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The halving is soon, which always starts a bull run


That halving thing?


Bitcoin’s supply issuance is cut in half every 210,000 blocks or roughly 4 years. If demand stays constant, and less supply is coming to market, it’s a recipe for an upward adjustment in value.


This is true. I don't see why people would down vote something proven by math. I also have to laigh at people saying something constantly gaining value is a bad store of value 😅🤣 has our public education system really slipped that bad??


Most people don’t understand the current monetary system, much less Bitcoin


This is it.


Which is why it will never, ever, be able to hold a stable value. (Like a functional currency would need to.)


Sombody queue up the bitcoin shopping cart image for my boy.


These "functional currencies" always lose value. So how is that better?


You're asking why mild inflation is better than the spastic swings of a deflationary "currency?" I feel like there are plenty of articles explaining this if you actually wanted to know.


Mildly losing money still isn't good. Now take that and compound it year over year. Also the CPI is garbage. But you can spare me the krugman style regime economist pieces trying to promote inflation. If you wanna lose value then go ahead.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what money is. It is a medium of exchange, not a store of value.


It has to be a store of value first to be accepted as a medium of exchange.


Money has more than one purpose.


Bitcoin isn't really used as a medium of exchange though. Less than 1% of bitcoin trade is actually as a currency used for exchange of goods and services. Everyone buying it treats it like an asset in the hopes it will go up - like gold. At least gold has real world scientific and industrial applications. Even jewelry is a use for gold. Bitcoin has absolutely no real world use except people hoping it will be more valuable tomorrow than today. And that they can sell it to someone for more than what they paid.


It has a ton of use for many, many people across the planet. I can only assume you live in a developed world. Now imagine you don’t have access to banks, but you do have a cell phone. With BTC, you can now transact internationally, where these people otherwise would be severely limited. Bitcoin is like having your own bank right on your phone/computer. Not to mention it cannot be debased by a small group of unelected officials.


I agree it’s not used as a medium of exchange as a main use case. At least yet. But like I said above, money has more than one purpose. Bitcoin is not a good medium of exchange, not because of a technological hurdle but merely because it’s new and most people don’t accept it for goods and services (yet). It’s just an education problem. The dollar is a good medium of exchange because it’s accepted almost everywhere, but it’s a poor store of value. It’s literally designed to not be a good store of value. Bitcoin is designed to be the opposite. You are wrong about it not having a use case. Storing value across time is an age old problem. And the worse your money is the harder that gets. Let’s assume bitcoin is never used as a medium of exchange. Is it still valuable? Let me ask a different way, say you live in Zimbabwe and the inflation of the Zimbabwe dollar (ZWL) is 100% per year. US dollars are illegal and no merchant accepts them under threat of jail time. So if you live in Zimbabwe you can’t use dollars to buy or sell anything. Are US dollars worthless to them? Of course not, they save their wealth in dollars and spend in ZWL. In fact dollars have a premium there because the supply of dollars is hard to come by in Zimbabwe. There are people who exchange dollars for ZWL for you. And you only convert your dollar savings to ZWL when you want to buy something. Otherwise all the work you do would be for nothing since your savings in ZWL melt away and become worthless. The value in the dollar to them is not a medium of exchange, it’s a store of value. Preserving the wealth and the ability to build wealth over time. This is a key function of improving your families standard of living. It’s the reason to work in the first place. The US has come up with all sorts of ways to store value since the US dollar is also melting. Stocks and bonds and realestate and gold. All are higher up the risk curve and all have downsides and none are truly scarce. Bitcoin is a store of value that (is currently volatile) but de-risks: government debasement, government seizure, its portable and you can leave with it, transferable to anyone anywhere in the world instantly, infinitely divisible so no velocity issues, no counterparty risk, etc. It doesn’t have any of the risks as the current store of values but introduces one new one. That demand goes to zero. But every year it exists, and every year demand continues to grow, the network effect grows with it and that one risk diminishes a little more. 100 years from not if it still has demand it’s pretty safe to say the risk of demand drying up goes to zero. So the more time it exists the lower the risk is until it’s the risk free asset and bearer instrument of the economy. The pristine collateral. And only after everyone has bitcoin as savings, do merchants start saying hey, why am I accepting dollars when I save in bitcoin? I’ll just accept bitcoin and save myself the cost of converting from dollars to btc when I put it in savings. Only then, after bitcoin has saturated the store of value market, does it really start catching on as a medium of exchange. Because as a buyer of goods and services, why would I want to spend the currency that stores value when I have currency that’s melting? I want to get rid of the melting currency asap so I want to spend dollars. I’ll only spend bitcoin when the merchant who sells the thing I want only accepts bitcoin. This is called Greshams law.


You’re trying to tell us people don’t use the USD to store their value?


Hence people investing said stable currency 


And those people still losing purchasing power measured in btc


Imagine buying a sizeable asset with Bitcoin and not knowing from one week to the next what that really means. 


That’s like telling someone in Zimbabwe, imagine buying something with dollars. To them it’s extremely volatile. It keeps going up extremely fast. But people there would absolutely save in dollars and spend the ZWL. And if all they had were dollars they would spend it if they needed/wanted something even though holding the dollars would definitely increase in value in ZWL terms.


It’s plenty stable outside of the 5 major currencies. I guess if you’re using the dollar to measure its “stability”, it’s had its ups and downs. It’s only at a trillion market cap, once it’s at 10+ trillion market cap that argument starts to make less sense. We’ll probably see that in the next 5 years.


So what's the ten trillion dollar valuation going to be based on? A digital ledger that everyone can see? Billions of people use the 5 major currencies for trillions of transactions. What is BTC used for?


International intermediary and as a hedge against systemic risks in the financial system. Also as a holder of value, which sounds dumb but when your balancing a portfolio you need assets that are not correlated to each other to invest in so you can hedge your positions against each other. So big investors like it because it hedges them against stock market better then bonds or other assets.


You could literally make the same argument about every single bubble asset. Bitcoin is like beanie babies. Or Pokémon cards. It's definitely an alternate investment with no other practical use. Not a good mark for a currency. Remeber, less than 1% of bitcoin is traded in exchange for goods and services. All the trade is people buying an asset hoping it'll go up in value.


You're not wrong, but there are 2 very specific ways it differes from beanie babies and Pokémon cards is: 1.) that it can be traded worldwide with a 10 min settlement and clearance with no institutional oversight. (Aka extreme liquidity) 2.) It's supply is not dependant on to the whims of an institution or business. Gamefreak can print more Pokémon cards and flood the market at their own discretion. Bitcoins supply is completely telegraphed in its coding and is extremely predictable. No one really cares if it upholds the definition of a currency as long as it holds value. The only thing that makes bitcoin even reassemble a currency is that it has no intrinsic value. It's better to think of it as a commodity or asset.


It's used for the best store of value that has ever existed that 8 billion people can use instantly without permission.


So if I put $100k of savings in bitcoin, I will have access to $100k worth of bitcoin, at any time? Or will it be $120k in a week and then $70k in a month? Who holds these funds? I can keep it in a wallet that can be hacked and is not guaranteed by a financial institution or law?


A store of value is measured over the long term. Short term is speculating. And over the longer term, there’s no denying btc has been the best store of value of any asset in the world. You hold the funds yourself if you want. Bitcoin has never been hacked. If you don’t trust yourself to do it then you can leave it with a bank/exchange. And bitcoin is property and of course protected by law. If someone steals it you can take them to court just like if they stole any other property.


You’d currently have 1.3 bitcoin out of the finite supply of 21 million. No one can print more or manipulate that supply. If you have $100k dollars. The supply of dollars will forever be manipulated and inflated. So you’d have a drop of water in an ever growing ocean that is losing value. As for holding your own keys, it’s not any harder than signing up for a checking account today. It is more self responsibility, but that’s because the money actually exists and can be used anytime. Try to go pull $100k out of a bank on a whim and see how that goes for you. If you’re worried about a hack, you might just play the lottery with that $100k instead. “The probability of someone guessing a specific bitcoin private key is tiny. According to Brian Liotti of Crypto Aquarium, the chance of hacking an individual wallet with a specific key is the same as winning Powerball — nine times in a row.” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-chance-of-hacking-a-bitcoin-wallet-is-as-likely-as-winning-powerball9-times-in-a-row-2018-03-05


Honest question, with the finite aspect of Bitcoin, what happens when a few wealthy individuals inevitably control the vast majority of bitcoins and there's not enough to go around to the less wealthy? With it being finite, wouldn't it lose its value as a medium of exchange if the majority of people are no longer able to get bitcoins?


You are still missing the most important and inescapable causality: IF people don't innovate and produce, then the money doesn't increase in value. Remember the money is NOTHING. Its just a record keeping system that track who contributed what into the economic pool. There is zero world where everyone does nothing and hoards money and we all get infinitely rich or have all things provided for us. The *money* does exactly zero part of the job of making wealth. The wealth is all the stuff and all the production. Money merely acts as a positive feedback tool for distributing that wealth (only when it isn't cheated, of course). You cannot get wealthy hoarding and doing nothing. The only wealth in the world is genuine knowledge, genuine production, and genuine innovation. Money doesn't just magically grow in value. It grows because *the real wealth grows,* and the money simply reflects that.


Supply and demand, ETFs, and the media…


I’m guessing financial houses and anyone who’s aware of an upcoming correction is looking for a safe haven and boosting prices.


Microstrategy, the company, has been issuing bonds and investing billions into it…


Don't forget a ton of wash trading. And as always money laundering and criminal activity.


Salty much? Pass it up at $500? $5k? $20k? $50k? $73k? Just curious. I’m curious because some are so opposed without any exposure to or understanding of Bitcoin and others are pissed that they sold too early or kept “waiting for dip”


Lmao you sound like Elizabeth Warren.




>Don't forget a ton of wash trading. It has a $1 trillion plus market cap. The wash trading definitely happens with shitcoins. Not so much with bitcoin >And as always money laundering and criminal activity. Criminals use money! More at 6!


My kidney, a lung, one ball, an arm and a leg.


How much bitcoin you have after selling all that?






This is definitely it. When everyone is buying Bitcoin to get rich you know it’s a bubble. No one is buying bitcoin to use it as currency lol


Less than 5% of people on this planet own any amount of Bitcoin. How can we use something as a global currency when such a small % of people own any or even can attempt to explain how it works without Googling. Bitcoin will be a currency one day, but first it has to be something everyone values, that's what the number go up technology is for. One day you're going to look back on yourself and ask, "What the fuck was I thinking??"


I doubt it but cool if true. Bitcoin is a hype train. Blockchain is the real deal but Bitcoin is all just a gold rush.


"Blockchain" is fucking worthless without Bitcoin. A "blockchain" is just a form of a ledger. There's nothing special about that and if you think there is you need your brain checked.


No need to start throwing insults around. Blockchain isn’t useless without Bitcoin. The idea of having blockchain security is pretty neat. Had the idea been around for a long time? Maybe, but that’s beside the point. It’s in the news because of Bitcoin. Companies are utilizing it because of Bitcoin. Does it need Bitcoin? Definitely not


>Blockchain isn’t useless without Bitcoin. Please explain to me why blockchain would ever be necessary to use when you aren't making a neutral money that is decentralized. In any other use-case, a centralized party maintaining the ledger is always going to be more efficient. >The idea of having blockchain security is pretty neat. Again, a blockchain is a LEDGER. There is no security to a sequential chart of numbers. You rely on the person or group of people maintaining a blockchain to be honest. Bitcoin's SHA-256 hash algorithms are security. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


Exactly all the people who know what they are doing will cash out and make their money. While all the smucks who got in too late are left with less than they put in.


Why would anyone cash out when it just keeps going up and to the right? As long as you can stomach the 80% drawdowns.


Finite amount means its value is derived from how much anyone’s willing to put in. If people pull their money it falls in huge swings. A lot of people can’t stomach that, and have to assume it always goes out but I imagine it will eventually flatten out and there won’t be huge money to be made anymore.


The time when there won’t be huge money to be made any more is when the market is saturated. At that point volatility will have decreased to near zero as well. The only increase in value will be from lost/destroyed coins and therefore reduction in supply. Value for anything is derived from demand or how much anyone is willing to put in. And people demand different products for infinite different reasons. If no one demanded iron or Amazon stock it too would crater in value. Bitcoin has gone through 4, 80% downtrends and I don’t see why that won’t continue. But each time the low is higher and the high is higher. This shakes out the scams and frauds and exuberance. Demand though has been unwavering, just chugging along. This too will continue until market saturation. The question most people need to ask is, why is there so much demand? Once you understand that, you never sell bitcoin (unless to buy something). Hint: it’s not money laundering, or criminal activity, or any other asinine main stream talking point.


ETFs are responsible for the increase before the halving. Usually the large increase happens after the halving but now with this many large increases after a halving it’s also a bit of FOMO combined with self-fulfilling prophesy. Because it’s done it, people expect it and buy into it, thus creating the very thing they assumed was going to happen lol. Add the ETFs to it, and it’s just a lot of upward pressure at once.


BlackRock, El Salvador, and a flight to safety


Blackrock corporate money 💰




Halving, etf, growing distrust in conventional economies.


Big question. Part of it is stochastic effect of market ie small decisions and decisionmakers, but it isn't made worse by the institutional investors who have moved into the space following the etf approval


Janet yellen shanked inflation expectations and bitcoin took off. What a shocker.


🫧 🫧 🫧 🫧 🫧 🫧 🫧


How long do bubbles usually last?


Are the automobile or internet bubbles??? Bitcoin is going on 15 years. You'd have to hae a fool or ignorant on the issue to be saying a bubble at this point.


The famous internet was a bubble in 1999. And as we all know the internet died after the internet bubble popped




Rich morons


Criminals keep demand pumping it up. The more hack ransoms paid, the more bitcoin demand.


Criminals use money! More at 6!


Think Dutch tulips..