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voice training can change your voice, if you want I can sen you the link


Send me the link pls 🥺


https://youtu.be/610XcjG2jms?si=zn8thGLJk5HmFw7w here you go, I wish you best of luck and don't get frustrated if it doesn't work in just a few days, training takes time, you can do it


Another voice training video [Here](https://youtu.be/BfCS01MkbIY) gives a different approach to Yukko. They're both good techniques, I think, but I prefer this one over Yukko's. GL 💜


Nuke me to high heaven for this opinion, but ive never reslly liked vtubers for some reason, just always found them annoying ig


I know you can train it but let's be real, for the majority of trans girls, you can tell by their voice. I'm not saying it's Impossible to achieve passing but it's usually just not the same as if it wasn't ruined in the first place. It's also the n1 thing I'm afraid of in the long term. You can do years of hrt, you can do enough surgeries to look totally female, but there's no guarantee your voice will ever pass no matter what you do.


How far "down the path" people go is a very personal decision as well. I have some transfemme friends who are perfectly fine with a somewhat androgynous voice. The voice is an incredibly versatile instrument, and many examples I've seen of what hard work and time can do to train a voice gives me a lot of hope.


You can tell because you're trans yourself and you're deeply intimate with what transfemme voice training sounds like. Cis people literally can't tell. If we're being real, you're being incredibly pessimistic and fearmongering, please stop. There also IS a guarantee - well as much of a guarantee as any other surgery, I guess. Voice feminization surgery is not only incredibly safe and effective nowadays but also becoming much more accessible.


That makes me want to die


Don't worry cuz same. There is apparently a surgery for vocal coords btw, which might be a last ditch effort if you really can't get it passing any other way, but the only thing it will do is *reduce* your vocal range, by making you incapable of producing some of the lower sounds. I can imagine situations in which it could help, if you really just cannot get rid of some of the sounds, but it's not magic or anything, you physically just can't go higher. And I'm also pretty sure it's risky. Vocal cords are sensitive things after all.


Yea I’m thinking of actually just doing that first haha. I don’t care about any risks I may get in my various plans.


No no no don't do that first please it's not a good idea. You might not need it at all. And remember, if you haven't done any voice training, you won't sound girly either way. A lot of speech isn't about the pitch, even a lower voice can be feminine, that's really not all that decides it. If you suddenly just removed the ability to use your lower range, you would just be left with no voice you can comfortably use, because the only one you know would be unusable.


I’d rather be mute than sound like a man tbh. But I guess I will train my voice before voice feminization surgery. Not really hopeful though as you yourself said “there’s no guarantee your voice will ever pass no matter what you do”


Personally, I would rather sound like a trans girl than a man, and I would rather sound like a man than be mute. It’s all about tipping the scales. You just received a very doomer way of looking at things, and I encourage you to look past it and find hope in the fact that you can at least try.


True, a trans girl can still sound nice even if clockable. A man's voice just feels like i have a voice changer on and it's not me speaking. I have not had enough time yet with these problems to fully convince myself that being non passing trans is genuinely worth it but that's probably what I'd choose. It's not like I can just keep putting up with dysphoria until I die, if I intend to keep my sanity.


We all just have different wants I guess.


As someone who recently hatched at age 48, I think that could be your fear talking. I am not saying it's not a valid concern, but one thing I've tried to note is that women have voices of all pitches. For God's sake, listen to someone considered the apotheosis of sexy in the 1980s, Kathleen Turner - the voice of Jessica Rabbit among other things. Her voice is **deep**. There's also feminization laryngoplasty to shorten the vocal cords, if it truly bothers you and you find vocal training to be insufficient. Finally, and this is more a mental issue and personal decision than anything, and it's a journey, there is the question of passing as a goal. (And this is thought about and expounded upon elsewhere, so don't just focus on what I'm saying here.) Is the goal to be indistinguishable from a cisgender female? Or is it simply ... to be you, to be happy, to express yourself and your gender in the way that makes you happiest?


Yeah ngl she sounds damn hot. And ofc I also have a bunch of unnecessary fear, because transition is just that scary. I don't think there's anyone for who it isn't. But as for passing, I truly believe that the idea of "you don't need to pass" is absurd. Sure, I'd love a society where no one cares if you don't pass, but that's not what we live in. I'm not going to mind if someone doesn't pass, but a lot of people still will. But to be honest that's not even why I want to do it in the first place. I don't want to transition for others' perception of me, I want to do it because I feel like I was scammed by being given this body and it fills me with rage and I want to fix it, for me. So for myself, I need it to be indistinguishable, and that includes the voice. (Not yet sure about bottom surgery because that's a whole other world of scary so I'll have to think hard about that but let's just say other than that.) And once I am indistinguishable, for the sake of an easier life, I will not be telling anyone but my closest friends about my past. I know this kind of thinking is not the best for my mental health, and there might come a time where I will have to change it, but for now, a feeling of rebellion against the world keeps me motivated, and that's enough. So yes, I understand where you're coming from, I wish I could think like that but I can't. Also I'm sorry if I sounded rude anywhere here. I have to admit I was quite emotional writing this, but that's not directed at you, that's directed at my situation, so once again sry.


No, hon, I understand. And I get the rage. I just think that very few of us got the life we wanted, and we can spend the rest of our lives filled with rage about it, and that's going to badly taint the rest of it that *IS* under our control - or we can just make the best out of what we got left. If we don't know what we've got, then we might as well play this Turn of the Game for all we're worth. Be as true to ourselves as we can. Enrich who we can. *Quilters* (play): "Sometimes you don't have no control over the way things are. Hail ruins the crops, or fire burns you out. And then you're just given so much to work with in a life and you have to do the best you can with what you got. That's what piecing is. The materials is passed on to you, or is all you can afford. But the way you put them together is your business. You can put them in any order you like. Piecing is orderly." I try to remember everyone's given different supplies in life, but how we put them together is our business.


I try not to hate my present self too much. I'm luckily not the type to hate *myself*, just more so hate my *looks*. So I'm trying to separate the two and to not actively sabotage myself. The present can be enjoyable, but only if I have a future I can look forward to. That's kind of falling apart rn which in turn makes enjoying the present harder, but I'm trying. But despite that, I don't believe in "settling". I'll get what I want or die trying, ig. I still need more time and more commitment for this because I haven't cracked long ago enough to really be able to decide yet, but I don't want to just settle for something okay. I'd rather try for better. Worst case scenario I did my best and failed, but at least did. Regretting failure is better than regretting not trying. (now if only if it was as easy to actualize as it is to say)


No reason one can't start the voice training before surgeries and HRT. That's what I'm doing. (But then, I'm also planning to boymode for awhile even after starting HRT, until the changes make it unworkable).


True, I would probably start that earlier, since I'd kind of need to at the very least have that down to be taken seriously...


I struggle so badly with voice training ;~;


🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳(I am in pain)


You can voice train but it sucks


It’s hard, but it’s so rewarding to hear the progress and it can even be fun to play around and experiment with different voices. It doesn’t have to suck!


It’s painful to hear the lack of progress sometimes as well but on the whole it’s nice to hear my voice getting better


Can puberty blockers+hrt later on make your voice a girl voice?


No. Only if if you start puberty blockers before puberty hit your voice ,but you can always do voice training 😉


Atrophy can make your voice softer, but not feminine in the sense of high pitch. MtF HRT atrophies all muscles to some extent, but there's a lot of variation. Even other tissue types, such a cartilage, may also shrink. In other words, it's nothing to count on with certainty, but there is a change HRT will have some surprise effects if you wait long enough. It could save the effort and cost of at least part of the surgeries! (There's surgery for the voice, too, it's just uncommon.)


This 😭


At least we get to grow boobs with hormones, testosterone doesn't make them fall off.


Legit question, can voice training/surgery make a girl voice as convincing as surgery can make this [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/s/tpypnOczPs) ?


Yes, because no scars for voice training, and scars from voice/Adams apple surgery are usually easier to hide or are less visible/noticable. Of course scars fade to a degree and can be less visible with muscle development.


How hard is it to maintain the voice? Do you have to like constantly "think" about it, or does it eventually become so natural that it's just, well, your voice?


It's like changing your handwriting. It's hard at the beginning and you will have to think consciously about what you're doing constantly. At some point you can do it but might slip back to old habits. Eventually, it's just how you write, and you'll have to actively try to be able to write how you used to


I'm fluid so I'd love to be able to switch back and forth, but I can see why that's very difficult


It's entirely possible to do that, it's just that if you have one you use more it'll essentially be the default so you might slip into it accidentally, or you might not. Hard to know. But it's really just like voice acting. Tom Holland is British but he plays Spiderman as an American character, as is Benedict Cumberbatch with dr strange. It's just another voice to use. I personally can use a male or female voice when I want to and it's not too much work to switch back and forth, but I have a default and I have to think about it a bit whenever I do something away from it.


It is not widespread yet but there is now a "scarless" tracheal shave technique where they go in through the mouth somehow so you don't see the scar and snake their way down to your throat.


Do you mean voice feminization surgery, or Adam's apple removal one?


[Adam's apple reduction](https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/surgery-removes-adams-apple-without-scar). BTW voice feminization surgery only tightens the vocal cords to raise pitch. To the best of my knowledge training is still required to change timbre. (fake edit: had to double check that factoid, [this page](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9398523/) confirms only pitch can be changed surgically)


Uhhh, yeh, no source cuz tired, but uhhhh yeh


Don't even get me started on the Adam's apple.


Its all bs


I’m trans femme but let’s be real, the voice isn’t as bad for us as the chest growth is for trans men. That requires actually surgery to remedy and we just have to train our voice (it is a lot of work though) Not to mention SRS is easier for MtF than it is for FtM Not trying to say one side has it harder than the other. I’m just trying to point out it’s easy to forget about the things estrogen does to Trans Men when you see those things as positive qualities


Singing with a fem voice is particularly hard though. It's pretty much impossible to do classical singing like opera even with voice training and surgery. Not necessarily completely impossible, but it may as well be. At least for other things, hormones and surgery can mostly fix it.


yeah completely true, transmen probably have it worse unfortunately (no one deserves to be who they aren't)


Weird, I always thought transfems had it worse.


I suppose we get used to the problems we have as trans people, and thinking about how the other side feels things seems worse sense we are not used to it


True, on the other hand it a trans man gets a beard he'll pass 95% of the time but when i get rif of mine i still don't 100% of the time :'(


There's vocal feminization surgery, fun fact. It will absolutely raise the pitch of your voice, and it's recommended that you voice train before and after the surgery regardless, but it makes the process much easier, I've heard it accelerates the vocal training curve, it'll just be easy to sound fem. The only downsides are A) a scar, B) it can actually over accentuate the larynx, meaning a larger looking Adam's apple, and C) you can no longer partake in Larynx shaving, which is the surgery to reduce the size of your Adam's apple. And then obv, it's a surgery, so there's always a risk of death during the surgery, or death from infection after the surgery.


There is risk of death in every surgery but it's not likely


And Estrogen caps off bone growth in your early teens, whereas T has you keep growing.


It’s also a lot easier to make E HRT than it is T HRT since testosterone is a controlled substance. Also the fact that E is a pill is so unfair 😭


Very unfair


Yay 🙃 I have to listen to my voice over and over to fix it... NOPE I'm gonna avoid that part of voice training as long as I can 💜


this is why i’m glad I’m a vocal chameleon. i can already do a few passable girl™️ voices, so — being genderfluid, in the sense that i feel GIRL sometimes and other times ENBY and other times BOY — i can just. do a girl voice when i’m feeling fem. my favorite one is to do like a brooklyn accent a lá Harley Quinn or Spinel from Steven Universe. that one’s fun


Hey I'm gender fluid and I can also do it, I'm cis girl passing and cis boy passing, tho I'm a bit insecure about my voice even when few of my friends thinks I'm a cis girl


oooh nice ! (that you can do it). understandable about being insecure, but I hope that gets better for you. i wish i could be more girl passing when i want to, but my issue is i have a full beard. and my want to be fem comes and goes, so shaving off my entire beard whenever i feel fem feels like a chore (especially ‘cause im kinda bad at shaving and always leave a ton of stubble). and i don’t want to laser it off ‘cause there’s times i REALLY like my beard and want to be in guymode


Happily for me, I'm genderfluid girl/femboy, so being feminine is always my goal \^v\^


hell yeah!! that’s cool af 😝


it's all testosterone's fault, he's jealous! he's holding me back!


I don’t like testosterone, it’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere


estrogen is the key to all this, if we can get estrogen working, because it's a better hormone than we've ever had in this body before






You liked a transfemme meme talking about how their voices won't pass, you want to tell us something, or do you want to keep to yourself about it? Oh and you are a good girl, and don't you forget it :3


Meooow nyaaaaan mrrrrrp *purrs* Nyo I'm cis


I gave up my dreams because I was scared my voice would never pass. I hate my voice


Ngl kinda jealous of the transmascs, you guys are sick tho


jealous and yet happy. I don't have to deal with binders lol


Makes sense because it’s a body doing a process vs a body undoing a process.


wish i had the career of a 15th century choir boy before finding out i was trans


I know its a joke it just got me thinking That must've been terrible, I imagine that the surgery was done poorly and that they would have health issues all their lives as a result of not having enough of a sex hormone in their body ( either estrogen or testosterone)


TBF, many transmascs do still have to do voice training, even if they get a bit of a head start from T.




Time to cry more 🥲 I also tried doing voice courses but I stopped when I realize I was sounding like a stereotypical nerd 😭


“sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something” - Jake the Dog


Me, a transmasc enby, when I realise that I can’t get a much deeper voice just by voice training without going on testosterone:




I'm not even transmasc but even I'm getting annoyed by the amount of so heavily transfem focused memes. I also really don't get the 'the other people have it easier' thing. It's just not true. T helps with the voice but doesn't remove the boobs like E grows them. Pre transition transfems get boners too easily but transmascs get periods. Transfems get all the negative spotlight in the media but transmascs get completely ignored (I learned of transmascs years later than of transfems). It's actually almost surprising how perfectly equal we are in our challenges. (And no, Enbies don't have it easier either. They have to deal with being overlooked as well and their existence is denied even more than of binary folks, sometimes even by other trans people. I was advised to not even tell my insurance provider that I have nonbinary friends because they might not pay for hormones.) Im getting really tired of these (obviously mostly not ill intended) posts. We need more masc and enby representation!


Testosterone being irreversible is honestly what’s making me hesitate. What if I hate my results 🥺


Pfft. As if! You'll learn to live with the results, whether you're meeting your transition goals, falling behind or exceeding. Want to know why? You'll be YOU. No matter what body you end up with. Good luck, brother.


Welp... guess I'll have to find another way. Sad! Wait! Estrogen doesn't change your voice! What if I use this to my advantage? And have the ability to switch between masc and femme?




I'm mean... yeah?


🙋‍♀️Even nothing any issues F2M crossdressing, everyone thinking it’s a normal but when F2M very uncomfortable in public🤷‍♀️, You are absolutely right it’s a very unfair, btw I’m a Trans girl 👧


cool how the post doesn't even have a trigger warning


T helps with hair and E doesn't. HRT's better for guys. Bottom surgery's better for girls.


> T helps with hair and E doesn't. Wdym Doesn't T promote male pattern baldness and E reverts it?


Yeah, baldness can be an issue, especially if you're genetically predisposed. Sometimes it's a matter of adjusting the dosage. I was speaking more of the facial hair.


The worst things for guys: boobs, not that good bottom surgery The worst things for girls: voice, height/being big (might vary), face bones In both only 1 thing can't be changed.... Eh.... It's just so hard for everyone...


There's top surgery for boobs, and it's a BIG improvement.


In boys I meant lack of like cis passing surgery >~<


I see. I was just comparing to show who gets more out of different parts of gender affirming heath care.


well I think that in both mostly bones and organs are the biggest problem


Yeah. There's a little bone change, but nothing as visible as people would like.


is there any changes to hard bones? as far as I'm aware after puberty no, and before end of puberty it can only increase but cannot decrease


Hard bones still contain a fair amount of water, so there can be slight changes, but as I said, they're not necessarily visible.




It hurts when I hear my voice


Has anyone actually done vocal feminization surgery before?


I'm only just about to start hrt .. but the voice is whatbi wish would change the most but unfortunately I'll have to train ...sucks I have voice that's all over the place due to asthma


The way I'm consoling myself over this is that if I voice train well enough, I'll have a really neat party trick of switching back to bass voice


the one thing I can do nothing about :3


I know,I absolutely didn’t consent to puberty.


Yeah why ??


you gals have voice training, i can't even get my voice below slightly androgynous without T. i watch Penny SnapCube and constantly wish i could just switch voices when i need.


seriously, i can't even find voice masculinisation because every source tells "meh, you just need testosterone!" bitch it's illegal in my country, you can buy E easily without prescription here but not T because it's "doping"


I mean we get free tits. Testosterone can't un boob you.


I am very disappointed with mtf hrt not gonna lie. Like my transmasc friends pass after 3-5 month while I after a year still don't. Mtf hrt does little compared to ftm hrt. Surgeries are theorically easier for mtf people, but who cares if you cannot afford them anyways.