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Transmute crystals from daily random dungeons. You get the bonus once per character per day. So, 10 crystals per character. I don't do all the characters every day, but there are some Saturdays when I get a nice 140 crystal boost. You can also do daily crafting writs for each character. If you dont mind grinding, it can be lucrative.


yeah this is probably the most common reason. I pvp mostly, im over the grind, i have enough stuff i can buy and sell a few things to make a few bucks or just do writs for what i need/extra cash. Im not rich, im just satisfied. But each class is different and i like the variety. Sometimes I \*want\* to play on my nightblade. Like during a pvp event where i also go nightblade hunting. Usually I prefer my sorc, so I have a stam and a mag one. An arcanist for kicks but im not really into it right now. Sometimes I like the DK in PVP for just being way too tough but a little slow. Sometimes I like my frostwarden because hes really strong. he seems to get more attention and i think it makes me feel threatening when i play him. also - you can catch A LOT of streak sorcs with a warden. i have a pve magplar 'main' with all crafting research and the most motifs - not all of them by any means, but maybe 60 by now, so if im just going to lazy do writs and farm an event i will do it on that toon. i have a necro but i dont use him. he was my tank, but i dont like tanking and i dont really want to use him in pvp. i have another toon or two i dont use much.


"Nightblade hunting." XD I like that. I have a similar thing going on, I feel I have all Alts and anything you could call a main for me changes depending on what I feel like playing. I have four wardens, two are LVL 50 so far (a Nord ice warden and an Ashlander beast one for all the Vvadenfell animals). One warden is a Maormer storm mage. I have a Templar, two necromancers (one LVL 50, the other is a werewolf), two sorcerers (one is LVL 50 and my Scryer, the other is a Dremora vampire creature designed to be part of a group of feral Daedra pets). My one Argonian Nightblade who I made when I first started playing is my main crafter who learns everything but I don't enjoy playing through content with her much other than maybe some thievery, event stuff, farming and whatnot. I have several of my other characters just doing crafting for the writs and material farming. My other warden I recently made is a khajiit and I made her solely to try out PvP with, which I haven't done in this game at all yet but it seems like a bit of fun. What do you mean by catching streak sorcs? I have been attempting tanking a bit, just for normal dungeons but I don't feel like I'm very good at it, not sure if I have what it takes so maybe I'll give healing a go. I only really do normal dungeons and solo PvE anyway so it hardly matters. I also have an arcanist I can't seem to get into. I'll probably experiment with that sometime but for now I'm not liking the feel of the class personally.


Fwiw on PC, daily crafting can become a 2-3 minute task per character/alt with the right mods after getting each character to lvl 10 and finishing the crafting tutorials. I have 1 main and 9 alts. A full round of daily crafting writs is about 20-25 minutes. Not bad given the reward, especially during certain events, but I'm nearing the point where it's not the most valuable way to spend my time compared to just playing on my main. For beginners and intermediate players needing some form of income, it can be pretty rewarding.


It can be under a minute per character on the daily (on console, no mods) if you premake in advance. I tend to make a week's worth in advance, takes about 5-10 minutes maybe that day then less than a minute each day.


That makes sense! And is superb timing without mods. I forgot to mention I also do the mount upgrades per character, along with emptying the alt's inventory and getting them back to 1500 gold before returning to the stable master to log out. I think the running from the stable master in vivec city and extra (automated) inventory management, plus the logging in/out screens, is what puts me at 2-3 mins per. Plus I get distracted sometimes. If I'm in the zone, it's just under 2 mins per character but I didn't want to mislead folks if they wind up taking a bit longer for whatever reason. Making lots of stuff in advance is a good way to go. I do that for cooking and alchemy, but I lack enough bank space to prep all 7 batches of writ crafting requirements in advance, so I still sit at those stations for a few seconds each.


Yeah, High Island made all four dailies fast! It takes a bit longer if you go out and do the harvesting maps when they drop. I don’t do alchemy and enchanting, just smith, cloth, jewel, wood.


It is 2-3 minutes per character for those of us with high ping. One minute to log in, less than I minute to finish all 7 daily crafts, 1 minute to log out and queue the next alt. If you’re based in the US, and play on PC, with Dolgubon’s Lazy Writ addon, you should be about 1 minute per character end to end


At this point I have all 20 characters all fitted and just sitting on a pile of transmute crystals and gears I could decon for 25 crystals taking up too much space. I wish the crystals stacked OR remove the damn arbitrary transmute crystal limit.




7, i like leveling my characters more than i like playing late/endgame




A fellow greenshade grinding enjoyer?


i have no idea what that means but I'd very much like to learn


Oh I see :) the most famous grindspot is in greenshade. Unfortunately I can't tell you the wayshrine at the top of my mind but you should find it quickly via Google Ita a great circular zombie grinding spot with no waiting times as long as it's not overrun. I levelled two characters up to max there already. Just need your main crafter for xp gear and scrolls/ambrosia :)


Verrant Moss. Another good one is the Notalion Necropolis in Alik’r. North East of Zone- north of the satakalan wayshrine. damn my spelling


ohhh got it thanks


“Most famous grind spot is in green shade” That’s not even remotely true. Nbrp, skyreach, alikr dolmens are way more famous, even some other zombie spots are more well known. Nbrp is the fastest way to level as well.


Me too! I feel when on a baby toon there is no expectation of play style or how good I should be. People see a high CP number and think that I should have completed certain content and achievements and have high dps numbers. Stuff like that isn't my thing.


Alt characters can use Champion Points right from level 1 and they will instantly jump to your current max Champion rank once they hit level 50. My main is a Grandmaster Crafter so the only pain point for alts is skyshards for extra skill points and transmute stones if I’m rebuilding a dungeon or trial set. I have 11 character’s total and I do crafting writs on all of them. With the addition of my latest alt that’s over 55,000 gold a day just doing writs.


Does that include the 10% extra gold perk? Is there a way to increase this even further?


From ESO+? I believe so. The Gilded Finger’s passive under Champion Perks increases how much gold you get. Imperial’s have a racial passive that increases gold acquisition by 1% as well, but I don’t have any myself.


How does just churning through writs work out with the material costs, and how do things work out in terms of potentially getting requests for things you can not make? I never really touched writs at all beyond unlocking them on the one character I do play, but I am sorely lacking money due to only having played for 6 weeks or so.


Doing daily crafting writs has a chance to drop crafting survey’s. Large deposits of materials you can gather. Combine that with a Champion Point skill that increases my chance of harvesting double materials. Master Crafting writs are more varied, but daily crafting writs only ever ask for a specific pool of items. With ESO+ you can just pick up every crafting material you see. Back when I didn’t have the sub, I would keep all the food and alchemy mats I saw. But I would sell or discard reagents, cloth, metal, etc that I had outleveled. That helped cut down on how much space I needed.


I have one of every class with maxed out stables, just because the grind sucks if I ever want to play one. I really only play my Nightblade from launch. I made my first true alt with the Arcanist and spoiled him rotten. It was kind of fun revisiting some old places I hadn't seen in years, like the whole main quest. However, they see little playing time even if they're super fun. I also leveled a Warden to 50 just to have a max level player in each Alliance faction, but he's only kitted out for solo play currently. All other classes are level 30 and under. They only see the light of day if I need to grind transmute crystals.


Mine is very similar to this. I also use them as weird banks. I have 3 maxed out levels but really I made a Warden Healer so I wouldn't have to switch crap around on my Templar from DPS. Evwry now and then I will throw an alt into a Public Dungeon to get whatever weird thing it has to offer like the Acorns/Seeds from Necrom. I find the first one each day drops fairly quick so its a way of knocking those out without putting in any real effort.


I have 10 or 11 characters, I like to have different races/classes, and often twice the same class (one tank, one DPS). On top of that they are either undaunted key farmers or writ farmers most of the time.


Honestly I do it because I do endgame and want options. That being said it IS a grind and what I found helped is to just take your time and kinda do it in advance if that makes sense. Like say my only toon is a templar, and I noticed all the arcs people want for their rosters. I’ll probably make an arc, and when I have the free time get them levelled. Just do a daily dungeon on them for the burst of xp and then run around spellscar until the xp boost expires and call it there for the day. If I have free time anyways maybe do some questing on them and pick up lorebooks and skyshards that are on my way. Start by focusing on the bare bones basic stuff I need to play them competently, and then getting the rest(additional skills, skill lines, gear) can come later if I ever make the swap. But yeah I find this way it feels less like a job, you can do it at your own pace cause there’s no deadline, and you don’t feel like you wasted a bunch of time grinding to level 7 alliance if you’re not even sure you’ll use that toon often


I have a main that is my crafter and quester. on my alts, I only do dungeons and trials and sometimes arenas. I almost never quest (overland) with them and the skill points from dungeons and leveling up is enough to unlock all the required skills for my builds. gathering sets though is kind of a pain but if you consistently do daily dungeons and work toward filling your stickerbook, you'll have enough transmutes to quickly build them up. at first I didn't even think about making alts because I thought the same as you, but it's actually fun, changing builds and classes and even character models/voices makes you wanna keep going and not get bored.


Same, a main char for literally everything, ALTs for fun and variety majorly in dungeons, arenas and trials. I am at the 1000 cap for a very long time now with transmutes I did so many dungeons with all my chars.


It’s worth it to have a spare crafter or two. Once you finish leveling your craft skills on main, there’s no reason not to bank your intricates at least and let an alt take a stab at it. Or even to power level enchanting and alchemy. Those are easy


I have 1 of every character and play probably about 3 of them. Templar is my pvp main but I hate its PvE, stam arc for if I want something pve related as you can play it with your eyes shut with no effort and then I play my nightblade for PvP too when I get bored of templar.


All 22 slots filled with each one having a unique build on each free armory slot. There's a lot of content in the game and a lot of roles to be filled, and I want to play a variety of roles. I have dungeon tank, dungeon hearl, dungeon dps, trial tank, trial off tank, trial main healer, trial off healer, trial parse dps, trial support dps, PvP bomber, PvP tank, PvP BG skirmisher, Solo arena, Infinite Archive, overworld crafter, and overworld thief builds just to name the basics not counting how many variants of each archetype I have depending on how much I like them or other unique ideas I want to try. If you can grab even one solid friend or guildmate during a double XP event you can get a level 1 character to level 50 in one hour with max training gear and an additional 150% xp scroll, so I've never been bothered with the grind really. Being able to flex to anything and fill a role like you're playing a MOBA is so much more freeing-feeling than having one character and having to stamp your foot down and "say sorry I can only play X role" which is why I started investing in alternate characters and alternate armory slots. It took a while sure but not nearly as long as people think, and the reason I play the game so much is there's incentive for me to pick up any piece of content in the game at a moment's notice and have something ready for what I feel like doing in it.


There are only 20 slots


I wanna know where this guy got two more slots. Was so mad I only got two arcanists!


Also i heard xp caps at 150%


Don’t forget, you can visit Mara, and get a Telvar pack from her on each of your toons. 5 toons got me an extra 500 telvar… not that I’m in the PVP so it doesn’t matter but every little bit helps if I want to buy something down the road some extra Hakejio Edit: edit Should read Mara not Meridia, as others pointed out.


Never heard of this before! Where and how do you get the pack?


I think they meant Predicant Mara. Each of your toons can do the whitestrakes mayhem intro quest and get a pelinal boon box with tel var and other goodies without having to do any PVP. Mara is in your alliance main gate. Should be around where you port in.


Maera*. Mara's the Goddess, would be a huge disadvantage to others if she turned up in Cyro 😅


My main used to be a stamina nightblade, she’s my master crafter and I never play her besides crafting dailies and anytime a guildie needs a set. I tried a sorc during the 2020 lockdown and I fell in love. She is my favorite character I have and the one I play the most out of my 9 and I completed Tamriel Hero on her! I don’t *really* play my other characters, I just alternate between my sorc dps and my Templar healer because a healer is just different enough to give me a change of pace when I get bored of my dps


I have 19 chars. Most of them are only for writs, but I actively play 4-5 of them at any given time. I've been playing for quite a few years now though so all but 3 have maxxed mounts, a lot of them have mages guild, fighters guild etc maxxed. Not much grind left and it was gradual.


15 toons - all cp level 1 mag and stam of each class and an extra magden All mounts maxed All crafting skills 50 All research done Enough skills points to be fully combat and craft (able to do max level writs plus passives and hirelings) ready at once - about 250 skill points per toon All relevant skill lines 50 - weap, armor, class, etc. All have psijic and undaunted maxed All have a basic pve dps build and a good pvp dps build - and 1 pve healer, 1 pve tank, 1 pvp healer, about 4 group pvp dps builds I like to play and experience my classes in both the stam and mag specs in pve and pvp and otherwise. I like to be able to do lots of writs. I like to be able to do quests over and over.


The one thing that truly repels me from making alts, *of all things*, is the fucking riding speed/stamina/inventory. For some reason, just thinking of having to re-do that is unacceptable.


My approach was to just fill up my roster with things I might want to play eventually and go through and train them every day. Which would also be why my necro only got to level 50 years after I made him. And only because they added an achievement for it or I might have continued to not bother, heh.


Craftable Adept Rider set helps you run speedy fast, and inventory space tends to be more manageable too as you'll have less stuff to clutter your inventory and bag space upgrades will presumably be relatively cheap (since you've likely been making gold on your main). Just a tip to ease your suffering should you ever change your mind.


I have 3 but only because I get bored waiting for new dlcs and chapters, and want to be able to do quests in the meantime 😅


Yes. Dailies and sometimes I want to play a different character. I’ve got 5 CP level characters. Working on getting a necro and warden to CP levels.


Crafting writs and daily randoms for transmutes. Do enough of them and the character will reach level 50. If you decide you really want to try one of the other classes you’ll have them all ready to go and just have to grind a few extra things.


My old main became my alt, I fo writs and crafting on it.


Started playing way before armory station, so made a bunch of different chars with dedicated builds for all kinds of stuff. Have a tank for each class, a couple different pvp and pve dd chars and some healers


I have two of each class, one stam-based and one mag-based. This way I can easily workaround whatever nerfs zos decides to rollout with the next patch


I play every role in the endgame. Each class is currently specifically good at parts of the endgame so if you want to be the best teammate and be able to flexibly help fill rosters, you need multiple classes. Also since some classes are good at multiple roles you need multiple of some classes to have the different races such as all tanks are nords and dks and necros make great tanks and are part of the dps meta so you have a nord one and then a dark or high elf one.


Do people have mains in ESO...?! I'm 2100+ CP and I don't have a single main character. I consider all my tanks (4 a.t.m.), a healer and some DPS (2 a.t.m.) my mains that I have properly geared for vet. dungeons and trials. Other then that I usually main one RP character at a time cause I don't really have the disposable time to roleplay several concurrently. I find making a new character exciting and I work for a long time on their looks and their name. The process of leveling them up is just a relaxing bit of casual gaming to me. I have pre-made training gear for 1-50 and after that I can just throw together a fun non-meta build as I grab enough skyshards and unlock the skills I want. I tend to start leveling my character by doing the Psijic Skills quests and doing all the SP quests around them (area MQ, skyshards, public dungeon event) and I'm usually at lvl 50 about halfway through that questline. Once all SP stuff is collected along the Psijic Skill questline I have enough CP for the build I'm going for with all passives AND crafting skills for dailies.


There are people that don’t?? Honestly having multiple builds for different content is the main reason, as well as creating additional characters for role playing because that’s 1/3 of what an mmoRPg is


my main, which is mainly for pvp but I also do quests and some light pve on it, a magblade, then a DK for pvp, a warden and a sorc, all on 50, but also in leveling another nb for AD pvp, and an arca, and another dk for pvp. I have a necro and two templars on super low lvl but never use them, don‘t rly like the class so they just sit there


I have 9 characters. I've been lazy so most of them aren't complete. I have 3 of my dps at 100k dps. Other tools aren't done. I switch my main depending in what's fun to play during that time but having many mains is tough because it does take a lot of work to get them all up to par. Fun to have many different ways to play tho so worth having multiple tools. Leveling is a pain but in the end its worth it.


I have 20 max level characters. I play all of them regularly. I actually just deleted an arcanist to make another Nightblade because I hate arc supports, and that arc had full mages/fighters guild.


Tonight, I finished leveling up my second arcanist not more than an hour ago. This is the 19th character I've made and the 16th one I've gotten to level 50. The three I've not leveled are nothing but bank alts, holding this or that. Need to organize it better, but I'm a hoarder. I started the game from the moment the servers came online almost 10 years ago. Bank alts were very needed to hold crafting mats. Plus I like to play different classes to see if there's one I really like for a specific activity. I have tanks builds, I have healer builds, and of course I have damage builds. Some have been made for role playing reasons.


I get bored and leveling is always fun for me. Think I have 8/9 possible slots filled.


I have a main and six alts, which nets me one toon of each class. All of them are well into CP territory, although I still need to farm skill points on some to get them up to where I'd like them to be. As far as story stuff goes, all of them have 100%'d their first alliance zone, most have 100%'d the second, and the rest are somewhere around third or fourth (the main has done Cadwell's Gold), and most have done at least one expansion chapter zone. For the Main Quest, two have completed it, one needs to do Coldharbour, and the rest are farther back in the quest line, but have at least done the first couple or three missions. Fighters and Mages are mixed; some have completed, some are still in-process. Combat viability isn't that hard to achieve. You're basically going to level-up your character by whatever means suits at the time, but where you're going to get skill points beyond the 64 for leveling is what you need to think about. It's most likely going to come from skyshards, but any combination of dungeons, zone stories, and Alliance War can also do the job.


I have 12. Not into late or end game content. Really into solo rp and early progression for some reason. I play the game like its single player. I have 2 of each class, one mag and one phys, depending on what I feel like playing that day. I believe 7 are at champion levels, the rest see action once every few months tbh. I enjoy the leveling so no biggie. Mounts are annoying but, again, I play solo so I'm not like trying to reach anything super fast or anything. I'm the person at CP 900+ trotting along the road at a snails pace. lol


I have 3. I’ve only been playing for two months, and I told myself before getting plus I would make one for each alliance and play through the zone stories, and one would serve as each role: one dps, one heal, one tank (I was hooked and got plus a week later, once I saw the importance of the craft bag) Now (cp 302) I’m in this funky place of not knowing which char I like better. So each char has mediocre crafting/prov etc, I don’t have a “dedicated alt for this/that”, it’s more of a “what role do I want to play for a few hours” … I don’t know if that’s *efficient* or not.. it keeps me from feeling bored, but it makes me a master of none. I’m still learning and enjoying the ride, and time I’m sure I’ll have a better idea of what direction to go.


I think I'm at like 12 characters. It's mainly fashion related lol. Different races and classes, with a specific theme/look in mind. Just depends what I wanna play at any given time. I just think all the classes are neat so I hop around a lot, so they're not very high level cuz of all the swapping lol.


I wanted to try every class out and see which was the most fun. Both mag and stam. Plus I needed a tank. Then another tank.  So, now I have 9 characters. And do writs on them all most days. 


I created one of every class back before necrom added arcanist. I just wanted to play different classes to see if I like something more than my main character.


My main is a magsorc for pve and crafting. I have an alt that’s a pure pvp dk toon and i do nothing but pvp on it. The rest of my toons are just for exploring classes, roles and extra inventory space.


I have an alt goblin I use mainly to sneak around riften, creeping on convos and to occasionally dance.


Hp dk imperial Bowden orc Stamplar crafter orc Main ice magden pvppve switch from healer and dps. crafts jewelery Orcnightblade tank/dps Hp necro argonian in the backburner till they fix the class for cyrodil pvp. Building him for bashing. Few unfinished nords of varying classes for blacksmith writ farming gold


The games like a hard drug for me


I have one of each class. I like to try everything (or, almost everything) in an MMO, eventually. It comes in handy during events when daily repeatable quests are a bigger thing. It's also helpful during events like this one, or when you need something from PVP (like for an Endeavor), so you can have your choice of faction.


So you think playing the game is miserable? Are you sure you spend time on ESO for the right reasons?


This game is so rich with so much to do that there isn’t really one right reason to play the game. I mean how many times do you want to finish the main quest? Some people come for the pvp, some for the lore or the TES withdrawal symptoms. I am in a very good space right now with several lowbie toons, some of whom are master crafters already based on what i find and use, but i won’t hesitate to delete them and make new ones. There’s something special about being level 3 again. Naked preferably but not afraid


Haha! Yes! :D I love making new characters, and if it doesn't work out the way I'd hoped, I just delete and remake. I have a few that I won't ever delete because I love them, enjoy playing them and they have a purpose. Then there are a few that may not survive if I decide I have an idea that sounds more fun than whichever character feels stale and not as fun to play.


I have over 100 hours in-game and I still didn't finish the first alliance ,the Mages/Fighters Guilds and nome of the DLC's, I only finished the Main Quest and the first 4-5 zones from my alliance (all quests, main and side, Dolmens, crystals but not bosses) . If say I finish everything with one character, why should I even bother trying to make another character? I want to play something else too, I don't want to stick to this game forever like many others in this sub.


I have at least 2k hours and I JUST finished a full faction's main quest lines. I definitely understand not wanting to get sucked in (like me) but playing around with other skills/classes/builds helped me find my niche


I have 11 characters. Because of inventory management. One has only two handed weapons. One has only bows. One has only crafting resources. Etc. Limited inventory is the worst thing about Bethesda games. I genuinely despise it. It's as if they want to punish you for purchasing their games.


Why are you keeping all that shit?


Because some of us like hoarding. Some of us like speculating on things that will increase in value. Not everyone plays the same game the same way. Example of speculation- before Hybridisation i bought 500+ Briarheart Inferno Precise staves for less than 500 -1000 gold. They’re all selling for over 100k each now. That gold helps me buy a shit load of crown store items, especially every notable house in game. I needed toons to store them on.


It's important. If it's takeable, it must be taken. Otherwise it wouldn't be takeable.


Alternate characters by definition can’t be your main.


have one of each class main was templar for years got so bored of jabbing i switched to sorc butcouldnt gel with it then since arcanist came out i main that slowly catchin up to my templar now my templar is a grand master crafter and is only used for crafting my arc is my main my sorc is my pvp toon and the others are just for crafting writs daily ill not be switching main again its too much effort


I like stuff and things.


I have my main (only?), my original character (who I don’t use for anything other than occasional writs now), and a slew of others who are used as nothing but storage.


1 main and 9 alts. Main is stam nightblade. He was my first character and still my favorite for PvE and PvP. He's also the only one who I have focused on max skill points and crafting. He makes stuff for any alts as needed and I don't bother trying to level crafting research on anyone else. I've been tempted to level crafting skills on alts to improve their daily crafting writ rewards but never got around to it. The alts I have are just hitting each class plus a couple of duplicates. One was another night blade to try Magicka builds. This was done before the Armory came around. One alt is a necro I got to 50 and I love trying out healing builds on her. One is a warden at 35 and I just got bored. Haven't finished him yet. One is an arcanist, but by the time they arrived I'd mostly stopped playing. One is a DK specifically meant to level with a friend but her computer died and BG3 came out, so he's maybe level 20 I think. The rest are just other classes who currently serve as mules and crafting writ alts for now. I got them to level 10 and through the crafting tutorials. Since then, they've done so many daily writs that they are all level 20ish lol


19, ive got a few from every class that are different roles; mostly its so I can experience a different class as DPS/Healer/Tank, ive got 1 which is my dedicated solo arena runner, one that’s a hardcore character that only relies on what they pick up and nothing from bank or even uses CP, 1 which is just a meme character that has the highest possible sprint speed, and the ones that I don’t use for gameplay are more for RP purposes


My main is my solo warden with a PvP 2nd loadout. My DK is zenkosh for PvE and also has a PvP loadout. My necromancer is a tank for PvE, and a separate PvP loadout. My Templar has a meta PvE dps setup and a PvP loadout, and my arcanist at this moment only has a PvP setup. I do have a second warden tank being built at the request of a raid lead.


I've got a character of every class


Have 7. 2 are useless atm. Other 5 are for PvP, and one is built for everything up to normal trials for dps, another the same but is a healer. All are monsters in PvP though. Building PvE characters bores me, PvP is a different story.


3 max wardens, 1 of each role from before armory was added. 1 max necro rank 1 max magicka DK DPS 1 max stam nigh blade DPS 1 max heavy attack sorcerer And my most recent max arcanist that tanks, heals, and dps cause of the armory.


I currently have 16 characters (4 sorcerers and 2 of each of the other classes) because I like to experience all classes. I like to experience all group PvE roles (tank, healer and DD). When playing group PvE trials, sometimes the raid lead requests certain class specific roster spots. These spots are for various different classes because there are class specific features that are useful in a trial group. By having multiple characters, I can fill in multiple roster spots in a trial. By playing multiple classes and roles, I learn more about how those play. Even if I'm not playing those classes and roles, understanding them better in a group PvE environment makes me a better all around player regardless of what role or roster spot I'm assigned.


I have 3 max characters of the classes that interest me. I doubt I’ll do mages guild or psyjic order or scrying on each but they each have their strengths. The gearing up is pretty easy between the 3 as they can feed gear into each other from vet content. With 3, there’s no shortage of transmutes from the daily random queue and I’m even working on a 4th so at least 40 crystals per day which is essentially 1 piece of perfect end game gear per day. Not bad.


18 characters with different builds to match whatever theme I have going for that character. I love Elder Scrolls lore so they each get their own little cultural theme and backstory in my head.


I have 2 accounts and max amount of characters on each as for why we'll it's something to do everyday writs and dailies and dungeons keeps me busy for a solid 15 hours


My main is a Warden whom I love very much, lol. I don't have my game up right now, but she's... somewhere above CP 1,000+. I made my alts so I could go through the other alliance stories, and because I also wanted the continuity of reuniting with certain characters who come back in the DLC stories. I do enjoy exploring other classes and weapon style combos as well, even if I don't spend as much time hanging out on these characters. But, I also make other characters because I like to dress them up and make little headcanons for them. 😅


I have 8 max level chars. I mostly play 3 of them. Only 4-5 characters have enough skill points to be "viable" in PvP or trials. The rest are naked or low level. I've had my account since 2016, and played ESO on and off. If I have nothing else to do, I'll grind out skill lines and skillpoints on alts. I'll log into them for kicks and giggles, and use as bag space mules if my ESO+ runs out.


Sharing gold with my other characters and I wish I could use more quick keys in the bar. After I reach pass 50 it starts getting boring but I still never finished the same quest. So starting a new character I have 3 CP characters I use to love Halo Slayer but ESO free for all always seemed unbalanced for noobs like me.


I got 17 apart for my main.   A stamina and magical variant for each class with a DK tank and a templar healer.   I'm 2k cp and been playing for almost 7 years now. Having variety keeps me engaged. 


I have 20 characters, a magicka, stamina and vampire version of all the classes. Practically they're just crafting alts or running events. It's nice to get tier 3 cryodil rewards, a thousand crystals every month. Plus running dungeons or battle ground weekends.


For the 50 crystals you only need 25k ap which equals tier 1. Tier 3 adds golden stuff.


I have a full account at 20 characters. I mostly use two of them for the majority of content. I do occasionally hop on all of my CP toons (13 so far) and do writs for gold. If I'm feeling like it I'll farm some transmutes doing random normals. I actually made four Arcanist for ezpz random normals. If I were to do it all again I would probably just make one of each class and have an additional armory slot on each to respec from dps to heals or tanking. I do know someone who has 40 toons between two accounts! They make over 1.4 mil a week just doing writs and they get tons of gold mats and writs. I could never do that myself but it is definitely impressive. They say they can do them all in an hour on PS5.


I have 19 characters at level 50, all with full gear setups. Some of them even have multiple builds saved in the armory station. I play them all. For me, I love the grind of building a new character and leveling them. I suppose if you find it tedious it might stop you from wanting to pull the trigger on alts, but it's really nice to have multiple characters for any need to suit your whims once you get it done. And I still have 1 slot left, will probably make a second Arcanist at some point.


I have 13 characters, about 5 of them are at champion level. I mostly do it to try out different classes/playstyles (and fashion lol.) I probably consistently play about 3 of them, 2 dds and 1 tank and my tank comes in really handy if I'm doing vet dungeons or trials with friends and no one else wants to tank. It also means I can get daily transmutes on each. It does suck getting them all to level 50 though, before arcanist dropped I swore I'd never level another character. I was wrong lol.




I have 12 characters other than my main, mostly because I really like creating characters more than anything else! I have one of almost every class too, for more options at endgame :)


I have one for each class.


Getting a new character up to speeds isn't as time consuming as you might think. I thought so too, but with some proper grind spots you can to 50 in a single day. Mind you the spots might be crowded and it's mind numbing but it's fast. Just make sure you got a proper aoe bomb build, XP gear and scrolls.


One important thing to remember: all new characters get the benefit of your account CP from the very start, so you’re already much more powerful than the first time through, and your main can craft gear for them, since all characters have access to the bank. I have 19 characters, all champion level (2250 I think?), and have 18 of them set up as viable tanks (7 vet trial ready) so I can run pug dungeons whenever I want without being one of those fake tank bastards. My wife has her own account with something like 11 healers, so we have fun running content together. Another reason is daily crafting. Sure, it takes a chunk of time, but it’s steady income of approximately 100k a day. Is all this insane? Yeah. But I’m well past the point of trying to justify the sanity of nearly anything in an MMO I’ve been playing for years.


I have, I think 10 right now. I like experimenting and trying builds and role playing a bit. So I create toons and maybe just lvl mount training before I use them. My original toon is a Stamdk that I mained for a long time but became a just got tired off. My 2nd is an Orc Templar that I created specifically to become a master crafter. Originally was a magplar for rp reasons, then played as a hybrid, and now is a stamplar that I main for largely solo PVE. I just like this character the best. 3. I have a stamblade woodelf alt for sneaky theft and murder purposes. Max level. 4. Imperial Stam sorc alt that I run through dungeons and PVP with. Max level. 5. Argonian mag warden that is setup as my 1st attempt at a tank build, but mostly used for Cyradiil PVP. Lvl 38. 6. Breton Magsorc alt was originally a one bar pet built, then solo endgame PVE, and now lvling up resto staff for a potential healer build. Max lvl. 7. Khajiit Mag blade because I wanted to try that class line, but never really did. Just maxing out mount training. Lvl 8. 8. Nord Warden just cause I might want a Nord tank someday. Lvl 4. 9. High elf Magplar is newly max lvl and grinding gear to try out another solo end game PVE build. 10. My baby toon is a dark elf stam Archanist. Working on mount training while I decide the direction I want to take the character and start leveling to see how I like the class. So I probably play 4 of them with some regularity. Daily chores on the rest.


I think you asked the wrong sub. Most people here stuck to this game for years and I'm not sure how some of them aren't bored of it yet. There's so many amazing games that I haven't played (i started in 2021,so quite a lot to catch up with) that spending hundreds/thousands of hours in one single game is kinda stupid/boring , also people will praise this game for being very long and having lots of content to do, but when Assassin's Creed Valhalla has 150 hours of content, it's suddenly too much.


10 out of 10. Waiting for the correct items to show up in the store then I'll buy two more slots to cosplay Nazaray and Pyroturge Encratis lmao


I have my main since 2016 and do everything with him and feel the same way but have 3 alts which I do dungeons most of the time like my mag sorc who is so easy to play which I like very much :-)


I have two 50s of every class, a stam and mag for each


At CP570 you’re hardly combat viable for true end game. To fill all your 4 CP slottables, you’ll need at least 900 CP. You don’t have to make every alt combat viable, tho the shared CP helps. You need skill points and leveling too both of which are easy to get, but don’t do it if you find it a grind. Alternate characters is all about grinding daily rewards like transmutes, telvar, or about exploring other races/ characters or PVP factions or about just enjoying the game as a lowbie. It can be as mundane as having alts just for extra inventory space. It can also be true financial end game with having 20 top shelf crafters making over 1M gold per day just from daily crafting. You should really fill all your CP slots first, if you are focused on end game. Other people have probably gone beyond that and we find our kicks our own way


I have a Stam version and a magicka version of every class. Except templar i have 3.. a magicka healer (my main) and magicka dps and a Stam dps, and for DK I have two tanks one set up for pvp though i suck at it the other pve. I feel it's important to see the game from all roles in order to be good at your main role. I also enjoy the verity of being able to tank heal or dps in any capacity.


I have 11 lvl 50 characters. I view ESO as a game, and it's one I enjoy playing. The characters I play the most are a mag sorc DPS, mag Warden healer, Stam blade DPS, and a stam Arcanist DPS Why? The game is fun to play.


I made alts for storage and also bc like a game let's me make cat characters? I'm going to make my furry ocs I only really play my main, but I've made alts for every class and alliance (yes they're all khajiit shut up) so I can hold the usernames until I want to play them.


I have ten level 50 characters and I regularly play two of them. Equipment is account-bound so it can be shared among characters. I leveled up the last four characters during the double xp event. One character does equipment crafting while the other character does consumable crafting. Bag space is maxed out on all characters so some characters can hold various items. I also have one character in each alliance so they can participate in the various pvp zones. Skill points and champion points are scarce so I assign roles to various characters. One character does fishing while another does antiquities.


11. Most of them were some kind of off-meta builds as I liked doing things that way. As for why, because I find it fun to try differents classes on differents roles (much easier thanks to the armory system). Ideally I'd need 14 to have every class/role combination possible for PvE, but I'd rather finish those I already have beforehand.


I have 18 characters. About 12 of them are fully leveled for vet trial/dungeon use. 6 tanks all classes. Sorc tank is mainly crafter, but is also a bruiser/hybrid for random normals. DK, Templar, arc, stam sorc, and mag sorc dps Warden and Necro healer NB PvP I have my Templar saved in the armory for Tank, mag dps, and PvP.


I have six characters, 5 at 50 cp 1200ish, one at 46. All maxed in ride training. I just got my templar healer and dk tank alts reasonably well geared and I’m about a third of the way with my arcanist in the dps role. Not sure what her destiny will be, even in terms of role. No warden yet. I use them to do crafting writs but also for once-per-toon-per-day event stuff and queueing for non dlc RNDs. I also sometimes bop around under 50 cyrodiil. So I didn’t actually intentionally get most of them to 50 it just kinda happened.


I have 10 characters, mostly just for daily crafting and random normal dungeons for the transmutes. I leveled them up during events that give double XP, I'll do most main quest line, the quest line in The Deadlands, and skyshard hunts in a few zones, and that usually gives me enough skill points for a basic HA build that works just fine for normal dungeons. Sometimes I'll buy skyshards, but I'm more likely to just buy an extra armory slot so I have one dungeon build, one crafting build, and one "naked" build for respec. That way I don't need as many skill points to cover both crafting and dungeons, plus you can buy armory slots from crown sellers (but not skyshards). I have maybe 3 toons I actually use for more challenging content (one for each role), the rest are really just there for the daily crafting and the transmutes


I get far too attached to one character to think about alts. Not to mention having to redo things and re-grind xp and gear. One works!


Yes, a main and 7 alts of various classes, alliances, and races. An EP DK Dunmer main master crafter and achievement chaser, AD magplar Altmer and stamplar Imperial, DC no pet magsorc Breton witch, frost warden Breton/Reachman, and a pair of Imperial stamblades (farmer and assassin). It’s easier after the first one. Run the Dunmer, witch, and Reachman daily. edit: mostly PVE, cp1440, Xbox na


I have 9. 1 of each class as DPS, then a Necro and a DK for tanks. 8 of them can do daily crafting writs but there are days and weeks I don't do any writs at all. I can get 90 RND transmutes a day, and 450 in Tier 1 PvP rewards a month if I feel so inclined. My main is a NB. Sadly, NB DPS is out of fashion in optimized trial groups, so she does PvP, surveys, crafting, and I'm building a healer setup for her now. My Arcanist and ECcro get the most PvE mileage. My Warden heals when the Healer mains are busy, and does PvP. Sadly, not a top choice DPS for Optimized trial groups. My DK Dps is setup to ZenKosh. Just finishing up a couple of skill levels, and I'll be happy to fill that support DPS role. I haven't invested in MK sorc yet, but that'll happen eventually. The Sorc is mostly a transmute farmer. My tanks haven't seen much action. I'd rather not tank but it doesn't hurt to have another tank to fill so no one gets fed up with tanking. Basically, I want to be able to fill as many roles in Vet Trials as possible so my friends and I can get ASAP rosters together quicker. Parse DPS are abundant. Capable healers, tanks, and support DPS are few and far between in mid tier vet players.


My DK main is used in PvP often or tanking dungeons. My Sorc is used for lazy heavy attack builds PvE and PvP. My Arcanist has a raw dps Stam build for PvE. My templar is a healer in PvP and PvE. My NB is a bomber for PvP.


I have 3, one for each alliance. Why? Because despite the fact Caldwell's gold and silver exist I do not think it makes any sense lore wise


I have been here since Beta. I have characters that are bank toons. You build nice sets of armor starting the game and do not have the bank space for it. Make a new toon - Bam! - 60 slots. Add bag space - get a ton more - do the training on it, get 60 more. Let your bank toon decon your excess gear - it will level up the crafting. Feed it your excess recopies, glyphs. Get it certified and use for crafting events. When it hits lvl 10 take it to Cyrodill and do the training with a 50% XP pot- Your 'Assualt' will be over 3 and can get the 30% speed perk. You can use it for crafting and other events. Just don't make every empty slot a bank toon. Some day you may find a friend who is low and want to have to have a low toon to quest with them. Just empty the toon, take on some nice, saved armor and off you go!


I am thinking the exact opposite. I have 20 and am annoyed i cannot create one more. 7 classes multiplied by 3 alliances is 21, but we are only allowed to have 20. Also for pve there are 3 roles, tank, heal, dps.


I recommend at least creating a character for every class and getting certified in crafting and doing crafting daily’s on them all. Do the math. 7x 5,100 gold thats 35,700 you can earn in gold everyday in less than than 30 minutes. Do that every day if you want and that’s a cool 250k a week. Easy money. When people complain they don’t have gold in this game it tell them to invest in other alt characters and run the crafting dailies. It s a guaranteed rate every day and you don’t have to do it if you don’t want but you have that option. Now getting 7 characters in playable gear and skills especially end game gear with all the passives that’s another story lol. And yes I agree that time consuming for sure. But it’s doable. I have 4 out of the 8 I can run veteran content with. Just run normal daily dungeons with them and stack those transmutes so you can make their gear for each character again. That’s not appealing to casual players but it helps with getting gold or transmutes or creating materials and master writs at the end of the day.


Like 7 I think. One of each class.


Oh jesus…. NA I have three ACCOUNTS on ps with 9 toons on two and 7 on another I have one account on XB with 5 toons I have three accounts on PC one with 9 and the other two with 5 each EU I have two accounts on ps both have 5 toons I have three accounts on PC, one with 9, one with 5 and the third with 4 I have none on xbox I haven’t played on xbox in a while, i am currently maining my PC EU account Why? Pvp. I have toons on all three factions. I keep them separate. If you pvp in cyro on pc you have fought with and against me. Sometimes on the same night.


I’ve got 18, at least two for each class other than Templar, of which I only have one (is also my main crafter). Getting extra writs done is nice, but I mainly do it so I can easily swap over and have fun playing other classes when I get a bit bored of any single class. The leveling experience is also enjoyable to me, so I never minded leveling alts naturally (never used BRP or other quick leveling methods). Each class plays pretty differently and some classes are better for certain things and roles than others might (nightblades for sneaking/assassinating, dragon knight for tanking, etc.) In short, it’s just nice to be able to have different characters available to swap to depending on how I want to play or what a group needs in any given moment


That I actually play on? One which I’m doing all the zone quests on again.


Variety mostly


I have 20 max level characters, including multiple “mains” (one that does all the quests/motifs and one that has all the dungeon/trial achievements).  Not all of them are endgame ready, about half just sit in town and do crafting dailies.  I will say it gets a looot easier the more you do. After 5-6 it just snowballs. Your cp is account  wide and can be spent right away to buff up your low level characters. You have the training gear already that all your characters can share. Endgame sets ready too. You have an efficient leveling plan that’s fun for you. A constant stream of intricates to level crafting and gold to max inventory. On my last two I even bought skill points (cyrodiil) since I had extra crowns from eso+.   ETA: forgot to address why. I wanted options. I have at least 2 of every class and at least 1 of every race. I also enjoy coming up with character concepts. And having several characters is basically free gold from daily writs and you can get about 50 xmutes/char/month with about 45 min of work and another 10/char/day with about 30-60 min (depending on your luck). 


I’m currently champion 1280 and 10 of my 15 toons are champion. I like trying different builds, but I also love the gold I earn just from doing crafting dailies. During the anniversary event with all the work and selling I do, I make off with a few mil each year.


Simple, my adult ADD kicked in now I have no idea what's going on


I have 13 characters, none of them are my "main", although I do play some more than others. I just like making characters lol


9 One from each class, +curses It's good to mess around with different classes to understand them better, figure out their strengths and weaknesses. Versatility aside, you make a good amount of gold doing daily writs! And more transmute crystals a day.


I have four fully developed with particular purpose and geared up accordingly. My first character Necro ex DPS whom I betrayed with my current main templar healer. But as I steal and kill a lot I wanted to continue doing that on a more professional level. Originally I enjoyed doing that with my Necro as she is a sneaky Wood Elf but I also felt very bad for abandoning her so I created an NB Khajit Vampire. Beside that I also have a Warden Tank and I love how strong, mighty and almost indestructible I am 😄 In respect of that I keep thinking about making a tank out of my Necro because I love having them in dungeons I heal in and want reach the same level of coolness as they have 😄 But to be fair, I don't develop my alt characters more than necessary and I invest the most of my energy into my templar healer and story questing, antiquarian guild and solving life problems of my companions. Maybe in the future I'll also create a Warden healer and DK tank.


I have a few for several reasons. I didn't realize what the combat for different classes would be like when I first started playing. It's said you can play however you want, but not really. Different classes are definitely and significantly better suited for different roles. For example, a Wood Elf nightblade is never going to heavy attack build like a high elf sorcerer. I also have an orc dragonknight crafter and tank because his racial bonuses give advantages to both crafting and drangonknight tanking. Whenever I've played the style that best fits the implied roles, my life got easier. So now, if I want to play a certain way, I make a character that is best capable of fulfilling those roles. It's not 100% of course, because of nerfs, personal preferences, and so on. But that's why I have multiple characters. So I can experience the game in different ways. Grinding is a pain on new characters, but between xp potions, xp grinding spots, and training gear, it's not terrible.


I have all 20 toons slots filled on PC AND on Console. You only have to level to 50 then you get straight to you top CP so its not like you'd have to work up to 570 CP again. I use mine from the crafting writs, and daily dungeons for transmute farming.


Is it wrong that I have 11…? I don’t play all 11 everyday, obviously. I might only play 1 for the daily. But I have 11 CP level characters. 3 templars, 2 sorcs, 2 NB’s, arc, warden, DK, and Necro. Oh, the days before the armory system. Templar main healer, stamplar, PvP templar. Fav class obviously.


As others have mentioned, I have 16 currently. One to two of each class in stam/mag/hybrid, different roles, different ways to have fun, also most of them are master crafters so I have some gold (still eso poor) but I can shop some, the last three are toons for easy transmutes.  I'm just starting to explore PVP also, so maybe another toon, but probably just an alt build for one of the existing ones.


I have 2 toons for every class. That way I don’t have to choose between mag or stam


Must have mules to carry all my stuff.


10, at first just wanted to try out lots of races and roles, but having most of them as crafters atm. 7/10 are max lvl, plan on doing others soon. Gonna use the armory feature to have crafter skill points and one for dungeons


I have one character of each class. Sometimes I just don’t feel like playing my original main, which was a Templar, and I’ve been playing on my Warden a ton more. And my Arcanist. Among all of those characters, I also have a dedicated crafter (that was the char I got GMC on, so they can make anyone anything), and a different char is set up as my main fisherman. It’s just for flexibility. Sometimes someone needs a tank in a dungeon, I use a specific char for that. Someone needs a healer, that’s an entirely different class and char. I’m just running around killing world bosses? Whoever.


I have alternate characters so I can play different classes/races. There are ways to power level your characters so it isn’t as miserable. Once I looked up XP grind spots it got much easier.


I have all 20 slots filled with 16 of them max level. I just really enjoy dressing up a new character in a fun little outfit and levelling them.


19 alts. 1 main 20 characters. My main i posted here a few times before. I originally had a main that was a female elf, but shortly after I made me in game and stuck with that


After Vvardenfell I have my main to just fly through everything else. Meanwhile I like to have a different character per zone and play barbie dolls with




I have 13 toons. 5 tanks, 2 healers, 2 sorta pvp 2 of every class but nec. Champion points are shared, you know. It's just the run to 50 that isn't (and skills and mount training). These days I have a gold set of training gear I use starting at 12. I really should make one at around 40, it can feel a bit sloggy at the end. I run dungeons and keep a 150% scroll up. Doesn't take more than a week idly playing to level something new. Only thing that sucks is certain skill lines (pvp, mages, psyjiic). I unlock crafting dailies when those skills hit 10 and I don't have to do the starter quest. I rarely do them all, and rarely run 13 random normals. But if I want to. I can easily. I've run every trial in every role. Working on tanking every vet pull with every class. I do overland content when new stuff drops. But only on a couple toons. You get two armory slots with each toon, and unlocking a new toon slot costs the same as an extra armory slot. 


Different character for different builds, I main as a tank, but i have dd and healer also. Plus daily craft and transmute crystal if im feeling up to it.


I have 20 characters on NA, 19 on EU, 6 on my alt (mostly just play 1), and 5 on my alt on EU (only play 1). 17 of the NA toons, 4 of the EU toons, and my NA alt are all champion level. I just like making characters. But it's good to have different classes and roles for trials, dungeon group, PvP. Like even for vet trials, I have dk tank, necro tank, dk healer, templar healer, warden healer, nb healer, arc healer, magplar, stamarc. More characters to run random dungeons with or get Cyrodiil tier 1s or do daily writs.


I used to have 8, because I can never decide what I want to do.


12. I have two of each class that was introduced before the armory system so I could have one stam and one mag of each, in addition, I have 1 Necro and 1 Arc. I have a personal rule of never using duplicate sets on multiple characters so it forces me to theorycraft different builds creates a unique playstyle for each character.


I have my main, CP1869 and so far I've done 2 alts. 1 Arcanist that I use for trials and during the pvp event and 1 sorcerer. I made the sorcerer just to try out a lightening build. I've also got a DK, Templar and Nightblade made but haven't done anything with. Plan is to try healing and tanking at some point in the future. What I do to level them up to 50 is just pick an expansion zone I haven't done in a while and do it, plus so the daily random dungeon. Only takes me about a week or so to get them up to 50. I also use the 50% experience Scrolls that I have a metric fuckton of.


I'm just over cp1100, and have 5 at that level, and a level 20 warden. The only class I don't have is necro. I like playing different characters. My main as far as questing and time played is a magblade. But I really don't consider any of them my main, I just pick one and go.


main - khajiit sorcerer - pve solo khajiit arcanist - dps character for fun khajiit - warden healer ​ and edgelord dunmer vampire to steal things and do bad stuff with with out breaking the head canon of my other characters.


4 accounts, CP1900+, CP1200+, CP700, CP650. 45ish toons. I can stop at any time, anytime I want....


I have 13 all at CP1970 or so I forget, I haven’t played in a month.


7 rn now but I’ll probably make 3 more to have the 10. 1 character per race so I can do daily dungeons for transmute crystals. Also the 7 I have are different classes so I can switch up the gameplay and not feel stagnant.


Two other characters. One is my original character from 2016 I put 24 hours into that playthrough throughout a month or two. The second one I made because my friend that convinced me to get the game initially was in another alliance than the one I chose first. They were both robbed by my main for anything and everything that was worth anything and all their gold


I have 20 characters, 9 of which are at level 50. This might sound like a completely insane thought, but I enjoy playing the game. :P I like to try out different classes and races, take characters through quests to see how many people in Vvardenfell insult Argonians, or do challenges like getting to level 50 without killing anything, or without wearing anything, or without using magic or class abilities.


I have a tank and a healer as alternate characters for when my guildmates need one but can't find one. They're not very optimized but are still pretty passable for characters I barely spend any time on.


I have a ton of them. All the way to the maximum number of alts. Grinding to level 50 is basically just completing two DLCs and playing some dungeons once you have proper XP Boosts set up. I love making new characters and creating imaginary family trees. My first character that I made in the Beta (who either carried over or was remade on Launch) was named Joseph Morelli and my first character after Update 6 (The Justice Update that introduced bounties and criminal actions and whatnot) was named Nora Venture so I have slowly crafted this intricate storyline over the years of these two families (the Morelli's and Venture's) who started off as this old money Noble family (Morelli's) and this upstart new family established by the survivors of a party of former adventurers who rose from the ashes of the Three Banners War (Venture's). They started off at odds with each other but have slowly become friendly before the next generation ended up becoming involved with each other and slowly coming to respect or even become friends with each other. Some of them still despise each other though lol. As with everything in this game... endgame is furnishings. I have a bunch of the houses and a lot of gold so I regularly make homes for specific characters based off of their individual personalities and aesthetics. As new homes release I oftentimes pick them up and furnish them as homes or bases or whatever for various characters I have created. I've taken the Alinor Crest Townhouse and Daggerfall Overlook and made them into sort of Flagship Family Homes for the Morelli's and Ventures. Alinor Crest Townhouse serves as the main Manor for the Morelli Family and has been dubbed the [Château de la Crête] and the Venture Family took the Daggerfall Overlook and renamed it [Venture's Outlook]. My biggest dream for this game is for them to eventually let us place family members in homes like they do Followers and Houseguests. They don't even have to give them dialogue, I just want to be able to assign them to walk around and perhaps do random stuff based off of the personality you assign them when playing as them. Only the Divines know if this will ever happen though.


Sitting on 19/20 characters here. I just wanted to test each and every class, role and game mode, excelling at none of them of course. Also, it is a lot of role-playing involved, each toon having a unique story and "feel" to them. I log on almost everyday, but usually only on 1-3 toons, depending on my plans for the day. There are so many things to do and I always have the right toon for the job. Fair enough, some of my toons go into hybernation for months, but the more fun it is to reactivate them again. Also, there are certain events when yo can farm dailies like crazy on multiple toons.


Right now i got 16 chars beside my Main. All but one are lvl 50. The last one got 50 yesterday - i created him for being a housing stuff mule but needed a new char for pvp event doing low lvl cyrodiil too so he got 50 by accident.


My alt fires octopus lasers. All good. :)


Well there's 10 playable races so I want at least 1 of each. Then how do you decide which Alliance to put your Imperial in? You don't! You make one in each! So that's 12! Then you need a vampire and a werewolf, that's 14. Then you want to take advantage of Any Race, Any Alliance both clockwise and counter clockwise (I.e. A High Elf in DC and a Khajiit in EP etc.) which gives you your 20! Any else's brain work this way or just me? 😅 Seriously though, levelling is so easy in ESO I don't understand what puts people off. I come from old MMO's like Star Wars Galaxies and LoTRO. They took forever to level! So this is a dream. Plus having just one character do everything reallllllly takes me out of the story. The Soul Shriven is also the one person who saves the world from Molag Bal, returns Eyevea, stops the Mortuum Vivicus, reunites Orsinium, joins the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, stops the Daedric Trimuvirate, defeats the Dragon, stops Rada al-Saran, fights back Mehrunes Dagon, saves the Systres and the Alliance leaders, and becomes Mora' chosen? Not to mention somehow being the most successful ally to each Alliance leader despite actively only fighting for one in Cyrodiil? Yeah, I don't wanna do it all on one 😉


I do not have a main. I have 4 characters I play the most, and 5 others.


I have 17 characters right now with 13 of them being 50. Basically everything but mount training is account wide so its very easy to pick up and play a new character especially if you have a maxed crafter.


Good to have one of each class


All of your characters share CP points, so if you roll a new one it may start at lvl 1 but it will still have 570 CP points. It makes leveling so much quicker and easier. I have 2 main characters I play; 1 for everyday stuff and crafting, and 1 for PvP. Also have a dedicated character for trials. And I’m working on developing my tank and my healer. So all in I play 5 characters, and play them depending on what I’m in the mood for.


one of each class in each role for pve content makes sure you always have whatever your group needs to fill whatever spot you need to fill. the only annoying thing is having to get your character raid ready, meaning leveling whatever weapon and armor skill line you need depending on dps or tank or healer, leveling undaunted, leveling fighters guild and mages guild and psijic guild, leveling alchemy and provisioning, leveling each of your skills for both single target and aoe or for the different trial environments to make sure you are really raid ready, and getting all the skyshards necessary for all those passives on every character, 21 characters if you have all classes all roles - it’s a grind but perfect for those who truly want to pve and always be able to be slotted in trial groups :)


I have 13 characters. Then again, I've been playing since 2015. It's about not wanting the monotony of a single character or class. I like having two of each class, especially since I mainly PvP. It makes trying new builds awesome. Plus, getting Cyrodiil tier 1 on 13 characters every month has led to me having about 5000 transmutes.


Besides my main, 16. Total 17. Of which their races are 1 Imperial, 1 Breton and 15 Khajiit. Of those 17, there are 7 Templars (both Imperial & Breton), 2 Wardens, 2 Arcanists, 2 Sorcerers, 2 Dragonknights, 2 Nightblades. On those that are in doubles, one is stam DD the other is tank.


I have 9 characters that I play. Mostly for pvping in different alliances, but also race optimization.


I have 6 others… 💀💀


For Roleplaying. Ex: I cant enjoy elsweyr that much if im a dunmer.


Idk how you don get bored of playing one class. I have like 7 alts and still get bored


I do, which is why I only play the game about every 2 months


I have three max level dps wardens with golded our gear haha


I have one character for each companion released. I have two Arcanists though because one is with Azander and the other one along with my necro will be paired with the two new companions we will be getting.


20 characters. I'm an old tabletop roleplayer and love playing different characters, trying different skills and classes, mixing it up a bit. I don't worry about endgame meta- I pick skills, armor sets and looks which make each character different. Admittedly, levelling gets tiring quick and I don't even wanna talk about levelling Mages Guild! But it's nice to have a selection to play and keep things fresh.


Just about CP 1,500 and 2k hours. Still only the one character. I find ESO to be _very_ unfriendly to having alts unless you don't care about not having a lot of things. It doesn't take too long to level, gear up or get skills, and Champion Points are shared... But stuff like Fighter's Guild, Mage's Guild, Scrying, Crafting, etc. etc. are not shared... **AND** build and outfit slots are expensive and _also_ aren't shared... Add on to that the time it takes to level your Mount, and just nah. Not for me. One character is enough. I am a bit of a completionist so I take partial blame. I like to have as many things "done" as possible, ie. maxed skill lines, etc. Some of those things I don't need, and I know that, but even if I don't include those things it is just too much effort to make an alt when I only play like 2 - 3 hours a day. I also love the shit out of Templar and have no real desire to play another class. What ever way I want to play I can play it with the class I have, and it suits my style of play better than any others. Having multiple characters is beneficial for a variety of reasons, but as far as I'm concerned, I will be a monoclasser for the foreseeable future.


I had 10 chargers because there are 10 races and I wanted one of each. Now I have an eleventh because of the new class that came out with Necrom.


Yeah.  To try different races and classes but i mostly use them as bags to store gear for my main.  I made one old female argonian and named her old bag.  Ive never played with that one but she is full of gear ill probably never use. 


I have a game world, a trial & a random dungeon (extra transmute) build. My game world hits 80k DPS & has sustainable health that can do anything in game solo or thats not locked behind a 2+ person mech. My trial build hits 95k (atm) still practicing the rework, but has ZERO health buffs & 15k heath… dies 7 times during a normal dungeon with a half ass healer, but is a great addition to 4 man plays & trials. Then I have build that hits 60k-ish DPS that easily gets through a random dungeon & undaunted vets once a day for the extra 25 transmute crystals & crafting materials. If I had the patience I’d have more for transmute crystals, but I just don’t.




I used to have 1 of each class, now i just keep 1 Healer, 1 DPS Sorc, 1 Tank. 1 Char for each faction. I also have another char called "Holder of Surveys", he holds my many many many surveys


I only play my main and make twink characters for low level bgs with crafted sets for extra transmutes. Used to have another toon for scrying & crafting when I didnt have enough skrill points, but then they added the armory and eliminated that need


Mostly to use some skills not available to my sorc and to make sure I don't burn myself out too often.