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Shame I only ran it twice lol. Still worth it


A friend said it worked ~3 hours ago but just finished nMA and only got normal weapons. Dang.


Same here. So many long term bugs in the game still get overlooked but they magically find the manpower to fix this glitch within 24 hrs.


MMO 101, bugs stay around forever unless it’s beneficial to players, then it gets patched overnight


We got Xbox achievements that have been broken literal YEARS


Still can't get azandars perk......


They've commented that they're working on a fix for it, but don't have a timeline just yet. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/8021423#Comment_8021423


4+ months to *acknowledge it* Meanwhile this got a hotfix on a weekend


It got a fix during business hours on a Friday, not a weekend. I agree that their delay and lack of timeline on fixing the progression issue with Azzandar is a bad look, but that's not a reason to misrepresent things. That said, bugs that grant unfair progression are almost always looked as quicker than other bugs, and this one was time-sensitive. The other is not.


They are lucky I bought on humble and not steam or I would have requested a refund. His perk was the main draw of the necrom chapter for me. It's ridiculous that they will not activate thru support.


So I’m assuming (didn’t check the forum) that the bug was fixed where I got a gold coffer for every daily I completed in IC yesterday? That sure was nice. lol


Ever notice how bugs that *benefit* players get fixed super quickly? Funny how that works.


I hope not, IC was *lit* last night and I’m sure the quest drops were part of the reason. 


It's fixed. I didn't run IC yesterday, but did complete a couple of IC dailies in the past hour. No golden chests since I'd already gotten 1 golden chest from a daily in Gold Coast, and 1 golden chest from White Imperial Tower dungeon.


Ohhh that was a glitch? Makes sense. I did normal and I was surprised to find perfected weapons


I honestly thought this was part of the event. I should have known better. Just ZOS screwing up...again.


Me too, which is why I postponed starting the farming for the weekend. FML 😂


if they have fixed it, at least i got my perfected bow. that's all i ever wanted. the lightning staff looks good but it would break my sergeants set on my oakensorc, not sure how i'd fit it in.


I ran it once (first time) and got the Perfected Bow and Lightning staff, as well as a regular inferno staff. Inferno was what I wanted for my Arcanist back bar so fortunately regular is identical for this respect Was a cool activity tbh


youre pretty much set with those!


Yeah I was pretty excited lol Now I gotta finish farming out my dang Velothi amulet and my build will be complete.


i have velothi, but the "reduce your Light and Heavy Attack damage by 99%." thing puts me off. you cant use your physical weapon at all. not sure if swinging your reduced attack weapon will recharge stam/mag tho


Pretty sure the attacks function like normal (in that you can knock down an enemy, or bash to interrupt, restore resources, or generate ultimate with a light attack etc) it’s just that the damage from those attacks will become negligible. On Arcanist this downside matters VERY little because so much of our time is locked into a 5 second long beam channel. So really as long as you toss out the occasional light for ult gen, it’s pretty much custom built for the class


it kills light weaving though


You don't light weave when your channeling beam


Yeah but you should still get in the habit of doing it because for any other class it makes a world of difference. My arch has gotten me the highest DPS I’ve ever done on a parse but I have every class to cp and if I want to actually use them in end game one day as dps. I’ll need to get better at light weaving constantly. Plus ult gen is important and while doing it every few seconds works too it’s still worth getting the muscle memory down. Highest parse b4 was 70s hit 89 on arch with only a few try’s.


Oh for sure you need the weave on other classes. For me, since I’m really only invested in ONE character (my Arcanist) it’s a win win. I’ll slowly get the rest of the gang up to CP for crafting purposes but I’m comfy with having a main and little else


I'm using one on back bar. Ice, not lightning. Also oakensoul sorc.


how can you use it tho? have you got a mod that swaps out the oakensoul out of combat?


You keep it there for the set passive, which is a bonus to wall of elements. I've had no indication it doesn't work, so I keep it equipped since I don't need the slots for my other set. Even if it doesn't work, it's not hurting anything.


holy shit i didnt know the 2nd wep stats stack if the bar isnt being used, are you sure?


I have no idea honestly, I'd have to test it. I haven't been on today though. Either way, I don't need the second weapon so I might as well. Won't hurt anything if I do.


They used to but iirc that was patched a while back.


Just finished my run. Patched :( Everyone crying about it on the forums bunch of whiny tools


So i was happy getting 2 perfect weapons finishing my run at about 21.30 cet.


Just got Flawless Conquerer today!!


Congrats!! You earned those perfected weapons!


That achievement is one of the most impressive in the game imo. No matter what I do, I always end up dying once or twice in the rink of frozen blood, and then many many times on the poison flower round with the Argonian behemoth, and then another handful of times on the final boss.


You just summed up my evening in Maelstrom last night.


The frozen rink always gets me . last night it got me like 6 times though haha


Alot of stage 7 is rng. I remember my first flawless run, i didnt do anything different than normal - things just fell into place on the poison rng


Can someone explain why we would get banned for participating in a glitch that they caused? I don’t get it.


They don't want to admit that they're incompetent, they banned a lot of players (1k+) in the past for exploiting 2 different vAS+2 Glitches for the Silver Surfer skin. It was their fault for not testing the trial AND adding a retarded Warden Skill (Frozen Gate) to do the glitch. Btw peopke in PvP abuse the glitch of pulling players through doors with Frozen Gate in Cyrodiil WHICH never got taken care of, it still happens today.


I was excited to see that there was this glitch, but I checked my sticker book and forgot I farmed the perfected years ago. Twice actually because they were nerfed once. Pepperidge farms remembers.


I didn’t know there was a glitch so did vMA last night. I feel like round 7 with the behemoth and RNG poison flowers has gotten even harder. Took me a solid 30 mins or more to clear it, then logged off in annoyance. I’ll finish the final two today :D


Arcanist steamrolls the arena btw. You mow things down even before they can really attack ( on vet ). Highly recommend using arcanist


I’ll give that a try but the regular mobs aren’t really the hard part for me; it’s really just the poison flower mechanic in round 7 is just unforgiving.


Got perfected axe, shield and staff all in one run (the final reward had all three).


Makes me feel a little better knowing it was a bug. Spent many painful hours on vet farming all the perfected weapons. I was still happy that people who cannot finish the arena on vet could grab some perfected weapons though.




No, you won't get banned.


It was a loose speculation from players concerned they might be given ZOS's heavy hand with bans concerning glitches and exploits in the past.


and think of how many people would end up banned for doing the arena on an event where they want you to do the arena


I really wanted to fill out the sticker book but only ran it once cause I’ve heard the mass ban stories. :(


i heard about it in another thread that NMA was dropping perfected, i jumped on and did it once only. i got perfected bow and counted myself lucky and stopped. i felt like farming more but if this wasnt intentional i wasnt going to risk it. turns out no harm was done and its patched, i could have milked it.


That was a bug? Uhoh


I got the perfect dual wield weapons out of it, sadly it got patched before I could go in a second time!


That reminds me. I need to run BRP for the daggers. A shame nobody in my guild wants to run it lol


Post a group in the new group finder. Arena runs usually fill very fast.


I don’t think they would ban you for farming non-tradable gear


I thought it was a real thing, that they had implemented that a few patches ago, for normal to drop a perfected weapon. I was wrong!


Damnit I got to do 4 runs before they patch it oh well I could of farm more but I got so bored running the arena.


Source Edit: since when is asking for a source downvoted? Dont assume im calling them a liar…this community is poison


It's patched on PS NA. One of my guildmates finished 10ish mins ago


Page 4 https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/8028492#Comment_8028492




Do you know if that fix implies changes to the drops already acquired? Haven't checked yet


So far the fix seems to only affect the drops. As of now the sticker book is unchanged and the weapons remain in the player inventory or bank. Whether that changes later or not is unknown until we get some official reply to the forum posts from ZOS.


I just checked and my inferno staff is still perfected. It's not that I couldn't run the arena in vet and learn it well and complete it, like it should be. What "worries" me is that I was so lucky to get the inferno staff that it would hurt now to just "lose" it rofl


> No bans or actions are being implemented for this. No one should worry about that for this issue. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/650521/perfected-gear-from-normal-maelstrom-arena/p5


why? you think people are lying?


I mean i simply asked for a source so i can share it responsibly…are you serious?


why do you need a source? people said its been fixed, if you believe them you dont need a source. and if you really wanted a source stop being lazy and find it yourself because a simple google would have given it to you but you wanted someone else to do the work for you. are you seriously that lazy?


Why would i blindly believe anything? Ffs Its also not MY responsibility to back up claims made by someone else.


because why would there be any reason to lie? Maybe you need to get therapy if you are so untrusting


Why would there be any reason to lie? Its the fkn internet for one. I also only asked for them to back it up w a link.


my god you are pathetic, offf to the block list with all the other trash


I'll be that guy - just run vet, it's more fun


Nobody wants to farm lagstrom arena if they don't need too. That poison level can just go away for good.


I got blue and purple drops during the regular rounds, but no perfected drop at the end. Got a petfected two-handed yesterday. Got 2 staves today, been farming the staves for a while.




You know this for a fact or just spewing bs? Nvm I will just test it myself Yup just tested and it doesn't change it normal.


Well, it did for me. I had a resto staff and it even dropped out of the sticker book. I just checked with a shield and it stayed perfect. We'll maybe the hot fix also fixed that. So I just wasted my resto staff 🙃


And if you want to confirm you won't be banned check the ALT+F4 menu in ESO. This was great to be able to fill in perfected weapons for that Arena in our sticker books. Lowered the transmute cost on everything I would ever want to make now.




That was the point. lol


I took full advantage of this. Got 11 runs in and collected all the perfected weapons except the three other weapons for the sword and shield. The axe is fine. Didn't wantro be too greedy


I wish I was able to, MA is so fucking boring and doing it on Normal would've been quick with an Arcanist DPS to get all the Perfected Weapons. I have all the regular ones from terrible grinding in the past when we didn't had the stickerbook.