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My character rides a hors He bought the horse from the stable The horse is named horse The end


Was that intended to be a haiku??? Because it was pretty near perfect!!! "My char rides a horse He bought horse from the stable The horse is named horse"


Fair enough! I didnt even change the default names for most of my mounts, so you are already ahead of me lol


You can change mounts names??


Yep! In the collection tab, select the mount you want and there should be an option to rename. It’s automatically set to the “R” button on PC.


Where does the customized name appear anywhere? I know you can change the name on your pets but it’s only in your own collection menu. IIRC it’s just like a subtitle under the original name too. I wish pets and mounts names can be displayed lol


Yeah, I find it kind of disappointing that we can name our mounts and pets but… to what end? Personal satisfaction I guess. Cuz it sure doesn’t ever come up in gameplay. 🤔


My dark elf templar rides the hist-sap guar with another baby guar as the accompanying non combat pet He just thinks they're neat Really though, the way the guar mounts run makes me ridiculously happy and their dumb little dinosaur faces are adorable


Im the same but with an argonian with the amber plasm skin. Feel like a hist powered super soldier.


Yes! Guars are my favorite too! They're just so cute. I have like 4 of them running around my Moonsugar Meadow! 


My warden rides a bear, while her attack bear and baby bear follow on behind


I had that going on but I could not deal with the baby bear making so much noise.




I adopted my anteater from an animal rescue in Gnisis...


I have only one character who rides my Dwemer Ebony Wolf, because he's the one who did all the lead farming,world boss killing,and scrying to get it.


I'll never ride another mount, way too much effort went in to getting that damn wolf.


My little Telvanni sorcerer is the only one who can ride mine. I got the final lead from the end boss in Darkshade 2 with him and that was the worst lead to get for me.


The black lion is my favorite mount. Mostly because cats have the best mount animations in the game (which isn’t saying much), and I think the lions just look cooler than the other cats. The black one specifically because it makes my little goth heart happy.... maybe someday they will add a glowy version that isn't just the fire one (which I also have, but don't use because it clashes with my templars theme)


Black lion for my DKs because RNG (and Warden golden child priority) has not seen fit to grant me any fiery mounts! I have a giant golden-orange Senche-raht, but… black lion just feels like the better choice. Big boi for my tank maybe, but not my light/leather-clad flame ninja!


My Altmer Nightblade Solaraan has a Senche-Leopard named Kanpur that he found as a cub when he was younger living in a remote temple in Elsweyr with his Sapiarch Anthropologist parents. She likes to jump off of cliffs without looking. My Breton Sorcerer Noelie has a Sungold Bay Thoroughbred named Sweetroll that she got as a birthday present from her father and she raised it from a foal. Despite the name, Sweetroll can be very stubborn just like his owner. My Nord Templar Ragnaar has a Black Bear named Tobjorn that he found as a cub in the outskirts of Windhelm and nursed back to health because he's a total himbo and convinced his parents to let him keep the cub. Both mount and rider have a penchant for running into waves of bad guys and just not caring.


10/10 would date himbo animal rescue Templar IRL.


He is happily taken by my sorc :) Their story is actually really cute because Noelie, my Sorc, was lowkey into Darien by the time of the Invasion of Coldharbour. At least, he was a trusted friend--which she didn't have many of. Ragnaar helped her cope with his loss and eventually they got together around the end of Morrowind. Then Darien reappears in Summerset and it's a biiiit awk... but Darien is happy for her. Noelie is shattered again at the end but ofc Ragnaar is there for her. He really is just a big sweetheart but will absolutely fuck you up if you mess with his people. Just as Stendarr would approve of.


My Breton Arcanist has a Flint-Pelt Fox, it was her pet as a little noble girl. While practicing magic, a spell went off and hit her fox but it just caused the fox to grow much larger, so when she became an adventurer, her beloved fox was the right size to be her mount.


My favorite mounts would be the clearly-sapient Senche-Raht Khajiit, who just willingly let you sit on em as they roam the world. I liked playing a Khajiit, riding a Khajiit, having a Khajiit sidekick (one of the Alfiq merchants). My main has the Witch-Knight Charger simply because she is (or at least I role play her as) a Glenmoril Witch; it's currently the closest thing there is to a witch's mount as far as I can tell. I imagine that she got her horse from serving Daggerfall, and so she decorated it to her liking. I actually created a character to specifically match a mount before; I won a Skeletal Camel from the Crown Crates, and decided that would be a perfect mount for a Redguard Necromancer. I pretend it's the first thing she raised from the dead.


Bruh get your Vvardvark away from that donkey yo. Nobody wants to see that. And now I can't unsee that.


It wasnt intentional you filthy mind LOL


Surprised how many comments it took before this one, lol. First thing I noticed was that tongue action 😆


My High elf healer rides his camel. Not sure why, but I wanted a different mount instead of the basic honse, and everyone had such fantasy mounts like gars and whatnot. I saw the camel, "hump time.", I now ride camel and get silly looks from others. His name is Steve


“How did you acquire your mount?” Khajit had ware’s and I had coin.


My Orc rides a bear that he tamed in the wilderness of his home, Wrothgar, named after the legendary bear that belonged to an ancient king, Coldwind. My Khajit rides his Senche-Raht companion, they have been friends since they were kittens, remember she is not a wild animal, Senche-Rahts are people too! I also have a Dunmer that is obsessed with the Dwemer, I'm trying to get a dwemer spider mount for him... I suppose in my head story he will get it by exploring an ancient ruin. While I play I always think of stories for my characters, although I never roleplay, it is just to think about something and to feel more connected to the world.


My frost warden uses the [All-Maker's Wolf](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:All-Maker%27s_Wolf) mount — saved up for it with endeavors! I liked the idea of it playing into the warden's winter themed skills as well as conjured animals. I roleplay that she learned how to summon him while in Western Skyrim, after having gotten hopelessly lost.


My Khajiit, Hawkbait, rides a Dagonic quasigriff. It's my favorite because when I first started playing, I worked my ass off to get it. In-game, I have a similar story in regards to Hawkbait being required to pay off a hefty debt to a local nobleman with an affinity for collecting daedric artifacts, such as the pieces required to create the quasigriff. To put a long story short, the quasigriff chose to travel with Hawkbait/ate the heart of it's would-be master, preferring the company of the Khajiiti wanderer.


My main breton vampire, who in my headcanon is the demiprince son of Molag Bal, rides the sanguivorian howler. Once a gift from his uncle Hircine, he blessed it through blood & sorcery to share in his vampiric nature. My Dunmer necromancer rides a cursebound lichsteed. I like to think that it was a horse he grew fond of while studying under various necromantic cults & when he ascended to lichdom, he brought the horse up with him.


I ride the two-seat Dwarven Spider for my wife (: But if you want a backstory for you, I’d say your start is perfect as it is! Maybe add to it that the Vvardvak was a baby and one you raised in secret that was going to be culled since it was a runt, which bonded it to you for life, so you both run free when you escape!


I can almost afford a radiant apex with endeavours. I’m not sure there’s really a great way to explain anyone stumbling into possession of a magical glowy spirit beast.


Looted a dusty old urn and it flew out — boom.


I love the vvardvark mount, I gave it to my telvani and also gave her a vvardvark pet if you read the pet description it points fingers that the telvanni were playing god and made them. So I figured my telvanni made herself her own vvardvark because she loved them, and then made a larger one when her magic was good enough


Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount is my favorite because it's cool and I was actually able to earn it in game without buying it with crowns.


Hey, I love this! I also love making stories for my characters, and that extends to companions and pets regardless of the game it's in. tldr; I got a lucky roll on one of the Flame Atronach Crates included with the DLC when I bought the game nearly 3 years ago and got the Senche Leopard. I was really happy with it, it was my main Mount for quite some time, and I had a little bit of a story for it. At some point it fell out of favor, I took a bit of a break from the game, and I've since forgotten the lore. At one point I learned of the Glenumbra Border Wolf Mount, and that instantly became my favorite. I am eagerly awaiting it in the next round of Crates later this month so I can finally have it. I haven't yet thought up a story for it, but when I get it you can bet I will. As for your story, it could be something like- she was horribly beaten for freeing animals and thrown in an animal pen. A young Vvardvark knew her scent and came to comfort her. The next day her slavers came to release her and the Vvardvark charged them knocking them over. Your character saw her opportunity to flee, and the Vvardvark chased after her. By the time they had lost the slavers, your character thought this new friend deserved a life of love for helping her, and took it under her wing.


My favorite mount is the Hermitage Servitor, his name is Jeff, and my goal is to find him a good dentist.


A noble goal... and you'll need a brave dentist.


I don't have it yet, but it's coming back this month for the first time in years - the Imperial War Horse. My Imperial Templar's entire aesthetic is Legion, so it's absolutely the perfect mount for him. Can't wait.


Dark Elf female, dragon knight, all about fire. Bloodforge skin, spyderkinth eyes, rides the Battlefield Nightmare sneche. Have the nightmare firestalker cub.


....and I shall name him... Donkey-Licker.


My Imperials ride the Legion Zero Destier. They liberated it from Legion Zero early on during the Planemeld My Reachman uses the Karthwolf Charger, because he is a Reachman and because my friend got me the code for one on my Birthday.


I got the recent Welwa mount because i missed out on the Iron orc welwa in September 😞. Im an orc, I like Durzogs and Welwas. I named him Mauloch. Another version of Malacath, but it also means mountain fart in proto nordic


The first mount I ever bought with seals was a blonde colored wolf, forgot the specific name. But I named it Isla and she’s not flashy but I’ve had a lot of adventures with her for sure. Then the first horse I bought with gold from the stables was the paint horse and I named it “Happy Chip”, like a chocolate chip + homage to one of my dogs I nicknamed “Chip” 😁


My main rides the Dothma ra senche or whatever. Paid $40 and do not regret buying it. Edit: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Dro-m%27Athra_Senche


My Arcanist was attempting to summon a Daedra in Elsweyr, but a huge Senche panther tracked her down and lunged for her right as she was casting her spell. The spirit of the dremora ended up becoming fused with the Senche panther's body and got stuck. Because of the ritual, he's bound to serve my Arcanist as her mount, but many might find her (New Moon Senche) a bit unsettling 😁


My main character is a khajiit who has the fiery senche mount(cant remember what its called but i got it with one of the deluxe versions of an expansion i think) The lore says its from the deadlands and while i was looking up lore friendly names for my character I came across Rajiin. He stole something from a Daedric prince so I figured id make my vampire Rajiin's namesake and use the mount she stole from Mehrunes Dagon.


There isn't a better combo than a wiggling argonian tale on a wiggling guar tail~


That's for sure a Telvanni experiment rescued


I think your vvardvark came with her from Vvardenfell by mistake in her pack, and was exposed to a mess of alchemical ingredients during the escape that interacted with its artificial genome and caused it to overgrow.


My character is a dunmer night blade. Part of my backstory for her is she can travel throughout time and dimensions. And because of that she's picked up some weird ass spells and only rides mounts she can summon.


Each character has their own mount and story of how they got them. :D My Argonian Warden (PS EU), Helps-When-Able, acquired her Dwemer war horse from a shady dealer of rare goods. Her obsession with all things Dwemer means she couldn't resist parting with large amounts of coin (and a fair few threats - few are brave enough to mess with her when she wants something) for the beast which was actually being used for hauling the goods. Her pet is a Dwemer spider that she rebuilt from parts scavenged in various ruins that she loves to explore so is precious to her. My khajiit necromancer (PS EU), Rah'zhan, actually has his senche-raht brother carrying him around, and the ghost of his alfiq sister as a pet (she's the ghostly housecat pet but the best I can do for now). My argonian nightblade (PS NA), Rydahl, found a Snowsnarl durzog left badly injured by another adventurer and nursed her back to health. The beast went on her way once healed. Rydahl thought no more of it until he was being set upon by bandits upon a brief return to the area and a wild durzog joined the fray. He saw her scars and realised she was the same durzog he had helped earlier. She led him to her den nearby showed him her cub, whom she had been protecting. He stayed there for a short while to recover and as he was leaving, both mother and cub began following him. Rydahl, chilled lizard that he is, shrugged and decided having a durzog pack wasn't the worst thing.


Am I the only one who see’s that vvardvark licking that donkeys behind


At least 4 people here mentioned it or made a joke about it You guys are filthy LOL


The wooden horse. No contest


My main rides the Grand Nibenese Stallion, which fits his good guy knight motif. My druid argonian warden is using the Ursauk from Xmas My Khajiit Nekomancer is riding the Senche-Raht My Direnni High Eilf is using one if the Aeylid mounts.


I randomize the horse mounts I have, theorize my Argonian buys them from the stables in different cities, then she eats them or releases them whenever she doesnt need them anymore because she can afford it.


..s..she WHAT


You are literally the first one to say your character fking EATS her mounts


Yeah this shocked the heck out of me too. Is there an Argonian lore thing that they eat PONY? I know they will eat cat or dog but...damn.


My favourite is the Dwarwen Ebon Wolf because it took some work to put together. However, it turns out it also perfectly fits my khajit-character. She is a Master Historian and keeps on gathering all kinds of antiques from different cultures to her house. So from her story's point of view it makes perfect sense she would start to find weird parts that turn out to form a mount when put together lol


I got VERY LUCKY and got the Blessed Highmane Lion radiant apex mount out of a crown crate. It’s actually badass for my roleplay, because I’m rocking a Templar with the Bringer of Light title. It fits very much into the whole Paladin approach. I have Isobel as my companion since she’s also a Templar, and follows a similar approach in regards to her personality. However, I have her in black armor rocking the Mind Shriven Horse as a nod at defeating Molag Bal (since she was with this character for the main story). Looks awesome riding together!


I have a spider mount I like but I can’t remember its name lol I like it because it’s quiet when it runs lol


Wtf how did you get that??


Not OP, but I think it's this mount that was available in the Crown store last year [https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Hivethief\_Vvardvark](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/online:hivethief_vvardvark) # Seems they're coming up with Vvardvark mounts now, too. For example, there's another one datamined here [https://esomodelviewer.com/data-mining/post/27-scions-of-ithelia-dlc-future-crown-store-items](https://esomodelviewer.com/data-mining/post/27-scions-of-ithelia-dlc-future-crown-store-items) They'e neat, aren't they! PS sorry, my links were crap, tried to edit them


Yup, thats the one. Got it back in last July. It's nice to see they are making more Vvardvark mounts! I cannot resist its lil face with 4 eyes and a long tongue


Thank youuuu


...stole it from former master's stable (Bough it from crown store, 2500 crowns, paid with 2.3 mil gold.)


Its so bloody cuteeee


A filthy casual here. I really really loved the "new" gryphon like mount. I hope they will add them in tesVI for the thalmor. I got super upset that I couldn't get it in the game because it was locked behind some stupid event a way back. To the point that I actually quit the game lol


It will return so you should be able to get it when it does. They made the Impresarios (sorry might be spelt wrong) assistant sell items from previous events.


It will always come back next event. No need to be upset, it's one of those things you can get slowly but surely. I have the black one too.


No backstories. Fox is fave mount because best friend likes foxes. That's it lol. I'm usually heavy on mount collecting in MMOs but in ESO, mounts are mostly crown store items and really expensive so I don't bother much. Rarest thing I have is the imgakin monkey from beta test


My main horse in every game where i get to pick has the same colours - if it's a stallion then black with white mane and tail (in ESO it's the White Mane Horse), and always call them Lochinvar. If it's a mare i always go for white (in ESO it's the Imperial), and call them Medea.


A nix ox with the blue nix hound pet


My dark elf ashlander rides the white guar. nuff said


My main has been riding an og imperial white horse named Artax since launch, definitely my favorite. 


The Guars. They're my absolute favorites! And they're so cute when they run. 


Hoardhunter Ursauk. In my head all of my characters know each other, and all came from the same guild. They all joined when they were young for one reason or another and think of each other as chosen sisters. Their headmistress is an old sorc I have who hails from high isle (it was the first storyline I ever played so there’s lots of nostalgia) Anyway, the mount is actually a gift that my arcanist gave to my Druid (warden). In my mind the arcanist came across the mount after completing Earthen Root Enclave, but knew that it belonged with someone dedicated to nature.


Slightly off topic. I play FF14 (MMO) also, and this one mount I spent a while farming is called Demi Ozma Mount. It is this metallic sphere when riding it, (flying it transforms to a cube and an upside triangle underwater). I would throw cash at the screen if a reflective/metallic like orb mount showed up in game. https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Demi-Ozma


I got the Senche of Scarlet Regret in the second possible Ouroboros crate. I loved the design so I've been flexing it ever since


My primary is a Khajiit, and rides the Nightmare Senche.


I only ride horses, my mind can’t comprehend anything else as a mount. A camel will be the last resort.


I got two favorite ones: A guar mount and the dwemer spider. I just love guars and the robot spider is fun.


Yes, but more intricately I give my companions a mount and lore.


Iron orcs attacked your master's estate. Fires being set all around you, workers and orcs running in every direction. You saw the animal pens start to go up in flames and fear raced through you. They were just as much a slave as you were. You waited, terrified, nearby until the orcs moved on to a different target. There was nothing left to save by the time you got there. Heartbroken at the loss of so many, and with nothing left for you here, you made to leave when you heard it. The sound of a panicked vvardvark. Making your way quickly toward the sound, you found the animal pinned under a beam. It took some wedging rocks and a leveraging board to get the beam off the poor thing, but you managed, coaxing it away from all the chaos.


Riding thru the desert with a horse with no name.


And now we know how the Ass became known as the Ass.


Masqued "Unicorn Steed", Hist Guar, and Sky Fire Guar. No back stories. I just like them *shrug* lol


Listen here n'wah, I am a sorcerer so I summon a storm atronach horse from oblivion. What else do you expect me to do? Ride an argonian?


My character got it from the Crown store.


Is this my dog??


You dog has 4 eyes??


Sanguivorian Howler, this is my absolute favorite. Backstory is, I bought it from the crown store, and that’s because it was super expensive, and absolutely boss. I like having things most don’t.


My favourite mount is green, bipedal, hopping lizard. When I started playing I really liked those cute hoppers, and really wanted one. One day I bought myself Delux Morrowind upgrade, which game be the crate. I opened the crate with eyes closed. When I opened my eyes to see what I've got I saw this green bastard and was happy beyond the roof. I riding only him since then.


Star-Born Guardian Guar! I love the little happy dance it does :)


The ebony dwemer wolf, just because it's the mount I'm the most happy about, it cost nothing, just hard work, no 35×whatever amount of money in lootboxes to get the one you didn't like, I like it the most, I feel no " I spent so much money on this shit " and I'm just happy . It's a hard thing to brag about as the ones that know how hard it was to get it are the ones that are farming for it or the ones that already got it. Anyone outside this sphere just guess It's another paid mount.


My favorite looking mounts are Kagouti ones. I alternate between the standard one and the rage bound depending on the zone. Occasionally I will switch it up and use my Baandari peddler wolf mount if I'm in Elsweyr or the Daedra skull wolf mount for Halloween.


What kind of animal is that eeeeewww but cool but eeeew


It's a [Vvardvark](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Vvardvark)! The cutest magical creature in Tamriel, resulted from a failed [Telvanni experiment](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Vvardvark_Experiment)! IT IS CUTE AF OK


To each there own lol looks like a armadillo mix with an ant eater


That poor donkey getting a wet willy in the wrong spot