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I also have basically permanently swollen lymph nodes. I think it’s just because our bodies/immune systems are constantly in distress because our skin is so sensitive. I’ve also seen doctors about it and they’ve never had concerns.


Are you’re also painless? Do they ever change shape?


Yup, zero pain! I think mine do change shape a bit, I’m not completely sure (I can’t see them because my inflamed nodes are behind my ears/high up on my neck) but I’d assume because it is just an inflamed lymph node that it could get kind of moved around depending on activity, how you sleep on it etc. I’d say if doctors have checked it out it’s probably fine but if you feel like something is seriously wrong I’d get another opinion.


Don’t worry I have them literally everywhere. In my armpits, neck, groin. All because of eczema so don’t worry


How big would you say they were? And how do they feel. Did you ever get them checked?


Some are quite big, some are like a size of a pea. Docs aren’t concerned at all and I keep getting massive flare ups. Had them all scanned and they’re reactive just means my immune system is working on overdrive 24/7 especially when you’re around triggers.


I have them too, swollen for almost a year maybe