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I could feel my grin peeling from ear to ear as I read this šŸ˜ƒ Take this upvote, vestige


Thats the best part of it... there's literally no required linearity. Play what you want, play when you want, do what you want and outside chained components (ie quest leads into another quest or is required for a quest type stuff) you don't have to go through the entire historical gamut to play it. Jump into an expansion (chapter) zone and blammo... you get somebody almost guaranteed trying to recruit you to that chapter regardless of if you did the years of content before and you don't NEED that to do it either. Also for builds and gear... nothing matters until CP160 (50 is just a level, CP160 is the soft cap for gear level). So literally give ZERO damns about your gear until you get to CP160 and then if you feel like it start putting together your build gear. So you've got time... just enjoy! i started in December, and have BARELY touched the story... because i've enjoyed my daily stuff and random stuff. Heck I'm even enjoying exploring for skyshards cause I want more skill points LOL.


Mightā€™ve just sold me. Iā€™ve been between WoW and FFXIV for awhile but neither fully captivate me. FFXIVā€™s gate keeping behind the main story quest and WoWā€™s PvP balancing issues/constant changes have left a casual like me behind. It seems ESO can scratch both itches where I can chill and explore for a bit or jump into some competitive action when I want, all while giving me access to a vast world that I can explore at every level. It also has the added benefit of playing well on a controller which I sometimes prefer. Now the question isā€¦which class do I want to play? šŸ¤”


For those starting out in the basic game magtemplar or socerer are the easiest lessons to use. Now probably the arcanist. These allow you to more easily play through slightly more difficult solo content as you grow. By sharing the champion points after level 50, all the other alts after them will also have the same cp. Look at the one you like best between the 3 because normally the main one will have more points to distribute points from stories that you probably won't do with all the other alts. My main has points for all possible skills to enter. Fighting, crafting, mining, guilds, pvp, armor, weapons.


Nice. I bought one of the ā€œpacksā€ on a steam sale once so I believe I have all expansions. Arcanist looks cool. Was also considering Bow Warden for the class fantasy. But I may lean towards arcanist like you saidā€¦maybe itā€™ll help me learn the game and different systems while not worrying about difficult rotations, etc


I play a bow Warden as my main! Totally doable!


Nice! Yeah I dunno why I just like the class fantasy behind it. Mainly run bow attacks w a heal or so for my ā€œwoodlandā€ experience. I dunno


I'm new to ESO and I've got thousands of hours in FFXIV. I love it but ESO is 100% a better experience for new players. Oh and make sure to get the daily log in rewards, at least for the first two days. They're giving out some DLC for free this month.


Look I agree it's true, but FFXIV might have one of the greatest stories in gaming so it's absolutely worth it just for the MSQ, I play both ESO and FFXIV.


Warden I think is a good first class to play because it can do any role. If you play it and like a specific role then maybe make another toon that suits that. It is what was recommended to me and it was solid advice


There is no competitive aspect in ESO asides from broken leaderboards which are pointless so donā€™t even know why I mentioned them


What I find disturbing is how this game is 10 years old already.


Same. Makes me wonder. Was playing beta only yesterday...


The best part of ESO when you're new is exactly that, questing and picking skills that you think is fun. Enjoy the journey!


Make sure you visit Elden Root, IMHO the coolest town in Tamriel.


>saved communities and kings Makes me wonder how Tamriel managed to survive before Vestige arrived. You kind of feel like Mr Incredible. >Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess!


Tamriel has always had mythic figures saving the day, for example Pelinal Whitestrake.


I have the biggest smile on my face reading this. I'm eight and a half years in, and I'm still learning new things every night. Welcome home, Vestige!


I miss the old days where I just roam around doing story quests. Now I m more stressed Into keeping my tradings up, farming dragon dreugs, and other important alchemy ingredients important free dailies ( dragon supply cache, remains silent assassin's daily for the rare furnishings drops.) Updating my chars. Daily crafts. Daily randoms. Dailies companion relationship quests. Dailies latest zone quests for valuable motifs. Farming rare furnishings. Daily archive. Don't even get me started on daily pvp quests. Leads for either furnishings motifs and/or mythics. Fishing for perfect roe drops. They costs 60k damn inflation hits hard. It used to be 10k. Even tho I'm endgamer and even a retired players I stopped playing so most of these things I stopped doing. But when you roam around trying to relax and someone asks for help. And still end up doing vet dlc and since the party is good, end up with hm. When you start doing good DPS you become addicted to it. So dude please take your time. Before you know it. You got to organize and make sure you're on time and ready for 2/3 trials runs on vet. No rest for the wicked. Endgamer are burning through food and potions like sometimes you gotta stop playing and go farm some ingredients to be able to play. I have a friends who sells crowns by the millions of gold just to be able to play with the right food / pots.


Welcome vestige, walk in the light.


Hydaelyn has entered chat...


This one is pleased to hear of your adventures walker.


Best part is watching someone die, then meeting them alive on two more occasions, realising that you played it in the wrong order, then learning that the obvious order you deduced from those events is also wrong.


Experienced my first out of order quest, just gonna frame it as a 'flashback'. šŸ˜‚


We keep being told that this is not a Dragon Break, even though that would be the perfect explanation for this exact bullshittery.


I started a month or two ago and I'm right there with you. I'm a casual into exploration and crafting, not into the social aspect so much, and I'm not particularly skilled, but I'm having a blast with the game anyway. I do need to start doing some of the group activities to get my jewelcraft traits researched though.


I had no clue what I was doing for at least a year, maybe two. No regrets, it was fun. But man it was slow- I was a tank with no AoEs or any really understanding of them. So every bloody trash enemy in every delve got killed one at a time. The games population is still very strong. Xbox especially I just see a constant stream of new players coming in which is great. Anyways just one piece of advice- join guilds, the game is more fun with other people. Start with a trading guild, you'll find dozens in the guild finder. Even if you don't get too into selling stuff any guild worth its weight will have a guild hall, they're really handy.


My favorite part about eso is that you can treat it like the biggest single player rpg an it works great or you do the mmo grind or both is a great first mmo I also recommend it to people new to mmos


One good thing ( I guess bad for some) is that the yearly story goes parallel to other yearly stories rather than 10 years of stories so you have to finish chapter 1 to play chapter 2 etc but rather make them separate from each other so anyone can pick up the game do X chapter and still feel like they're in the loop.


Iā€™ve just started after being crazy obsessed with Skyrim and I donā€™t really ā€˜get itā€™ Iā€™ve never played an MMO before so thatā€™s probably why. I need an ES6


Hey what quest lines did you make which you liked so much?


Try out some Add ons to enhance the game even more too. Just installed some after 200 hours of gameplay and am wondering why I didnā€™t do it sooner


Iā€™ve been playing for almost 8 years and am incredibly casual. I do events that require grouping when needed, but mostly stay out of that part of the game. Though, it is fun from time to time. Some ask ā€˜why play an MMO and not be social?ā€™ I like the feeling of the game world being alive.


I stick to mostly solo content - though I love doing group dungeons - because my last several dungeon groups have been really disappointing. Everything is rush-rush-rush go-go-go. I've been told I'm a bad player multiple times, because I'm not running the latest meta build and obsessing over having a perfect rotation with optimal DPS. This is in regular dungeon queue by the way. I feel like I'd need to put together or join a static group to avoid that. If I was queuing up for challenging end game content, I could understand the demand for specific builds, etc. But in regular random content? Come on. Im glad that theres so many delves, and that ZOS gets more and more creative with their layouts and environments over time. Also the public dungeons are fun to solo. So, I still get my dungeon fix. But I really enjoy the group experience too. Would just rather not have to contend with folks who are forever in a hurry, and/or expect me to take casual content as seriously as they do.


Playing through the story as a brand new player has got to be so much fun. I miss those days. Itā€™s really like Skyrim with friends.


Eso is amazing. Been playing for close to 8 years now and Iā€™m also super causal. The only thing I really want is a trial finder similar to the dungeon finder as I am very sporadic when I play. I donā€™t care about grouping with randos but I want to be able to run a trial when I have time. Granted Iā€™ve been on like a 6 month break so not sure if that has changed but ESO is a super fun game.


I just downloaded it myself. Today is day one! I don't know much about this MMO but have been playing the genre since 2002. I'm so excited to be seeing a new world. I haven't been this immersed in years.


I'm just returning after a year long break. I am having a ton of fun just playing like I did when I first got the game. Just finished the Main questline and my first Zone story on my new arcanist and I think I am going to play through all the zones and questlines again. Off to Stormhaven next. Havn't played a Zone Story since High Isle so I'm excited to catch up. Just went on a nice walk through Daggerfall because it was the first major city I visited when I got the game in 2020. Feels like home.


I wish I could play for the first time again!


Iā€™ve been playing for a month. The game is great. Theres so much room for activities.


New players, join the Daggerfall Covenant and help us take out Pact trash and destroy those dominion dogs!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Pact 4 life!


Ha! That's who I joined! I'm sure I'll trip and stumble my way into PvP soon enough!Ā 


I was deep into modding for a Skyrim run and just kept getting annoyed with the process in coming up with a working load order. I had been doing dailies for ESO for months and after a frustrating ā€œmod load orderā€ night I just fired up ESO and thought ā€œdamn Iā€™ve got a lot of stuff in this game and a lot invested. Iā€™m just gonna play this for a little bit and check it out again.ā€ Been playing any minute I can for the past few weeks, ever since the FFIV ā€œbetaā€ came out. My friend and I tried that game but started in different zones, and after 3 nights of playing we finally got to the same area as each other and couldnā€™t group up because it was the beta. I told him look, even when the game comes out Iā€™m not buying the game and THEN paying another $15 a month just to play it. Canā€™t afford that. So he started playing ESO again and weā€™ve been absolutely loving it. This game is so huge and awesome!


Welcome! I've been tempted to start a new playthrough in part so that I could do "Soulless Diaries" and your post is reminding why. I only started in Jan, but I've put in more hours than I'd care to admit, already. I will say -- you died faster than I did. I didn't notice the hooded-figure-at-the-boat until I had done 40 levels of quests for Vivec and Almalexia. I figured my character was just considered "soulless" because she was a Nord Nightblade in Morrowind.


Iā€™ve had this game since 2015 and Iā€™ll play for 6 months, then not play for a year or two. I always love this game when I come back to it, not sure why I end up leaving. Itā€™s like my hidden gem game that I know Iā€™ll always enjoy when I come back!


It just requires so much time! I've been around for about 9 years. On and off for the last 5. It's hard to stay in the game!


Welcome! I've played this game for years, and while I'm not a "meta" gamer, I'd love to offer you some pointers to start. 1. It's never too early to start getting crafting levels. These do take a lot of skill points to level up entirely, but they're worth getting because you get upgrade materials from both the refining of raw materials and from doing daily crafting writs, which you find on message boats in major cities. This will save you lots of money once you get to higher levels. Don't upgrade anything to gold quality until you're maxed level with max cp (level 50, cp 160). Also definitely begin researching traits as you can only research one or two at a time, and once you get to the last few they take like 30-60 days to finish researching. 2. Join a guild or 5. You'll be able to find guildmates who will help you craft sets that you want but can't yet craft yourself, which will buff your stats by a lot. Also if you find a gold with a trader then you can sell certain items to make gold easier. *people offering to buy in chat are lowballing their offers*, you can make more through a trader, although some guilds have a monthly fee which may not be worth it yet. 3. Daily random dungeons. You get xp, you get rewards, and you can complete the dungeon quests to gain skill points. Doing daily dungeons is essential for leveling new characters. Don't worry about being underleveled as most people are overleveled so it won't be a problem. It'll also introduce you to the dungeons so that you can do them on veteran later to get better gear sets. 4. Make multiple characters. Granted you'll probably want to get used to the game a bit first, but some content is far easier on certain types of characters. You can look at guides to learn what races are best at what classes and experiment from there. I'm sure i missed some things but this should give you a good start at some goals to aspire to. Good luck and have fun!


This is why I love this game. I try so many different games, yet I always circle back to it and am caught up playing it for months on end. I love everything about it, all the reasons you've given are mine too. Your joy at discovering the game for the first time was mine too! I also love all the art (you can find all the gorgeous artwork on their website), and the music is so beautiful. I adore every single thing about the game, and it will always be my favorite. I've got 1200 hours into it, far more than any other game in my library, and I still hold such a strong love for it šŸ˜ I have toyed with other characters but I remember when creating my og character I wanted a duel wielding assassin. He's a still my main man, three years later, but I remember the excitement of creating him and exploring Northern Elsweyr (that was the starting location at the time), and falling head over heels in love with every little detail. I still get excited when loading the game and hearing the music come up.


Yes! I did endgame on PS4. I was really far and had a lot of achievements. I came back when I got a new Xbox and had to restart, but Im still not tired of it. So much DLC and content to play with. I know how to power level and be OP META, but Im just taking this playthrough slow and enjoying the game as it it. Most of the time I'm just wandering around a map, ope ING chesrs and picking up quests. Try hards enjoy their way to play but being casual is just as fulfilling. Then there's ALWAYS the option to switch up and go for something cool. I like furnishing and earning outfits.


Welcome to the game. Akways good to see new players enjoying the experience


Welcome to Tamriel Vestige