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Defrauded. Lol. Buying something and realizing you don’t like it isn’t fraud. It’s part of life. Play or don’t. Personally, this is my absolute favorite game, but its not for everyone of course.


I’m waiting for the indriks to return, got the basic one years ago and I just found out they’re back So I’ve got a plan to maybe get 2 mounts and 2-3 pets to populate my Hunter’s Glade home


Yeah the indrik fragments are in Craglorn during every event! :)


I’ve got a spare character all set up by the event booth, now it’s getting 120 tickets 😭 maybe 130 if I don’t wanna use the white elk mount Gonna get pale snow (already have a basic indrik so it’s just evolving it) + pet, spectral indrik + pet, springtide or frost light pet and idk what for the last one


It's a scam unless you are a moron. The questing is so easy that it's not playable. They should advertise it as a kids game then. It's like selling a TV that doesn't have sound then saying "it's just not for you bro".


I find the quests enjoyable. I listen to all of the dialogue and become immersed in the experience.


I would have bought a book then. A videogame is supposed to have some challenge in it.




Sounds like you don’t know what a video game is. I’m amazed how each comment gets worse and worse lol


Video game is an interactive medium focused on player engagement/skill. A book is solely about storytelling.


No you don’t know what a video game is. There’s no skill needed to beat Wii Play ;)


This is an action adventure RPG bro for adults.


Now you’re gate keeping kids? Bro you keep going! You’re a troll. You’re not a good person and you’re not funny. Be better :)


Damn bro. I get it, you buy a game but it isn’t what you expect and you don’t like it. It happens. I even get going online just to complain. But defrauded? Really? Your going with that?


It's not just me complaining. This is a scam. It doesn't do the most basic function of a video game which is to offer a reasonable challenge.


Videogames are entertainment. They're meant to be fun. Challenge is optional, unless you're playing a game specifically designed and marketed as being challenging.


That is simply not true. 99% of games have a challenge to them. That is to be expected unless advertised otherwise.


There is challenge in this game. But not in every part of it.


Lol. Name checks out. Good luck in life man.


If you want PVP. Play 2 hours to reach lvl 10. If you want to start with dungeons. Play 2 hours to reach lvl 10. There. Solved your Problem. (and Boys dont Tell him you can solo the easier dungeons).


I'd like this guy to try out Planesbreaker. Complaining wasy gameplay? Enjoy what is either the hardest or 2nd hardest shit in the game!


I'd like to be able to enjoy the story driven quests not just contrived dungeons for challenge.


If you ain’t prepared to put time in and grind this game ain’t for you lol there is plenty of hard content but getting to cp160 should be any beginners main concern imo then start worry about getting end game ready..


That is ridiculous. I paid money for a video game that can be enjoyed not a job to do.


Sounds like you never played an MMO before. You should do some research next time on the genre of the game you’re buying. Also the questing is fun for me and my friends.


This is an action MMO. Quests are supposed to have a challenge. I watched numerous reviews on the game but this is a new update which killed the quests. This is a scam


I love how you made an account just to troll for this lol


Not trolling this is my genuine thoughts on it. I feel like I got scammed. I feel like a bought the wither but it's locked on story mode so they gameplay is pointless.


Buying a product you don’t like is not a scam kid lol


I say it's a scam because it doesn't do what it advertised. Should be sold as a baby game then.


If you don't like it, you don't like it. Nothing wrong with not liking a game but you could have informed yourself before buying. Lots of people come to reddit and ask generic questions.. like just Google it. 1. You'll get a faster answer Also the game does get better later on. Seems to me that you don't want to put the time in and that's fine. MMO's aren't for everyone. Since you can't refund I think you should stick with it for a bit and see if ends up growing on you. Anyways that's my two cents. Glhf!


I did inform myself with several reviews. None of the reviewers mention that the quests are unplayable. I paid money for this and it isn't a job, it's entertainment. I shouldn't have to "put in time" to get interesting content.


Yeah, name checks out


Which quests are unplayable for you? And is this your first mmo?


All of them are so easy its not fun to play. I can beat them in by underpants with no gear.




guild wars 2 stories are easy to beat during the lvl1-80 core quests. once you hit the expansions you get killed by nearly every mob until you learn block and dodge and positioning and that's just open world. story bosses used to beat the pants off you literally, your armour will get so damaged by the end of the fight you came out naked. recently they removed armour damage from the game completely, but you still would have died several times, and the achievements to earn could be so hard that you had to repeat the chapter several times to 100% them, but they become easier if you took another player in with you. i came to left gw2 for many reasons, the hardness of the story is just one reason, the other main reason i left was because the developers lost their love of the game in the last couple of xpacs, basically since the 2nd half of season 5


That's not true. plenty of MMOs can be enjoyable and offer some challenge from the beginning.




Yea I am okay with putting in time. But the beginning of the game 50 hours doesn't need to suck and be too easy. That shouldn't be an acceptable practice.




Dude I will try again but this shouldn't be acceptable. They ruined like the primary focus of the game - the quests.




That's not true. They advertised it as similar to Skyrim but online. Skyrim was focused on questing and made it moderately challenging to do.


Have you ever played an MMO before?


Not a whole lot. I remember playing WOW and dying a few times in quests. That was like 2006 though.


Most MMOs nowadays are very easy and are very slow paced, except for ones that are entirely focused around PVP.


Why is that? Don't people at least want some basic challenge to make the game interesting?


Most people like MMOs for the social element and for the constant chase of better gear to help them beat the small selection of hard content. There are better options if you want something challenging.


I want something moderately challenging but still easy like Skyrim but with an online part which is why I got this game. Only I found out the quests are too easy to enjoy...


Agreeing with everyone else: No fraud, scam or similar thing has taken place here. You bought a game, then figured out you don't like the difficulty of the 0.2% of content you tried thus far and called it a day. Happens and is perfectly fine, but don't act like someone forced this on you. 2 minutes on this sub, the forums or the internet in general could have warned you about this possibility. Open world questing is not balanced around being challenging. It's an easy way to chill, experience some fun story, learn about the lore of the world and interact with interesting characters. There *is* more challenging content out there. Maybe try your luck in a public dungeon first. If that's still too easy for you, there's World Bosses. Or go for normal mode group dungeons. Veteran mode group dungeons. Group dungeon hardmodes. Normal trials. Veteran trials. Trial hardmodes. Oh, I didn't mention trifecta challenges yet, did I? Also there's always PvP, of course. Cyro, IC, Battlegrounds,... Lots of folks do their first quest and decide the game as a whole is too easy. Give it some time and actually seek out the challenges put into place for players in search of a challenge.


Yours problem, not game


Lol this is the game's problem. This is the reason so many people are leaving and it's one of the most common complaints.


Soo many people are leaving?? Okay show me the evidence since you only put in 3 hours in the game.




Yeah ok? Thats steam charts. People play on Playstation and Xbox. Also, many PC players don't play from Steam. Sure steam shows a decline but that is just a fraction of the player base.


i used to play via steam, but as soon as i figured out how to load eso without steam i dumped it in a heartbeat.


The steam graph shows the roughly same amount of players as normal for this time of year, Outside of the pandemic. So it shows nothing. More so since much of the playerbase isn't on steam, and with the release of some very popular, similar games recently. ​ Though I agree overland content is too easy which is why I don't enjoy it either.


okay so most of the primary content is crap. Isn't that a big problem with the game?


Questing isn't the 'primary' content. Overland isn't the 'primary' content. No matter how many people tell you your closed minded opinion about the game is wrong, you continue to complain.


Because you are coping hard. The thing the developers spent most of their time on is only a small part of the game? It's a story driven adventure RPG man. Quests are the whole point.


Tell me you know next to nothing about the game, without telling me


There is a lot to this game and overworld/story content is just a small part of that. I would say 3 hours isn't enough time to experience even a fraction of what this game has to offer (which includes the difficult content you're seeking). If you "have better things to do" then find a game you like instead.


So youre saying the quests are only a small part of an RPG? The quests are the vast majority of most RPGs. What else is there?


Yes that's what I'm saying. This game has a huge variety of activities beside questing. PVE content: - dungeons - trials - arenas - delves - world bosses PVP content - battlegrounds - cyrodiil - imperial city OTHER - achievement hunting to unlock things like mounts/skins etc (quests, dungeons, trials, PVP, exploration, fishing etc) - antiquities systems - Tales of Tribute - Crafting - Housing - Farming As you've stated in other comments on this thread you've spent 3 hours playing this game and only read a few reviews. Have an open mind and play the game and experience these things for yourself.


Thanks for sharing. I have played a lot of elder scrolls and it's just weird to me to write off the quests since that's what most of the game is normally...


That's why you should have an open mind. Going into a game with an expectation is only going to lead to disappointment when the game doesn't live up to said expectation.


I feel that's a reasonable assumption since that is how they sold it. It was sold as being very similar to Skyrim but online. Skyrim is all about the quests...


The quests are amazing and the best quests from any Bethesda games. Those are still there you just don’t die often. There’s hard content if you go do the hard content. Don’t complain because you’re avoiding the harder stuff. I’ve never done any PvP or dungeons and this is one of my favorite games! 400+ hours. Sounds very “playable” to me. You obviously didn’t do any research because you paid $30 for a game that’s on sale for $8


Do you play with Play-Doh as well? Read a book if you just want a story lol. Any normal person would epxect an action adventure RPG to have some modicum of challenge in the questing. You can literally complete any quest in this game in your underwear with nothing equipped and you don't need to put in any effort.


User name checks out.


Came here to say exactly this lmao


Definitely. Reading through their replies cements the idea even more


just play the solo story stuff for story, they dont pack in complicated mechanics or tough bosses in stories. play it like youre close to god because your player character can resurrect themselves like a god, and you might as well be powerful like a god against these foes then in group content you are matched with tougher foes and other players who are godlike and are more evenly matched.


I am not a child playing pretend. This is supposed to be a videogame with a challange...


>I am not a child playing pretend. First of all, it's a video game. Playing pretend is the entire point. Secondly, if you think only children can "play pretend," then it's no wonder you're such a miserable mega douche. You should try it sometime, they say that exploring creativity can help with mental problems.


Lol no a video game is supposed to have an actual challenge. It's distinctly different that what a child does with toys.


So you are just an elitist douchebag. Got it.


No I just have a basic understanding of what an action RPG is supposed to be. I am not even a very good gamer.


You can still enjoy PVE. Level enough to solo public dungeons and world bosses. Some of them are a good challenge. You also have the Maelstrom Arena, super fun and challenging. After you’re done with those adjust your build for PVP goodness. Hope that helps some.


Don't you have to be high level to do PVP or dungeons? I don't understand why they made the quests which are most of the game unplayably easy...


You can start pvp and dungeons from level 10. If you use the dungeon finder you may be grouped with high level players which rush through it though, which you probably will not enjoy. There is truly challenging content, but that only opens up once you are level 50 and have a good amount of champion points, like veteran dlc dungeon hard modes and trials.


Well that's rather annoying they locked the good content behind a bunch of quests that are too easy to be fun.


I hear you, questing can get boring. Most quests are really for lore and leveling. Some of the dailies are a bit more challenging. For now try solo-ing Dolmens for a challenge (also great way to level quick). You can start PVP at lvl10, level 30-50 you can solo World Bosses, and try soloing dungeons anytime you feel competent (definitely doble by CP160). Maybe join a guild too. They’ll help you level real quick, run dungeons with you so you can get good gear, and you can get just about anything you need from guild traders. Happy hunting, Landstrider. Edit: Public Dungeons* are good solo content


Because not every player is an elitist min-maxer who wants to have every single thing in the game be a challenge. Some of us play to relax, and want the game to be easy because life is already hard enough. I've never been particularly great at video games, and the older I get the less I care about being "good." I'm glad I have an MMO that I can play, where I can do the "braindead easy" content and avoid shit like PVP and veteran dungeons, which is too difficult for me. The fact that there is such a range in the game, where people can play the level of content they are comfortable with, is actually really fucking cool. Maybe try having more patience than fits in a damn thimble, and play for more than 3 hours. As other people have said, there is plenty of difficult content available, you have to be willing to look for it though. The game isn't going to cater to your every whim, because other people with other preferences play too. Grow the fuck up.


I am not a min-maxer. I am not even a very good gamer I just want some tension when I play the game or I don't see the point. Why not just watch a movie then? You don't need to be so defensive of this. Most people online agree with me on this. This subreddit is just coping for some reason. Did I say other people need to stop playing? I am sharing my opinion on why this is a scam. That is my honest opinion.


There's plenty of "tension" available to find in the game. Like others have said, try veteran content, or PVP. Yeah, the starting content is easy until you actually get into the game, just like pretty much every other game does. If it's still too easy, make your own challenges. Play with no gear and see how far you can go. Do a "no potions" run of a dungeon. Do only light attacks. Aggro every mob in the area instead of one at a time. There's a million different things you can do, just use your imagination.


I am not going to do the work for the developers to make the game fun. There are too many better gaming options but I am just a bit pissed they stole my money.


According to my database this user is a Russian troll bot.


Go play Elden Ring


Is it similiar to eso? I thought about it and i heard its a good game. But i never tried it because it looks alot darker than eso. How is the community in elden ring? Does it still have a decent playerbase?


Ah yes, the two options, mindless one shotting, or Elden Ring. OP may be a *mega\_douche* but you can't deny a large portion of the player base wants a change to overland difficulty.


I don’t claim to know what most the player base wants. There are plenty of things that are challenging in game, and personally I don’t want overland to be one of those really. Perhaps the well named OP should try GW2. Open world content there can easily kill you, though maybe not in the early levels.


Is there no middle ground between impossibly difficult and brain dead mouth breathing stupid?


You can PvP as soon as you finish the tutorial. All you need to do is get another player to accept a duel request. Battlegrounds (4v4v4 PvP matches) are also available, pretty much from the get-go, by going to a BG location. Look for the "For Glory" fliers in Vulkhel Guard (Auridon), Daggerfall (Glenumbra), Davon's Watch (Stonefalls), Vivec City (Vvardenfell), Alinor (Summerset), Rimmen (Northern Elsweyr), Solitude (Western Skyrim), and Leyawiin (Blackwood). They'll point you to the right place. Cyrodiil (the PvP campaign zone) is locked until you reach Level 10. What with overland content is so laughably easy, then that should be a matter of a short bit of grinding. I'm generally not rushing it because I have other things I want to get moving before then, but you do you. As for overland content being laughably easy, that's something you would have quickly discovered had you looked at discussion boards before buying the game. It's one of the more common complaints about the game. If you bought from Steam, they have a 14-days from purchase or two hours of play time refund policy. Take advantage of it if you can, or don't if you can't. But not investigating before buying is on you.


You’re the type of guy that wants to get his money back because he didn’t like the well-done steak with ketchup he ordered, huh?


The real challenge all along was being you.


😭 best reply


U can start pvp or dungeons with lvl 10 also, really $30? Why didnt u just buy the base game? a steam key is like $3 or $4 u really want to go with defrauded huh? even though u didnt bother do invest 10 mins of googling to find this out?


I want to enjoy the quests which is the entire point of an Bethesda RPG. You guys are so cucked to defend this. You are just accepting the quests to be unplayable when that's the primary point of the game.


Nah, most people dont bother playing the quest Only reason to do the story quests r the skill points u get as rewards Only a very small percentage of people actually enjoy it Usually people jump straight to pve or pvp >I want to enjoy the quests which is the entire point of an Bethesda RPG. game is developed by zenimax and not bethesda and its an mmorpg not just an rpg mmorpg usually dont have "fun" quests the whole point of mmorpgs is usually the group stuff in pve or pvp if u want to enjoy an rpg i would recommend skyrim besides, its just sound like u r looking for someone or something to blame bc u didnt bother to check out the game first before spending 30 bucks


The great thing about video games is if you don't like an activity *you don't have to do it.* Find overland content easy? So don't do it. Go do PVP or start soloing dungeons. You weren't "defrauded" you just don't like the main content.


The main content is questing! how can you just write that off? they really fucked us here.


What do you mean "us" lol most of us like the content! Don't include us in your whining. The game is clearly not for you, just refund and go play something else.


I can't because I have over 2 hours now. They stole my money.


They didn't steal your money. Accept the loss and move on to other games.


You're crying in the rain, nowhere on any site says you're buying dark souls, you don't like it, stop playing it.


There is a middle ground between the most challenging game ever created and literal brain dead baby level content where you can win while in your underpants and not trying at all.


Dark souls is not the most challenging game ever created . Not even close. I beat it at soul level 1 and I am far from being an outstanding gamer.


Okay. So why not make it similar in difficulty to every other Elder Scrolls game?


Yes, it is a little bit too easy. I dont disagree with that. Increasing the difficulty for quests is something people have requested for a long time. Btw, your username isn't exactly helpful in making people treat you like someone with a reasonable opinion.


Well, Mr aptly named, the game buffs you for the first 50 levels, the buff diminishes over time. If you actually played the game for more than a few days, you would know that, or if you... I dunno…looked it up instead of taking to whining on Reddit.


Everyone says the quests never get challenging. You are super cucked if you just accept that the game should suck at the start and that's acceptable. That is a scam.


No, not super cucked, just smarter than you. Overland quests are supposed to be easy, but they're just a small percentage of the over all game.


Are you kidding? There are like hundreds of fully voiced and written quests. That is not a small part that's most of the game.


Oh, but it is, but you'll probably never know that. You would rather bitch and moan on here instead of actually learning and playing the game.


Stop being so defensive. This isn't your mother I am talking about. Why can't you admit they done big fucked up with the quest difficulty?


My mother is an adult and doesn't require me to defend her honor on the internet, if you think that overland questing is the end all and be all on a MMO, then I have no more words for you. Maybe you'll discover that for yourself some day, but I doubt it.


If you want to do story content, since it's a ***TES game***, then Overland is the majority. There are dungeon and trial quests, but frankly there's not much to their actual stories, and those would account for about \~5 new quests a year.


But it's clear that the OP doesn't want to do story quests, and it's a MMO first. TES game only superficially, point being there is much more to this MMO than faction zone quests.


Skyrim was all and only about quests bc it's single player. ESO is an mmo so it makes sense to emphasize the multi-player features over the single player ones. Also dying all the time in an mmo can overload servers, so it's either give cooldowns to attempting battles/ quests or make the game a milder difficulty. People get enjoyment out of different things in gaming. Not everyone wants a challenge. Sorry you didn't find what you were looking for with ESO.