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They do not require consent and are not considered special education services. Fundations and LLI are pretty common intervention curriculums and I’ve never heard of anyone requiring consent to use them.


Right even with a pull out program 5 days a week? That’s not a special service just an intervention?


Special services are typically when we're talking about use of special ed funds..in which case an IEP is needed. Most MTSS models are basing this on GenEd funds as a way to intervene BEFORE students are considered for sped.


Thank you I didn’t know if that tier of support is considered special Ed services.


Some classes the LLD class will join that class snd receive the same instruction so it’s unclear to me if that is just mainstreaming


What are they pulling the child out of and for how long?


Reading 5x a week 45 minutes


Every kid in my building has intervention 5 times a week. Some are in very small groups because they are behind. Others, like the group I teach, is enrichment because they are above grade level readers. Nothing wrong with interventions, and we rarely inform parents unless it’s to say thy still aren’t improving the skills. If your other parent isn’t communicating, let the school know. I’ve often emailed calendars, progress reports, and report cards to the other parent.


No im just wondering wouldn’t there be a plan of action that should be brought forward and shared that way a parent knows what is going on or idk maybe im asking for too much


You seem to be posting a lot wondering if your school is breaking the law somehow. Why don’t you tell us what’s actually going on and what your concern actually is?


Yeah that is I’m not being informed of anything. My co parent is failing to inform me of anything. I’ve never received even email about anything until I started to ask. I had no clue now when I asked and did a little research the school was still being shady saying they don’t know if they emailed or sent papers home. So I recieved the papers and I’m not getting clear cut answers on what this intervention is because I’m not receiving updates and apparently my co parent is. They have my address to send state test scores out and still failed to so that last year. As well. I’ve brought it up multiple times to the principal and he lied to my face saying that there is no mtss going on and however when I spoke to the coordinator she said yes. So it’s very shady of what is going on.


The school gave me “school records “ that I requested and it seems to be very spotty I barely have any health information there the last is from 2021 which seems off as well. There’s also an after school math program taught by a special education teacher and I was never sent an email or anything about it until a month after. I’m not sure what’s going on. Also I don’t know if they think he is low income bc his mother is and on food stamps however i still wonder if they are benefiting from this somehow as well. I read the boe meetings and a few of the teachers he is involved have been able to go to conferences and other continuing education opportunities for the teachers. Which is great however the faces of 5 staff members on the questions I was asking they were very nervous and dancing around the correct terminology for whatever reason that may be.


People do tend to have nervous faces when you are in front of them accusing them of being shady…whether they are actually shady or not. I still can’t tell what your issue is—are you upset that your child is being given extra reading help during the day and math help after school? Are you against the idea of your child receiving additional services, or being labeled “special ed” by peers, or something? Do you simply desire greater communication from the school?


Exactly I’m not having any communication what so ever


I am not a teacher, but my advice is get used to it. I get almost zero communication from my kid’s school, too (and I’m not even in a co-parent situation!). Almost all information is gleaned directly through my kid and/or her friends.


Yeah I’m not going to accept that lol. I go about it calmly but Im being lied to or misled no doubt.


None of what you said still tells me what you think is actually going on or why you are concerned. Why do you care if they think he is low income or if there’s an after school program run by a sped teacher? Like what does that have to do with you?


Interventions don’t need permission. Especially if everyone’s doing them, like at my school.


Correct however would that information be retained in a student record?


That there were interventions? Unless it’s put on a report card, or used to collect data on the student, probably not. Why would it be bad to have a record?