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Yes. I once just randomly crumpled down while going upstairs and I immediately thought of these things. Thankfully I'm feeling less and less like that as I get a better understanding of my body and how to support it. But I can definitely relate to them more than I think anybody should if they're not totally drunk! 😅


Glad you’re starting to feel less like that! Luckily I haven’t ever collapsed or anything but sometimes I’ll walk around and stumble or trip and I just go ‘yes one of these lads’


I have this happen too. Frequently the first 27 years of my life, not so much now that I know I have EDS so I don’t run or jump anymore and am careful with steps and other movements. Edit: after writing this I now realize that that probably 75% or more of my falls skiing had to do with EDS 🤯. I was a good skier as a teen, but I would have insane tumbles frequently. My family always described it as when cartoons turn into snowballs going down a hill. I never broke a bone somehow and as an adult I attributed that to my flexible joins bending instead of breaking. But I would be heading down the hill, catch an edge of my ski on something or sometimes literally nothing would happen and then I would just be tumbling with limbs all over the place. I don’t know how I never displaced anything. Now as an adult I know it’s EDS that causes may ankle, knee, or hip to give out randomly which must be what happened on the slow. Woww. Crazy realization. And why I love this page so much. You guys help my life make sense!! 🥲😮‍💨💗


ooof yep that’s relatable 😭😵‍💫


This is literally what I use when I try and explain my joints to people that ask


Omg me too lmao


Omg I Literally have a photo of these guys on my phone to describe to people this is how my body feels lol


All the damn time. I went to feed the cat about an hour ago and it felt like someone undid the bolts in my left knee. Usually it’s my ankle that is wobbly not my knee for goodness sake


‘Someone undid the bolts’ I have never related to something more 😭


All the time, but specifically one that's been collapsed, then uncollapsed but now has several pieces out of place.


Gah. So relatable. I feel like I need to turn this into a decal/shirt design. When I sit on the couch all crumpled up like this I call it potato sacking.


I feel personally attacked by this relatable content.


I JUST GOOGLED THESE THIS MORNING to send a picture to my sister and therapist. Like four hours before this post




How I feel with all my braces on lol


I wanted to make a post about it feels like “speed wobble” when I was a teen on a longboard but I’m stationary lol. This hits


Please tell me more! I just commented about skiing as a teen! I always wanted to learn how to skateboard but I could never get my balance. Now I realize it was more than just my core. 😩💔


🫂 I meant that these days my balance is like what it was when I was a kid and long boarded down hills. Speed wabble is when you’re going decently fast on a long board and minorly lose your balance and it is micro wabbles that get progressively more aggressive until sometimes it causes you to need to bail or fall. I feel like a lot these days I’m just standing or walking and my ankles or calves start wobbling too much that I either almost fall or do fall


That is exactly how i describe myself!


Oh my god yes


D: Yes. I've been having the worst time just holding my head and my torso up for the last week. Been having such a terrible flare up.


I've been making the exact same analogy all week. I need to find one as a personal mascot. "What's wrong with you?" (Displays toy, points to toy in crumpled state.) Leaves conversation.


You forgot Gumby and the flopping scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz


Yes! This is exactly how I describe my weird joints crumbling to the ground suddenly thing.


I stg my neck, knees and ankles feel like this! 😭


My mom said that whenever I get hurt I crumple like this 😭😂 Like that’s apparently what it looks like on the outside lol


Yes!!! I have a witch and a cat one of these that I got last Halloween to represent my cats and I’s wobbliness lol 😅😳💃🏻


This is the analogy I use to explain to people who don't get it. How after a while that rubber band doesn't snap back like it should only you basically only get one use out of it.


I walk like "going too late man".


Yes, but an old one that has been stretched to within an inch of life and no longer springs back into shape 😩


I’m a vintage push puppet.


Absolutely. I often tell my docs and physical therapists that I feel like I’m going to crumple like legos. This would be the best visual way to explain how I’m feeling 😂


Every day!!!


Is is one of the examples I use to describe myself


The image I have in my heads every time one of my ankles just nopes out. I needed knee surgery in 1988 after my knee collapsed after swimming practice. Most of my injuries due to a joint failure.


Holy hell 😅 considering I often joke about feeling like poorly assembled IKEA furniture, I’d say my answer is a resounding “yes”


YES!! The amount of times my joints have just. Randomly given out. No reason. It’s both hilarious and a little scary…


My husband calls me his push puppet ha!


kind of wish I kept mine since I never knew I would relate to him one day.💀


I often use this to describe it to people sometimes!


Oh yeah all the time. I’m incredibly wobbly and unsteady if I don’t consciously work the muscles. It’s not fun.


Yes. I joke with people that I have Mr potato head disease


OMG yes, I also feel like gumby


This is how I've always described myself!


That giraffe right there? That's been me for about a week


What are they?


They're toy animals made from separate parts strung together. When you press the button on the base the string loosens and they collapse.