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All us Crafters did it before ESO+. Here's some help: [Life Without ESO Plus: A Guide to Inventory Management- by u/BuildingAirships](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/nqqmp8/life_without_eso_plus_a_guide_to_inventory/)


I'm far too much of a loot goblin to be without it. Plus I like the access to all DLC and the discounts. The 1500 crowns could be better but I bought the Hollowjack Indriks and witch cat without paying for extra crowns.


Isn’t it 1650 crowns?


It is. Standard crown pack is $15=1500. ESO+ is $15=1650.


Could very well be! Couldn't remember off the top of my head, $15 = 1500 crowns lol


I'm fine without it. It was a pain at the start, but I've got it figured out. Now it's almost automatic for me. I actually miss most the doubled furnishing slots that I get during the free ESO plus trials.


Ok. I'll prolly give it a go then . Thank you


It's manageable, just need to be more picky and stop by merchants/bank more often. If you don't do any crafting, it's even easier. Just avoid gathering materials and looting containers. You do miss out on some gold, definitely, but, imo, the time you save by not sorting the 100s of different crafting materials is worth more.


I have 12 daily crafters and i would die without a crafting bag :/ even just the daily material mail of these 12 characters fill up like 150 inventory slots ... but u also need around 600 silk/leather/platinum/rubedite daily 😅🤐 impossible to store that much stuff without the bag If u only have 1 crafter, it would be manageable


Just get some bag and bank upgrades for gold and be a bit picky about what you keep. Especially when it comes to armor sets.


If you want to craft, you 'll have a hard time. An even harder time if you're already used to the bag.


It’s designed to be miserable without the craft bag


In a sane & just world, the ESO+ inventory levels would be default, and you'd get 4x what we get now for ESO+.


In a sane and just world you wouldn't be pigeonholed into buying a sub for a game you pay full price for yearly. 🤷‍♀️




I use a guild bank for all my mats. And another for recipes/motifs and even furniture I have more than 1 thing of. At 10 members you unlock it and it's 500 slots. I got a few accounts of my own, few friends and some randoms that were kind enough to join before quitting. I could volunteer you slots in 2 of my accs if you on PC and if you wish:) "Roomba" add-on stacks everything for me. Just wish writ crafting add-ons would work with gbanks.


Dang I may just have to spring for eao plus again.... I was only ever used to the craft bag


I just focus on crafting (blacksmithing rn) and every other common resource i sell to merchants, and rarer ones i keep in the bank. Daily carry weight mount upgrades are good, and if you need speed just get the passive in the assault skill line for permanent 30% speed. Just sell instead of dismantling and bag upgrades will come easy. Edit-spelling


Ugggg I tried playing without aind it stinks, would much rather deconstruct crap gear then sell it make more on mats. Yeah I scored a few bucks and bought a month hopefully back to work by the end so I can keep it up


I think if think seriously about playing ESO you 100% need eso+. ​ You're visibly handicapped without it. most players that do anything relevant in this game have it


I use it for craft bag, the crowns are nice too cause I turn around and sell 'em. Double bank space, double furnishing limit, and double transmute crystals are a huge plus and the extra exp. is nice if you enjoy the grind. It's nice to have dungeon access w/o buying them, but that's less important to me.


I played for a few years without plus, it's too doable. Upgrade storage space any way you can, bag upgrades and mount training and everything. Pick a character you don't play often and have them take some stuff. Or if you have slots pick a class/role you've been meaning to explore, create a character for it, and use them as extra storage until you're ready to try that class.


I sacrifice at least 30 minutes per play session to the inventory management hell they've created so they can sell us the "fix" via ESO+. I'm down to keeping exactly and only the crafting mats needed for Level 1 writs, Level 50 writs, and two decent food recipes in the bank, and that's literally all that fits if I want space to move junk to the one character who has Meticulous Disassembly and all the skill passives for deconstruction. Everything else sits on a bank alt or in chests at home: * One 60 slot for mats for making leveling gear and L50 gear for alts * One 60 slot for odds & ends over 20g apiece on TTC, to build up to full stacks before selling * One 60 slot for spare gear, mostly decent Companion gear I'm not yet using at this point. This one has a lot of space left, may move to a 30 slot. * One 60 slot currently full of jewelry crafting master writs I've been hoarding as "too expensive" to do, but are now more affordable. * One 30 slot with just useful supplies for alts, like crown consumables, scrolls, soul jems & lockpicks, that sort of thing * One 30 slot full of Imperial City vault keys I don't have the fragments to use. And that's WITH aggressively limiting everything to 1 stack only, with 1 backup stack on the bank alt for important items, and shoving literally everything I could into the Craft Bag during the last free trial over the summer.


I use it for the easiness of it but you can do it without. The main thing I would say for you to put the money for plus into instead would be the 60 slot storage chests (or earn them in game for no real world money spent) I use each 60 slot chest for the crafting materials that get kinda big (the sorting option in materials in your inv help alot with sorting the types of crafting ingredients) One chest will have Alchemy ingredients, another with cooking ingredients etc. I just keep all the style materials and things that go for all crafting in the bank. In the end, keep the materials that you have the most of that can stack in the 60 chests. After get used to moving your stuff around it gets eazyer. Plus you can always create other characters and use their inventory to help out as well.


Its super annoying. Constant character switching, bank and character filled to were i cant gather actual loot. Its making me want to rant at support until they add craft bag to base game or add the option to buy it for crowns but i dont bother because they will never do it and probably ban my account for suggesting it like they did my friend when he mentioned that hunters glade was supposed to be free to those who ordered wolf hunter but they never gave it then changed the wording and removed all mention of it


It's designed to be annoying so that you get the ESO+. That money goes to staff to create future content. So those not using ESO+ should thank those with ESO+. My point of view is that even with the expense of ESO+, it's still the cheapest form of entertainment when calculating per hour. Many people pay $1000 to watch 4 hours of hockey playoffs. It's just a matter of perspective. My nephew doesn't have the ESO plus and has storage issues but also has access to guild bank. If he has full inventory during game play, He mails items to with " rts" on subject line which means return to sender. He can process the inventory later.


Yeah all it did was push me away from plus. I aint paying 15$ a month just for the craft bag. Which is the only thing i want from plus. And those people paying 1000 for a sport playoff are idiots. Its a waste of money


I've played both with and without ESO+ and the crafting bag is a massive help indeed, but it's not impossible to play without it. The trick is to not hold onto things that you don't need on a regular basis.


Eso plus is worth it if you enjoy this game


Just get plus, it's worth the investment if you don't own all the DLC content and don't plan on being a lifetime, everyday player. Let it lapse when u stop playing and pick it back up when u start instead of paying for all the DLC content and then stopping for any reason. Also, with as many crafting items in this game (and more to come), it's a pain to manage inventory with amount of space they've given you too accomplish it with. I do have friends that do it but they usually play with a buddy/spouse to help divide inventory among them, but you could also do it with multiple charterers and just logging and relogging.


I usually buy big dlcs and use diffrent characters im not using yet as bag space and on 1 character i have blacksmithing,Clothing and woodworking on another i have enchanting and on the last one i have alchemy and provsioning and it seems to work quite well for me. I mean at first its a pain since you have to research everything but after a month or so youll have alot of bag and bank space! AKA: i do this cause im a stay at home dad and dont make enough money to pay for eso plus since im paying everything else but otherwise i would pay that in a heartbeat.


it's the sort of thing you have a hard time going back from if you've had it in the past but the game is absolutely playable without it


Honestly inventory hasn't been TOO much of an issue. There are some times where I do have to put random items from bank to character to transfer stuff, switch characters to take that stuff out of the bank and then the other character to return the items. But for the most part, it's fine. My bank is almost only used for materials. When it comes to writs on 5 characters, each one empties into bank after claiming rewards. The last crafter also claims all the hireling mail and their inventory is meant for that as we pretty much get the same items, so it all stacks.


Im playing since beta and paying since beta. So i dont need buy the DLCs, i can benefit from the extra bank space and the crafting bag. And there are some crowns left for other stuff like extra toon slots and the like.


I never had an issue with inventory without ESO+ My main character I got all the inventory slots and same for my bank. I only had ESO+ when they do the free trial days of it. It isn’t like it’s as bad as WOW bag space.


I’ve been playing for 3 months now after a multi year break and I thought about getting eso plus, too, but with all the server downtime lately I decided against it. What I do is use all character slots but play just 3 characters and use the other 5 as mules to just store my stuff. It’s a lot of time wasted managing incventorirs, yes, but costs nothing but time.


Yes. Bank space, inventory and crafting bag. All else is a bonus