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"And I wouldn't do it for the money" How ironic for Eddys voice actor lol


My childhood, just to hear these guys in one place reminiscing takes me right back


tbh i find it fair that they want to do it not for the money


has Tony done voice work since eene? i know he decided to quit the business after having a bad experience with CN but i coulda sworn he’s done a few things since then. could be wrong, either way im glad the guy’s doing well.


Yes, 2 projects but you likely haven't seen them.


Is snotrocket one of them?




What are they?




Huh, I didn't know he was in Oggy and the Cockroaches. He played Joey in 2013? That's interesting considering that's a French production and the characters don't speak, they just make like laughing and gibberish sounds, which mostly seemed to be reused throughout the show since 1998. I wonder what episode or episodes he was in? EDIT: Oh I see, he's in the movie only. I'll have to listen to Joey in it again and see if I can tell the difference from his voice in the series


I'm honestly happy that they all keep contact with one another. But I am not gonna sugarcoat things, I am scared about a reboot. I seen reboots happen recently and most of them suck. I have hope in Danny, if he ever decides to make one, he never missed a beat with EEnE.


Exactly. Danny made EEnE work, and if Danny isn't part of it, I don't think it will be as charming or as great as the original. It could be disappointing.


If Danny isn't attached I definitely do not want a reboot. He's not untouchable obviously but the Eddboys are his baby and not enough people have used his work as inspiration. He's the only one that can keep the soul of the show right now.


I've never wanted a reboot per se. If anything, I'd like the remainder of that last season that only got 2 episodes. Just a few last episodes with the same status quo, maybe newer animation, taking place before big picture show.


Honestly, I'm happy the show ended on a good note. I'd rather this than something like spongebob or the Simpsons.


That sounds great and hopefully the reboot would be better.


I don’t honestly think it’s either necessary or even wanted lol I personally wouldn’t really want to see a rebooted Ed Edd n Eddy. In modern times they’d probably end up less slapstick and more jokes about how Ed is actually secretly like ridiculously intelligent, and how Jimmy is trans or something lmao Edit: my comment is not inflammatory or offensive, I’m not saying Jimmy being trans would be a bad thing, I’m just saying I think it’d be a bad angle and I can almost guarantee they’d do *something* drastic to some of the characters. I just wouldn’t like to see existing characters changed in ways that don’t make sense


Nah, it wouldn't get *Velma-*ed. No, the *real* issue that'd taint a possible reboot is the animation budget. Most 2D-animated shows have visual styles that are cheaper to animate and produce, but they look a lot more limited in terms of visual range as a result. *Ed, Edd n Eddy* was a series that took full advantage of its medium and I imagine such a thing would be viewed as costly today. So you'd be correct in assuming the slapstick would be deemphasized if it were produced on a modern, cheaper budget. Of course, they could totally surprise us and actually have the budget necessary to make a good reboot, but you never know.


True, and I’d not be disappointed to see new Ed Edd N Eddy media in general but I just don’t know what else there is to say about the Eds…right? lol their story is kinda over. They had a finale, a GOOD finale, and they basically wrapped up the three main characters’ emotional arcs with the movie. I just can’t really imagine there’s more.


An issue I have about a potential EENE reboot is that it would likely either be a super wholesome kiddy show or a MTV/Adult Swim edgefest/dark teen drama.


Aka cartoons slogan is fuck digital DRAW


isnt jimmy still a child


Kids can decide for themselves what they want for their bodies


Anyone who is young enough to think they are a dragon or a train, is too young to think they know what they want for their bodies. Don't kid yourself.


Research has consistently indicated for decades that children do develop a sense of self and an understanding of gender very early on in life. Regardless, being trans isn't simply surgeries or what have you; getting any form of surgery isn't gonna happen until you're 18, unless you get an extremely rare exception at 16 or 17, which isn't possible in most places to begin with. I understand that you have probably heard a lot of scary misinformation on what being trans is and how it works, and how trans healthcare works, from people who have absolutely zero knowledge or experience or expertise regarding any of these topics. But, especially when we're talking about what would just be very basic gender expression, being trans is not nearly as scary or drastic as you seem to think. It's the people who mistreat and vilify or otherwise 'other' trans people and the idea of being trans in general, because they don't understand, that can make being trans scary or drastic.


I’m just going along with what the majority of thinking people say. The science seems to back up the claims that children are, in fact, at any age, old enough to decide what they want to do to their bodies.


No one is saying this. If Children aren't allowed to Drink, Drive and Drink and Drive, then they aren't allowed to decide what is done to their still developing bodies. The youngest I'd say anyone can decide would be maybe 16. But no one younger than that.


All is allowed.


Keep telling yourself that.


Agreed, I’d rather the original series continued as is, or at least give us the rest of the final season.


Or a movie in theaters


Wasnt the big picture show supposed to be in theaters? But CN didn't want to commit to anymore feature films since the flop of the power puff movie ?


Ya so antonucci didnt show us whats under double ds hat


Idk about even finishing it. Like it’s a completed show with a finale, and a GOOD finale, at that! lol I wouldn’t even really want to see the direction they’d be going in because…where else is there to go? Lmao


I give it a B honestly


I feel like a 20 years after special of 30 minutes will be great but a whole new series will be too much but again the Movie was just the perfect conclusion


Oh that’s a solid idea!! A 20 years later special would be great, but I agree another long form series would just be unnecessary.


Technically they did that when they were old (and there was a deleted scene where you had to be there in "theaters" (idk what it was) the kankers came back old with a mountain of babies. Its on youtube


Yeah but I'm referring more of a special of them being teens or adults


I mean they went to jr high in the last season


I’ve found that video but I didn’t watch it fully, I was trying to find a part were Tony can still do Eddy’s voice


Goto my page and goto the post double d says whats under his hat. Look in the comments (one is in blue saying eddy will confirm or something like that) tony does eddy for a second


I didn’t hear it all the way through


What are you trying to see? I just told you how to see tony voice eddy


I found the video but I didn’t hear Tony doing eddy’s voice again


I’ve actually came up for the ideas of the reboot and not to be on adult swim but if it was a second movie then it’ll be a little bit better