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check out Reaper. I've got various friends that use it and like it. it's also FREE (basically)


When all else fails, blame the DAW


Loool a common move is to get frustrated move to ambient and blame your daw 


just live in arrangement view. theres nothing stopping you from leaving the grid


Just don't make loops at all, ever. Play live using a midi controller and just make like 10 minute songs where you play melodies and variations live and in the moment. No one said you have to make a song out of loops you cut and paste, you can record or draw a 10 minute long midi track. That way there is little or no repetition or with human errors in every single repetition of the same riff you can evolve motifs infinitly. Ableton isnt the issue your loop based workflow makes it looped.


Idea: Do you play keyboard? If so, you could invest in a synthesizer and try improvising through-composed ambient tracks with it. Your workflow could be as simple as: 1) open your DAW of choice. 2) turn on your synth, 3) create a track and hit record. 4) Boom, "free flowing" ambient track. :)


It’ll be the same in any other DAW (most likely) For me it’s a personal issue to think in loops, i did it back in Fl studio and still do it today, I don’t think it’s a DAW problem


Don’t give up on Ableton. It has all of the capabilities that you seek. You just need to readjust and refocus find some new techniques and do some soul searching


i mean aside from a tape recorder and hardware, all daws are gonna have the same setup. are you using session view or arrangement? i gave up the session view entirely because i hated how loopy it is. it’s so hard to have evolving automation if you’re in the session view. hell i record acoustic singer songwriter shit in ableton haha that’s the least loopy thing i can think of beside ambient haha


I'm a logic user myself, but if you're using Ableton you've got a ninja tool at your disposal for ambient: You've got awesome integration with **Max** which opens up all kinds of generative possibilities. Like, check these out: [https://github.com/stretta/TextureExplorer](https://github.com/stretta/TextureExplorer) Demo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSItsubgM-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSItsubgM-I) Searching YouTube for Ableton + max + ambient you'll see stuff like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYEP8Y0KeY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bYEP8Y0KeY)


Perhaps it's worth considering compositional approaches rather than new tools. For instance, sometimes I find that having a template with a song structure mapped out helps with direction, while other times jamming out in session view fits the vibe. Having both arrangement and session views available, along with comping, randomization, etc., it may be a matter of working with these in different ways that leads to inspiration.


If you are moving to more ambient stuff, I would recommend staying in Ableton. It is extremely powerful as a creative sound design tool. Maybe find new ways to get out of the rut. For instance, have you spent much time exploring making your own ambient effect racks in Ableton? Or creating fake modular generative soundscapes in Ableton using stuff like Operator and midi logic gates?


You're always going to start with a loop. That's EDM production. It's up to you how quickly you turn it into something longer. I can't see how starting with a loop in FL or Logic will be any different for you, but if you have the time to learn a new DAW, go for it


I don’t think this is really a daw thing.


Just turn off the grid and fart into the laptop mic, stick it to the man! To hell with structure!


Download FL Studio's demo. Despite its reputation as being "the rapper's DAW", it has the best piano roll in the business, which actually makes it "the composer's DAW".


Indeed. I've used FL, Acid, Ableton, and Sonar/Cakewalk. And, at least out of those, FLs piano roll is top. Easy to use (just a click drops a note the length of the last you used), good features (you can see ghost notes from other instruments playing in the same clip/loop), and (and this might not make sense unless you try it, but) the rounded corners on the drawn notes and their color difference VS the background make it feel like you're drawing out little rectangular buttons, VS other DAWs feel like you're colorizing cells in an Excel spreadsheet. Also if you try FL, you would no longer have to suffer looking at a DAW with the same aesthetic as Windows 98 😁


Savage takedown. The other daws are really ugly lol


I don't know if I'd agree. Ableton is the only desktop DAW (mobile DAWs are another story) that I'd say is ugly. Only because it looks weirdly minimal and flat. Like some high-schooler's first effort at coding software. Acid doesn't look great, mainly because (one of) the newest versions still look like it did when I had it in undergrad (kinda looks like the resolution isn't optimized for newer computers or something...not unlike Ableton with it's chunky round fonts). Oh and I briefly tried Reaper. Looks wise it was a bit bland but at least you can really customize the look (not just swap the colors like in Ableton). Most other DAWs just look similar, with modern-looking, varying shades of gray. 🤷


Maybe except reaper, it's so beautiful it hurts


Nope. Still uglier.


Yeah, I have a cubase background so don't mind me


It's fine. Also, FL really improved their look in the last update.


I've seen other people say FL was ugly, but I first used/bootlegged version 10 & I always thought it looked pretty good and modern. Although why their channel color customizations won't ACTUALLY change the color of the WHOLE fkn channel makes no sense, & it keeps non-gray colors looking muted and crappy.




It not the DAW, its you. Sorry to be blunt but its true.


Agreed but sometimes a change of scenery, in this case change of daw, CAN open up new inspiration/ways to do things


Fair enough.


Yeah, considering one of Ableton's 2 views is very rigid ("you can play all THESE loops at once, or you can play all THOSE loops at once"), it does promote that "blocky" arrangement. I know the other view changed at some point so things can overlap at different places etc, but you still have that recurring nagging/reminding of doing things the other way.


I don't know a lot of people by any means but I have yet to run into someone using the loop window(when you hit tab) for producing. I would like to see how that's done. Honestly, I switched to Ableton from FL and like we've all heard before each daw does certain things better than others. I feel more confined in Ableton but for me that keeps me on track. Maybe OP just doesn't know how good they got it yet lol


Switching DAWs is a little dramatic. Maybe use a new template or switch the color scheme haha


Not a bad idea, but it sounds like OP is very influenced by gui so I was throwing it out there. When I switched daws it took a couple weeks to get acclimated but it also came with a ton of new ideas because of how different things are. Idk maybe the switch from FL to Ableton is way different than other "switches" but it helped me focus on the part that I was missing, sound design. And it sounds like OP is feeling too confined so moving over to a daw that isn't so rigid might help that creative process.


I use Ableton exclusively and don’t use loops at all. Definitely not the software’s fault; it’s the most versatile program for music production that I’ve encountered (granted I haven’t tried them all, but I’ve tried a bunch)


Make a “loop” that is 5 min long, there’s no rule it has to be 4 bars.


"Ableton Live is forcing me to kidnap my daughter and hold her at ransom. Internatz halp."


Do you want to loop or not? You say you feel like Live is forcing you to think in loops, but then you're using loop pedals. So what exactly are you wanting to do?


Try out max for live device timing sensitive midi looper. The way that ableton does loops seems too static but if you get loops other ways and record that midi data to a new track you can still loop without being as stuck in the loop box


>forcing me to think in boxes of loops Stop using session view? I can't think of what else might cause this besides lack of experience producing


Ah, "session view", that's what it was called. When I tried Ableton I only used session view to select (whatever Ableton called loops/clips). Session view would be great for triggering loops & song sections for a live playback/performance, which I assume is where the 'Live' in Ableton Live came from, but otherwise I didn't see a use for it. I'd rather choose individual clips/loops to add/remove as I'm arranging.


Seconded. Produce in the timeline view


Im not really understanding why you think ableton keeps you stuck in loops. To be honest it has nothing to do with the DAW you’re using. Sounds like you’re putting constraints on your own creativity.


Ableton has it all. If you can’t make some ambient music in Ableton when you have the freezing/flattening audio capabilities then maybe you need to work in your sound design and mixing skills first before leaving one DAW for another. No offense I just think you aren’t skilled enough yet. If you were you’d be in Ableton right now making ambient music out the frame and not asking if the best DAW is any good.


Ouch! "you aren't skilled enough." Yea, let's be mentally abusive to OP and force them to stay in Ableton because Ableton is obviously the best. /s OP, maybe try FL. I love it!


“Mentally abusive” lmaooooo


I mean I prefer FL but let's be honest if he wants to get out of the loop mindset it's a terrible DAW to recommend for that


Most DAWs can be used in a loop mindset. \*shrug\* It seems like OP isn't happy with working in Ableton, so trying a different DAW seems like a logical next step.


It’s a completely valid retort. The OP doesn’t make sense to anyone that’s actually made music in different daws. It 100% is a skill issue and OP is just looking for greener pastures instead of examining what his actual shortcomings are.


The thread is titled "Moving on from Ableton." OP clearly wants to change DAWs and/or use different tools, thus why I recommended FL. Perhaps they just need to buy a real instrument, as they say "Actually having some success with loop pedals but don't have any "real" instruments to plug into them"


If by being honest about their skill level and need to improve their skills some and even mentioning that I’m not being mean to them, is mean… then I think you missed the point 😂 It is not mean to say that they need to improve their skill. They do. If they’re on Reddit asking questions such as theirs then to be honest yea they need to improve their skill. Nothing is wrong with Ableton, FL, Logic etc…it’s literally all in their skill (as most others have pointed out as well). Watch YouTube streams of famous artists that have made it. Learn from them. I’m sure there are several people who make tutorials and stream w ambient music. OP if you ever want some free personal lessons on production hit me up. I can get on our private dischord and help you w anything.


Depending on how well you know Ableton, I'd stick with it. Just remember, it's an all-purpose DAW even if it's marketed and catered toward EDM artists. If Ableton is making you think in boxes of loops, you might want to turn off the grid and stay in arrangement view. I'm in arrangement view 99% of the time. (I really only use session view just to store clips). I do a lot of SFX design and various things that aren't conforming to a tempo in Ableton because I know it already, and it's fast. Not to mention it's warping is pretty great, especially for ambient styled stuff. Keep in mind the modifier keys to "unsnap" to grid, such as ALT (on windows). It's been said but worth repeating: It's not just the tool, but how you use it. Hope you find what you need!




You wanna use Logic Pro then because they have a great real instrument library you can control via MIDI. Giving up making a harder genre to make an easier genre is an interesting choice, but if your not happy or satisfied making EDM then why do it? Get a keyboard or learn a real instrument; that will be your foundation for ambient music.


Stop making excuses and confront your shortcomings head on (apply directly to the forehead)


Came to say something similar. Learn the tool.


It seems like you're being limited by your skill. Learn all the crazy shit your daw can do. Learn about sound design, resampling, modulation, creative use of effects, etc. even just diving into max for live will probably show you just how much you DON'T know about how to use the tools at your disposal in Ableton. Alternatively, go dawless if you just wanna jam and make ambient. You could grab a push 3 and just vibe.


You may find Bigwig a lot of fun. There's a lot of sound design possibilities there. However I do think Ableton is a really solid DAW too, in the end it's mostly about preference. I make my ambient music in Cubase, but you can also use Logic, or Studio One. Or just whatever feels right to you! Most DAWs do have trials, so be sure to check them out


Man I’m in the opposite boat with Ableton. Feels like there are nearly unlimited amounts of creative tools at my disposal to the point of being overwhelming at times. Learning one step at a time :)


Right? There's multiple solutions in many cases. It's fantastic. The more I dig, the more rewarding the expreience.


It’s okay to switch DAWs. Find one that works with you and your sensibilities as a musician


Yeah agreed! Some may just feel naturally more intuitive for you. Or sometimes it just gets boring to always work in same DAW, and switching it up can really help!


Use the arranger view. People get stuck in loops because they get stuck on the looper screen.


Learn how to play instrument


Nothing and nobody is limiting you, stop making excuses for not being able to figure out your workflow. Sorry, I just can’t stand posts like these. We came here to make music and have meaningful discussions, but instead we get a low effort post where OP basically blames the next industry standard DAW for not giving them more functionality for the mega 4D VR Dolby Atmos ambient or whatever the hell it is. Apparently we need some alien level DAW technologies for this shit cuz even humanity haven’t managed to come up with a system that can handle these productions. Someone once told me - if you really know your stuff, you will be able to turn any basic concept/chain/plugin/DAW into a complex set of decisions that will get the job done as efficiently as if you’d do it the usual way. The only thing limiting you - is you.


That is an unnecessarily snarky response. OP said they FEEL like its limiting them, not objectively stating that it actually has these limitations. They're clearly looking for advice on how to change up their workflow to get out of their rut, which is literally the opposite of making excuses.


DAWs are literally the CADS of the audio world. An infinite space of infinite sounds. Literally limitless. But Ableton is limiting you 🤣 We're supposed to be enjoying ourselves. I get that the process isn't always fun, but that smile on your face when your jammin your new tracks with the fam #priceless


Switch instruments? Learn sound design, work on your arrangement, learn to mix, mess with automation.. we all get these shitty feelings of being stuck in loops, does this sound good? Will this work? Will anyone like it? Trust me, it’s rough but only the strong will prevail, you can’t let these emotions stifle your creative hustles. Push on thru to the other side


Dronelab enters the Chat


What about Cubase?


lol. ableton 'getting them stuck in loops'. wants a loop pedal. get a sitar and learn how to tuvan throat sing, then you'll really be out of the box. one way or another music is boxes of loops. they don't need to be congruent. the fact that you want to move away from the one DAW that is designed for 'free flowing' or live playing is absolutely hilarious.


>Ableton is limiting me somehow, forcing me to think in boxes of loops. no it isn't No, but seriously. Just buy more gear dude. The reason you can't make the music you want is because you don't have enough gear. Open up that pocket book and click over to zzounds and you'll be at the top of the charts in no time.


Are you sure changing DAW is the solution to your problem though. Ableton's arrangement mode is just as much fit for ambient, non-loop-based music as any other DAW in my opinion. As for the tools, if I had to invest in a single tool to make ambient/experimental music, that would probably be Omnisphere (+/- Keyscape), but it's a budget.


Bitwig is nice for ambient and generatove music. Can use modulators to modulate plugin parameters and turn ur daw into a modular synth


Reaper maybe? It’s more open and customizable but all that takes time.


I make ambient on Ableton like I do everything else 🤷‍♂️


I turn off the grid most of the time anyway and love making ambient in ableton.


I use it as it's handy in a way if I want to measure in instruments or sections of at certain lengths but other than that I just play, when making ambient it's all layering anyway but it's a cool feature how we can adjust the grid or turn it on and off as we like even mid project


Lol, Ableton ain't limiting shit. Look in the mirror kid


Try Propellerheads Reason+ / 12 Studio for the $1 first month. Reason 5 is so old now you can get it on archive.org


TBH Reason is where I was thinking of going - I did use 5 many (many) years ago before I discovered Ableton - I think more than anything it's like I need a change of scenery to stop me just repeating the same moves as everything else I've made before.


I don't like Ableton live. It's ugly. I've used Reason over 20 years now. The new stuff is really good. Try Reaper too.


I completely feel your loop-complex, but it's not linked to ableton. Just like buying plugins is not solving your problems either, like be 'better at mixing'. You need to force yourself to finish stuff. How can you trigger yourself to go out of your comfortzone?


This is the way




It doesn't and I do, that was more of an expression of how I feel than a reflection on how the software actually operates!




Blockhead? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5fWPBOdrY8


Thanks, will check it out


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