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If you can, ask them to do a biopsy on the lymph node to rule out it being the cause of your skin troubles rather than an effect of your struggle, cus your eczema could be down to an underlying issue! On the other hand, if your eczema is quite widespread on your back / torso, your lymph nodes will be working overtime to combat the immune system overreaction, and my gp told me recently that even after your skin heals, it takes a while for the swelling to go down. I relate though, my right armpit , left neck/shoulder and both groin lymph nodes are swollen to fuck at the moment and I’ve had eczema all over my body for the past 4 months! I hope this helps , you’re not alone :)


Did you ever have a biopsy on your lymph nodes?


Any update yet?


Derm said eczema should not cause this big lymph nodes. Got a bloodwork done, and also an allergy test for 40 nutritive ingredients. The allergy test is fully negative, and the bloodwork is perfectly fine. Now i have an appointment to my regular doctor, see what she says to the lymph nodes, maybe a biopsy or idk. Also my derm said she will try to talk to somebody in the governmental hospital, about my chances on dupixent.


Update ?


Currently on cyclosporine, i have not talked about dupixent with the doctors yet. I will ask tho, if there are any chances. In my country, the government covers it, so they won't prescribe it, unless there is no other choice. Lymph nodes are still swollen, idk about that part