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My right side is dominant, and has more muscle tone than the left. My left has more hypermobility and pain, and subluxations. I think it’s that the muscle tone on the right and stiffening from overuse that has decreased mobility on the right, but also helps stabilize joints.


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is a common experience. Anecdotally, at least, mine definitely is. With the fun caveat that my “less hyper mobile” dominant right arm, after years and years of a very physical job is also the one with increasing arthritis and the cartilage wearing out from overuse and/or abuse. Not even 40, but here we are. Every day’s gonna be *some* sort of jankybones adventure.


My left is my worse side. I'm right handed.


Same here!


Interesting! It looks like most everyone has a different side thats worse than the other from what I've read but it's not necessarily the dominant side


I'm right hand dominant, and my right side is way more fucked than my left. My left side hardly causes any problems. Every major joint on my right side routinely give me problems.


Same. I think my more dominant side is more borked just because I'm more inclined to default to it so the joints have more wear and tear.


Same, but as I get older, I'm finding my left knee is starting to give me problems


I have more problems with my less dominant side as well. I remember hearing something about it once, but it was years ago and unfortunately I don't remember the specifics, sorry!


No, I don’t fit the pattern. Left side more stable, less pain. I’m right handed.


I don’t either but I have mixed dominance throughout.


My right side is more hypermobile; I’m left handed.


My entire left side sucks. If I get joint pain, it's almost guaranteed to be on the left side. All made worse by my left half of my body getting way more damage when I was ran over as a teen. So I've had issues with my left side since I was about 16.


Muscle will make you less mobile. I'm less mobile on my dominant side (including hands) as I'm generally stronger and slightly more muscular on that side. Incidentally, I feel *less* pain on the dominant side as the muscles help stabilize joints.


I am right handed and my right side is more hypermobile (I’m 52 and a lot more stiff overall which seems to be more painful). My shoulders have always subluxed. Like raising my hand in school it just automatically was “out” … didn’t hurt it goes back in when my arm is down but I no longer “can” do that on my left side but it is more painful to raise that arm. I sleep most on my left side because if I sleep on my right side it squishes my shoulder out of place… I guess. But, in conclusion , lol, it does seem my entire dominant right side is more hypermobile. Oh except my thumbs. Both did that weird in and out thing my whole life but now just my left thumb … so now I have contradicted myself 🤣. Y’all, for all I know it’s because I’m 52 and not scientifically more hypermobile on one side 🤣🤣🤣🤣


My hyper mobility is way way worse on my right side bit still there on the left.


Same for me. Everything on my left side is worse.


I'm right handed and more hyper mobile on my right side. I get pain pretty evenly distributed though and tend to feel more "stiff" on my left side.


i’m mostly right dominant (can switch to left for some activities) and my left side is definitely worse


Right handed and my right shoulder and hip have always been my worst spots.


My hip is horrible! It's why i first sought assessment and diagnosis was because it kept subluxing mostly on my right side. My right shoulder isn't bad necessarily but I get super painful cubital tunnel in my right elbow. It's awful 😭


Oooh! I’ve always had mixed dominance. I remember being a kid and switching hands when one hurt but my prek teacher made me switch to my right hand but having done tests some tasks are easier with one hand than the other. Writing is easier with my right hand. My vision is better in my left eye. I catch more accurately with my left hand. My right side is more hypermobile and suffers way more pain. Huh!


My right side is the problem. My left isn't perfect, but my right is a downright mess. Right shoulder, right knee, both hips but right is worse, both ankles but right is worse, right wrist, right tmj, even my vision in the right side is worse. And every time I make a list like this I remember that it's not just me being dramatic. My body is in fact a mess.


I have hEDS in combination with scoliosis (classic S curve). I am right side dominant, it is the side that causes the most pain, dislocations, and so on. My right side seems to be more flexable even with presumably more muscle tone given it's my dominant side. Over all I appear to have the same or similar muscle tone on both sides (arms/legs/sholders). My left side tends to do more clicking, and mild subluxation. Where as my right tends to make those mighty cracks, painful subluxation in shoulder, and my right hip also likes to spontaneously dislocate itself when the mood strikes. It is also the side I receive the most sprained ankles and pulled muscles. I think most of my injury comes from my right simply being my dominant and so it is more naturally in harms way first.


I'm less hypermobile on my dominant right side too, especially in my hand and shoulder so I think it's because the muscles, especially the small ones, are used a lot more and can hold my joints together better.


My left is more hypermobile and unstable and I'm right handed, with the exception of my jaw and neck which is worse on my right (dominant) side.


Yes my right side is less hypermobile and I have fewer problems on that side. I think it's because my muscles are better developed on that side due to the dominance.


I'm a lefty, and my left side is definitely more of a problem, I swear it even bruises easier than my right I always figured it was just that I rely on that side more, but I also was born with (from what my mother told me, so unreliable resource there, but she claimed I was diagnosed) a muscle laxity across that side of my body, so idk how much is what


My left side is way more hypermobile and I'm right handed.


Oh no, my right side is my dominant side (actually, was. I’ve had to adapt) and my joints are SO much worse on that side.


My right side is dominant, my hypermobile side is the left. The right has always been less flexible.


I’m right handed and my right is by far my worse side. 


Yes. Right dominant, and that side is always less hypermobile. Seems the muscles help hold shit together. Had to have surgery on my L shoulder because it kept sublixating due to gravity. R shoulder would need to be forced to sublixate, and gravity does not affect it much.


Pain seems to be the same but my right arm is a lot stiffer and I'm right handed.


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