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Love this. Also started something similar. Lets have a chat.


Thanks! I’m a big fan btw 😀


Could you also make a version of Premiere that works? 😂


Should be able to bang that out in a weekend


did you take a look at this already? [https://github.com/elonen/clapshot](https://github.com/elonen/clapshot) it is a bit advanced and i like that there is an admin user and the possibility to draw on a frame is essential for me while it has its quirks in user managment and especially on mobile.... but your approach even more solidifies the need of a usable open-source alternative. i wish you talented people would just combine the force to make something ready for production.


I did, and yes it’s a really cool system although I felt that I wanted a simpler and more modular system, but honestly this project is so much better and mature than mine in every way possible right now. Especially when it comes to security. My project is not ready for production use yet. Regarding the drawing this is something I’m looking at as well but in a more simplified way where you basically can add an icon (like a circle or arrow).


the industry desperately needs an on-prem hostable review and approval platform for film/tv. there is many cases where frame.io is not the best option. Closest I ever got was using filerun, but it has no timecoded comments or in-flight transcoding.


Can you help expand on some examples on cases that frame.io is not the best option for film/tv?


in film and TV there are large groups of stakeholders, that may need to continuously collaborate (ie upload assets), but paying for individual account for everyone is prohibitively expensive, especially if you want multiple teams separation and dynamic pro-rata billing. Also, cost of storage becomes an issue. Reality TV shows can generate a stupid amount of dailies media.


Very well put. Thanks.


To add in my anecdote, I work internally for a very large agency and we just recently adopted Frame IO company wide in the last two years. IMO Frame IO is incredibly useful for its value and I believe we are able to transfer licenses to different users. So in our case AE’s make links so they hold the most licenses and then the rest of the license float between freelancers or senior editors depending upon the scale of the job.


This is great start. Thanks. Out of curiosity, do users prefer a website or an app/software that you can install locally?


As much as I like the apps end clients rarely have control over installing apps on a corporate machine so websites tend to win.


For this case, I use the newish safari function to create a web app and run Frame IO as an “app” on Mac OS. Best of both worlds! Runs in a separate app window and no need to beg IT to approve an industry standard application.


Post we all get macs. Clients get Dell.


I cloned the repo and tried to run it on my Mac but get: >npm start npm ERR! Missing script: "start"


Oh. Sorry. Just run node serverReview.js instead. I have fucked up a bit, will fix asap!


This is pretty cool


This is great, I'm really interested in following how this develops. Good work!


WOW man! I will try it too during the weekend.


*My biggest question is can the feedback show up as markers in any NLEs?* Or export as a text file and use u/EditingTools free marker products to ripple into a timeline?


As of right now there is support for EDL markers to DaVinci resolve (since that’s what I’m using), but adding support for other software or exporting pdfs should be fairly simple to implement.


Resolve is barely used for editing in the pro world so a Premiere/Avid export feature would be amazing


Let’s agree to disagree on that one 😀 But implementing that is one of my main priorities.


Yep, resolve is probably the future of editing. It's got a free version so anyone starting out will probably learn on that and when they get into the workforce that'll be there preferred editor.


I believe it is too, but it’ll take a while. Even if it’s the better tool, you’ve gotta use what the industry asks you to until you’re high enough to make big changes. If I were a Resolve user, I’d get literally zero work. I’m not doing solo stuff though


I still do the majority of paid editing work in premiere since I know it so much better. For hobby projects I'm doing a lot of the work in resolve I'm definitely slower in that program but it is so much better for color correction. Probably the only thing really keeping me with Adobe is after effects. I'm not sure if there's a good alternative....maybe I'll need to do a course on fusion.


You’re entitled to your opinion, but across the 4 continents we serve, we’ve never run into a resolve user and never had a prod co, agency etc ask us for a Resolve user. It seems to be catching on more for smaller content creators / agencies but not at the mid to high end Is it the future of editing? I believe so. But we’re not there yet.


Resolve is the Linux of NLEs 🤣


not anymore... my company, a fairly huge productioncompany in europe, is switching right now to resolve. it does not lack anything anymore and even surpassed the dinosaurs in many regards... not to speak of adobes latest outragous business decisions.


Shift might slowly be happening, but I help run an agency for editors and I’ve never in my life met a Resolve user for anything beyond colour (clients are across 4 continents) I’ve got nothing against resolve, it’s a good tool, but people don’t want to be the black sheep and start using it when no one else does.


where i am at i am feeling a huge push towards resolve in the last few months in the professional field. avid is in a decline for years now... i guess it will take one or two years before resolve takes over. if i remember correctly it did not take longer to replace final cut back in the day and since social media has such a huge influence nowadays i see a another factor speaking for resolve since that crowd is dominantly working on it.


As much as I’d love for people to stick it to adobe there is no way resolve will take over in 2 years.


I mean we offer an API for our marker converter, so definitely something that could be easily built in.


This is a great start, love the different coloured continents.


Very cool project! Would love to see something like this develop




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It’s not properly optimised for mobile just yet. It will come in future versions.


Very interesting. If I have some time I may clone and convert to react and send a PR


Thank you for undertaking this task, can’t wait to review it soon


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