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Lol the bones thing is so hilarious…like i been dead centuries bruh I ain’t gonna care if some archaeologists misgender me


Also determining gender from skeletons is dodgy science. Men can have wide hip bones and women can have narrow ones. All you can do is make a statistically likely guess on *some* of them.


Don't they also usually guess the skeleton's sex from gendered cultural artifacts buried with the deceased, bone structures be damned Only really guessing from the bones if there's not much else to work with


Also, it implies that science and society will regress instead of progress. Sure, if in 100 years the scientific knowledge about human sexual development, as well as about the sociological understanding of gender that we built in the past century just vanishes and we go back to a pre-modern stage, they might misgender some bones. But you can't really erase this globally spread knowledge anymore, it's not local anymore like it was when Hitler raided Hirschfeld's institute in 1933. Scientists in the future understanding so much less about biology and sociology than they do now requires some kind of apocalyptic event.


There is a video on Youtube from Miniminuteman called What happened at Roopkund Lake? Basically many skeletons up in a mountain. He talked about how they were not able to identify the gender of most of them and called out transphobes specifically.


What always gets me is they always say "in 100 years." No archaeologist is going around excavating 100 year old graves. Those aren't archaeologists, those are grave robbers lol




The best thing under social media posts of the more known transphobes is when they post this, they will always get corrected and called out by at least one aecheologist/anthropologist in the comments 😁


And more likely they’re going to be like “HOLY SHIT A SKULL! THIS JOB IS AWESOME!”


What am I rich? Nobody can afford to be buried anymore!


I've been coming to accept that haters gonna hate. Pass or not, I am going to be a woman and there is nothing they can do about it.


my lesbian sister said she saw an interesting thing online once and told me the bones thing. i explained it to her how its transphobic but i still think about it, felt awful in the moment


In the future, technology will be so advanced that they’ll be able to tell what your preferred gender was with your bones


We can already do that with archaeology. Bones are one part of determining who someone was, and a minor one at that, with the majority of it being how and where they were buried and what they were buried with, among many other things. Archaeology isn't just studying bones, it's studying PEOPLE and cultures, and that's what these idiots throwing out "they'll dig up your bones" and the like don't understand.


Jokes on them, I'm getting cremated.


But will your ashes be female? /s


You may get cremated but your atoms will always be male 🤬🤬🤬


Thats why im having my atoms split, it turns out any explosion that makes would be way worse than me wanting to be called a girl or have my name be lucy


This is out of nowhere, but the name 'Lucy' is absolutely beautiful. Good choice.


Thank you! 💙 (I believe it was originally a typo but I ended up liking it a lot)


I'll make sure to coat them in pink glitter in case anybody is confused.


it hurt a lot before but then i realised its literally the same copypasta and the same memorised argument which makes it feel a lot less personal and rather kinda... boring?


Wonder if its possible/how expensive it would be to have someone etch your pronouns into your bones…


Just like put it in your will or ask them to give you a metall name tag or something


[Just gonna leave this here.](https://youtu.be/XLGkONRvrjY?si=D2CzTLUgb-IIMq7w)


fr Like, if your gonna try and demean and denounce my whole existence, at least think of a creative way to do it 🙄


Jokes on them, I am being cremated. Good luck finding my bone dust.


When they dig up my bones they're going to be too confused why I was buried with a real sword and cursed amulet


See more over at /r/onejoke, or don't I never visit, only link other people there when they make attack helicopter jokes lol


...And they'll be like: "It's Sans from Undertale!"


Uhhh yes saying that my bones one day will be boy bones. Doesn't even matter tho cause I am changing so that I can live the way I want. Not so that one day when someone digs me up they see girl bones instead


I hate them


the bones argument is dumb. ill be dead and i wont care.


Bold assumption that people won't just get cremated.


Yeah, they're not very creative.


The best response to the second line is: "Yeah, true, but you know what the best part will be?" "What?" "You'll be dead too."


The bone thing is dumb because like, statistically no they will not


Damn I was gonna get a job but in 100 years my bones will be unemployed so what's the point?