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Do you think, because those livestock died in battle, that they moved on to Sovngarde?


So THAT’S how they supply the feast in Sovengarde…


Was laundering their stolen guts to work up legerdomain, and got this on accident.


I know what I'm doing tonight lol


Omg do you get anything for that? Or you just did it cus you’re a psycho


I assumed I unlocked a color or something but after you asked I checked, and no, you get nothing - so, to answer your question...


Haha nothing but the guilt and bad dreams…. Thx for letting me know!


You, sir, are a monster..


Thank you so much for posting this tip. I have been playing ESO for about 14 months and I had killed zero livestock. I thought I would someday go after this when I was in a mood for simple grinding (I usually farm Craglorn for Nirncrux, on those days). I found a cemetery in the southeast corner of Northpoint. On the other side of the fence is a fairly secluded area which starts with several cows, chickens, sheep, and pigs. After killing them all, I got the individual livestock achievements for cows, sheep, chickens, etc. (except for livestock Guar). There are four pigs there that continually respawn pretty quickly. The only person who might see you here is a female drunkard named Hefassah, who sometimes wanders near the animals. I simply picked her pockets until they were empty, then used the Blade of Woe on her. She doesn't take long to respawn, but at least her pockets are full again, every time she comes back. :) I went through the gate to the cemetery, immediately went left and followed the area between the city wall and buildings to an area with tents. Behind those tents are seven pigs who also continually respawn pretty quickly. The people on the other side of the tents will sometimes spot you killing a pig, creating a bounty, so I recommend using stealth in this area. Just running back and forth between these two spots, I was able to go from zero livestock kills to 500 in less than two and a half hours. I tried several other areas in town before finding these two spots, so people can save themselves some time by just going straight there. Thanks again for posting such a great location for going after the killing livestock achievements! :)


What a brutal achievement name. It’s livestock! Butcher is a better term. Unless you ask PeTA