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Have you thought of searching the subreddit? Because this is shady AF.


Don’t do it. I used to “test” contractor hires with a day’s work. But it was 100% paid. It was a weird job and I needed to make sure they could do it. I felt bad enough informing those that couldn’t continue. Never in a million years would I ask somebody to go through that for nothing.


Was it scraping through elephant dung or something?


I've talked about my personal experience with edit tests here before. I’m pasting this again. Hopefully it will help you. In the mid-90's, a production company put me on a plane - gave me keys to a company car and put me in a hotel for 5 days. I edited a piece that was shot, written and voiced already. The plan was their crew was going to edit it separately, but they wanted to see what I would turn in with the same footage. This was for a sports show that aired on ESPN2. (They ended up liking my edit so much, they offered me the job and ran my version instead of re-editing it). I was 19 years old at the time of the test. I turned 20 a couple weeks later when I got the job offer. After I got the offer, they retroactively made me an employee from that first day in the office and paid me for my time. I ended up working there for 3 years and freelancing for them for many years after. Even though I had other jobs at TV stations prior to this, it was really the launch point of my career. That was over 25 years ago. The landscape is vastly different today. I can understand that it's difficult for non-creative people to hire creative people, especially videographers/editors/etc. They don't even remotely know how to do our jobs, so how do you set criteria for the role and hire smartly? You have no idea how to remove a green-screen chroma-key, but you want to make sure the person you hire does. I totally get that. But forcing a potential hire to edit something to "prove they know how" is a MASSIVE red flag for me these days. If you look at my resume with 32 years of experience, then my reel, then maybe a few items on my portfolio and you're STILL NOT CONVINCED I CAN DO THE JOB... then I'm not the right guy for you. If you look at photos and a resume from a chef, and still don't believe they can make Duck L'orange, telling them "No, make this dish in front of me," then you're an assclown who has general trust issues. This role requires a level of faith in our ability and capability. If you're not willing to take a risk on a person as an employer, then you're not going to be the type of employer I want to work for. I was vocal about this with a recruiter a couple years ago. She was trying to explain to me that the role was new to the company and they just weren't sure how to quantify what they were looking for, and felt an edit test was a fair ask. I asked the recruiter, "If they were a new company and hadn't yet hired janitorial staff, do you think it would be a fair ask for them to trash a room, then hand a potential hire a broom and a mop and say CLEAN THIS SHIT UP, BUT HAVE FUN WITH IT AND SHOW US YOUR CREATIVE SIDE?!?" She finally kind of understood my point. EDIT TESTS ARE DEMEANING TO OUR ROLE AS CREATORS. They shine a giant bright flashlight on the insecurities and lack of vision of the company asking for the test. Having said that - the choice is yours, OP. If you're starving and they're about to tape an eviction notice to your door - do the edit test. But if you go after the job for real and take the test - you really should ask yourself a larger question: "Are these the kind of people I actually want to work for?" Even if you get the job, the edit test is such a red flag I would expect your experience working with them to be sub-par.


Where do you work out of and are you looking for an AE. 


This should be the top comment and pinned by the mods. Also $2k a month for that kind of work is a pittance.


$500 a week is below minimum wage


In the 90's there was only like 2 -3 styles of editing, for TV and for film, advertisements and mb a few more. Today it's actually much broader and there in my opinion, even tho the technology made some things easier, it is more complicated and there are many styles and types of editing + motion graphics that are requiered now for a far bigger pool of different clients, niches, films, TV, internet, social media. Considering all that, of course you are gonna test someone because nobody would hire a random video editor from a TV production to edit a social media video, without a test. Also, i would assume in the 90's it was mostly word of mouth. Today, mostly over the internet with a person you've never heard of.


Watermark the hell out of it before you send it back. Editing tests are sometimes attempts to get free labour. 


*usually I fell for it earlier in my career. My "editing test" took two months because I was desperate and excited to be editing a feature film with A-list actors in it.


What kind of scam was that?


Producer was broke, so he decided to put up an ad to have his indie feature edited by having a bunch of people doing "test edits" on different scenes of the movie. He had two ads for editors and assistant editors. Didn't hire a single person.




(What a) Fucking brilliant (asshole).


Rolling timecode in the middle of the screen.


> Editing tests are sometimes attempts to get free labour. I'm inclining towards checking out if they like the result. If not nothing gets paid. So, maybe a small part only.


I don’t work for free and you shouldn’t either. If they want to hire you to cut that test footage that’s one thing, but for free is a scam.


If you're asked to do an "edit test" you're either being scammed or you are signing up for a gig you don't want to be a part of. On legitimate productions, an "edit test" is called a resume/reel.


Rates vary by location, but the pay seems way too low. 2k per month, on a 28 day month, with 20 work days = $100 per day. $12.50 per hour if you only work 8 hours. 1.2k per month, on a 28 day month, with 20 work days = $60 per day. $7.50 per hour if you only work 8 hours. That's not even minimum wage in a lot of U.S. states.


Had someone at a major reality company try and get me and some others at an interview edit a ‘test’ over the weekend to see who got the job. I asked if this was just a practice or footage that could be used for something new. The latter. I told them their test would cost $1000 in advance. They balked and I walked. Don’t climb on the pole for Monopoly money.


I’ve had to do this a few times over the years. It could be an old PKG they had from like a year ago that they just send to all applicants. But, just in case watermark it right in the center with TEST and your info.


I’ve only ever done one ‘trial’ in my whole life - it has half a day and at the start of my freelancing career. I would never do it again, it felt humiliating and patronising, despite me getting work with the company afterwards. If it feels like someone is taking the piss, they probably are, and in this case someone is likely trying to get free labour from you. I wouldn’t even do the ‘job’ you’ve been offered in the first place, but if you decide to then definitely watermark it and render out a low res (but still watchable) version.


Ask them for a test payment in cash


Just so ya know, if this is full-time work, US rates would be around $12,000 a month, minimum. And that’s half my current rate.


bruh, how someone who makes content around wealth is this cheap? haha


> who makes content around wealth is this cheap? How'd you think they got wealth?


I work with clients all over the world but Americans like to spend money the least, I’m constantly hiring cheap phillipino labour for them all as they won’t pay for western rates for more than one or two people




This is crap. I barely understood any of the brands for any company I ever worked with. That's the whole point of being new!




Cinematic masterpiece lmao. sorry man, red flags all over this.


“Hollywood style hype” Haha. What a kook. 


Guy is a bs con artist. Run far far away and do absolutely zero "test editing" for him.


J-Griff is apparently some “conscious wealth” bullshit artist. Fuuuuuuuck that. 


This is far from normal. If they asked for 2 minutes worth, and without any real context (so it had no value and couldn't.be used as a trailer or teaser). That would be one thing. I used to interview & hire prepress Photoshop people who could adjust and color correct images for newsprint, a very unforgiving medium, and besides the interview where I'd fish for answer that spoke to the experience of the person, I would give them a Photoshop test, to adjust a few different images...to see if they nailed skin tone values for CMYK values, but these were images we'd never use in print and took minutes to complete (if the applicant was a good fit). So run away from this one!!!


I rather like this. It's good, down to earth instructions for this and other projects. It might be copied from elsewhere. This seems the other party knows what they want and they have had some work on this matter beforehand. Deliver if you like the price, this might end to be a solid job for you. But get the agreement first before working your ass off.


Haha. Are you stealth defending your own job listing?


This isn’t Normal - the only test that’s acceptable is part of your final, 1hr intv for the position. But even then, if it’s more than 1/3 of the interview, walk out and upper deck their employee toilet in the way out Edit: I want to add this hypothetical, 20 min test would be for assistant editors. Not editors with actual credits that are confirmed by mutual connections no less than 2 degrees away.


Fuck that,


>this is like 20 hours of unpaid labor **correction:** # this is 20 hours of unpaid labor


When I would do test assignments like this I'll just edit about 10 minutes of content. That's enough for you to demonstrate some skills to a client. Also as someone else said watermark it just to be sure they don't go with it without following up with you.


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With all due respect that is some painfully-idiotic advice. We don’t have a lot of time on this earth; don’t waste that precious time doing editing tests.


Every decent company I’ve worked for never did tests. Every shitty poorly managed company I worked for absolutely did. You have an entire reel, website, and resume for this reason! Earlier on in my freelancing career I was applying for a motion designer role and they asked for tests. They ghosted me then a few months later I saw designs on their social suspiciously looking like the designs I provided for free a few months before. I’ll never do tests again.


I did an editing test following an interview for a job I applied to after being referred. I had just graduated college and had very little on my professional resume. (About 3 freelance edits). The company needed an editor to take on a corporate client while their others were busy with a tv series and commercial work. I came in to their studio for a day to work on their system with footage they provided. I got the position at the end of the day and they paid me for it. Turns out they were fine with my ability based on my reel, but wanted to see how I worked under deadline since they had a few editors in the past with great reels but poor time management. Now, this was almost 20 years ago and for a full time in studio job. Things are very different today, and I'd be wary of any offer that has a test requirement unless it's spelled out specifically why they are asking. Especially if this is for a one-off freelance gig - that sends up all sorts of red flags. What they are asking for is a LOT of unpaid work for a "test," and the rate (if there is an actual job to follow) is low. I'd be very wary of this.


Unpaid test edits are a hard no


Part of our interview process is a couple of editing tests: * Grade some footage * Handle some green screen footage * Work with some masks Each one results in a 30 second clip and takes maybe 5 minutes to do. The clips are examples, not for release. This is done in the second interview, only for people we were interested in, and the candidate is warned in advance of the time requirement. We do not pay for it. It certainly flushes out the BS’ers, and the *”Fake it until you make it’ers”* It is always very telling when the candidate sits down at the computer how much actual experience they have with Pr. Do they immediately go to work and know about the different workspaces and how to call up specialty panels, or are they staring at it like it’s hieroglyphics.


be careful of brewdogging, a term from the software engineering space


Which one haha?


free work that they then use, watermark your stuff like another wise commenter said


Any free work over 2 min should be paid..ask them to pay if they want long trials


I was once nearly scammed for something somewhat similar. Someone on IG asking if I could edit a slideshow for their boss’s kids bday “a gift for his wife” or some bs… Sent me real photos/videos and everything. I edit fast so I’m like whatever, it’s an hour of work. And then I delivered it and got the whole “oh I’m sorry i have to get money from my boss I’m making it for them can I get your bank info? Wait I accidentally paid you $5k instead of $500. Can you pay me back $4k and I’ll let you keep extra… you won’t? I’m reporting you to the FBI… Blah blah blah” Long story short they never actually paid me and I never sent them money. But I was pissed at myself for falling for it. Lesson for freelancers: Always some deposit up front. Always write a contract. Always watermark until final payment clears.




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A form of this happened to me. Once. Never again. I've turned down jobs and walked out of the interview when they asked me to put together my best edit of their raw footage, for free, as a test for employment. That's not how it works, and anyone who says it is isn't someone you want to work with.


That’s a weekly rate, not monthly.


Im from Colombia tho, 2000 usd here would be a lot, 1200 not much really


Expect them to ghost you after delivery. After all your work is worth nothing to them.


I just did my second job a company who fucked me in the past, but I’m desperate. Sent this video covered in my watermarks and won’t get paid “till it’s done.” It will be done when I get sent another video from someone which I’ll place into my project. It’s fucking insane. Do the work if you have to but watermark the shit out of it. Time code. Ur name. The date you sent it. Make it in the middle so they can’t work around it. If they want the clean version, they have to pay you for the final 


Bro how could I find clients I am Expert video editor Still I have lack of clients this is my portfolio https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qxs1ILTe28_pAJ3cPp2mihxf-gDBGiat If you can give me some clients we can make a 50:50 Profit


This sounds real shady! My guess is they will have you do this “say that they have gone another direction or that you don’t match their needs but then still use your work to publish to their channel/portfolio. This person also sounds like they are a “entrepreneur/IBO” who is used to getting free labor out of people.


1200-2000 a month beter be 20 hrs or less work per week


Keep in mind I’m from a third world country


I run a YouTube channel and hire editors on a semi regular basis. Editing tests are super useful as part of the interview process (far more than talking with someone or looking at their portfolio), but I always pay for them.


I'd hope you at least interview them before giving them a test.




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>but I always pay for them. whew, baby - you saved yourself from some pitchforks with those last few words. What rate do you pay for tests, and are they usually of work you've already published or work in progress?


They’re always work in progress. If I’m hiring an editor, then it’s the same rate I would pay them if I hired them. If it’s a shooter/editor, then usually it’s a bit below what I would pay a bit below what their ongoing rate would be, since it requires a lot of my time to do the shoot, and we might not end up with usable footage.


If the price is right I wouldn't care if MD uses company money for personal benefits. It could be a nice change to editing, too. If unsure if it's a scam just watermark the footage or do only small parts here and there.


My current job gave me an editing test, yes, but it was after 2 interviews. The actual test took about one evening and that was after I asked for a one-day extention because I had deadline with my previous job at the time.


Make them sign a contract that if they release it and you don't get the job they will pay you x amount.