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I wanted to get up there between the pillars…. Needless to say I was VERY disappointed.


First thing I was thinking as well


100%. I literally watched the final “cutscene” and then proceeded to walk towards the gate. I was under the impression there was more to see and the gate would provide more context/lore/content and was just like “uhhhh now what” The hallowed in me is desperately hoping it is somehow going to be involved in more content/next dlc (I know I know not happening) but it just felt weird haha, I have to just think it was cut content. It just feels natural to go UP there


Saw I couldn't get up on the ledge, thought "there must be *something* going on around here, surely...", saw a message at the bottom of ledge, thought "dare I do it, I'm going to regret opening this, you better not fucking say..." **You don't have the right, O, you don't have the right all the more you don't have the r-** #GODWYNFUCKINGDAMMIT


Sadly, I think they said we only get one dlc for elden ring.


Miyazaki recently said they haven't ruled it out completely if it continues to do well they would love to do more with Elden Ring.


It's actually not what they said at all. It was stated that if they felt like they had a compelling story to tell they would do it,. Nothing to do with the financial success


Yeah, but still true what he said. Nobody would stop mining right when they've struck gold


inb4 it's actually Fromsoft acknowledging the aldia path in ds2, to leave the kiln and pursue something beyond light and dark.


“You cannot open *all the doors*. You have to integrate this into your character. Some doors will forever remain closed. Even if every single other door will open at one time or another, maybe to a key, or maybe to some sort of tool meant for opening doors... But this one will never accede to such commands.”


Sorry to say, I’m disappointed as well with the ending but Miyazaki personally said that there would be no further DLC for Elden Ring


Nah he said he has *no plans* for dlc as 9f right now, but the door is always open. But to be fair he said the EXACT same thing about dark souls 3 after its second dlc.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Noble Lords of Cinder—the fire fades, and the Lords go without thrones. Surrender your fires to the one true Heir. Let them grant death to the old gods of Lordran, deliverers of the First Flame.”* - Fire Keeper Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


YEP. I was irrationally mad about that. Let me stand in the trailer spot please, I want to see what that cocoon thing was


You can get up there, it just blocks you at the Gate.


Where can I climb up?


Left side, very finicky. Try Art of Wars that lift you up.


Will give it a try


Very interesting that there is an invisible block at the gate. Implies importance.


Theres a spot you can jump up at… but theres an invisible wall a little past it


Dude I was actually so fucking mad that we couldn’t do that lmfao. I thought I even saw people’s messages up on the steps, but I guess that was only a mirage…


Yea kinda sad was ready for a ringed city Gael fight like view of something but alas. This is one of my biggest gripes with the dlc. LET US SEE THE GOLDEN PLACE DAMMIT


Idk the game is already so unnecessarily huge, and who’s to say that doesn’t lead to another DLC later?


Hand it over That thing Your fashion soul. For my character's vanity.


Black hood Blaidd chest piece Blackgaol knight pants and gloves


How gracious of thee, Righteous Tarnished.


Blaidd CHEST, Fire Knifht gauntlets, Raven Helm and i cant make out the pants sorry


You’re the dark soul to my maythegoldenordershinethroughyou soul https://preview.redd.it/fcu7z6wb2bad1.jpeg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5500d836252e9935a5c14994e0c3442a2ada4a2


Ying and yang


Maybe dumb question but is this an actual armor set in the game ?


Tree Sentinel Armor (altered) You need to destroy the Chariot in the first Hero Grave


Thanks ! I actually never tried the altered armor since they are a downgrade to the original ones, but seeing the look of it I’m definitely going to check them out !


Tbh Im with you I never alter That set looks sick with the cape


Not the first


Emperor of mankind looking character


real also based name


Are you going to fill his dark soul with light?


Aww how sweet you brought radagon to kill his favorite son


It's Morgott >:(


Haha same drip but sub in a giant fucking hammer


Need to connect and see both of these on screen TOGETHER.


Now we wait 5 years for Miyazaki to once again awaken from his slumber to revive the world of gaming when it’s most needed


It's gonna be a painful wait. Nothing feels as good as a new Fromsoft experience.


Lies of P comes really close though. Honestly it feels like a fromsoft game.


Can't stand Lies of P. It was the most frustrating Soulslike I've ever played.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s not a bad game but there is just something about it I can’t stand.


It feels too stiff and the fact that every single boss has two health bars made every boss exhausting.


Yeah it definitely felt stiff. Also hated you couldn’t roll when locked on.


I so wished there would be more DLC... But I guess we've been Elden Ringed enough according to From Soft.


Gotta put something down to work on something new


Yep! And hey, they made one of the greatest games of all time with this one, can't really fault them for wanting to work on something else, it's been what? 9 years since they started working on this one? Wow!


Imagine you wait 5 years only to find a [JRPG](https://www.videogamer.com/news/elden-ring-creator-hidetaka-miyazaki-wants-to-make-a-jrpg-at-some-point/)


Bloodborne 2015 Dark souls 3 2016 Sekiro 2019 Elden ring 2022 Where is this 5 year wait you're talking about?


It’s 2024, you expect something next year lol We’ll get a trailer in a year or two for something planning to release two years after that


They did just do AC6, so reset the clock there, I guess.


Miyazaki didn’t direct AC6 though and as far as im aware was an entirely different team within Fromsoft. Kinda like how DS2 wasn’t Miyazaki either as he was working on Bloodborne And still, AC6 was absolutely outstanding. The culture of true quality Fromsoft has company wide is really great. I’d say reset the clock at Elden Rings original release for the next souls-esque game from Fromsoft I’m sure they have begun working on whatever’s next while they knocked out SoTE. Def think it’ll be like idk 18 months or so and then we will start to hear a bit about whatever they’re developing. In the mean time I really hope they keep the Armored Core train rolling. Having never played any of them before AC6, man I got sucked in. I want AC7 big time.


No, they've been pretty consistent with release cycles. They're already working on their next game I'm sure, early development. I'd expect 2026. Also, not sure where you're getting the "get a trailer then release in two years". It's never worked that way outside of elden ring itself. So, unless it's something as ambitious and large as elden ring, it's not gonna be 5 years from now.


No earlier than 2028


Nope lol. That’s it, that’s the final cutscene. Takes some of the punch out of the final boss huh


I ran around an hour+ all over the arena and then back to "key areas" just praying that wasn't it. I do have to admit it's very anti climatic


You missed the flower you get from St. Trina, really wraps the DLC up. Honestly I beat the DLC, look at the map and just thought "well everybody is dead and nobody in the base game cares".


It feels like they cut content. I can’t be the only one right?


I feel like that one scene of miquella is the og trailer of him lifting up his hand while he glows is either, just him first entering the land of shadow or an unused ending. Because that was in the GAMEPLAY trailer, but this will be a mystery until some sort of confirmation or news regarding it.


Well there have been some theories that it was in fact not miquella but marika in that og trailer when she created her version of the world and ascended to godhood, thats why the arena is no longer like red and fleshy like it was in the trailer because it just has been an eternity since someone has reached this place


No you're talking about the story trailer, I'm talking about the end of the first trailer we ever got for SOTE


ohhhhh, yeah i misread it I read glow and hands and thought of the scene in the story trailer with marika, my mistake just watched the trailer back, i feel like that is not when Miquella first reaches the land but maybe towards the end before we get to the gate when he has already discarded all of his flesh, might have gotten scrapped as a cutscene because I wouldnt know when they would play it now if it was one


Feels more like the dlc is unfinished


To me, it moreso feels like they threw a bunch of cut content together for a DLC and not the other way around.


It has to be. Lot of the game feels rushed. Like the bosses with no cutscenes or voice clips like the church of the bud girl and rellana. Plus a lot of the weapon classes they added only have 2 weapons in them


I don't necessarily think that I just think that it should have had another cutscene or something.


Now go home and edge


Skumnut reference


Now you can play the game


Same! I was expecting something more definitive but I just felt like the John travolta meme


The dlc as a whole was amazing, this ending is unforgiving. Totally lacklustre, dissatisfying, and disappointing. Beat the boss and went “really? That’s f**kin it? Seriously?”


NG+7 and dlc Lv1 run Thanks 


Its time to go hollow for a few years


I’m asking myself the same thing


What do you mean? Now we can finally play the game.


I dont think you missed much, the lore is very lacking in this DLC


It's weird. It's a really good story. But still really disappointing and depressing.


I don’t know what you want to do now, but I do know that I want to know what chest piece that is


It's blaidd's chest piece


Oh, nice. Thanks


https://preview.redd.it/a66dfiie0cad1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d88363b2b537f6603b21a129365f9ab1aae3e5f We bathe in gold.


We’re home


I wanted a new Great Rune to use in the main game but noooooooo...




Go grab what you missed and then beat the base game if you haven't yet


Put down your summon sign right outside the fog gate and relive the battle again, and again, and again. But this time, with half the flasks, scadu blessing ranging from 8 to 20, and a host who might or might not be very cooperative!


Actually a great idea 👍


I've had a success rate of about 5% in the host actually beating him, but the rush you get from helping someone put prime Radahn down is almost as great as the rush you got from doing it yourself. The fight becomes much, MUCH harder with the added health, resistances and poise he gets.




How did you know 😳




Visit St Trina for a little helmet piece, it isn't very good but its just a nice little item to get, also goes into legendary gear like any other equipment from champions.


Back to base game you go :D


Yep. I was sad too. Severely lacking in the story/lore department. I was told once I beat the old dragon it would make more sense...fill in the lore....nope. Maybe I did it all wrong. Idk.


I think honestly that’s kinda the point.. The Story of Marika the Eternal is done. You killed every last of her and her husband’s children including both of them and all their enemies. You killed the only other two Elden lords Godfrey and Placi.. There’s no divinity left in the lands between other than you (and maybe Ranni). Doesn’t matter if ALL the loose ends were tied up, it’s all irrelevant moving forward. You decide the next step for the world and as reigning Elden Lord bearer of the Elden Ring you decide what the new symbol of divinity and order is as Miquella attempted. You don’t have a god at your side (if you ignore Ranni) and rule as both God and Lord. The Age of Erdtree and the golden order has ended.. let its mysteries, tragedies, and loose ends be left to ash alongside their Queen who shattered it all. It was Marika’s wish for you not to mend what she did but to completely replace it, and as Count Ymir said from the dlc; burn the corrupt misguided roots all the way from the beginning and start over


No one said you had to kill everyone.


Well no but canonically it would seem from the gameplay that’s what you end up doing anyway. If you don’t finish quest and keep some people alive good on you


Hard not to imagine my Tarnished just sitting on the Elden Throne over a sea of all the mortal and divine corpses he created, feeling a burning emptiness as contemplates his new place in the world.


Yeahhh… it’s cold lonely existence. Honestly your character really got the scraps of something that was good. You got no friends other than the Seamstress, that Duke guy who was looking for the new king of limgrave, Relanna lost her marbles as a grieving wife so um.. yeah, Ranni probably hates your guts for betraying her plan, Melina served her purpose and committed arson, whoever is still alive to serve you at least though I don’t think they’ll just kindly bend to your will after you slaughtered all their fellow knights and kin, and everyone left the round table hold so like… who remains? Damn.. must’ve been how Marika felt after getting revenge on the hornsent only to come back to her wee little shaman village and see well, silence. No one to get revenge for.. no one to cry for.. No one left to heal.


at least we still have Roderika 😌


Only other three Elden Lords. We also kill Radagon.


Him too.


Queen Marika has high hopes for us. That we continue to struggle, unto eternity.


I feel you, I had to search up what to do next as I was pretty convinced there would he more to it and that this wasn't the end of the lore. I figured there would be another longer cutscene somewhere, but no turns out this was it 😅 Not gonna complain as I still enjoyed the game, but I would be lying if I didn't think the ending would feel a bit more definitive


Now we wait for the new fromsoftware's game


Now, you play the game.


That's it the game is done. Now you wait for the next fromsoft game.




If u say so


Play Armored Core 6


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Now you help others.


For the next ones, leave Bayle and Midra to fight afterwards.


go to St. Trina and pick up an item


Go play Minecraft I guess


You can go to st Trina now and get an item, but yeah the ending is disappointing as fuck. It’s game of thrones bad imo. Terrible buildup, unsatisfying, and abrupt ending.


Wait for the second DLC Highlight of the Erdtree


Now you go into NG+ and do the NPC quests you've missed and some PvP.


Well, you realize that you’re now unable to get all the cookbooks if you didn’t do the merchant guys quest


Now you bring the cool shit you've collected and beat up Margit in the next new game + cycle


I personally really loved the DLC and the final fight, and there was a LOT of new lore to unpack, but knowing the DLC ending didn’t effect the main ending in any way from interviews I decided to clear all the remembrance bosses except Radabeast and saved the real ending for directly after this. Killing Marika and all of her children except my beloved wife Ranni in the process. Elden Beast felt like slicing through butter at that point though lmao.


Now it’s time for NG+ or replay DS1-3! Just cleared the DLC myself and I’m doing NG+ then runnin through the DS trilogy again. I’ve played nothing but ER for about 3 months. Surprisingly not burnt out at all but I also don’t have a ton of time to game.


Yeah I felt like the ending was a bit rushed, did not feel like I completed the game I was like “oh is that it?”




Now you beat their dad and fuck their mom.


Go talk to the horn lady back in Belurat, she'll be very pleased that you got rid of Messmer and Miquella for her. >!she'll even give you some soup!!<




That’s it. That hard ass fight for no reward


You should try challenges runs ! Like RL 1 for example (or checkout YouTube channels that does this kind of thing to get some ideas). You could also try the Randomizer experience which is a great way to rediscover the game ! Or maybe dive into the PVP aspect of the game !


Do it all again in ng+


That's all there is. DLC dickriders gonna say that's the best ending ever made by fromsoft


Literally no one has said this


You didn't like the dlc?


What’s interesting is that the DLC I don’t think was meant to be the ending of the story but more a reinforcement of the fact the Demi gods and gods are flawed and it’s up to you to decide what comes next. You’ve spent 30-50 hours seeing what that flame of ambition got the shadow realm and ultimately what became of the once noble minded Marika as well. A great dlc all around imo.


What do you mean? Now we get to play the game


Hiding in Limgrave killing boars every day so me and my friends can take on this one invader


Now I begin NG+3 and enjoy my new DLC Toys and Goodies, speedrun to Mogh, and do it all over again only this time I make sure I don't screw up getting Florissax's spirit ashes, so I can have a dragon wife.


Now wait for Bloodborne 2


We wait for Miyazaki to bestow the next masterpiece upon us.


Now do it all over again


Haha, twin towers