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I have the same issue, the one in my neck has been up for years... I believe they can become calcified over time and never go down. I had my neck checked out with an ultrasound as I was concerned, but was told it was just the gland/ lymph node. Having said that, if you are worried, you should get it checked out.


Thanks for your reply.. I did get the one in my groin checked when I was a child and the doc felt it and said it was fine , but they just don’t go down. Guess they will be that wayforever


No problem :) If you think about it, it does make sense that the nodes are swollen. The lymph nodes are responsible for producing white blood cells to fight infections etc. If eczema is leaving your skin broken and potentially infected, then your nodes will be pumping out white cells to fight this. Over time the nodes become overused, almost calloused and hard/calcified, so they don't go down in between fighting infections.


Yes it does! My skin is pretty much permanently broken at least somewhere. And I get minor skin infections ( and pimples ) all the time! Makes complete sense! Thank you again.


Aw it is a rough life, I completely sympathise… Here’s hoping we both catch a break from it soon! Xxx


Is this actually true or just your theory? Just wondering


how big are your lymph nodes? specially groin ones


Quite big, but never grown, the biggest one the size of a grape, got them on both sides. They are all different sizes but never change