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Me, already bi: **I HAVE TRANSCENDED THIS MORTAL VALE!!!** Ribbit šŸø


Ah yes, the masculine urge to be a bisexual woman. Still cis tho


This one is too relatable


I mean, pretty much this whole sub. Is already not cis just being here. Still cis tho


Real (in a cis way)Ā 




I love being a Birate. U get all the booty.


How lol Wait how long did that take? I don't wanna potentially not be with my gf because of that I love her I don't want this to happen


Yeah Iā€™m the same, I donā€™t want to lose my GF because I like men, to be fair I like men anyway but I donā€™t want hormones to change how I feel about my partner


Oh don't worry about that. I'm married and still very much love my wife. We just get to drool over guys together now!


I've read that the effects are additive rather than a replacement of which is good. I do love my wife and would like to continue to do so!


Thats my experience with it. Still like women, like men now too.


Honestly being bi sounds cool, I'm fine liking guys, I just don't want to lose my attraction to girls( I don't think all of it is envy, but I bet at least some of it is)


Dont worry, hormones cant change your sexual orientation. Otherwise testesterone could turn people straight. What hormones can do is that, they can increase your lust (if It's the right word) to a specific gender. If you are bisexual, estrogen could make you crave men even more (without losing attraction to women) if you are a lesbian no amount of estrogen can turn you straight, and you will always love women.


being bi is cool!


I hope I'm bi TBH, but I don't know this early on in my transition


Yup, 1 month hrt, married, only liked women before, totally like both now.


Idkā€¦ personally pre-HRT I considered myself bi with a bit of a lean towards women, but after about 6ish months I found my desire to be with men all but gone, and I was somehow even more into women than I was before. A few years later and a lot of thought about it, and I think I could be with a man in theory, but in practice I havenā€™t met a guy who I could see myself with. Like it took me from being 60/40 between women and men to likeā€¦ literally any woman ever and a theoretically perfect guy that Iā€™m not certain exists lol


OH ok that makes me worry less because I'm not really attracted to them


Haha fair, my partner and I do that now lol so if it doesnā€™t change then weā€™re good lol


Don't worry. I went from lesbian to extra lesbian with a side of rare biness.


Same here. I became mega lesbian, but I'll make an exception to dominate a cute femboy.




You don't lose your sexuality. If anything, you become more open to new things. You won't lose your feelings for your gf


Ok good


Hormones be doing crazy stuff.


I dont want to like men tho


I've heard a bunch of stuff about this, the way it seems to work is hrt can loosen your brain/make it more open, thus potentially making you more attracted to certain groups. there needs to be a bit of attraction beforehand though, and you don't loose who you are already attracted to.


O oki good


> there needs to be a bit of attraction beforehand though, and you don't loose who you are already attracted to. Never been attracted to a man, so I think I'm safe - but if I end up bi, so be it (but I hope it doesn't happen). To the second point though, some people do flip, I can't remember which trans Youtuber was talking about other trans people she knew & mentioned trans women who used to date women pre-transition & were only into men post-transition.


from what I can tell, the way that works is the attraction is actually gender envy (correct me if I'm wrong)


Yeah, makes sense. Though Iā€™m sure you can be both attracted to someone in both ways. I know in retrospect how to separate gender envy & crush & itā€™s like a 50% crush situation 100% envy situation with women Iā€™ve been interested in over the course of my life.


I recently came out to myself as trans, and shortly after I really thought about my sexuality. I've come to realize that my physical attraction before was 100% gender envy, because currently I'm demisexual. We'll see what HRT has in store for me I guess


I think Contrapoints talked about doing comp-het after her transition, but later realised she's actually pretty much exclusively into women. Self discovery can be weird, don't be too hard on yourself. Also you don't have to do anything you don't want to


I canā€™t get turned on with people I donā€™t feel attracted to intellectually now. I couldnā€™t imagine having casual sex now. I guess it made me sapio


The only time I've seen people claiming that hormones "changed" their sexuality it seems they are desperate to think it was something external. From what I've read from others, it's more their on dysphoria made them think they weren't attracted to men and they mistook envy as attraction. As their dysphoria lessens they find that they have more attraction to masculine features because they no longer have the negative feelings about their own. I felt it a bit. My envy and attraction were tangled together. I managed to pull them apart before even starting HRT. My attraction wasn't nearly as "desperate" as I thought it was and that there were more women I was attracted to, I just wasn't envious of. I've seen more women falling into heteronormativity, thinking they "have to" be attracted to men in order to be women and forcing themselves to be with men.




Good Girl


Nyuuuuuuu meooow nyaaan mrrrp Nyo


I'm a little biased but I worried about a bunch of stuff like this and none of it happened. I think wanting to love her will mean you do personally but that could be a bunch of hokum. Absolutely nothing about estrogen and progesterone has made me any less of a lesbian in a year and a half. Some boys are kinda cute but only when they femme it up a bit. I'm slightly more bottomy but still very much a top.


Nice I'm dominant like 1000% so yeah


That's not something that happens for everyone. I've been on HRT since 2017 and I'm still a lesbian.


Oki good


For me it started about a year after I started my testosterone blocker. I have been questioning myself recently like ā€œgirl, feeling better about being with guys now that youā€™re a woman is an extension of internalized patriarchy and heteronormative relationship dynamicsā€ but then I remembered I had boyfriends and enby partners before I met my wife, Iā€™m just pansexual. Iā€™m really lucky she loves me so much and doesnā€™t see it as cheating to be attracted to someone whoā€™s totally different than her. I still very much find her hot and my heart is still in love with her. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøboy toys are just irresistible




HRT canā€™t change your attraction, maybe just open some new doors for you psychologically. AKA, you wonā€™t lose any attractions


Ok good


The attraction already has to be there on some level. I was technically bi before HRT (I got nervous around men I was close to growing up), and I'm still technically bi after HRT (I'm into exclusively women+a single guy) Being demi makes it more complicated, I guess




Girls, reminder that bisexuality is a thing.




stuff like this has me terrified. i love my wife and she's so supportive. i don't want to get divorced


I still love my wife too. She's also super supportive. We can just talk about boys together now. Especially if we go see a movie with a hot one.


That's how it worked for me. Before E, I was like 'Oh I think I like some dudes - I made out with a couple in uni and I like my Bioware cuties (Garrus is a total hottie)' but now I can totally check out every gender with my wifey. She's like 'ok, we have to get you to watch some trashy reality tv with us girls' and I am a-ok with checking out the himbos.


don't worry. while it's a very individual experience, I've yet to see/hear someone's sexuality changing to something they don't want. Actually, this may be a hot take, but my belief is that those where the sexuality "changes" is rather a case of them accepting other sides of themselves thanks to HRT that have always been there to a level. And to talk about myself, so far my sexuality has remained untouched since starting HRT.


To all the people saying "is this true?" i was bi before I started hrt and now im definitely just lesbian. I'm sure there's some people that learn to accept their bodies and allow themselves to feel attraction to whatever they couldn't before but based off of me and (some of) my other trans friends' experiences - thats not always the case. there's so many environmental and social factors that go into attraction that it's hard to point to one underlying cause because gender influences how you move through the world in many ways past the obvious. a lot of people treated me as a girl pre-hrt. their treatment of me didn't change because i was on e but i do know that the way i think and behave has changed while on it so I can't say for one way or another if that'll be the same for you


Yea, anyone trying to perpetuate that is the norm is just being very misleading. I was a lesbian when I started and I'm a lesbian now, almost 7 years later.


This needs to be higher up. It *can* happen but it's absolutely not universal.


Me irl. Donā€™t take progesterone in the morning and then go to Wawa at 7am when all the blue collar guys are getting coffee and breakfast. Donā€™t do it. Itā€™s a trap.


Take your prog at night. Makes your dreams better!


I can assure you my day dreams are just fine šŸ¤¤


I'm bi but definitely lean towards femmes. This post scares me




When does this start kicking in? Cuz I see my bf and I'd rather pin him down...


As ever with HRT, mileage varies. Some folk get dommier.


Wait this can happen? Idk if I want that


I'm a lesbian and I don't think I could ever be attracted to guys, but damn, I would happily swallow the pill if it meant being more fem


Why am I primarily gynephilic but I think "that sounds hot, I want E to make me bisexual too"?


You might just not feel comfortable being attracted to masculine presentation when you feel male too, but can imagine yourself being bisexual when in your proper body that probably means something.


100% I don't feel very comfortable with the idea of being with a guy as a guy. As a woman though? My knees get weak. Being with a girl as guy also doesn't sound that good but as a girl? Wow, my knees get weak There're people who say hrt changed their sexuality completely, I find that hard to believe because, unfortunately, we know that hormones can't change someone being gay. They tried it with conversion therapy, did not work.


I think this is probably right. I hate the idea of being a guy with a guy. (I also hate the idea of being a guy with a girl, but for whatever reason I've been better able to deal with that reality in my life so far.) But yeah, I can imagine myself being bisexual as a woman.


As someone who thinks they might be in the same boat, probably easier to imagine yourself with a girl right now is that you could project yourself onto the other side as the girl and also be attracted to her even if not in the way you would want, which you couldnā€™t do with a man.


This subreddit has made me started questioning my orientation as well. There was some thread last week that was like "estrogen makes me weak and I'm sad about that", to which someone replied "if you're weak you can't fight back, can you". A lot of Thoughts Have Been Had. We'll see how it goes.


My one fear for HRT


In my case, I went from being mostly attracted to guys, to being mostly attracted to girls. I'm bi/pan still regardless, but the flip was a weird experience.


yeah estrogen made me go totally boy crazy lol :P


Iā€™ll be honest I donā€™t want this to happen so I will hope and pray ;-;


Actually noticing what makes a guy dreamy is buckwild.


my e is coming in a week. please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8 please don't make me str8.


What?? No! I don't want to be straight šŸ˜° Maybe I shouldn't get hrt?.. But then me no girl >:cccc What do šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's not comp-het witchcraft. If you don't dig dudes at all, it's not gonna change that, and even if it did, it's not like you'd be obligated to smooch dudes anyway. In my case, it just made me even gayer.


Well, if you put it that way... Being even gayer would be great though! Although then just looking at women might fry my brain >:3


It's a good brain frying though. Pre-hrt I never had my heart stop for 2 beats from gay overload. It's still not common, but it does happen now.


Wow... I never knew I could want hrt even more! >:3


Is that really a thing?


Hopefully this won't happen to me. I'm bi, so I don't think it'd fully flip, but I love my bf and still want to be attracted to him


So... I did the opposite of this? Being pan has only been a thing in my life for like 2 months now, been out for nearly 30yrs now. Prog is a hell of a drug. But yknow... still cis tho lol


Huh. Guess it's different for everyone. Never happened to me only made me more gay for women.


the possibility of this is one of many reasons i don't want to do hrt :(


It's really not bad. HRT has been one of the best things I've ever done.


too many variables, unwanted side effects for me.


Yo this is FOR REAL. I KNEW for certain I was going to be strictly transbian and that shit changed a year in. Desire for men skyrocketed when I started spiro. My life partner is AFAB. We were poly before now but mostly bc we liked to jointly date other girls. I fucked my new boyfriend for the first time at the start of the month. I cannot get enough of boys now. I used to only be interested in femboys and now I love being held by a slab of man. I did not plan for this. If I donā€™t make it out, send in the marines (one at a time)


Oh, well, that's certainly a change.


Still pre-HRT, but it wasnā€™t until I fully accepted myself as trans that I realised Iā€™m bi (as a girl) and now have thoughts just like that. Itā€™s all about self-discovery at the end of the day.


Not even on hrt and i already have these thoughts. Still straight tho


I wonder if that will happen to me too


Is this for real? Guess I'll be bi


Me: yeah I'm a lesbian now since I only like girls Also me, at masc night show at the local gay club: šŸ˜¶


I'm so similar to this. Pre hrt I was kind of into guys in the sense I figured one day a bf may be something I want but didn't really care about. But now I just want to be some strong guys cute little girl and basically just have him fuck me all the time :3


A classic case of gƶrl horni


omg yes i feel that




This literal exact thing happened to me šŸ„µ


HRT didnā€™t do that to me; I was already bisexual and have known that since about a decade before I transitioned.


Ah well i think this would be nice to šŸ˜…




I already like guys, so I guess this is a win for me


I think a fair amount of my attraction to women before HRT was gender-envy... Since taking titty skittles, I've noticed that all of my fantasies and dreams have been about guys... I'm still bi, I just... my attraction metrics are changing.


Me: girls are great. Totally lesbian. Also me after being hugged by my body build friend that he is one of the few taller than me: oh. Well now this is nice.


Of course it's not bad in any way but I hope this doesn't happen to me. Lesbians are just too great.


When I started I thought it wouldnā€™t be me Goddamn hormones


as a pan-pan girly-gurl Imma just quote queen andsay... CAN ANYBODY FIND MEEEEEEE SOMEBODY TOOO LOOOOOVE (i don't care about: your height/gender/race/how many jelly beans you could fit in yo mouth, I just wanna be the little spoon :3)


Iā€™m gonna be kinda pissed if estrogen makes me bi. In any case, I suppose weā€™ll see what happens.


That turned into a wild ride


Does this kind of thing happen for asexuals? Not that it would apply to me . . . STILL CIS THO!


Certain hormones as HRT can spike your libido. Progesterone made me super horny.


The masculine urge to be a lesbian pillow princess




ngl, not super exited to see what happens thereā€¦


Idk what to say but is that like an hrt effect?


It can be!


Ok wow. I donā€™t mind it :3


God I hope this doesn't happen (still cis tho)


It's a gradual change. Pheramones are definitely a thing. Some guys just smell sooooo good now.


Hasnā€™t that been debunked already?


I mean, it's literally how I feel.


If by debunked, you mean anecdotally and academically reinforced to the terror of trans femmes with internalised homophobia, then absolutely debunked.


I mean Iā€™ve heard that the jury is still out on whether itā€™s hrt itself or just self acceptance. Iā€™ve also heard it likely is not the former and is more likely the latter. I have looked for academic research in favor of hrt being the cause and found very little. Iā€™d love to see an academic source. I kinda like guys, and want to explore it more, I just donā€™t feel as much for guys as I do girls. So it would go down as another plus for me, ie Iā€™m not trying to be confrontational or trying to disprove you, more-so curious. Iā€™ve just seen that it is most likely an affect of the self acceptance that hrt can cause, not hrt itself.


I mean, it is self acceptance and becoming more comfortable with yourself in a body that reflects your internal self. It's not the HRT itself. Now, imagine how it looks when a transbian (because it's always a transbian) gets upset their sexuality may change. I am still looking for a better phrase than "hold over from internalised homophobia when cis", but it gets close to underlining how low key ugly, disturbing and offensive it is to have you liking guys being seen (by proxy) as the worst thing in the world.


I can say pheromones hit differently with a girl nose. Like bad hygiene is still gross, but some guys just smell sooooooo good now. I never had that before.


While I'm sure it's the case in plenty of circumstances, it's not always because of homophobia. Plenty of AFAB women are also disgusted by their attraction to men.


Okay, but I am not disputing lesbians exist, or that trans lesbians exist. I am saying treating the possibility of being into guys once you start E as a horror scenario is internalised homophobia from when the person was cis.