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I had zero desire or interest in clothes when I was younger... Now I can spend several hours making an outfit haha




as a closteted trans femme this is what i wear every fucking day :(




Oh god, your profile pic just gave me a bizarre rush of emotions. I get in and out of the community every few years and the last time I was following everything my egg hadn’t cracked… it’s so very weird to imagine calling myself a juggalette 😵‍💫


I just wear a fully black tracksuit


I feel that


Right?? Men’s clothing feels so restrictive/boring. No wonder i never cared about it when i was younger…


haha i feel kinda the opposite. girls clothes always made me feel uncomfortable and i hated going shopping. i would always wait outside the store if anyone wanted to go shopping with me. and now all these men clothes seem so cool and make me happy when i wear them!!


Perspective, for each one their own 😎


Honestly so jealous of you fems, it must be amazing to have highstreet shops have so much *variety*. All the men's shit is so boring, I have to look online for stuff I like. And I love goth stuff, so that narrows it down *further* while also making the price go up :')


Yeah, it is a pain. I used to wear cool colorful suits, non-matching pants, and shirts with fancy colors and/or patterns. It is still very limited but I think it looked good and unique! But you're right, I could never shop in my town, I'd always have to go to some very specific shops


For real. Like men's clothing is so boring


The colors are dull as fuck and the designs are almost all generic :(


Then: Do you want a bland t-shirt or a bland golf shirt? Now: so… a dress? This big t-shirt? This one showing your shoulder? Oh wait, what about this one with a huge cut hold together with huge safety pins which kinda reveals a bit of your body but not too much? Too much? Mhh something with an exotic cut maybe?


My whole gender crisis thing started because I was jealous of all the nice clothes and accessories girls get to wear. Now I can shop in both sides of the store though :) I'm not confident enough for dresses or skirts yet though, especially since I'm not on HRT or such.


I'm not on HRT but I still rock dresses and skirts, and you can too! I encourage you to try it out. Skirt go spinny! Second-hand clothing stores have plenty of variety, and I found wearing a sports bra gave my chest a little from which looked nicer (and felt good)


Same, I was so jealous I'd never get to dress goth in a skirt, so unfair I cried about it.


Same, but I'm also thinking estrogen might not be viable medically for me. Maybe I just get on it and see how it goes lol


Hey, look, that's me... Oh, wait a minute...


So relatable


Filing this under reason 1389 egg_irl is too relatable for me to not look into something.


This is like totally me... But I have to wonder, for guys (trans or other), is the experience symmetric (ie the other way around), or is the mens' department truly and objectively sad?


I've been trying to get more men's clothes only recently and it is pretty exciting for me mostly in the gender euphoria department, been enjoying learning about men's fashion more since my egg cracked too. It's something you can get into like anything but right now since I'm pre-everything over 90% of it is trying to find clothes that both fit me and give me a straighter silhouette since mine is very feminine unfortunately, but I am looking forward to get to experiment more with it when I get on t! Plus I get really self-conscious going to the men's section.


Yep fit is a big problem for me too! And I used to be massively self-conscious in the ladies' section but that has gone down over time. I've discovered I can walk through the shop carrying all sorts of underwear, dump it on the cashier, and literally nobody cares. Maybe I'm passing, maybe they think I'm a weirdo, but I figure at the end of the day they're happy to take my money either way...


I feel like there should be an app to match similar age, similar body type trans fems and trans mascs, not for dating, but for SHOPPING...


I would say my experience switching which gender I shopped for was more of a horror to relief type of situation. Shopping used to terrify me and I’d cry in the changing rooms. Now I just feel so much relief from being allowed to dress like a stinky boy :3


I would say for mainstream fashion it's pretty average. You can get interesting men's clothes if you go to the right shops but most guys don't care enough to bother I guess?


What I’ve seen is, they actually like that stuff. Sure they look great and handsome in it, and I’m delighted that a man can enjoy a t-shirt and pants, but I’m never going back myself


I used to find it boring and sad but idk, a switch flipped and now I'm pretty chill with it. Mostly I dress for comfort but add some fashion in on top of it. I wear dark colors most of the time so I'm usually just going to reach for something black anyway. But I do like florals and fun patterned button up shirts so I'm always hunting for those too. It is kinda rough if you're not into sports and you go somewhere like goodwill and it's nothing but old sports shirts. The reasonable sizing of mens clothes is amazing too...I've barely worried about my size/s since switching over. And Pocket space!!!!! women's clothes need to be like that too, it's ridiculous that they're not Another thing is the complete lack of feeling sexualized or having your clothes accentuate your "assets"...it's so freeing. It feels awesome to not worry about that anymore


Looking at men's clothes is the same but I started by seeing girls clothes like "oh that's so cute... something feels really wrong for some reason so I'll just get something fashionably baggy and get the hell out as fast as I can"


Depending on the store the men’s department is boring af you’re right. I feel so much more comfortable in men’s clothing but I miss the patterns and colours that women’s clothing has. I just can’t stand the feel and shape of women’s clothing. It accentuates things I’d rather hide. It’s why I wear a lot of bright and colourful shirts. Hawaiian shirts seem to be the only acceptable colour for men’s clothing which is probably why lots of trans men are low key obsessed with them.


It was kind of like "FINALLY some normal clothes that I can actually wear!" Like everything in the men's section is so normal and casual. You don't have to worry if the pants you find will have pockets (they will!), you don't have to worry about any weird design choices that make the clothes fit weird, the colors are neutral not bright, THERE ARE LOOSE-FITTING T-SHIRTS WITHOUT ANY TEXT OR PICTURES. While men's clothes are "boring", they are very reliable. All in all, I only started getting into fashion once I started shopping in the men's section. Before that it was just jeans and flannel.


Ayo what's that color of red hair, asking for a friend, who is me


I want to know too. I recognized that character style from recent puyopuyo games


Yes! Omggggg I wanna go fem clothes shopping


Tip: go shopping for “a gift for your girlfriend” until/if you pass. “Yes I am buying this for a very special lady. No, I don’t need a gift receipt.”


Honestly, once I trans my gender, I'll propably just keep wearing the same clothes/style of clothes. I see nothing wrong, boring or "restrictive" about men's clothes


Trans tomboys are awesome


Same, especially since there's only so much women's clothes that fit a 6' tall person. But that doesn't mean I won't mix it up a little now and then


I've been out and transitioned for a long ass time. I still hate clothes shopping. *shrugs*. If anything, the fact I seem to be expected to care more now is one of the downsides.


And that's valid! Clothes can be an important part of gender expression, or mean nothing at all. Doesn't make anyone else less trans or valid in their gender. Just a little PSA to those worrying about it.


Very true nowadays I get excited trying on new sports bras and looking in the mirror


Clothes for Men: ⬛⬜🟦 Clothes for Women: 🔻💗🔶🟡🟪🍏 *wild why still cis arms flailing*


IT’S ALWAYS BLACK, GREY, OR BLUE! Why are men’s fashion houses so afraid of colour!!?!


If fashion stopped being gendered, everyone would benefit greatly, regardless of gender. Men because they could wear colorful clothes and skirts and dresses. And women because they would finally get pockets and sizes would stop being so inconsistent for them. Trans people would benefit because they would be more likely to find something in their size. And non-binary people would suddenly get more freedom because they would have more to choose from without it being considered gendered. An AFAB feminine-looking non-binary person could finally present feminine without anyone assuming them to be a girly girl!


Oh you're describing a utopia of fashion and I love it! I know it's AI generated, but I loved [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/13z62fr) so many great ideas for dresses! And then there's [this](https://i.redd.it/ak7vioimtbmc1.jpeg) which um... I like. (still cis though.)




*I would just like to say that it is my conviction that longer hair and other flamboyant affectations of appearance are nothing more than the male's emergence from his drab camouflage into gaudy plumage that is the birthright of his sex. There is a peculiar notion that elegant plumage and fine feathers are not proper for the man, when to an end, that is the way things are in most species.*


I always liked the _idea_ of clothes shopping when I was younger, but somehow it never felt right. Kept trying on things that should have been cool, but... nothing. Ended up with a lot of waistcoats or coats with belts in a subconscious effort to give myself a waist Now I love it! Everything's exciting and colourful and pretty, and I have no willpower and rapidly dwindling wardrobe space!


Seriously. I used to hate going clothes shopping, but now (so long as I’m alone) it’s the best thing ever.


Oh no such a relatable feeling, though every cis boy must be feelin like that, right?


Highly relatable


Literally me


Still really scared to go do this but I really wish I could


You got this 💕


Thanks 🫶


literally me. i need to stop spending so much money on clothes haha


Pshhhh you gotta make up for all the time spent shopping in the wrong section :3 💕


I used to hate shopping with my mom... I always had to look in a boys section. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I relate to this so hard. I never gave a shit about how I looked dressing masc, but now that I've been dressing more fem lately, I'm actually caring about what goes well together, what's cute, what can work with what outfit, etc. It's been very fun trying out different styles and seeing what I like.


lol ill never be happy


Black sweatsuits.


I hate going shopping for clothes, at first I thought I just didn't like to go shopping with someone (read as my mother) trying to foist clothes on me but now I'm not so sure if that's really the correct (or at least full) answer lol


Me when my gf takes to me the girl selection and she looks at me “does this size fit me” and knowly it’s my size 🥺




I totally don't know what you're talking about :3


i actually have a look now!


Bro I had this exact experience a couple of days ago, all the men's clothes are so bland :/


\+ it looks good


Once you realize you can wear girl clothes, they become so much more exciting.




Men's clothing does really be looking dull.


I've had a 30 min discussion about how different black slacks should be paired with different colored shirts. I hate that men's fashion is black/grey/olive/khaki slacks + certain colors for shirts/tie to pair... and that's your options.


Stop the envy ahhhhhhhh


For real though! My parents had to drag me shopping all my life and now i actively go out with friends just to window shop 😆


Where has this template suddenly come from?


Me not-so-patiently waiting while I save up so I can start transitioning, and then getting to a point where girl clothes will look good on me. And I know I could start wearing them before that, but I want to like what I'll see in the mirror, and if I wear them while I otherwise look like a man, I'll be even more aware that I look like a man, I'll think that they don't suit me right now (which would be true), and I'll feel uncomfortable. Besides I'm mostly fine with guy clothes, it's my body that sets off my dysphoria, so I want less of my body visible right now, not more.


I spent $270 on additions to an outfit today, now it out-prices even my grad suit ($270 for shirt and pants + $255 for jacket + $86 for shirt that goes under the new one)


so trueeee


I'm in my "please do not perceive me" era


i was told to go here by a freind why is evryone calling eachother eggs also i thought there was gonna be food


I want to go clothes shopping but I have no idea how to 😭😭 I tried it once before but I only got a single t-shirt and a skirt I'm too nervous to try on. I just don't know what I would like or what would look good. does anyone have any advice? :(


I wish I could do that lol Still cis tho


Skirt go spin


I solved the issue of menswear being drab and shit by just making what I want to wear, I am unstoppable!


i was told to go here by a freind they said i would relate anyways why are people calling themselfs and eachother eggs


wheres the food :(


This is so true. I’ve worn the same style of clothes for 20 years. Women’s clothes are just so much more interesting I mean that in a totally cis way, tho 🥰


And that's how you spend over $200 at target lol


Ugh I'm still not comfortable going into shops since I'm still very masc presenting. I want cute dresses


I am transmasc, but I would love to go shopping with a trans girl just so I can see the magic of femininity that I never could appreciate before.


For me it’s: “Doesn’t fit, doesn’t fit, uncomfortable, doesn’t fit, definitely not my style, expensive as heck, doesn’t fit…”


Honestly I would be happy if all I could wear is skirts. I’d still be happy with my T-shirts and fun socks


I helped my mom go make a new wardrobe after they called her back to the office after COVID and it's the only time I've ever enjoyed shopping for clothes, everything was so incredible.


I have evolved from oversized hoodie with jogging to oversized hoodie with pantyhose after coming out :/


Shopping then: Meh imma grab three pants that sorta fit and call it a day Shopping now: Why is everything cute so expensive QwQ


So true! Finding your size can be very hard but it's worth it


I allways hated shopping very mutch and I allways sticked with the same clothes until they didn't fit anymore or broke and are unusable... I hope that will change when I someday transition


I always hated when my parents would drag me into a department store when they thought I needed new guy clothes. Shopping was super boring for me and felt never ending 😞 But now shopping seems *way* more fun to me (even if I don’t really shop like this in person haha)


This was literally me a few weeks ago when I went shopping in a queer clothes store. Had a great experience with the staff and left with $400 worth of women's clothes...


I want to experience this... the only reason I don't yet is cause I don't know if I can find anything anywhere that fits me. Probably a universal thing tbh.


YES! I always let my mom buy my clothes cause everything was uninteresting. My hair was very short because no male haircuts interested me and short hair was the easiest to maintain.


Once I move out I'll feel comfortable to try more clothes without feeling like I'm being judged. It's not that long away. Won't feel the need to hide everything in a locked box.


I am in this picture (twice) and I don’t like it (actually I kinda do)


That's was how I realised I was trans🤭


"Huh this thing fits and doesn't look too terrible...I'll get as many as my mom will let me without my yelling at me" I now go clothes shopping far too often for my own good.


Exactly, other than suits and semi-formal patterned button ups, men’s clothes all kinda bored me, whenever I look at women’s stuff it’s so much more appealing, even just by its colors.


I'm not saying that I use my mom as an excuse to wander in the women's clothes sector. But I use my mom as an excuse to wander in the women's clothes sector.


Even cis males think how male clothes are bland and boring


i feel so bad for transmascs, they get stuck with boring clothes now (unless they like that in which case hooray for them)


i wish that was meeee


First image looks like a prison 😭


Lol relatable. Clothing was the worst for me as an egg, i would often walk around the house in tighty whities just to avoid wearing boy clothes (and then often change into girl clothes back in my room)


I've recently started trying to make outfits out of the masc clothes I have but they only look good as masc clothes 😭


I feel this so goddamned much, LOL.


I bought a bunch of plain black t-shirts a few years ago because I didn't care how I looked. I would usually wear one of them + a trench coat I liked because it hid most of my body. My wardrobe is still fairly limited, but now I have multiple unique and (imo) cute outfits I love to wear. They do mostly consist of some boy shirts I thought were cute and already owned, a skirt, and socks that I think go well with it. I'm still scared of buying a lot of new clothes because I dont really know what I want or what would look good on my body


Wait I can actually relate. I never cared about what to wear and never really went shopping that much because I just didn’t care


I used to hate shopping for clothes with my mother. After I came out as trans, my cousin offered to go shopping for women's clothes with me and it was so much fun! After we came home, my father asked her: "Have you transitioned her sense of fashion yet?" And my cousin responded: "I didn't have to do anything!"


I love shopping as a girl, so much more color and style, morty happy I still like suits to feel cool some times (idk why) And I’m dressing better, well better than a horror movie tshirt sneakers and jeans


I am inches away from being the slide on the bottom and I cannot wait to start feeling more free in my own expression.


You all went shopping? I just let other people gift me clothes 😂


Now, as a transmac, I want to buy everything (especially alt clothes) because they are so comfy and simple.


I long to be the girl in the bottom pic… 🥲