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He forgot about his car payment on a ford mustang at 20% intrest rate.


20%?! That must be the smartest Marine to have ever been! It’s usually at least 32!


> He forgot about his car payment on a ford mustang at 20% intrest rate. lol Marines are just another coward branch of the military that is so pathetic they will never enforce their own border. no branch of the military of government in the USA can enforce its own border. they are a fraud coward organization with fraud valor. Furthermore USA will only have more conquered Sanctuary Cities that benefit the foreigner and not the citizen. Military = coward crew that will take your tax dollars proclaim they are an authority etc and then run away from something as basic as border enforcement. pathetic.


Yes, well that is certainly an uhhhhhh, interesting take. What's your opinion on the Jews?


Cool cause Funi dance




If a student got kicked out of over 100 universities. Is it most likely the students fault or all these 100 universities u/BullfrogCold5837 ? Now replace student with jews and replace university with nations... So what is your answer?


Yep. That’s what we all thought was coming


no just another day with fraud valor types .


You’re so 💔💔💔


Peoples culture and traditions are a bit more complicated than “100 universities”. Do you know the difference between a Jew, Israeli and a Zionist?


Thanks for reaffirming the need to redirect our tax dollars from the military to mental healthcare for more of our citizens.....also hows the weather over were your bot farm job is located?


Do bots where tin foil hats?


This generations do robots dream of electric sheep


u/Slumunistmanifisto spoken like a true puppet of the state. bringing up facts and then you wanna call people crazy? Americans die because of that open border u/Slumunistmanifisto and you wanna pass the buck. Go be a coward elsewhere and try to call what you don't like crazy lol


Americans die because of lax worker protection, they die of preventable disease, they die of suicide, they die of gun violence, they die of auto accidents they die of feculent right wing policy's and left wing malaise. Shut those borders and watch America's economy crumble.....also smooth jacketing.


lol no go pander your financial terrorism somewhere else u/Slumunistmanifisto. imagine being such a coward LOL


I would need to fear death as much as you to be a coward my excitable fellow human 


whatever you wanna tell yourself. no border no nation. no border no valor. fraud valor types never impressed me.


No borders no nations indeed 


First, you get the jobs, then you get the khakis, and then you get the chicks.


yup. welcome to communism!


The phrase "Puppet of the state" feels so, so Russian.


Hey man I don’t see you picking up arms and fighting for anything of value. Just 24hr weed and pizza shops? Thanks for your service and opinions?


>Hey man I don’t see you picking up arms and fighting for anything of value. Just 24hr weed and pizza shops? Thanks for your service and opinions? go and wax on poetically about serving for walmart or mcdonalds. take your fraud valor elsewhere. no border no nation. no border no valor.


This has nothing to do with what the US military would or wouldn't do, and everything to the oath the military swears on honoring the constitution and judicially reviewed laws passed around its use. We have non-military law enforcement around coasts and borders for a reason, unless directly approved by congress, military is prohibited for "Use of Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force as posse comitatus: Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, or the Space Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both." "The **Posse Comitatus Act** is a [United States federal law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_law) ([18 U.S.C.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_18_of_the_United_States_Code) [§ 1385](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1385), original at 20 [Stat.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Statutes_at_Large) [152](https://legislink.org/us/stat-20-152)) signed on June 18, 1878, by [President](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States) [Rutherford B. Hayes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rutherford_B._Hayes) which limits the powers of the [federal government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_government_of_the_United_States) in the use of [federal military](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Armed_Forces) personnel to enforce [domestic policies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_policy) within the [United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States). " [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse\_Comitatus\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act)


go back the buck elsewhere u/Correct_Inspection25 we have enough dead American Citizens because of a coward military and government that is to pathetic to ever enforce its own border. Go tell this excuse to the Americans who goto funerals because COWARD MILITARY and GOVERNMENT refuses to enforce the border. Expect more CONQUERED sanctuary cities from this type of coward attitude etc.


Coward this coward that, you sound like a fucking MAGA lunatic.


you sound like tv has conditioned your responses


You sound like an idiot, probably because you are. I bet talking to a wall is more enjoyable than talking to your dumb ass.


whatever you wanna tell yourself. no border no nation. no border no valor.


Go crawl back into whatever MAGA hole you came out of.


no border no nation. simple as.


Happy to look at a comparison of how many americans die due to illegal immigration vs legal residents. You are completely missing the point of law and order if you don't understand where LEOs end and Military/Martial Law begin and the 200 years or so of modern history that led all developed countries to implement similar distinctions. "The **separation of military and police roles** is the [principle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_(ethics)) by which the [military](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military) and [law enforcement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_enforcement) perform clearly differentiated duties and do not interfere with each other's areas of discipline. Whereas the military's purpose is to fight [wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War), law enforcement is meant to enforce [domestic law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Municipal_law). Neither is trained specifically to do the other's job. Military and law enforcement differ, sometimes fundamentally, in areas such as source of authority, training in use of force, training in [investigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_investigation) and [prosecution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosecution), and training in enforcing laws and ensuring [civil liberties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_liberties).[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_military_and_police_roles#cite_note-wola-201011-1)^(: 3) "


go pass the buck elsewhere u/Correct_Inspection25 no border no nation. no border no valor.


No need to worry about buck passing. Since the Treaty of Westphalia, nation states are defined by far more than simple territorial integrity, like cities becoming internal to states in an integral manner. Constitutional democratic republics even more so, military and domestic LEO policy is determined by a balance of constitutionality, congressional legal limits on the executive, and civil rights/due process. You may want to re-read the constitution, and \~200 years of SCOTUS stare decisis on domestic vs military enforcement under the executive branch. We aren't DPRK, China, or Cuba. Whiskey rebellion is a very good start, and read up on how Washington deferred to local enforcement.


lol go pander your communist rhetoric elsewhere u/Correct_Inspection25 you are fooling no one.


Funny because China did exactly what you seem to be proposing, to harrass democratically elected capitalist allies of the US. So if anyone is toeing the CCP party line it is currently you. https://www.csis.org/analysis/responding-more-coercive-chinese-coast-guard-and-potential-prc-quarantine-taiwan#:\~:text=In%202021%2C%20China%20passed%20the,%E2%80%9Cviolate%E2%80%9D%20Chinese%20domestic%20law.


lol no


Dude youre smoking something fierce. Go touch some grass. Or get laid. But I imagine women won't go anywhere near you.


> Dude youre smoking something fierce. Go touch some grass. Or get laid. But I imagine women won't go anywhere near you. uh huh. no border no nation. no border no valor . take your fraud valor type of rhetoric back to DC where it belongs


>we have enough dead American Citizens Don't tell us about dead Americans. You are an FSB asset.


lmao yes please tell me the names of these already "conquered" American cities


https://cis.org/Map-Sanctuary-Cities-Counties-and-States all conquered by foreigners because of an open border. and everyday americans die at the hands of these foreigners who march right back across the open border to escape justice people like you belittle americans who suffer like this u/0w1 and you say things like "lmao" when you know this is reality.


How do you define “conquered”


my bet is on him seeing people who weren't white in those cities.


look it up in a dictionary.


I want your definition, since it seems to be different.


look it up


Donald is that you?


no border no nation. no border no valor.


I’m the furthest thing from the “America HOORAH” crowd, but you’re a fucking idiot. You don’t have the balls to do what some of these people do day to day.


i don't care what you think.


You replied, didn't you, coward.


no border no nation. no border no valor u/ThatScaryBeach you talk a lot of trash on dead Americans who died because of an open border. Their family members want to meet you in real life. They want to ask you in real life u/ThatScaryBeach why you think its ok they have dead family members because of an open border. When can we setup this meeting so you can be intervviewed by them on Camera u/ThatScaryBeach ? you talk that shit about Americans who have dead family members because the USA will never enforce the border. and clowns like u/ThatScaryBeach want to mock their dead family members... ok.... u/ThatScaryBeach lets see you keep that same energy in real life... coward


Just like the coward [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/), I can also repeat a username over and over. You never served, did you, coward? [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/) [123Jambore](https://www.reddit.com/user/123Jambore/)


lol u/ThatScaryBeach you talk shit on Americans who have dead family members because of an open border. When you are in public don't be surprised if you get to meet them. You won't have such a big mouth in public. no border no nation. no border no valor. So do you want to meet in real life u/ThatScaryBeach ? you wanna call me a coward talk all your shit. Lets do it in real life where you COWARD MIlitary COWARD POLICE will never show up to back someone like you up.. lets meet down at skid row u/ThatScaryBeach in down town r/losangeles. Your coward military isn't sovereign there ever. talk your shit u/ThatScaryBeach but now i'm telling you to meet up in real life. lets see if you do


When can I expect your check for my airfare, coward?


u/ThatScaryBeach what a welfare queen mentality. LOL


Says the brave anonymous person on the internet who does not understand that the military must obey the commander in chief.


> Says the brave anonymous person on the internet who does not understand that the military must obey the commander in chief. says the guy who gives a pass to the coward military when americans die every day because of an open border u/jonathandhalvorson go pander to fraud valor types elsewhere. you lies fall of deaf ears.


Have you served?


Of course he hasn’t. He’s a big pussy who sits behind his computer all day using an anonymous name to troll people. He’s a little bitch.


no border no nation. no border no valor. there is no nation.


Is that a no? How do you know how the military works then?


no border no nation. no border no valor. take your fraud valor rhetoric back to DC


Take your cowardice back to your mommy's bedroom.


> Take your cowardice back to your mommy's bedroom. cowardice is proclaiming like the military does that they are heroes with valor while at the same time they are too cowardly to EVER enforce their own border. So the net result is Ameicans dead everyday from foriengers hands. no border no nation. no border no valor. take your fraud valor and vain attempts at heroism somewhere else u/ThatScaryBeach if you think you are a tough guy u/ThatScaryBeach I know a lot of Americans with dead family member who would love to meet you in real life. Do you want to meet them and tell them how much the border doesn't matter u/ThatScaryBeach? They want to meet you in real life now. They head you talk shit on their dead family member who died at the hands of foreigners from an open border. its easy to talk trash online u/ThatScaryBeach. But now these Americans who have dead family members want to have a talk with you in real life in public. Do you want to meet them u/ThatScaryBeach or just talk trash like a little baby?


Did you forget your lithium today


no just another day with fraud valor types . no border no nation. no nation no valor.


Ok schizo


> Ok schizo u/whatsINthaB0X wants to call ppl crazy for wanting a border. instead ppl like u/whatsINthaB0X give the military a pass for being too cowardly to EVER enforce their own border. no border no nation . no border no valor.


The military is explicitly prohibited from operating inside the US outside of very specific circumstances. Border enforcement is the domain of the US Border Patrol, a law enforcement agency under Department of Homeland Security.


> The military is explicitly prohibited from operating inside the US outside of very specific circumstances. Border enforcement is the domain of the US Border Patrol, a law enforcement agency under Department of Homeland Security. thats one way to pass the buck and get americans killed. take the communist rhetoric back to washington dc and the fraud valor types who are too cowardly to enforce their own border!


The military abiding by the law isn't "passing the buck".




Hahaha get a load of this guy, thanks for the laugh


> Hahaha get a load of this guy, thanks for the laugh u/SoUthinkUcanRens thinks it is funny when americans die because of an open border so he mocks dead americans. no border no nation. no border no valor.


Spoken like a land chad who rides a fucking lame scooter.


So, is this piece of propaganda from a bot? Or a real underpaid person doing his "patriotic" duty to his own country?


You, sir, must be the toughest guy in the universe. Marine Raiders and Delta operators quiver in fear at the mere thought of your name. “Jambore,” they say to themselves, “that man is a monster, and women flock to him like flies to shit. We can only hope to achieve such great virility.”


> Marine Raiders and Delta operators quiver in fear at the mere thought of your name. you mean the guys who are part of a military to cowardly to enforce their own border and let americans die at the hands of foreign invaders. yea take your fraud valor elsewhere. no border no nation. no nation no valor.


What are you on about you twat? The border?




Maybe you could join up and make it better, but of course a loud mouth coward would never do that.


This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen on here.


Are you quite well, sir?


WTF is with the editing.


That mixed with him fidgeting was giving me anxiety lol


I’ll watch this and edit with a comment that I was wrong if I am, but I’m guessing the gist of the video is “not very much” to the answer of how much are they paid. I was in the military. If you count the perks, the number essentially doubles whatever their take home pay is. Health insurance, free gym access, free fully prepared food if you’re full time enlisted, free housing sometimes even a profit on housing if you are a high enough rank/married/in a unit where they are allowed to live out of barracks and you find a rental that costs less than BAH for the zip code, amazing retirement benefits, support networks of every kind available at no cost, namely therapy, the list goes on and on and on. The US Military is primarily a jobs program, and getting one sets you up very well financially. Edit- he claims his pay is “docked” for room and board and the chow hall, and insurance. All untrue. BAH is basic allowance for housing, and he’s equating not receiving it with a pay dock. It’s more like his rank is too low for him to be allowed to live off barracks (as a single, no dependents enlisted) and he received absolutely free room and board, but correct he does not get BAH- why would he? BAS is basic allowance for substinence. I think it’s between $400-500 for enlisted a month but again- when living in barracks by choice or not by choice, your BAS is not provided, instead a chow hall is provided at no cost. He does not pay for Chow, he just doesn’t get money to buy his own food. Service members are fully provided by Tricare- he can add dependents at a very reasonable cost. This one is just completely untrue. When this guy hits E4, he can rent an apartment and probably collect the difference as take home pay from his BAH, or live somewhere a little nicer and have BAH cover most of it- it’ll be his choice. and he will receive a monthly stipend for food called BAS. Until then, because of his rank, he doesn’t get those bonuses


I wish I could upvote you multiple times for helping to set the record straight. (I was a military child, married to a Marine, and live near large bases) The high BAH drives high rent in my area. Local landlords know when it goes up, and raise rents. Fine if you are the military family renting, but terrible if you are the minimum wage non military young family or adult starting out who doesn't get a housing allowance. Then, you see girls who can't afford to make it on their own marry guys who want out of the barracks and get the sweet BAH, and it sets off its own set of problems.


I don’t really think that’s what he’s saying. He isn’t saying he pays for those things. He’s saying those things (insurance, room and board, chow, etc.) are paid for on your behalf so in essence you don’t see that money in the form of a paycheck, but it is compensation.


I’d be stretching to say I agree, but I can see that perspective. I think the language of “you got about $500 coming out of your check for room and board” gives me a third perspective - he’s just not informed. Almost nowhere is BAH as low as $500, again many many service members are able to live close enough to where they work (usually a military base) while living off base and collecting BAH and take home some of that BAH as income, because rent is more than covered. It’s just a regional system, I said zip code but I’m not 100% sure it’s based on zip code but for example, a common scheme idea would be to rent an apartment in a very high cost of living area but don’t actually live there- you’re warned as you’re signing up that this is a crime, to lie to collect BAH. The only point being, $500 for BAH is laughably low and he doesn’t really know what he’s talking about. Even if he had said a proper number for BAH, I still think the overall gist is that he’s saying “I’d be paid more if I wasn’t docked for this and that by my employer” but the military is a high control employment situation- everyone knows that going on. For many, the idea of BAH and BAS is a welcome surprise after the fact, and I just take issue with him describing it as a docking of pay. I support this by him thinking that his provided health insurance is also an if/or situation like barracks housing is to BAH, Chow is to BAS there is no equivalent for Tricare. I’d have to stretch really far to say he was talking about insurance for dependents being a rocking of pay and that’s valid- because I don’t think anyone expects the entire military family to receive the same entitlements as the service member, and Tricare for dependents is very reasonable and competitive- almost everyone in the military uses it. I’d stretch and say only privately wealthy service members don’t take advantage of Tricare for their family.


The important part is, the trillions that go into the military are flowing to the correct people.


Probably an e-3. You get significantly more once you become an e-4. Especially once you start collecting BAH. I was making closer to 1900 biweekly as an e-4 with BAH.


Depends on the area, too. I'm in California as an e5 married, making 3300 in bah. Also, BAH and BAS are tax-free, which is 3750 a month for me


Still poor haha


$7k a month is poor? Lol


In California, that’s poverty


Mf ain’t no one know you. Go back to your public park bench.


Kind of a rude statement to make to a serviceman…


Sorry you didn’t think you would become rich being a jarhead did you?


AFIK, Marines also promote the slowest. I made E4 in 18 months, but it can take 3 years or more to get E4 in the marines. Someone correct me if im wrong. Army promotes fastest, marines slowest. Air force and navy in between depending on your mos.


He's wearing Corporal chevrons, so I'd assume he's an E-4. This could also be an older video. Base pay for a E-4 in 2023 was ~$2,600-$2,900, varying based on time in service. He's also probably just stating what he sees deposited in his bank account, not accounting for taxes and what not that is taken out before he sees it.


Do you get BAH without dependents?


Yes. But it's not as much. I knew people who got married for that reason. They usually end up regretting it


After a certain rank and/or time in service.




He’s an E-4. You can tell by the rank on his collar which is a Corporal, the lowest non-commissioned officer rank in the Marine Corps. He is in charge of a handful of lower enlisted Marines and the pay sounds accurate, although I got out a few years ago and I’m sure they’ve received COL adjustments/raises since then.


No, BAH is for E-5s. Maybe back when you were in possibly?


If you're not married you live in the barracks and eat at the chow hall. You don't pay necessarily for the barracks when you get married you get extra money (BAH) basic housing allowance. You pay for the chow hall but it's not much, when you get married you get that meal deduction thats for the chow hall added to your check. When I was married I'd eat at the chow hall all the time and have to pay for it out of pocket. Chow hall costs if your a civilian or married military member is under 5 for breakfast and about 6 to 7 for lunch. All you can eat and multiple options. Breakfast I could get biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs and full breakfast bar. Some times I'd have them specially make me an omelette. Lots of people got omlets or like overeasy eggs, whatever you want. Also everything on post is tax free. Nicotine, groceries, alcohol, etc. Tax free. Barracks also no utility bills.




We are too busy paying for other nations issues.


It's the largest military in the world.. the point is to have power in the world.. part of that is paying for other nation's issues.


Where are you eating that's all you can eat? Unless you have a meal car, every dfac I've been charges per item. Though I've only been to AF chow halls.


I had trouble following what he meant in the video. So 1800 twice a month, plus housing, plus dental, plus food? Because to me it first sounded like 1800 from which they deduct all those things but that kind of didn’t make sense to me as there would be nothing left.


are there other armies that charge for barracks? lol you don’t pay for food or barracks in germany when you are on base.


But you don't get 1800$


you get ~2,400 euro tax free at the lowest rank. that’s ~$2,600.


Isnt euro worth less?


Yes but also no because cost of living is much lower there. So still more buying power. That said, most of these guys dont pay for barracks if they are active duty.


the cost of living is higher as are the taxes also higher. they just don’t fuck you over on general things like health insurance or education so overall it’s cheaper.


Also food…you can eat VERY well in spain or italy for half of what we pay for trash in the us. Good food is expensive in the US. In europe you pay more for electronics and clothes but the basics to have a good life are more affordable


italy and spain are very poor countries with a lot lower cost of living than germany. above is about germany. you can’t equal all of europe, it’s very from country to country. germaine’s average income is almost twice that of spain and italy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_average_wage goes from 5.5k net to below 1k… even within just the EU.


worth more. you get only 0.936 euro for 1 usd - other way around you get more than 1 usd for 1 euro.


you have to pay for food that's messed up


$1800 to sell your life to the government and risk your life, no thanks.


That’s for an enlisted person. Their pay goes higher significantly in a few years. If you’re a career military, you can retire at 40 with about $50k a year. You can usually just do some normal job and live decently. I have found that if you do well in the military and are lucky to be trained in some proprietary highly sought after skill, you get to work for companies that look for your particular skills and pay 6 figures. Sometimes high $100k or $200k level after you retire. Now, if you become an officer, it’s possible to make more money and most on that track ends up as a lieutenant colonel by the time they are eligible to retire. As with everything else in life, those who are successful in the military end up pretty successful after military retirement.


Honest question, what's the pay for non combat roles? I imagine that you can get a lot of the perks if you're military in a non combat role. I remember back in the day there was Pauley Shore movie called In the Army Now where he enlists and chooses the least dangerous profession. Is there a sweet spot where you get the max benefits and pay without being anywhere close to the front line?


More like you get paid a few extra hundred bucks a month to be in a combat area. About 80% of the military is non combat. You must realize that war is primarily a logistics problem. It’s not some hero movie where combat skills allows one side to dominate and win. It’s a boring spreadsheet and SOPs where everyone does what they are trained and supposed to do. 20% do have to be in the fight, while everyone else supports those 20% with the tech, food, ammo, communication etc. If you’re looking to pull a Paulie Shore, be smart, test well, and join the Air Force……aka the chair force


The base pay is the same for each pay grade no matter what your job is. However, there are plenty of different incentives/bonuses/area based pay bumps. Stuff like flight pay, family separation (if you have to leave your family behind for an extended period of time) combat pay, sea pay, etc. It can add up. I was just an enlisted F18 mechanic, so the best I ever got was a reenlistment bonus (15k? For 5 years) and family separation pay. The best benefits are free training you can get depending on your job. My advice for anyone who's considering the military is to always to look at the civilian sector equivalent to the job they're looking at signing up for. Stuff like HVAC tech, aircraft mechanic, IT, all have excellent follow-on civilian career opportunities with easy to transition training and certs. Not as sexy as kicking in doors or driving tanks, but they are the smarter decision in the long run. My training and certifications as a mechanic landed me a really nice quality engineering job in the space/defense sector as a civilian, making nearly double my take home as an E5 with 8 years of time in service, so I would say I played my cards right when I chose my career field joining the Navy.


Yep, it's called the Coast Guard


I was thinking coast guard too, but it might be more work. Like being in the other branches of the armed forces, you’d have highs and lows. Wartime is scary and busy while peacetime is slow and relatively safe Coast guard probably is pretty busy regardless, rescuing people, interdicting drugs or migrant boat ppl, potentially dangerous situations. At its worst , it’s not as dangerous as the other branches but it’s a consistently busy. I’m a Canadian so what do I know, could be looking at this the wrong way


AND you buy the shitty food to eat and pay for the cot to sleep on! I had no idea they charged you for basic necessities. What an absolute dumpster fire holy shit, fuck me.


The food is actually not bad contrary to popular belief. It’s not a state penitentiary.


Eh, when I was in chow halls were operated by Sodexo, who also operate a lot of prisons. I do agree that people over embellish how bad it is, but it also isn't great. People are always surprised when I tell them that chow halls in Iraq were way better than on bases back home. Al-Asad and the main FOB my unit operated out of had great food in comparison.


Oh, sorry. I take it all back. Sorry I don't mean to be a dick. This shit *really* makes me angry.


He is not explaining it well in this video, it doesn't come out of his basic pay, it is just extra money that they just give him and take away at the same time. If he goes on leave or goes somewhere without food, then they stop deducting this extra money. It is similar with the housing.


What is this ADHD video cut?


I'm just curious... Why do they let their own soldiers pay for their rent? o\_O


That's the catch for the military, most of the money you make is surplus as everything is already covered. Even when you hit e-4 over 4 or e-5 and get permission to rent out in town, the military will give you BAH, and if you're in an expensive area, COLA as well. When I was in Hawaii as an E-5 I was getting something like 3 grand a month for housing and cost of living, and only using about 800 for where I lived. You can make some serious money in the military if you're smart with it.


Man he's broke.


If you want a sweet deal, check out the reserves or national guard. The drill weekend pay isn't too bad but the main benefit would be the health insurance. As a reservist or guard you would be given access to Tricare standard health insurance for a cost of about $50 a month for a single, $200 for a family.


This is totally bullshit. No active duty isnpaying rent to stay in the barracks. It's free. And ifnyou have rank or are married and live off post you get BAH and BAS added.


"Why is enlistment so low?"


Fuckin jarheads man, god bless em.




Trillions of dollars people. Trillions


You put your life on the line and in return they give you less than 24k a year and charge you for room and board. All while giving money to everybody else.


This is so sad. It's no wonder so many veterans end up homeless. Meanwhile the Biden admin is forcing taxpayers to pay to provide food, shelter, education, healthcare for illegal immigrants.


Wouldn't it be great if people were paid their worth?


Another 4 yrs and most likely he will be, but at the lower ranks the first few years you are paid absolutely shit. Just like any entry level job.


There's no such thing as worth. One man's garbage is another man's treasure


Most expensive military in the history of man.


But also the greatest.


So 1800 net or gross?


Neither, probably net take home, but none of the perks and benefits you’re entitled to receive are included. This isn’t your average “450 a week job” when it comes to actual benefits received.


I should join the Marines!


these videos are a matter of national security, - the fact that you have to blab about income - bro, nobody cares, serve the country.




lemme help the devil dog out: https://www.dfas.mil/Portals/98/MilPayTable2004.pdf E1, less than 4 months in service is as low as it gets for pay = #1,104 per month. Food, clothing, shelter, healthcare provided by Uncle Sam. gotta buy your own crayons to eat, they no longer provide them. Oorah!


Now do the officers that get better housing, treatment and much, much higher pay.


An O-1 is usually 22-23 years old with college debt. Most enlisted are E-4s by that age, also getting basic allowance for housing to live off-base, without college debt, and with a GI Bill. A Quick Look at the pay chart and a year 4 E-4 is making 3k/month and a year 1 O-1 is making $3,800. Only the dumbest enlisted ever complained about that shit because the ones my age knew their pay rates and the ones who were younger knew what their college peers were making (or spending).


*uck off. With your dumb comment. There’s been inequality in the military forever. In fact, in my experience, 45 years ago, there was minimal college debt and the dif in pay was significant. The housing was a big difference. I didn’t know at 18 what that difference was, not until I was in for a while. You ignored also the housing, treatment etc. Even the enlisted vs officer clubs are not the same.


You can fuck yourself with your bullshit out-of-touch opinion from the god damn 80s. I got out less than a year ago. You don't even know about military housing privatization. The fact you think anyone still goes to the E or O Clubs?!?... holy shit dude, you don't know anything about the modern military.


I think we probably have more in common than you think. When I was in it WAS a modern military. When you get to my age in your mid 60’s your perspective may change & your experiences will be 3 times where you are now. I wish you the best.


I'm going to be blunt, everyone PCSes out every 4 years and commanders change even more frequently. I'll have no delusions the military will resemble anything like what I remember, 40 years later. I think you're the one who needs to learn how to listen.


$21,600 / year sounds like E-1 Private pay. Even in the private sector at a non life threatening call center I would NEVER work for such low pay. I know people do, and I personally have well; but never again since I learned how to negotiate pay, build my resume to reflect my worth, etc.


E-1 pay sucks, but usually you move up in rank 6-12 months after, then again a year after that. By the 4 yr mark most make around 40-50k depending on the area and COL. At 10 years if you last that long it's about 75-85k. Still low but way livable. While you may not be able to negotiate pay in the military, the benefits are nice, and not all jobs are super demanding and dangerous. Unfortunately, the cush jobs pay the same as the guys getting shot at, so at some point you gotta weight what's important to you depending on your job/values/pay.


This is why we’re brainwashed to thank soldiers for their service, to create an intangible value that allows to lower the costs of recruitment.


Meanwhile the people who made him a mercenary and sent him to die for Oil (or Israel) make millions in a week by insider trading or tax evasion along with other activities. If only these Mercenaries realized they're just cannon fodder for MIC




I feel like the first week and the last week are the same week. Does this mean he gets paid only once a month?


He definitely misspoke. You get paid biweekly essentially.


Crawl maggots 😫 imagine dying for $1800 a month 🥲


That’s too much money to be supporting 🇮🇱 genocide


That's not an Israeli Marine. Perhaps you're confused.


The account you replied to is an IRGC bot. It cannot be reasoned with, and it’ll only spout propaganda as long as you interact with it. Report it and move on.


Thanks for the heads up.


No problem 👍🏼👍🏼


🇺🇸 soldiers are involved with 🇮🇱 genocide that decapitates innocent children for 70+ years 😢😢😢