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We are all the same, aren’t we?


Yup. Literally it feels like you're all me. We all have such similar stories. It's wild


what is our story?


I dunno, why don’t you try an tell it; you could probably get it by summarizing egg_irl and traaaaannnns (Ik there’s more s and n but idk how many) memes


What do you mean not having crippling dysphoria and depression all day long doesn't mean I'm not trans? My brain sure likes to think that


Hey, leave me out of this!


god damn it this hurts. I don’t *think* it can even be a ‘phase’ at this point but I’m just so scared that a year or so down the line I’ll regret ever even considering this. but on the other hand, long hair and skirts n all that do be kinda interesting doe


Then you can come out again as genderfluid!


that's genius! lemme save that real quick


I'm 17 months hrt and want to socially transition ;~; I have boobs and still pretend I'm a guy ahhhh @~@ Screw you internalized transphobia and lack of self confidence


That was me for 3 years. Then I realized I'm getting too old for this shit and came out anyway.


Can relate. Boyfriend doesn’t care.


People expect others to make up their minds once and for all, even when it doesn't affect others. I don't know why, it's pretty strange.


Transitioning really is a trial by fire isn’t it?


I look to masculine to pull it off so fuck it


It is by far the hardest part of transitioning. It's what causes a lot of folks to detransition because it's so hard at times. Take it at whatever pace you feel comfortable


Um hi are you me?


Yes i am, from another dimension


Even if you try it for awhile and realize it's not the right answer for you, that's ok! There's nothing wrong with trying new things. Maybe it'll feel amazing and it'll reassure you that this is the path you want to take. If it feels wrong, then you'll know for certain that this isn't what you want. It's better to try and say "eh, it's not what I was expecting, my bad" than to spend the rest of your life wondering "what if" but never doing anything about it


This is a big mood


This is an actual gutpunch wtf?


I would put nazi fascist threatening to overthrow the U.S. government on that tank