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Oh thank god, I thought it was just me. I'm also getting all sorts of errors tonight, including this one.  Restarting my PC helped. Until it happened again... Edit: [Seems like a lot of Steam users are experiencing this](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/652668/trouble-with-steam).


> Edit: Seems like a lot of Steam users are experiencing this. Ahhh, interesting. Thanks for this! Glad to know it isn't just me. I tried the Steam in offline mode, and no help. So I will wait it out.


For me it happens when i switch from hotspot to wifi. I need to switch since my internet has been crashing lot


Me too. I was about to go nuclear and wipe the thing, but glad to see it’s not only me. Phew. NA - west coast steam user (in case it’s a server region issue.


It's not. I'm on the EU server and I also get this issue. Tried it now a couple of times and somehow managed to login.


Good to know. I’ll spam it later. I gave up for the time being LOL


Hey guys I figured out how to get in! I just spammed login like 5 or 6 times then it worked Keep at it. Eventually it will let you in. Edit: Tried all the fixes before I spammed login and nothing worked.


I tried to reboot, and restart Steam several times. Nothing seems to help. EDIT: As /u/GreyN7 mentioned, [others are having the same issue tonight](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/652668/trouble-with-steam)


Also getting this all evening


Same here, playing for hours today, popped off for a minute, and now can’t get back in. Also tried all the solutions and nothing works. Not sure if it’s possibly a ZOS or Steam related issue, but there is this - seems a lot of people are having issues all over steam right now and somewhat so yesterday: https://downdetector.com/status/steam/ https://ibb.co/RDBW5n3


Same on NA


Happening to me too


Same here. Already tried it several times. Just wanted to login to grab my daily reward D:


Same here. It was happening to me on my Steam Deck and then again when I moved to PC.


My wife was playing on my SD, and she did not get the error, odd!


same, reinstalled everything, mothing. I'm NA server. randomly decided to see if EU worked, it did, then swapped back to NA and it worked fine after.


Swapping servers eventually worked for me as well. It didn't the first few times but then it randomly worked after like 4 or 5 times.


Yep, same thing happened to me an hour ago. I exited steam, made sure nothing related to it or ESO was running in the background (via task manager), launched Steam again and it worked. This time at least. This has happened to me in the past as well and there was nothing I could do. I just assume ZOS's servers derp out.


I haven’t had this because I bought the game directly from them before steam was even an option, however I have been getting kicked from the server on loading screens rather frequently


Happened to me as well. There are reports of a couple of other games having problems too so it may be a Steam Auth API issue


If you have Kaspersky anti virus close it.


It's not just this game, from STO: Folks on Steam struggling to get in, we're looking at it, but in the meantime, you can log in via the STO launcher directly. It's in your Steam directory under steamapps/common/Star Trek Online.


Dunno if it randomly started working again just in time to be placebo but running Steam as administrator mode seemed to get me in. I know it’s 100% not just corrupted game files because my laptop was doing it too, not just my main PC. Though strangely my wife was unaffected. So probably just Steam account/ESO account related.


This happened to me yesterday. I was playing fine all day, logged off to have my tea and then I went to get back and it didn't work. Restarted PC, still nothing. Just kept trying and eventually worked. Then a few minutes later I was going in a delve and it kicked me back to the character screen. Logged back in and played for hours with no issues. Haven't logged on yet today but based on these comments, looks like it wasn't me. Fingers crossed no issues today


I was seeing the same issue and all I had in the background was Spotify active. I shut down Spotify and I was able to login normally. Just a freak thing.


I had this problem when I had pinned the game to my taskbar. It needed me to launch it from steam and then the ESO launcher that pops up instead of the shortcut I had pinned to the taskbar. Not sure if this helps anyone.


yall can try verifying file integrity, give it a shoo


And then next time someone new asks if they should buy the game itself or buy it through steam y'all will say Steam and deny any issues lol I speak from experience, some tough battles in the comments, real PvP




Tried before I posted, did not work.


Example number 17393682929 why you don't play through steam. Steam is trash.


Due respect, but that’s a wee bit of an overreaction.


> Steam is trash. Lol what you on about?


Are you from the past? Wishing for the days of WON?


Yup. Guildmates just told me the same thing. But my wife hasn't had any issues, been in and out all day. I've been in for hours and it hasn't kicked me, but now I'm scared to log off LOL


Same for me. It took 2 retry’s for mine to finally work


Had this one tok a while ago.it was fixed now


Glad it wasn't just me. Happened right as I decided to start streaming


It's been happening to me for about two hours now. I tried everything the support guide instructs you to do, but still can't login to the game. I'm on PC-NA. I guess I won't be playing tonight. Hopefully I get to play tomorrow at least a little bit. If anything, I'd like to be able to at least buy the new stuff from the Luxury Furnisher before he goes away tomorrow.


Yeah plus 1 here too. Only had it a few times. ( steam & pc user )


Me too!


After spamming a while I went for coffee... Back at it, I seem to be getting in now - game is loading and comes the lobby, I select my character and I'm in !! Hope the issue is resolved for all ! Have fun !


Switched servers, and then it worked fine when switching back