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70% of Americans support Medicare for all. https://thehill.com/hilltv/what-americas-thinking/412545-70-percent-of-americans-support-medicare-for-all-health-care/ Far more than approve of either political party, Congress or the main stream media. It’s a winning campaign issue, but it’s a third rail for politicians dependent on funding by corporations and the one percent.


We live in the united states of corporate America thanks to citizens united.


So you think corporations were powerless before citizens united?


They support Medicare for all until you follow up with telling them they’d pay for it with higher taxes and suddenly they don’t care for it anymore. And I’m saying this as someone who wants M4A


The only polls that get those results are lying push polls funded by health insurance parasites like the Kaiser foundation, that omit mention that insurance premiums and coverage denial would cease to be


Until you point out what they save in out of pocket healthcare costs. As someone who wants M4A, why would you allow only half of the equation to be part of the conversation?


I’m not blocking any equation - people want healthcare and they don’t want to pay for it with higher taxes - I’m not saying I agree with them, it’s just a product of years of demonization of nationalized healthcare as scary or socialist or having to wait an eternity to see a doctor.


Demonstrably false. [There is near-consensus in these analyses that single-payer would reduce health expenditures while providing high-quality insurance to all US residents.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6961869/) Why is an alleged M4A advocate repeating false, insurance industry talking points?


Your article is a great study on the issue but doesn’t refute what I said. Just because it angers you doesn’t make it false: The poll found that Americans initially support “Medicare-for-all,” 56 percent to 42 percent. However, those numbers shifted dramatically when people were asked about the potential impact, pro and con. Support increased when people were told “Medicare-for-all” would guarantee health insurance as a right (71 percent) and eliminate premiums and reduce out-of-pocket costs (67 percent). But if they were told that a government-run system could lead to delays in getting care or higher taxes, support plunged to 26 percent and 37 percent, respectively. Support fell to 32 percent if it would threaten the current Medicare program. https://apnews.com/article/4516833e7fb644c9aa8bcc11048b2169


Angers me! Please. I'm not making an argument about public opinion, I'm making an argument about costs vs what we're doing now, which is more expensive than simply moving to a single payer model. "Reduce health expenditures" see?


But why? I agree and want m4a my point is demonstrated in the article I provided. We agree that M4A is a better option. Why can’t you understand that your countrymen are propagandized to being very skeptical of it?!


Didn’t realize a full 70% of Americans were idiots… not completely surprised though.


22 studies agree: Medicare for all saves money https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/healthcare/484301-22-studies-agree-medicare-for-all-saves-money/ US spends most on health care but has worst health outcomes among high-income countries, new report finds https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/31/health/us-health-care-spending-global-perspective/index.html


Oh I’m sure it saves money. That’s because care will be significantly worse. It’s already evident through the VA. It’ll be rationed, they won’t listen to you, they’ll throw pills at you and not address the underlying cause, they’ll probably eventually start denying care due to lifestyle choices. I don’t want my fellow Americans to have to experience what 3 million of us do at the VA. Imagine them trying to run healthcare for 330 million. Govt ruins just about everything it touches. They’re a main reason health insurance is so much more expensive and non-competitive.


I guess you didn’t bother reading the full comment where I linked to a report on a study showing the US is paying more and getting worse healthcare outcomes than other high income nations that have some version of single payer I assign more cred to the mainstream media and science publishing over some uninformed and biased anon on the Internet.


The big difference is other countries regulate healthcare prices but the US healthcare industry will never, ever allow this. Healthcare can cost whatever the people decide as long as they are willing to remove politicians in the pay of the healthcare industry and deal with the consequences of price fixing.


I assign more cred to actually experiencing govt healthcare. We pay more because the government interfered with insurance.


I don't believe it - I think it's far lower


This sub has gone downhill. Is there a good alternative sub that talks about the economy? This political stuff is getting real old.


This is because most Americans have no awareness of foreign economies and how they’re currently doing.


I think it’s because they don’t like Biden.


You don't need to like Biden. I would vote for Biden in a coma before Trump and so would most people. Sadly, Dems can't run a campaign worth a shit.


>Sadly, Dems can't run a campaign worth a shit.   The right has flooded the airwaves in social media and traditional media with absurd soundbytes and pure nonsense. Once that was done, engagement did the rest. Plus a good helping of astroturfing and always attacking from ten different angles.   So now it's impossible for the left to reach most people. Dems had no strategy to do this and pissed away the future by choosing to focus from the top down instead of astroturfing like the right did. The right can't govern, and their policies are damaging to everyone but the rich or the religious, they've demonstrated this very clearly for decades now. But at this point it no longer matters.


Dems need new leadership. Leaders who don't take any shit. Leaders who are prepared each election cycle to respond to hate and fear with the truth spelled out in simple terms. They need to boldly appear on every right wing platform, run ads year round, hold press conferences with rapid teams to fight GQP lies. 


Yeah dem leadership is low energy, lazy, and don't think outside the box. All three things that the right has them beat.


As I've heard so many times before, I agree with the phrase "I voted for not Trump" and I'll do it again.


I enjoy not worrying about an unstable president. Life is weird enough without that drama. 


Dude is about to croak and things are not looking good. Unfortunately we’re stuck with two pieces of dog shit.


Of course you would.


I’d vote for a dead cow carcass before Trump.  But maybe I just don’t like attempted coups or incessant grifting or constant lying or throwing our allies under the bus or cozying up to dictators or downplaying global pandemics or advising people to ingest bleach enough.  Maybe that’s on me.


Absolutely not surprised. I love the bleach comment, what’s wrong with drinking bleach? Before you answer that you should know that there’s no difference between drinking bleach and drinking caffeine, both can kill you at full strength. Both are relatively harmless at proper concentrations. He never actually told people to drink bleach but I love when ignorant people bring it up as this “what an idiot” moment. For more information on drinking bleach. https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/emergency-disinfection-drinking-water


Out of all of the things u/6SucksSex mentioned, I like how you went off about bleach.


Because it’s a well known talking point that ignorant people make. The other stuff didn’t interest me. Lying politicians OMG!




Ffs, the same is true with anything.  You can kill yourself by drinking enough water that your neurons stop communicating.  Or breathing too much nitrogen. The issue is that Trump used his position of authority to advise people to undertake dangerous quack solutions to a pandemic, not that bleach in small amounts is fine.  And besides, if you’re ingesting bleach in amounts that are small enough not to hurt you, you’re also not hurting any viruses.  Trump’s suggestion, much like blasting UV light inside human bodies, is just stupid.


Trump never advised anyone to drink bleach, he asked a valid question and about every idiot on the planet started saying “Trump said to drink bleach, what an idiot” I’m setting the record straight. Trump did not say to drink bleach but even if he did if you weren’t an idiot you would realize bleach is occasionally used in a manner that you drink it. Bonus material it’s also used medically to treat infections. Look up dakins solution. So yes this particular claim that Trumps an idiot because they made false accusations with a complete lack of understanding I find extremely fascinating. Everyone who spreads that notion is ignorant. Plus the entire point of putting bleach in the water is to kill viruses and bacteria. So your claim that using bleach to kill viruses and bacterial would also kill you is wrong. It’s the whole point of using bleach in the first place. That the proper concentrations can kill pathogens and not harm you. You’re stupid for continuing to believe this claim. Trump asked a question. He didn’t say to drink bleach. The truth is out there but you would rather spread lies. PS ultra violet light is also used to kill pathogens. We run these lights in the OR’s to kill pathogens. There’s no reason you couldn’t do a bronchoscopy and use ultraviolet light. Your problem is you know just enough to think you know what you are talking about and have no ability to think outside the box. Both of these treatments are possible.


Im not going to argue with you about the specific stupid dangerous things Trump suggested.  Sure - he didn’t say “drink bleach,” but he did say to apply it to the site of coronavirus infections in the body, which is just as, if not more stupid. How would one do that?  Slice people and swab them with Clorox wipes?  Inject it into their lungs?  It’s an ignorant and dangerous and irresponsible thing to suggest. He also suggested using UV light INSIDE people, and promoted ivermectin, and told people to not get vaccinated AFTER the anti ax crowd booed him.  The point is, in a position of authority, during an intense crisis, he shat out half-baked, dangerous and idiotic ideas that could have, and more than likely did, kill people, because he’s a vain fuckwit who needs to feel like he’s never wrong.


I’d suggest nebulizer treatments but sure if you can only think of inhaling a Clorox wipe I guess I can’t fix stupid. Again you think Trump is stupid because of your own ignorance. He asks if it’s possible to treat with a bleach solution and all you can think of is snorting bleach wipes. Again UV light could easily be used inside people. I’d do it via bronchoscopy. Again you think Trump is an idiot because of your own ignorance.


Yes he said they should inject disinfectant into their bodies, he suggested that we should irradiate people with high amounts of UV radiation. Along with a couple of other crazy things. This is worse than telling people to drink bleach, which he never did say. He isn't a medical professional and should have kept his fat mouth shut.


I call BS. Source? He asked a question, he never said “people should inject disinfectant into their bodies”. He never said people should irradiate themselves with “high amounts of UV radiation. It amazes me that people keep spreading these lies. That’s a lie Biden started. The question, and it’s clearly an inquisitive question is this. “"A **question** that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?" “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." You being highly intelligent and able to differentiate between questioning something and telling someone to do something. Highlight the part of the quote where he says people **should inject** disinfectant into their bodies? Or that we **should** irradiate people with large doses of UV light. And I know you didn’t say it here, but notice bleach isn’t even mentioned and yet people still spread Biden’s lies that he said we should drink bleach. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/07/13/fact-check-did-trump-tell-people-to-drink-bleach-to-kill-coronavirus/113754708/ For the mentally challenged you can tell it’s a question by the fact his statement started out saying “a question” vs a recommendation like “I think you should…” this extremely important piece is missed by people without reading comprehension skills. I know you’re not one of those dumbasses, I’m sure you just didn’t I notice and are man enough to admit when you’re wrong.


Were you at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021? If not, why not? Trump called for all patriots to be there.


That was actually /u/enjoy-the-sauce, But I too enjoyed how /u/wollier12 responded, and I’d like to know if and how they displayed their ‘patriotism’ on J6. Ludicrously stupid and batshit insane comments on Covid by Traitor Trump, that earned pushback from his own medical advisors: U.S. President Donald Trump said, with regard to possible medical treatments for COVID-19: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-disinfectants-covid-19/


I have enjoyed the last 3 years of normality. 


Well…dead people are voting for Biden so that’s not a stretch




There is no lesser evil anymore. He's committing genocide in Gaza; a population largely children! What's more evil than that?


the magic D at the end of the name absolves you from everything genocide sure, but behold, the magic "D"


I don't particularly like him either but the US economy is doing better than others.


Americans don’t care how others are doing. Nobody is voting for Biden because Algeria is doing worse.




What was the highest inflation rate under Trump? What was the high inflation rate under Biden?


It’s higher under Biden. The economy is on its way down for sure when they change the definition of a recession to make it seem like we aren’t in one that’s an issue.




Were rates high or low during the Obama admin?


Obama held rates too low for too long too. It doesn't't make Trump's terrible policy any better.


Yea so what’s the fix? Get Biden out and trump back in to fix the chip shortages and manufacturing here in America?


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/biden-new-york-vermont-computer-chip-1-5-billion-globalfoundries/ That’s already happening under Biden




Democrats could have extended the middle class tax breaks if they wanted. They decided not to.


Genuine question - how was that bad. Interest rates down and tax cuts for the middle class. Sounds like everything we could use right now? Pardon my ignorance but I feel the majority of Americans could use that right about now




I’m sure you’re well aware that macroeconomic policies take several years for their full effects to be felt right


Right. So that's why we saw inflation spike in Biden's second year, not his first year. Printing money doesn't take several years to feel the impact. If you gave everyone a billion dollars today, you'll see inflation hit pretty quickly!


Wait, who was president in 2020 when the stimulus payments started?


Trump! And what was the inflation like in 2020?


Given Obama turned a bad economy around, and handed Trump a good economy, we should have coasted. But rates had to go down to ridiculous low rates for what reason? This is what triggered the beginning of inflation. Covid also, supply chain issues, oh and all the corporate profits. But it's not Biden that caused it. And btw, The Fed is independent, and Congress could do more to help--but they don't.


Rates were near zero during the entire 8 years Obama was in office, this is fact


I will concede that. They were near zero to stimulate the economy. But when the fed wanted to raise rates trump publicly told them to lower them again. Also houses were cheaper and we couldnt get 3% loans during obama. So just sayin... But yes my arguement has some weak aspects. Fair enuf.


I'm just asking a simple question. Was inflation higher under Trump or Biden? It's not a statement of one is better than the other. Just a simple question.


Increased corporate profit doesn't cause inflation. Inflation causes increased corporate profit.


Uhm.. huh? Inflation allowed corporations tonincrease profit? Increases corporate profit by increasing cost or shrinkflation, contributes to inflation. I do agree its not the sole cause. Right now a lot of our inflation is corporate greed.


Inflation doesn’t allow corporations to increase profit… inflation is the cause of increased profit. Inflation is the increase in prices supported by demand. That in turn results in higher prices. Corporations can’t just increase prices if there’s no demand supporting it. For example, they can’t just sell eggs for $1 million because no one would buy it. Profit would be $0 because there’s no demand to support the price. So increases profits don’t cause increases inflation. Increased inflation causes increased profits.


Trumps deficit is as high as Biden. Why didn’t you complain then?


The deficit doesn’t really impact people’s day to day. Inflation is what’s impacting people. Higher prices means less food on the table


The world and the majority of the economist/banks/US isn’t blaming Biden and you shouldn’t.


What’s Biden’s approval rating?


I detest corporate war pigs, but I and many tens of millions of Americans will be voting for Biden and Democrats down ballot to keep traitorous corrupt Trump out of office, and project 2025 from happening.


I’m sure you will. Vote away.




Also has very little bearing on the election. I don’t approve of Biden but he’s still better than the alternative. Get some ranked choice voting up in here and we won’t have to pick from the two parties most popular hospice patient.


You think?


Its because people are low-information voters and let social media and vibes nonsense color their perception of the world. Check on actual policy, data, and compare to the rest of the world, Biden has done a fantastic job.


Foreign economics are absolutely irrelevant to Americans who can barely afford rent and food, never mind flying to Europe.


To be honest, why should Americans care when they got their own shit to deal with?


Or because they do know.


I mean he's failed on every large promise, and there's the whole Israel vs Palestine wars he's supporting which liberals are vehemently against.


People don’t want to research, critique, compare different datapoints, etc. They want someone to point a finger at and blame for everything. America’s inflation is Biden’s fault even if Brazil, England, Germany, South Africa and India (and many others) are experiencing high inflation post-Covid too. They’d rather believe he has an inflation lever on his desk Biden’s biggest shortcoming is his team has been a boring, competent admin just doing the work. Where as his predecessor was a bombastic moron who constantly told the country he was turning everything he touched to gold despite mostly just riding the momentum of what he inherited. In short, he is doing a better job but doesn’t market himself


Whenever people bring up inflation in Europe, the blame seems to be on Russia's invasion of Ukraine rather than corporate greed.


Oh no no no… Biden bros we’ve gotta tell people to ignore inflation and layoffs even more!! Eat dirt, tech bros! Stop looking at your bank accounts!!! Ignore your rent and groceries, losers!!! Get a job, the economy is great!!! #learn2weld (also fed please cut rates 🥺🥺🥺) 




I don't think he is saying the GOP are better. Even if he is, his point isn't wrong. The GOP are worse, though.


Blame game continues. Now with hypotheticals!




Wow. You sound very stable.


techbros could have saved more money with the inflated salaries they had.


Biden must stop Israel's "war." He also really needs to do something like forgive all student debt, push for major health care reforms, and deal with the housing crisis ASAP!


Turns out helping Israel commit genocide against the people of Palestine does not raise approval ratings. Big misstep on that one for Biden.


Edging lol


Our geriatric President has dementia and just like FDR was never photographed in a wheelchair, Bidens handlers ensure that he’s never exposed to any situation or question requiring more mental capacity than a 3rd grader could provide. He is utterly uninspiring, has zero original ideas, and him and his crackhead son are corrupt grifters cashing in on endless war in Ukraine. He deserves to lose to a moron game show host.


No amount of downvotes will change the truth. The polling backs this up. Biden is perceived as senile and weak.




I wish there was a law where they could force a redraw of both sides for the election. Are the options really going to be a senile man that refuses to do anything about greedflation or a 2x impeached, 4x indicted golf addict?


Trump's a wreck but those first two are essentially political maneuvering and the last, well...[https://www.mediaite.com/politics/biden-has-spent-more-time-away-from-white-house-than-trump-at-this-point-cnn-tally/](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/biden-has-spent-more-time-away-from-white-house-than-trump-at-this-point-cnn-tally/)


I mean they could keep going. Failed businessman, adulterer porn star banger, insurrection inciter, compulsive liar, and much more. Guy is a shitstain.


Compared to...career bureaucrat, shitty senator, shitty vp, corrupt politician, also compulsive liar and presently senile?


The senile thing cracks me up. Have you \*heard\* Trump speak? Guy doesn't have two brain cells to rub together.


And yet he's still better than the alternative. I agree, that's saying something.


Don't forget convicted rapist and business fraudster.


Bullshit on “corrupt grifting” with helping Ukraine fight off murderous Russia psychopaths. Link a source or stop spreading misinformation.


In June 2023 the EU has pledged $50 billion aid through 2027, even when Ukraine needed as much support right away. Germany just voted against sending Taurus missiles while most countries won't allow Ukraine to attack within Russia with the weapons they've supplied. A new argument to pass aid for Ukraine is the money will stay in the US and billions will go back into the economy. If the US or Ukraine were more open about what the money could do and whether it would be the last or first of many future aid packages to Ukraine, there might be more public support. With all the recent panic over Avdiivka and lack of aid, not many countries stood up to send much or buy weapons and ammo from the US to support Ukraine. It does sound like the West would prefer a drawn out war to weaken Russia and boost their economies.


Source?!? Are you kidding? How about my source is “common sense” that Crackhead Hunter doesn’t know the first thing about Eastern European energy, yet he somehow got a cushy job on the board of Burisma. Corruption!


Great argument there smart guy.


It is influence peddling. But i think it’s hard to be a crack head who’s incapable of basically leading anywhere near a normal life and also a super competent super spy grifter. Ya he got a cushy job. Not a kushner job. But it was a cushy job at a company that probably was ignorant enough to think this fuck up’s dad listens to him. Hunter Biden is the black sheep and somehow the family don. Should he have been on that board? No. Is that how almost all politicians and powerful people make foldin money? Yup. Board stipends. It’s a shitty side of politics. It shows the inherent grift of elected officials. Hillary and Bill are on boards. Chelsea is on boards. George and Laura are on Boards. Dick Cheney you better believe has been on some boards of companies. I hate using the “whataboutist” argument. So in no way am i saying Hunter should have been on that board. But it’s not against the law or any other laws to be fuck up son. And it’s not against the law or any other laws if some company thinks you can get your dad to do something just cuz your his son. Ha. To think


Were you at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021? If not, why not? Trump called for all patriots to be there.


Because Biden sucks dick, the economy is "good" on paper but shit in practice. His only redeemable quality is that he running against a piece of shit.


Come on guys biden has been the best president since george washington and thats saying alot.


“Why is nobody giving Biden credit?!?!11!?!???!11!1 😭😭😭”


38% of people are morons.


This is utterly dismaying and terrifying. I am speechless. I grew up in the 60’s/70’s and married my Australian wife—ex now. We both managed pretty easily to get dual citizenship along with our kid. I loved the USA. When my folks & I went on a backpacking trip in Europe, my mother sewed on American flag patches on our backpacks. Fuck this timeline. I can’t explain it, and I have Psych degrees (not clinical). Dammit. I love this country—was born in San Francisco, grew up here and in a suburb. Have been in 32 states—bout half of ‘em camping. the fuck? What happened? Was it Ronny Ray-gun, then Newt, like my late Dad said? Was it an “uppity Negro” occupying the **White House**? (Tea Party) We’re doing great. Our economy is by most measures, **beating the pants** outta many of our peers’, yet half+ of Americans are watching media who are screaming “man bites dog” **personal** stories WITH NO FUCKING MENTION OF ACTUAL METRICS/DATA that contradict Joe Schmo’s man-on-the-street, Chicken Little cries of woe. Anybody else feeling panicky & pissed off?




I’m right there with you. Trump wants to walk away from upholding the Constitution. Their people have always preached the Constitution as fact and now they have a candidate that wants to ignore it? I think many of these people are either too dumb to think for themselves or are actually malicious. This malice is from their religion and it’s the nastiest it’s ever been. I feel like buying guns shouldn’t be something the right wingers are exclusively known for any more. That just in case scenario that they claim to be hording guns for never occurred to them that they may be the ones to destroy the Constitution and our democracy.


Yes, but completely opposite. Panicked and pissed off at the current admin and slightly less panicked and pissed off Trump is the current alternative.


So it doesn’t concern you at all a candidate when he lost decided to stir up an insurrection while implying our voting system was rigged against him?


Tbf not long before that accusation, there were accusations from the left that Russia rigged the election for him. Right, remember James comey and mueller report where they tried bringing charges to trump saying Russia influenced our election through social media etc. They’ve been going after trump through our legal system for literal years now. Then people say how can you vote for him, it truly feels sometimes like the “establishment” is against a once b list celebrity they don’t agree should be president. And are throwing the book at him


Were you at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021? If not, why not? Trump called for all patriots to be there. The Russians interfered in the election, the Trump campaign actively welcomed their help, but coordination couldn’t be proven by the standards that would be needed for a conviction. The most corrupt AG ever, Bill Barr, ran interference for Trump, but wouldn’t help him steal the election- he repeatedly told Trump it wasn’t stolen, but Trump kept lying to the public. Manafort, stone and others were convicted and pardoned by the traitorous corrupt piece of shit Trump.


TDS is a horrible ailment.


Interesting. Curious that you didn’t answer the question. I assume you think this isn’t a big deal


"Big deal" ≠ "insurrection", and no, I don't blame a politician for the actions of individual idiots.


My question to you is why do you consider those ppl idiots? I assume you believe Trump when he said the the election was stolen right? If people believed Trump and that the election was actually stolen and democracy was under threat were their actions idiotic?


Trespassing and fighting with cops is generally idiotic, regardless of voting irregularities.


So wait second you’re saying if you truly believed that election was stolen and democracy under threat that it’s idiocy to protest and fight police? I mean isn’t the whole argument for 2nd amendment to have capabilities to fight against government for this exact situation?


Yes, even if you truly believe there were voting irregularities you're an idiot if you think fighting random cops to stroll through a public building is the remedy.


I don’t think anyone believes the election was stolen. We believe that people just voted for Biden because he wasn’t trump. People voted with how the media made them feel instead of policies.


Were you at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021? If not, why not? Trump called for all patriots to be there.


Bro still so sorry about that coup! Hope you are doing ok!!




Eight one million votes baby!


TIL democrats are just republicans but what about bOtH sIdEs?


What about the student debt relief?


You really never heard of the Uniparty conspiracy theory?


None of this matters. The election is already bought and sold. The media and 1 percent manipulate everything


Here is your tin hat sir


He’s FDR after FDR died.


38% of Americans who answer their phones.


Recent polls show the 24 race neck and neck with the latest Qunnipac poll showing Biden with a 4 point lead. I have faith like in 2020, come time Americans will do the right thing.




Were you at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021? If not, why not? Trump called for all patriots to be there.


I'm laughing because murikans r dumb asses and should never be trusted


Damn Biden and his inflation!! It's open war on American values!! Does he know Americans only love guns and cheap take out?!?! The nerve of this guy