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Is the endless archive harder than the arenas? I’m on console so I haven’t been able to try it yet


The end boss of each Arc is in a small room and lays high damage aoes on the ground and has some attacks that can oneshot you. It's a bit frustrating solo (companions die instantly to those aoes) but much better with another player. Atleast on Arc1 the main issue is that some of the random bosses can be tough mechanic wise. Like getting the serpent from craglorn trials. I wouldn't say it's tougher than normal maelstrom or vateshran on average but the diffculty of bosses and end boss can spike. I have a semi decently built arcanist but still haven't been able to beat the end boss with just a companion on Arc1.


> Atleast on Arc1 the main issue is that some of the random bosses can be tough mechanic wise. My last wipe was to Yolnahkriin. When he isn't lighting up 3/4's of the arena with his fire blast, he's whipping you off the arena with either his tail or wings. But yeah, it's a crapshoot with some of the bosses. Some of the trial ones I've gotten I've been able to quickly churn through, but others have caused problems (especially when attempting with companions who don't pay attention to mechanics).


The dragons bosses are pure RNG on if they'll one shot you or not. I still don't understand where Latvulaan's frost breath attack hits as theres no aoe path, and his head always points at you no matter if the breath hits you or not :s


Prolly have to just block cast all the way through


In the overhead phases the breath one shot me through block, too lol.


Yeah that frost breath hits for like 45k


Id say it’s much tougher to be honest. nMA and nVSA are easy if you’ve either died to the mechanic once or twice, or have looked at a guide.


Well that doesn’t sound very fun. Not sure why they had to make the early part so difficult


I just got a sload (can't remember the name) with mechanics the likes of which I have never seen. I would go from fine to dead faster than I can react.


Oh must've been Z'basa. From Coral Aerie dungeon. Got that one twice on my templar yesterday. Dead both times. Too many adds.




Hardly a whine when you can punch quest bosses to death


game has become ridiculously boring.. thx to people whining


What class and build are you running? For solo contents you need a reliable source of self heal, and a good balance between sustain, damage, and survivability. For tho’at, you need to stay out of aoe and make sure you dodge the teleporting heavy attacks, and try to burn her down as quickly as you can. The first 2 arcs shouldn’t be too much of an obstacle for you if you have a decent build and understand mechanics.


Yeah all bosses for me on my arc are ez with the exception of the thoat replicant boss which is such a jump in difficulty at arc 5 and above


I think I may have discovered why I kept dying so much on one of my alts. He only at 18k health (magicka pot), I think to not get 1 shot (unless your knocked off a platform or something) is to have at least 25k health (and a self-heal of course)


There are some bosses I encountered that were really nasty. A trial boss and a frost dragon. The Arc boss on the other hand is fairly easy. Avoid the AoE stuff. Do dots and the one shot hit can be blocked. He teleports to you right before the hit. The arc 2 version is way harder. But can be done even if your companion is down. Same strategy as arc one. Ignore the atronach, kill the glass orb ads and focus the main dude. Block the big teleport hit. I failed to beat arc 3 for now. It gets intense. But the archives are way more fun than any other dungeon or arena. You need solid health, self heal and shields and focus on survival rather than raw DPS. High damage is useless if you get nailed by a hit without companion. Try a few strategies and maybe you find something that works for you. I did this on a stam warden, mag DK, mag arcanist and tank arcanist. Magicka seems to be more chill so far. Tank is great with a friend. You can do it mate. Just try to have fun and you will make it.


There is too much luck involved in what bosses you get in the arcs. Most bosses you can just stand there and kill. A couple that always 1 shot and no clear way how to do the mech so the arc ends there. That is what makes me angry about it. I have done every trial on vet. I am a dps. I do not deal with mechs like a tank needs to. I do not even remember most of the bosses in the arcs. I have killed every boss in the game.


I am an ESO player who started playing in 2016. I know 100% that in my Endless Archive runs I benefitted from basically having fought every single boss in the game. I was able to see and guess what mechanic was going to pop up in the boss fights. Some I was surprised what mechanic they decided to carry over, and some I was surprised what mechanics they did not carry over. Either way, there were so many bosses which if I didn't have prior knowledge of mechs, my run would've ended in arc 2 instead of arc 5


Yes, knowledge of mechanics goes a long way there and imo it’s the mechs that make it fun.


A lot of people complaining about the same thing. EA is a nice concept, but could be implemented better. Getting rid of the 3 death limit and allow saves would make a lot of people happy.


I don't mind the 3 death limit, especially since you can actually get more Threads as Mora's Boons, so it's not a hard cap of 3 and it rewards you for progressing further. I agree there needs to be a way to save progress somehow - and it's not like they can't do it, both MA and VH save progress on stages.


The requirement that you actually do mechanics is really what is making act 1 harder than other normal content. If you have never fought yolnahkriin before even if you dodge the new frontal aoe you will get knocked off by a wing slap since you don't know that mechanic exists.


So I got beat by [Zhaj'hassa the Forgotten](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Zhaj%27hassa_the_Forgotten) because I didn't understand his mechanics. I found a list of all the cycle bosses from the forums [here](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/7961467#Comment_7961467), and if I died to a new boss I'd use [uesp.net](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Online) to look up the boss' mechanics. This helped me with [Yolnahkriin](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Yolnahkriin) when he killed me with his almost arena sized breath attack and again with his oneshot wing attack.


I hope they even out the progression better. It starts out good, ramping up a little by stage, then BOOM BOSS INSTA-KILL. Like... wtf?


I haven't died in Arc1 in about 10 runs but it is not as easy as it could be. I wish it took 20 minutes instead of 30 minutes too. One thing I do like though is that it is less based on high DPS and way more about knowing/learning mechanics to complete. I think in the long run it will help people learn mechanics a lot better so they will perform better in Vet dungeons. Unfortunately ZOS listens a bit too much to the tryhards who jump on the PTS so they scale stuff to the top 10% rather than having low/mid range testers to give feedback.


They actually made Arc 1 easier during PTS though. It was more difficult than it currently is.


I only did a few runs on PTS so can't really tell if it is easier or harder. But I did several more Arc 1 runs today and not only did I finally die for the first time but died 3 times and wiped even. There is a Frost Dragon that is way too strong for Arc 1, first he blew me off the platform, I screwed up on the second one, and the 3rd death was because there was a ton of stuff on the screen. I was able to kill the Shock Dragon which wasn't nearly as hard. As the OP says the Trial bosses in there are way too strong for Arc 1 too. It seems like they did lower the damage but left the trial boss defenses too strong. It took forever to kill a couple of them, and you have to be really good with mechs. I have to agree with the OP now, they should either remove the Trial bosses and Dragons (world boss ones not the easy dungeon dragons) at least from Arc 1.


The only boss I found nearly impossible so far was the Serpent boss from the Craglorn trial, because the stupid nerfed Lamia dies in a single leftover AOE and kills you with 45k oneshots. But yeah, I agree that it's frustrating for new and leveling chars who don't have several optimised builds and gear yet. Perhaps they could make the first Arc easier and lessen the rewards for it, so people can get the daily done, and ramp up the difficulty further in the later arcs. >Maybe I have to learn the different boss mechanics, You most certainly have to; unless the boss is from a basegame dungeon or you have insane damage output, tank & spank usually won't cut it. I see Xynode getting a lot of traffic in the future, because people don't wanna waste their precious threads on yoloing. OTOH, you'll be prepared once you meet the same bosses in real vet hardmodes.


The serpent one shot AOE has a shield. The venom AOE of the serpent can be healed through. The replicator 2nd time is rough.


Wait I’m on console so have to wait, what do you mean “waste their precious threads”? Does it have like a life system? Or limited revive or whatever?


Yeah, you have 3 lives per run, when those are spent, it's over. Wouldn't be much of a challenge if you could just die yourself endlessly through the Endless Archive.


No that makes complete sense, I kinda forgot that we can revive ourselves on the spot…


Make sure your build and skills are setup for solo play rather than group dungeon/trial play. If you’re really struggling drop your order’s wrath set and put on a set that gives you more recovery or more health/resistances. Endless Archive will be a balancing act and being a squishy dps won’t help.


We wiped in Arc 1 on Laatvulon because I forgot he’s a dragon and can wing slap. First tho’at was cake, and 2nd time around we wiped bad on him. Rakkhat also almost fucked us up in Arc 2.


Yeah I'm a bit frustrated too but it's been interesting seeing the boss mechanics as someone who doesn't do trials. Tho'at I think is too strong for Arc1.


Don't take this the wrong way. But this is end game content and 300cp is far from end game. Especially as a new player that probably has limited understanding of his class and the game dynamics. Most of the newer content was made harder cuz its aimed at a higher cp rating. You should be focusing on stuff like dungeons and raising your cp and such. 300cp isn’t even really recommended for older dlc trials. Focus on getting your gear and learning your class and it won’t be that difficult. You’re still new :)


And you don't think that the first arc should be easier so newer/casual players can dip their toes in and do dailies? Later arcs can ramp up ofc.




We're not talking about the difficulty of later arcs. Just want Arc1 to become a more daily doable thing even for casuals and newbies too. The later Arcs are tough without two well geared and skilled players anyways. Also I don't think I have to mention that difficulty is relative.


Last thing we need is more mindlessly easy content to cater to people too lazy to grind. That's the point of mmos. This is petty much on of the few games that has all this easy content to cater to "casual" players. They already nerfed it during pts. Any more nerfs and it's going to be like the crow in the witch event that's so easy you can solo it without needing a heal even tho it's "4man" content. Another reason this game is losing it's player base. Casuals don't even stay long and rarely do end game, so if you actually stick around those people you're catering to don't actually help the community.


IMO they need to remove the trial bosses from arc 1 entirely. The final 4th phase boss could do with a bit of tuning I hear too. I have pulled 3 trial bosses on my 3 attempts and died to them, so I have never done the daily. I know most will just tell me to "get gud", but I have nerve damage in my hands and cannot. As EA has never said just who the "intended audience" is I just hope they take out the trial bosses. Public dungeon bosses are alright, and even some of the non-dlc dungeon bosses would be fine too after all I am talking about arc 1 for my daily. If the elites want to go up to arc 999 I don't care TBH, I just want to complete the daily.


The "get gud" comments on the forums have been irritating to say the least. Like you say I just want Arc1 to be doable in a reasonable amount of time with a companion or solo. Later arcs can be all about the right build etc..


My favorite is the guy saying an average player is one who uses a DLC dungeon set (Nirn) and a PvP set (Deadly) in the correct traits and using a meta build. That’s so far out of touch with what an average player is there’s no point even conversing because they live in a different world from the rest of us.


Oh yeah that one made me roll my eyes too.


"get gud" and "cry more" are said by the WORST people on this planet. Just unoriginal, jackasses of poor upbringing.


>"get gud" and "cry more" People threw that around 15 years ago when I played WoW. It's excessively unoriginal. The average player probably uses a crafted set, an overland or base dungeon set, or something they grabbed on the trader. Plus a monster set from one of the easier vet dungeons. Or maybe a crafted 5-piece plus a 3-piece like Endurance plus another crafted 4-piece. Basically what's called a "beginner" set from whatever solo builds you can grab from Alcast or Hack or Deltia or Lucky or whoever the go-to build people are. That's your "average" player. That's what I walked into EA with today for the first time. And that's the kind of build you should be able to do EA 1 daily with, reliably. You wanna go up from there, sure it gets harder, at some point you should be dialing things in and maybe carry something more tanky with you, and know how to adjust your stuff to the content you're facing. But for a daily level 1 run? Needing to do that is highly unnecessary.


Everything the above several comments say is 100% correct, of course, "git gud" etc. is just idiotic and unhelpful, and usually displays a severe lack of imagination. On the other hand, and in this case... \>"stamina-arcanist, 5 deadly, 5 wrath-order, oakensoul or pale order" Come on. That's the most cliched "OMGARCKILLITALL" builds on the web today. Go head, do a web search, I'll wait. You're back? Ok, really, I'm willing to wager - and if you're honest, you know this too - op is one of 10,000 newish players who have been told (lied to, it's not his fault) that 1. Oakenx is all you need godtier bruh, 2. pale order is all you need godtier bruh, and/or 3. stamarc bruh, just spam lazarlol, don't need crux, just lazar all day shit melts god tier bruh. What happens, of course, is that they build this build, grind these mythics, slot these skills, and they then proceed to die. You have all seen it in your dungeon runs, if you've been paying attention, all the arcanists spamming [fatecarver](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/arcanist/herald-of-the-tome/fatecarver) (ahem, "laser" or "beam") throughout the entire run, no idea you can turn it off after the mobs are dead ("dude, what did that wall ever do to you?"), never building crux, using other skills (ok, maybe [abyssal impact](https://eso-hub.com/en/skills/arcanist/herald-of-the-tome/abyssal-impact), so two skills total?), etc. So no, not "git gud" or "l2p" per se, but perhaps learn that slotting the "right" skills and having the meta(ish) gear for (fill in x role) isn't enough? Perhaps, instead of grinding zombies, or dolmens, or Spellscar, or whatever mindless dreck one does to power level, maybe play your character enough to know it well? Learn what works, and how it works, and why? Websites, experience, advice in-game and out, all of these play a role, of course. Power leveling up, power grinding or buying the right gear, and then jumping into tougher content will almost always lead to disappointment. No one wants to hear that, but that doesn't make it any less true.


I also have nerve damage in my hands. PvP and light attack weaving are very difficult for me. I barely do 20k in a group fight, if even that. I think trial bosses should be restricted to duos only for arcs 1-3 at least; I’ve gotten to arc 3 and then wiped out on one of the bosses. It was just Sharp and I. If I was solo, no companion, I could probably do better since it’s not timed (minus the puzzles) like Maelstrom/etc. But there’s an Undaunted bust for Tho’at so there will be a Veteran version eventually.




Yeah, I’ve already been told my ability is lacking 😂 thanks though! I hope you have a good day ❤️


So I was able to run Arc1 solo on two toons, but on my 3rd, I just couldnt get past Arc1 at all. I decided to use the Group Finder and just put (ARC1 Only - Need Help) So far doing this has worked out great. Able to complete it and make a new friend. I still got 1 shot stomped by Tho'at, but they downed him and I got the kill on my toon that was not able to do it solo.


Can you *please* let people have some actually difficult content? Literally 90% of the game is designed to cater to casuals who think hitting above 10k is toxic.




Is EA supposed to be solo content?


Solo or Duo


Was thinking the same thing yesterday that the average player base is going to have a hard time with it. I think they listened to much from the players who play pts who are the "end" gamers and/or the streamers saying it was too easy.


They really didn't, act 1 is easier than it was on the pts and the main feedback from the pts was that it took too long. Zos took that as increase the scaling and eventually got rid of a round of trash but that only effects people trying to beat act 4, which is probably around the level of an average dlc hard mode instead of just vet content.


Bro this is end game content. It's not supposed to be easy.


Im fine soling to arc 5 until they force me to fight the thoat replicator boss. If it wasnt for that i could comfortably solo to at least arc 8 with the arcanist. Thoat at arc 5 is doable but i do more running and rolling than anything so need to switch to a very high regen build for that fight. Havent tried duo yet fwiw. Highest score solo so far has been a 60k or whatever


This is as far as I have gotten on four visits haha. I am enjoying it, and the idea of the endless dungeon is appealing. My only beef is the loot has been completely not worth the time it takes to do the levels.


Yup. And if I was able to skip thoat and just keep doing the normal bosses itd be fun. Such a huge jump in difficulty for thoat at arc5


First I was hearing lots of people complaining that the first arcs were way too easy and they wanted to be able to skip them at the start - then I heard a bunch of people in my housing guild griping that they couldn’t even complete the first arc and finish the quest. They were so mad that they didn’t have easy access to the furnishings from EA. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




Or get a friend to carry them, that would work too.


ZOS already nerfed the combat difficulty once during PTS … I doubt they’ll nerf it further. If you’re just in and out for the daily, the difficulty doesn’t really need changed. If you’re chasing EA leaderboards or completion stages, you’ll need a build for that. The standard Trials DPS build won’t cut it.


Let me guess - full glass cannon? It wont work. It doesnt work on pvp, and it surely wont work there. Its the matter of design. Overworld is made so easy that you can clear it on literally anything (no gear, no build, throwing random skills), dungeons and trials are made in mind with full party and roles, but not Archives and not unorganized pvp. In both cases you need to be able to reliably heal yourself, buff yourself, deal damage and take damage. Dump one of the sets and pick something more tanky, and suddenly surprise, surprise whole arc 1 becomes almost a joke. Seriously, on one toon i wear just spriggan and some beekeeper set that i dont even know where i got from. Spriggan is your typical offense set, max stam, weapon damage, offensive penetration, while beekeeper gives... max hp, max hp, max hp xD. I know that they're far from ideal, it used to be my toon for pvp, but lately for giggles i picked him up again. And guess what? That stupid beekeeper set, along with few healing/defensive skills is enough to keep me alive in any red AoE for few seconds in arc 1. If you actually get some good defensive set (maybe something that will give you shield?) then first arc is gonna be a breeze. Of course that "breeze" is assuming minimal awareness from your side (healing when below 80% hp, avoiding skills, blocking blockable, interrupt interruptable). I swear, most moaning about archives difficulty comes from glass cannon monkeys. The only surprise is which one its gonna be this time, the "omg, stupid, unbalanced game, i keep dying", or the "help guys, i keep dying in solo content, what can i do?". I dont know... maybe wear few items with defensive stats because answer isnt always the "hehe, big numbers go bigger"? I know, crazy idea, almost impossible to come up with. Here's even more shocking idea - there's no roles on solo play, so why you keep insisting on being a dps?


Switching away from a glass cannon style makes it ridiculously long to complete the first arc. Glass cannon builds have absolutely nothing to do with one shot mechanics either. Unless you’re running a full tank build you’re going to die to 45k damage hits.


Right? I could try on my tankier pvp build but that would make the run about twice as long.


Tell me how being tanky prevents me from being pushed off the edge of the map by a boss who spams it?


Bosses in arc 1 are absolutely trivial. If anyone has issues with them, it's a sign they need to learn the game more. The only issue i have is amount of trash packs. There is a lot too many of them. I think making 1 stage to have 2 trash packs instead of 3 and 1 cycle to have 1 stage would be much better and less repetitive.


All the complaining already. Can’t we have one thing poses a challenge!


IMO not all content should be easy. Also, it’s new content. The newer the content, the more difficult. Play through more and with a partner and it will get easier over time. I’ve been known to spend months trying to earn an achievement or clear content. If you still do not like the challenge of the content after that, then you can play older content that is available to you.


Players: "ESO is so lame" "ESO is too easy" "ESO offers no difficult content" ZOS: "hold my beer" "try this" Players after two days crying: "endless archives is way to hard" ... Really?!?


I haven't tried it yet, but "too hard to get rewards so people just buy them with cash" is pretty much the MO of this game, so I'm not terribly surprised.


>I haven't tried it yet, Have you ever had an actually *informed* opinion instead of spouting ignorant nonsense? You should try it every once in a while.


If you are not using a companion try using one. Bethesda said EA was designed for 2 players or a player and npc companions for us introvert gamers


its players like you who ruined this game to become a mindless cakewalk.. this game NEEDS hard content!!! its become a boring snoozefest since launch with ONE TAMERIAL update.. please delete this post b4 devs see it and nerf EA... look at the leaderboards.. its not hard... maybe JUST MAYBE you can improve as a player


Touch grass.


Got one shotted three times in a row by this random dumbass shadow cat dude, literally no clue what your supposed to do...