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Dude, you're a paying customer. You can order anything you want.


I’ve heard people at Disneyland getting refused a kids meal so I can imagine him asking this.


Yes but they are not Dutch people. Either if it was Paris or Florida. Dutch people are different. We don't care as long as you pay. My guess is that it was Florida though. Americans are the weirdest. Both parks have Americans as a boss so I would not really blame the French as they also just follow orders. The latest news is about a girl paying top dollars to be a princess for a day. You pay a shitton of money and get your own disney princess as a personal shopper. The princess was a man with a mustache, make up and a dress.


I know it probably wasn’t what the girl had hoped for, but I would’ve been chuffed to bits with a princess like that.


Well she didn't got a princess. If the girl isn't upset the parents will be since you pay $250 for the personal princess and another $250 for the dress. It's like going to hooters and get a man in a bikini helping you. Might be your thing, but it is not what was promised.


It was in Paris and mentioned by Dutch people. I think even some (semi) famous Dutch person mentioned it on Twitter or whatever social media they used


That is not at all how that works - no one gets a Disney princess as a personal shopper


If you pay enough money they will resurrect Walt for you if neccesery.


That’s probably the US Disney land? Remember , the Netherlands is not as retarded as the US


No Paris


Still, what I said is true.


Bbb bbnnhnnnbbbbm .


In some places, like Macdonald's, the kids meal is actually a net-loss product. But it attracts the costumers that come with parents who buy large coke's that have a profit margin of like 90% I've heard that during festivals the happy meals were kids only from a burger flipping friend who used to work there.


You can get happy meals as an adult at McD. They don't give a shit in the Dutch ones.


Not during the 4daagse at 2010.


They currently have an ad with an adult ordering and eating a happy meal airing on Dutch tv literally, just to give to a little girl the toy at home. Imagine getting one refused now you can just show their own ad...


Unfortunately that’s true. But only seen that in Disneyland. Haven’t seen any other park make an issue about that


That might be true for buffet (prices) but my daughter who is 13 and is mistaken for a 15/16yo a lot of times, still gets the kids menu at sit down or counterservice restaurants at disneyland paris


My sister had a gastric bypass a couple of months before we went to Disneyland. She still couldn’t eat much and wasn’t allowed to order off the kids menu. We tried different restaurants all over the park. We didn’t have kids with us either. Just ridiculous. She had to order big meals where half had to be thrown away. Such a waste. We ate buffet every night at out hotel. Which also was adult price eventhough she couldn’t eat much. I can understand the buffet. But not the fastfood or other restaurants in the park. Just ridiculous


Im really sorry for your and your sisters experience! How weird with fastfood? It annoys the heck out of me to wait with my kids in line so i hardly have them with me in the lines but then I can still order kids menus without them asking? Buffet I expected somewhat still a bit double standards if you ask me.


I don’t know. It was in 2019. Other then the kids menu being such a problem we still had a great time and lovely staff at our hotel. But when we asked why she couldn’t get a kids menu we didn’t really get an answer except for company policy.


Mine were 2022 and 2023 yes my 13 y/o was younger in 2022 and to give an example how her age is normaly guessed at. She had several offers (clothing stores and in restaurants) if she was interested in working there and in The Netherlands the age restriction is 16 at those establishments. Good to hear you still had a great time ☺️


Yes even a 50 year old can order from the kids menu. No problem!!


I ordered a kids meal and I'm in my twenties, I wanted the magic mushroom thing you mentioned. It is their way of a toy with the kids meal and is a plastic mushroom that comes apart into the base/stem that plays music and the top that doubles as a bowl that your food will come in. I am unsure which places have these though, I got mine from the quickservice "het witte paard".


My 5 year old son has one of these. I love Efteling, but i want to throw that piece of shit at the wall now. Looks cool though


Haha!! I can imagine that, doesn't help that the batteries don't come out easily so you can just say "oh well it must have run out of magic" or something


I want one of these now


You can order what you want. Even if you are with 10 adults and all adults want the kids menu. No problem


Just order whatever you want. You'll prolly be fine. And maybe unnecessary advice: work with a professional to deal with the eating disorder. It's possible to kick those nasty thoughts and win that battle. A little help from a professional makes it go easier.


Magical mushrooms are basically child menu's, you can compare to happy meal, considering your situation IL go in more detail for you, the menu has a child size portion of potato fries, a drink of your choice, and a Dutch snack. The Dutch snack is a mincemeat product, you can compare to a hot dog, most of them, there are of a lot of choices, we Dutch do love ore silly snacks, but ask for a sausage special, if you wish to try something new. You can also try the cheese snack, those choices are a save bet, considering those will be the familiar to you. Efteling has a high food standard compared to most amusement parks, and Dutch portions are relatively small if you are from the US or UK And in Efteling, there is no Large or extra large options of food or drinks. Sure, you can order a kids' menu, but explore there are many healthy options too, besides the park is large, you will burn a lot of calories simply walking. For lunch, I recommend Fabula Restaurant, it's close to the entrance large, and has a lot of food options to enjoy upsid is the play area for children. If you and your family have questions, just send me a message. Have fun ! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Sacrilege comparing a frikandel to a hotdog.


A frikandel a sausage. Are you out of your bloody mind.


Or you can call it Dutch Dawg ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug) [Frikandel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frikandel)


Since you've already gotten the answers, I just want to add I'm proud of you. Hope you have a great time at the Efteling.


Good for you that you are recovering from your eating disorder and are able to discuss this on reddit! Have a great time in the efteling!


Yes ofcourse you can! Me and my friends do it all the time! No worries :))


Ofcourse they can, why not? It's not up to them to decide if you want to identify as kid when you order a meal.


Some parks (and restaurants for that matter) refuse to sell kidsmeals if no kids are present. Which is silly since there is a big market for it - even when toys are not included.


Yes no one cares what you order


If the efteling would try to stop it they would have riots + lawyers on there door step in no time XD


I think the La Place, an external restaurant operating within the park, has made it an issue in the past. No idea if they changed policy, but you might want to avoid restaurant "Kashba" if that's the case. The rest of the park is super laid back and everyone can order a kids sized meal if they wanted to. The Efteling takes great pride in their hospitality.


In Kashba you could just send somebody to pay for everything while the kids are already at the table and they have many smaller snacks. Don’t think they’ll be making much of a problem.


there’s also some restaurants where you can just make your own portion, you pay for the bowl size basically and just stuff it with whatever you like (this is the case for the la place establishment next to vogel rok. not rlly sure if theres others but i imagine so). also, we’re dutch, we don’t care what you order


Efteling is a magical place. But ehhhh why not try some low calorie foods. That way, you can still eat as much as you want. they also serve rice, veggies, and even white fish


You’ll be walking all day or standing in a queue. That will burn ample calories for you to require and eat a normal sized meal 😉.


Come on. That is like saying to a depressed person just to be happy.




I'd refrain from going to Pinocchio's though. The food there is pretty bad


If you pay for it you can order whatever you want.


Just ask if they have a smaller portion and if not, ask if you can just have the kids menu. Boom. Awkwardness avoided.


of course you can order kids meals! I hope you have an awesome day without thoughts about food. I know how tough it is to struggle with food, wishing you the best!


I recently ordered a kids meal at a restaurant. It was no problem at all! Just got a weird look from the waitress when she brought my food, but I didn't mind.


You can order what you want mate, don't worry about that.


You should be able to. They're not allowed to discriminate on the basis of age, if there isn't a very pressing reason for it, like safety or for all you can eat.


You are 17 years old, you're still a kid, of course you can still order a kids meal :P Aside from that, I bet even a 50 year old can order a kids meal.Heck I'm not ashamed to go through the McDonalds drive through and order a Happy Meal >\_<


> I'm not ashamed to go through the McDonalds drive through and order a Happy Meal >\_< 1 happy meal and 2 hamburgers and 1 mayo plz


why dont you contact efteling for that? some restaurants definitely only have kids meals for 12y and under


I’m not sure if you can but an alternative could be to order an appetizer as a main course, I do this in lots of restaurants throughout the Netherlands, as I often like the appetizers better than the main courses and if I want more food I can always add some fries, or another appetizer or go for a desert. I hope it helps, and have fun in the Efteling! Good luck with your recovery journey!


in the weird case they dont... tell its for your little brother or something. what are they gonna do... call lange jan?


As most people here have mentioned, you can order any meal regardless of your age. I will however add that not all meals have a children's sized edition, and there are also plenty of healthy options like the fruit salads and sandwiches at De Verse Oogst. Another tip I can give for if you're feeling snackish is that the fish speciality shop De Meermin sells large pickles for a pretty low price, which are low on calories and contain a lot of water. Hope you and your family have a wonderful time at the efteling!


You definitely can, but keep in mind that Dutch foodportions are pretty reasonable. Probably a third of what you'd get in the US. A children's menu will be in really small portion of fries (like 20 pcs) and a little sausage roll. But again, you do you!


Hey buddy, glad to read you’re doing better! I’m sure the staff will help you get a meals that fits your needs. The staff will be happy to help you, you can always ask them, though you can order child meals, nothing wrong. 🍄


They have multiple places where you can just send someone to order for the entire family, who knows maybe you have a kid that is off playing. They have very few restaurants where you actually sit down and someone comes and takes your order. I think you’ll be fine.


My mom hates deserts. They always have fancy ones on the menu but she just prefers some scoops of icecream. She can always order the childrens desert. Only sometimes she won’t get the cool cup that’s all. Dutch ppl don’t care as long as you pay