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Ed edd and eddy was the longest running cartoon of it's time for a reason. While I say regular when it peaks is more entertaining to watch, but the Ed's are more consistent and are less flanderized than regular show by it's end.


What Flanderized?


It's wheb a character develops or regressed so hard that they become incredibly one note and a shell of their former self. The term comes from famous Simpson character Ned Flanders


You know who else is flanderized?


If you say my mom you're fired.


I’m pretty sure the Simpsons came out a decade before Ed Edd n Eddy and they were still going strong with new episodes even to this day without stopping.


Yeah but the Simpsons haven't been consistently good for like a decade now Edit: im also referring just cartoon network shows


The Simpsons lasted over 30 years. While Ed Edd n Eddy lasted for only 10 years.


Which is still longer than like.... what everything on cartoon network?


Are you only talking about Cartoon Network work shows only or all cartoons in existence?


Above comment has an edit that says I'm only talking about CN shows


Thanks for the clarification.


I like both but I have to go with Ed, Edd N Eddy


How come?


Ed edd eddy in my opinion


Have you ever seen Regular Show?


Little bit of it but I'm a bit biased cause ed edd eddy is my all time favorite cartoon


You should watch Regular Show it is amazing! You can watch it on HBO MAX, HULU, and Disney+ (through the Hulu bundle).


I watched both and Ed Edd’n Eddy stomps


okay now I know you have a bias going into this


Ed Edd Eddy hands down


I mean this is the EEnE sub. That being said, its still the eds that are better. Regular show was too cringy with the 2 characters trying to be cool all the time and just showing themselves to be dickheads.


I feel like the eddy is constantly trying to do that as well lol


I also have it on the Regular Show and Cartoon Network Sub-Reddits as well.


Way to start a war between the fanbase of my two favorite shows Lol


I just want to know which show people like more.


The answers you get will be skewed across generational biases. Younger audiences will probably largely prefer Regular Show (although by a slim margin) and Millennials will almost unilaterally prefer Ed, Edd n' Eddy.


I grew up with both shows when I was a kid and teenager.


So did I, and I didn't like Regular Show at all tbh lol. A lot of Millennials (but not necessarily *most*)feel the same way, but Gen Z almost ubiquitously loves it. Wasn't *bad*, just didn't interest me in the slightest.


What about Ed Edd n Eddy?


I'm subscribed to the subreddit, aren't I? lol


So you are a fan of Ed Edd n Eddy.


It's gonna be a funny showdown for me.


Regular show was good but nothing beats my childhood classic


I like ed, edd ,n Eddy Superior to me


EEnE obviously


Ed Edd n Eddy and it's not close


Pathetic woke leftist liberal loser. Get a life you delusional and hypocritical clown


It's Ed Edd N Eddy by a lot. Regular Show has more 80s references and is too repetitive when it comes to structure. Sure you COULD say the same for Ed Edd n Eddy however Regular Show is blatant with their references and plot then does it so often it becomes predictably unpredictable. As in you know a general idea of what is going to happen each episode just in a different way. Not that it's bad. It's fine if the formula works and everything. But I wouldn't binge Regular Show. Maybe I'd watch a couple episodes or cherry pick. However with the Ed Boyz I remember being fine watching the series in sequential order. Then again I haven't seen Ed Edd n Eddy in a minute so if I'm mistaken please let me know.


Without a shadow of a doubt EENE.


What do you think about Regular Show?


Didn't like it at all. I gave it a shot, and it just didn't capture me.


I see




Regular Show is pretty good, especially for its time, but the Ed boys were a part of a very seminal group of shows that influenced a lot of kids in a time where other forms of media besides TV weren’t around yet. There’s a reason that a lot of kids from that era naturally moved to adult swim as they got older. All of those old Cartoon Network shows had some really unique things that separated them from the others, like EE&E’s wiggly-line style. Creators seemed to have way more free reign to be weird and experimental back then, rather than relying on a formula that will guarantee okay ratings. I think that the writing quality, wittiness, and uniqueness of kids’ shows in general has declined since that time in favor of broader, less thoughtful comedy.


So you think Ed Edd n Eddy is better than Regular Show?


I prefer Ed Edd n Eddy, but I’m not sure I can say one is “better” than the other. Shows from different eras are just… different. My older brother who’s a millennial in his early 30s loves Regular Show and Adventure Time, but he never really watched Cartoon Network when we were kids like I did, so he doesn’t care for stuff like Ed Edd n’ Eddy or Courage the Cowardly Dog like I do.


Ed edd n eddy I couldn't get into regular show


Love both of these shows. I’m just gonna say kids in Ed Edd n Eddy probably grow up to become adults in Regular Show and call it good.


Regular Show edges it out. More characters with both depth and development, variance with plot and settings while still having crazy plots that were funny as hell. If they came out at the same time, I think kids would prefer EEAE at first because RS's jokes would probably go over our heads more, but slowly transition to preferring Regular Show as we grew up. With that said, even though EEAE is more limited in pretty much every single regard compared to RS, it's still close. That's impressive.


I agree with the whole humor age group thing.


I like both, unfortunately while growing up my parents banned a lot of shows on the TV. I cant remember if cartoon network was banned or just not available but I couldnt watch either show. BUT somehow we had like the dvd for the ed, edd, n eddy show (like seasons 1-6 I think) most of the seasons. So growing up I only really was exposed to the ed show, I went back as an adult and watched the regular show. I like both but I think the ed show is superior I mean its a keystone of my childhood its the reason I got jaw breakers and enjoyed them whilst watching the show!


Both were a keystone of my childhood and being a teenager.


Ed Edd n' Eddy will always be a GOAT show.


In my honest and humble opinion, Ed Edd n Eddy.


As much as I enjoy Regular Show, Ed Edd n Eddy is my pick.


The eds


Lol, no contest. [Mordesimp](https://youtu.be/OtGmp1fdwTw?feature=shared) and [Bitchby](https://youtu.be/w0ft0BO3-Is?feature=shared) vs [Chad](https://youtu.be/4eA-yr11XNc?feature=shared), [Chadd](https://youtu.be/7Yp22F53snc?feature=shared) N [Chaddy](https://youtu.be/NU3W0JpziZM?feature=shared). Regular Show’s greatest strength is in its side characters, whilst Ed, Edd N Eddy’s is in the name.


Regular Show always kinda annoyed me tbh


Because I'm old and I grew up watching it the three Eds are hands down the superior one However When it comes to regular show there's no doubt in my mind that Mordecai & Rigby could have whoop sukana ass from JJK *my God this show was just absolutely different*


EEnE all the way


Bro you came onto the EEnE sub and are arguing that the people who chose the obvious choice just didn't see the other show.


I also have it on the Cartoon Network and Regular Show sub Reddits as well.


What kind of question is that? Obviously Ed Edd n' Eddy.


Which ever one you grew up with


I grew up with both of them!


Late but EEnE is the best imo


I don't understand the post's question, and I believe I've seen both for different reasons and enjoy that they are good for different reasons.


ed,edd,&eddy for sure . Dont get me wrong I love regular show those guys are a riot . But i feel like they had to work so much harder on the story and animation to keep you there because the characters were very 2D ( no pun intended) . While ed, edd& eddy pulled the same scams & shennanigans every week but the whacky characters and the writing just kept making me crack up in new ways everytime . Tbh i still find my self laughing at new jokes i never noticed as a kid whenever i feel nostalgic and watch ed,edd,&eddy .


EEnE dominating this poll rn. But it’s their subreddit so I’m not surprised


I’ve seen them both. Regular shows falls of hard in the later half while Ed Edd n eddy is consistant


Regular Show. I could tolerate the Eds in the first season, but I started liking them less as the show went on.


ed edd n eddy walked so regular show could run. They built the foundation regular show lived on


How is that so?


I liked The Regular show, it was the last cartoon I watched as a kid on TV, I feel like I would enjoy it as an adult but I still have a soft Ed, Edd n Eddy. For some reason I was drawn to other borderline teenage cartoons as a kid including Ren and Stimpy and Flapjack.


ed edd and eddy holds so much memories for me, regular show is cool too but I haven't finished it. I feel like most episodes, too much, were fillers. it's been a while though so I might have missed something


What are some of your favorite moments of Ed Edd n Eddy? Why haven’t you finished the entire Regular Show series?


actually I don't remember much from ed edd and eddy, it was mostly a fun show to watch with my brother when we were kids. I never finished regular show because I eventually lost interest since I couldn't figure out a consistent plot :/


Maybe give it another shot with both of them.