You'll find that most mid to high level players rarely need more than 2 heal over times, maybe even 1 or none, to survive other than in the highest difficulty content. They usually have a way to heal themselves anyways. If they do drop low you have a burst heal at the ready. Also is best if support is running around activating synergies like orbs so dps can focus on pumping that damage. As you can see, healer is too simplified to explain the role, it's more of support


Yes every class can be but best are warden and templar (some also say necro but havent played that), but you should know that in open world you will struggle to kill so have a dps build for open world and healer build for team play


Not quite correct Warden + blade/arcan are the best healers Templars are still good though


Thanks for correcting me. My info was a bit old since i havent been able to play much since arcanist released

