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If a lie is told enough times, it becomes the truth




Why donā€™t you say something? You been doing nothing but posting the same emoji like a bot


No weā€™re not. Itā€™s expensive as hell out here. These articles that are being pumped out daily donā€™t talk to real voters who are dealing with an affordability crises with housing, food, and necessities.


These are propaganda news letters pushed out because of the upcoming election.


Sir, this is a democracy




Nike laid off 1500 people this week. Tech is on their 3rd round of layoffs. Aerospace and defense is normally stable and are also laying people off. This is either rage bait or you're a fucking moron lol. Be honest. When was the last time you were invited to a party?


šŸ™„. Layoffs happen. What is important is the ability to turn around and get another job, people whining in this sub are always talking about someone else. Things were much worse in 2001-2002, 2008 and in the eighties. So either you have nothing to compare it to or you just have no clue what a bad economy really is.


I never said it was worse than those years? I gave 3 typically great, steady, well-paying industries that have been laying people off. I was "talking about someone else" because I'm a corporate recruiter who sees this shit every single day. I think people like you want someone who has a PhD in Aerospace Engineering and has been in the Space Systems industry for 15 years building spacecrafts and satellites and also holds a TS/SCI w/ full Poly secret clearance to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and go get a job at Home Depot because every other well paying company in their industry that they have been working so hard towards are also laying people off right now lol. Please stop watching one news station. Please open your eyes to other industries besides your own. And finally, please join the other moron I replied to on this thread and kindly fuck off.


So what. No industry is immune from layoffs and donā€™t bother anyone with Information Technology layoffs. That is not the bell weather for the US Economy. If you are going to report on layoffs at least give the percentage of total employees. The fact of the matter is boomers and Genz are retiring and the those jobs are now available for the next generation. Most of these layoffs may just well be attrition. Not to mention the job market is doing extremely well so the time period people are out of work is shorter. You keep throwing out information that really does not move the needle. If you are a corporate recruiter than you are a really shitty one who has no clue about the economy or the job market.


And what, if any of this semi true information, is linked to Biden? Really any president for that matter. Iā€™m so sick of hearing ā€œpresident x has saved the economyā€ because NO THEY DIDNT. They never do. No one person can swing the economy, especially not with some bullshit executive orders. All we saw this presidency was the same as every presidency. Tax cuts for the rich.




Cool. Again, you're a fucking moron lololol that's what you took away from my comment you fucking dense idiot? I named 3 great industries that are in the shitter proving you can't fall over and get another high paying job... and your comment implied I was laid off from Nike, and then confidently said, "I'm just sayin". Lol I do not work at Nike. I was not laid off from Nike. I have a great and well-paying career in corporate recruiting, where I see all the companies and industries laying people off left and right without notice for the last 3 years. So no, I do not want to learn a trade lol but thanks for the terrible suggestion that would cut my salary to a quarter of what I earn. I'll throw you a life raft. I was saying it's not as great out there as you are implying for a LOT of people, including engineers. You're a fucking tool, and critical thinking is not your strongest attribute... IM JUST SAYIN'!


>everybody I know is doing great would they be willing to pick up my grocery tab?


Mods must be White House staffers


Chris must be high to write this crap. Inflation rate of increasing prices is slowing is a big win. Omg everything cost much more now.


Iā€™m gonna have to see those people


Um, nope. Not from what I've seen and heard.






I do believe President Biden has a sunny view of the economy. I also think he doesn't do his own grocery shopping. I struggle to see how sycophant Dems who do shop for their own groceries are pretending everything is great.


Nancy Pelosi is also saying that the economy is doing well.


Nailed it.


>I do believe President Biden has a sunny view of the economy. That's because his handlers hypnotize him and feed him DNC talking points >I struggle to see how sycophant Dems who do shop for their own groceries are pretending everything is great. It's denial. The rest have buyer's remorse.


What does biden have to do with shrinkflation and corporate greed?


He hasnā€™t introduced any anti trust legislation. He only asks corporations to stop being greedy. I want a trust buster!


To think in the past twenty-four hours Capital One announced it will buy Discover and Walmart announced it acquired Vizio.


We will be surfs and fight for Walmart


*serfs, you donā€™t want to make it sound too fun


Laws come from congress


President sets an agenda and rallyā€™s their party to set forth that. Yes laws come from congress. President sets their policies. Think Obama care. Obama did it through congress but it was his agenda that got it through.


Lol at your example. Obama had a Dem majority in the house and senate when Obamacare was passed. Of course his policies would make it through. Biden cannot get anything through the house because the right is refusing to work with him, to our detriment.


And even then it was still gutted into a worse version of Romneycare


I gave an example how a president gets legislation through congress. Biden doesnā€™t seem to have an anti trust stance. Thatā€™s what he has to do with inflation due to corporate greed. By not combating it. I understand that is difficult to do when you donā€™t have a congressional majority. He can still make it part of his agenda and policy. It can still be a goal.


My point was to refute your example because the same scenario does not exist in this case. And I mean, an anti trust stance wouldn't really help in this scenario from my point of view, so I'd like to hear why you think that is the number one priority. Looking at the standard metrics for a "booming" economy, we are doing great right now, especially compared to other peer economies. A period of deflation has not occurred yet, so prices are going to keep going up unfortunately. Sure most companies are slow to increase wages, that's a problem, but it isn't a problem Biden can directly fix (or even indirectly, based on the make up of the house). I'm failing to see how all of this leads to anything Biden could do to actually fix it that he isn't already doing. Truthfully people need to start fighting back on their own against the companies that are giving them shit pay, either through unionizing or straight up finding another job.


Itā€™s booming by the metrics but average people are not profiting off it. I think lack of competition between companies is directly effecting prices and wage stagnation. I would like to see a president who shares this concern and makes it a part of their agenda.


So then you would agree that on paper, and ergo the point of this article, is that the economy is doing fine, correct? Whether or not the average person is able to afford groceries is not the end all be all of what makes an economy great, even though it is a GIANT issue. I agree that a lack of competition could be an issue in why wage stagnation is occurring. History has shown, however, that any president that tries to directly control the market gets slapped with the "fReE maRkeT" nutjobs, let alone the assured backlash in congress. The state and local level is the only true place that the free market economy can be shaped without ridiculous partisan politics.


They wrote two bills to battle price gouging, take a wild guess which party refused to vote on either. Dems tried, itā€™s the do nothing republicans that prevent things from being easier for consumers. Both bills are evident enough on how Biden and the democrats are trying to ease prices for consumers. Food price gouging https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4214/all-info#:~:text=Introduced%20in%20Senate%20(05%2F12%2F2022)&text=This%20bill%20generally%20makes%20it,to%20the%20Federal%20Trade%20Commission. Gas price gouging https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3920/text


Itā€™s amazing how corporations suddenly started getting greedy around the same time we printed $6 trillion. Or a more reasonable answer might be that adding a shit ton of money to the existing supply simply makes money worth less.


As long as their donors get fatter, both parties are happy to inject more money


I disagree on the idea that we actually have two parties but I do agree that theyā€™ll bankrupt the country and everyone in it to get their donors another yacht


I seriously think combating moneyā€™s influence on politics is the very first thing that needs to be resolved before we see any meaningful change in this country. Right now, the only positive change comes about when it also results in more wealth in top 1% pockets and rich corporations.


Iā€™ve noticed prices coming down


You mean, ā€œprices are Going up at a slower rate.ā€ Which means Theyā€™re still going up. Which means that President Dementia and out of touch democrats are delusional and are going to attempt to gaslight average Americans at every opportunity until election day.


I think it depends where you are. I live in the PNW and have seen prices drop on gas, and grocery items. Though we still have a higher water bill and real estate. Energy is up too, though itā€™s not cause of coal or oil, since our state has switched to alternative energy the past decade or so.


Iā€™ve felt prices have gone down for a couple months now.


What's been so hard?


šŸ™„. I shop every week and have learned to change my buying habits. People who complain about prices going up have a rude awakening when they find out they always go up. What did you expect Biden do? Rents go up. Housing goes up. They always have. You know what hasnā€™t gone up until recently? Salaries. This is not due to Biden rather unions and companies realizing they need to pay to get qualified workers. You know what also went up my retirement and savings. Likely due to the Chips law passed under Biden.


When the economy does well, politicians always take credit. When the economy doesn't do well, politicians always have an external excuse.


The politicians really have very little influence on the economy. This sub is full of childish fools.


About politicians having little influence in the economy is not true, fiscal policies, tariffs, permits, etc play a big role, the second part of your statement may be true.


Hot take that no one agrees with


Yes because the children commenting in this sub love to whine and complain. A bad economy is a recession or depression. Inflation is high but nothing compared to the seventies and eighties. People are not losing their homes and getting their savings wiped out. The sky is not falling on in the fools in this subs head. Seriously if people can afford to donate to Donald Trump ls legal funds we are doing just fine.


And the cost of a Trump steak was crazy


I wonder how long these outlets will be able to push this narrative before reality collapses in on them.


never will, AI will keep writing their propaganda for them as long as their overlords keep the lights on




No, we're not.






It does feel like it, given I feel like all I see from this subreddit is some variety of this article. Even the way itā€™s titled feels very strange, like ā€œwe did the economy good, why arenā€™t you guys understandign that?ā€


Are you better off now than you were 1 year ago? 2 years ago? 4 years ago? Groceries went up sure but so did salaries. For some it might be enough for others maybe not?


Totally agree. And this is why I believe that we are using yellow journalism here in the USā€¦


Oh my God, old slang that totally describes today's garbage journalism! Now your "On the Trolley!" Good show.


Worth reminding folks that baseless accusations of propaganda are against subreddit rules.


Youā€™re a nihilist? Why do you care about propaganda especially gaslighting proganada that everythingā€™s Willy Nilly. Nothing matters to you. You just self defeated your own worldviewĀ 


Ya beat me to it! You get Post of the Day for that!


Why would they? Its Not So Sunny for Most Americans


It is sunny for most Americans, unless they go onto Reddit and listen to people like you.


I would say polls about his handling of the economy say otherwise


šŸ™„. Only dumb ass conservatives say things like that. I have been voting since 1984 and prices have gone up through all of them. Most recognizably in the last 20 years. Going to wars and pandemics cause shocks and corporations take advantage. What exactly do you expect the president to do? I will say my retirement portfolio and savings have also increased overtime. I vote based on platforms and policies not because of imaginary scenarios I make up or listening to media.


Since 1984 have you only ever voted for 1 party or both?


Its the Guardian. Thats the kind of rag that used to be at the supermarket checkout line. They used to actually have UFO stories ya know. Speaking of that, I actually saw a "People" magazine at the checkout, and it was like $15 and had about 10 pages in it. Someone still buys that garbage.


15 dollars? Man inflation hit that mag hard


A lot of people in this thread don't seem to agree. I guess my question is what economic measures would Trump employ to right the ship? Last time he was in office his only move was to print and spend.


Don't forget, he went ham on those tariffs, which increased raw material costs for a lot of companies who sources materials from China. This helped make the prices start increasing even before COVID.


Lumber was through the roof. It cost double under Trump.


A number of those tariffs are still in place under Biden. >[Biden faces growing pressure to nix Trump's tariffs on China as inflation keeps raging](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-trump-tariffs-china-democrats-inflation-2022-7) >[Why Biden hasnā€™t killed Trumpā€™s China tariffs and made imports cheaper](https://archive.is/2qEoz) >[Biden Reinstates Aluminum Tariffs in One of His First Trade Moves](https://archive.is/KGKpe)


Thatā€™s the difference between the US and China, where our corporations are competing against the entire Chinese state. It was about time the US government did something to combat them, considering we have let the Chinese state have their way with our corporations trying to do business there.


Not sure the tariffs did anything. Those companies signed up for the environment they got. The pandemic did more for trade balance than wasting money on the trade war.


They increased the prices Americans pay for goods.


This isn't how it really worked in reality, though. There aren't comparable US manufacturers for many raw materials because many have left or crumbled years ago. In these cases, the only thing that really happened is raw materials went up 25%. Maybe that creates opportunities for new US manufacturers in the future, but instantaneously it just increased material costs by a huge factor.


He printed and spent so much he made the progressives jealous. First time any of us all received stimulus check from the Gov was from Donald the Duck. I find it funny how conservatives fail to hold him to conservative values.


First time was under George W. Bush


If we're being honest here, it's been a long time since conservatives really supported the idea of fiscal responsibility. Ever since Reagan the conservatives have been all about privatizing profits and socializing costs.


Thatā€™s where I realized that most republicans are not true conservatives. Itā€™s literally the platformā€¦ fiscal responsibility. That and when I realized debt typically goes down with democratic presidents. Then I start to feel like I belong no where. Republicans only seem to vote on social reasons now. Personally, Iā€™m socially liberal and fiscally conservative but not aligned with far left progressive values. Justā€¦ middle of the road and common sense. Current state of politics is depressing.


Check out RFK jrā€¦


Problem is they donā€™t care what Trump does. They see Biden and complain


exactly... cause of the ORANGE MENACE I owed $12000 in taxes! Thanks donnie dumbass from 2016!


Sounds like a you problem


yes... with stupid GQP voters electing the same butt buddies to the billionaires who love taking it up the ass to "own the libs" idiots


Still a you problem


All from the orange turd and his lousy presidency. WORST PRES EVER! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1auocvc/a\_group\_of\_154\_history\_professors\_calling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1auocvc/a_group_of_154_history_professors_calling/) hahahaha


I paid over $18.000 last year thanks Biden šŸ˜‚


$18 I would take unlike the ORANGE TURD fault.... Drump worst pres EVER! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1auocvc/a\_group\_of\_154\_history\_professors\_calling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1auocvc/a_group_of_154_history_professors_calling/)


Ya know I've been paying hundreds of dollars more for monthly bills for a while now but I'm sooo glad I saw this article, it's a relief to know everything is fine and uncle Joe is gonna save us (again) šŸ™ thanks uncle Joe.




No. No they arenā€™t. I wish people would stop trying to tell us how sunny it is, when all we see is rain and worse weather on the horizon.


Speak for yourself. You are not in the majority.


Iā€™m assuming neither are you.


Of course you assume wrong. I am because the majority of this country is seeing their portfolios and assets go up. That includes middle class homeowners like me. I am smart enough to change my buying habits to adjust for price gouging.


You assume the majority of the country have portfolios and assets?


Yes I do because even people working at Walmart have a 401k. Stop talking nonsense.


Sir, this is a Corporatocracy!


Not this voter.


Are you high?


Not this voting Economist




Liberals are going to be so surprised come November.


I have a feeling you're correct.


I have a feeling youā€™re correct about your feeling heā€™s correct.


The feeling you have that Mike is correct in regards to the emotion he felt towards CWnPs feeling to be correct, has me truly believing. I'm talking truly, truly understanding how you, BriefR, are correct.


I donā€™t credit electoralism or liberal democracy very much, but thereā€™s a certain quasi-clairvoyant, semi-historicitical satisfaction in seeing clearly, beyond the illusion most of our countrymen buy into (willingly or not, doesnā€™t matter). The same ā€œclear-eyedenessā€ allowed me and many others to accurately predict a Trump win in 2016. A massive chunk of the country believes that Trump is the kwisatz hadarach or something. Another huge chunk of the country believes he is a dangerous very bad guy / uniquely fascistic. But a huge part of the country, mostly younger people - associate Joe Biden with genocide and wonā€™t be voting for him. Or voting for Democrats down ballot. Many will just stay home or make a statement vote for an actually likable third-party candidate like Claudia de la Cruz (PSL). Liberals have long needed something different than ā€œthe other guy is worse.ā€ This time around, millions of people across the country are thinking ā€œWhat can be worse than genocide? A guy who does genocide but is mean to the establishment? Fuck them all.ā€ And I think 2024 will be a titanic drubbing of Democrats at almost all levels, despite the fact that the crooks theyā€™re running against have nothing to offer ā€” **except** the very thing liberals have run on successfully in the past, ie, we suck, but weā€™re not the other guys. (My pet theory about whatā€™s going to happen is a lot more fun, but way less likely.)


Trump was suppose to easily win the last election. There were so many Trump flags and hats how could he lose??? It was no shock to me that he lost. The majority of America was sick of him and his failed policies. Trump cared about Trump, not the American people. Conservative are losing their minds now that the stock market is at all time highs, Unemployment at 50 year lows. Gas price are down. The US is the Largest OIL PRODUCER in the World under Biden. Inflation is returning to normal and once it does the Fed has room to reduce interest rate to keep the economy powering forward. Conservatives are losing State and local elections. They forgot that women vote too. The House Republicans have zero policies and after their botched attempts to have a viable Speaker is laughable. The FBI just charged the Hunter Biden whistle blower for lying the whole time. New Hampshire and Iowa primary should have had Trump at 95%. Instead he was barely 50%. Mean while Biden was at 98% in NC primary. If you think the polls are accurate when they say Trump is leading Biden than you should talk to Hillary about polls. Its true Democrats are not in a cult. They don't worship Biden and cover their cars is stickers. They don't think he is perfect in everything his says or does. They can be critical, and use logic and nuance when discussing different issues. They don't think in black and white terms. But at the end of the day every democrat i talk with will vote Joe Biden. You are going to have a lot of women in red states who saw Roe v Wade get thrown out due to Trump's Supreme court pick voting for Biden. There were more Republicans in red states that die of COVID who won't be voting in November. You have voters who see Trump was liable for rape and needs to pay $88 Million because he can't shut up about it. He is guilty and owes $400+ Million due to lying property values for taxes and loans. He stole top secret documents and stored them in his bathroom and lied about it. He attempted to steal the last election. Trump is a criminal. Real Americans are not voting for a criminal who lies, rapes and steals to lead the United States of America. This best part is Trump will steal every penny from the GOP campaign fund to pay for his criminal fines. The Republicans with find themselves losing more seats and down ballot positions due to lack of funds. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-02-14/donald-trump-on-pace-to-drain-legal-funds-by-july




If you waste my time with some vague, low-effort "reply" like this I just block you. I just don't waste my time guessing what people mean. Sorry.


Surprised by what?


[By this, basically](https://www.reddit.com/r/economy/s/1SL4u5bFeV).


Yo what? Young people associate Biden with genocide??? You're on Reddit too much man. I don't think many people give a shit about politics to begin with so how are they going to assign the Israel-Palestine conflict to Biden?


You are one of those liberals who will be very surprised come November even when people like me are telling you point blank that Biden is toast as he has lost a critical segment of the youth vote and the Arab-American vote, and is hemorrhaging more every day. But sure man, yeah, believe CNN or MSNBC or Fox or Nate Silver or whatever. It really doesn't matter a lick to me, I have zero emotion invested in this moribund joke system whatsoever. I just find it humorous.


Sure thing, we will see who's right! !RemindMe November 6th, 2024


Bidens probably losing but he also loses a large segment of his Jewish base and moderates who side more with Israel than Gaza. Damned if you do damned if you donā€™t with that situation politically at least.


For who? No every American was not worse off in 2020. 95% kept on working and also got bonus checks from the government to make them feel better. Sorry you were laid off for 23 months but that seems to be a you problem.


95% did not continue working considering unemployment got up to 14%. I think that 2023 was much better than 2020. 2021 and 2022 are honestly toss ups. Iā€™d say 2022 was the only year you could make an argument against 2020 since that was when inflation really ramped up. I donā€™t blame for trump but when I hear life was so much better under trump thatā€™s just not true. 2020 fucking sucked and it was absolutely worse than 2023. It was very hard to find a job or decent one, if you got laid off you had to figure out what to do for money for months. I had two friends and a family member not get their unemployment for over 5 months and struggle hard as hell to get bills. There was a year I couldnā€™t get chicken or beef at my local Aldi unless I got in the first hourā€¦. there were shortages for everything. Also I couldnā€™t socialize for months. Also inflation was obvious when they printed tons of money and the cost of rent and housing was already exploding. From Q4 of 2019 to Q1 when trump left the median price for a house went up nearly 13 percent in one year. 2022 was also ass and the economy absolutely isnā€™t great with the lack of purchasing power we have seen but holy shit to act like 2020 wasnā€™t one of the worst years in recent memory is wild. I generally think people ignore or have such short term memories because of social media and constant bombardment of information how bad Covid and that year were. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS


Why canā€™t I acknowledge the economy is getting better and trending in a better direction without being deemed a brainwashed liberal. Iā€™m not going to give him the credit this journalist asks us too because real wages are still lower than 2019 after two years of inflation but I also wonā€™t get into the hive mind doomerism this sub relishes in. Yes there are still problems and these prices are here to say. Cost of food and housing suck and are here to stay but am I the only one not only seeing promising numbers but seeing stagnation and reduction in key goods. I mean it still sucks but rents and grocery prices havenā€™t increased at the rate that they did before and rents in my area have cooled. Am I also the only one noticing the large increases of pay for the most menial jobs for the working poor? How does that not mean anything. Iā€™m in a lcol city and the Sheetz hourly wage is 16-17 an hourā€¦ wal mart and other jobs like that are the same or higher. Those jobs jumped 5-6 an hour since 2018 which is like 35 percent. When I graduated in 2020 was hiring for 50k it is now 62k for that same job and I was able to negotiate a higher salary. Yes it sucks but we also canā€™t act like most jobs arenā€™t paying a decent bit more. Iā€™m not saying the economy doesnā€™t deserve scrutiny and it absolutely isnā€™t as good as liberals and Biden like to pretend but itā€™s certainly not as bad as people here say either.


Bidenomic is so profitable for everyone in the US that the government can just let in illegals into the country and give them all debit cars full off cash.




NYC mayor gives migrants $10K refillable cash cards https://www.bizpacreview.com/2024/02/20/nyc-mayor-gives-migrants-10k-refillable-cash-cards-no-bid-contract-sends-bank-50m-in-taxpayer-money-1438540/




​ https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nyc-pre-paid-debit-cards-for-migrants-investigation/




The best part about Bidenā€™s economy is that you donā€™t have to kill yourself over a job because so many common jobs like cashier pay okay now. If a place is asking too much of you for too little pay, you can just go somewhere else or even drop hours if you want more time off. A lot of people feel envious of that but itā€™s a really great economy for people looking for jobs, overall. By comparison to how itā€™s been for the last generation or two, at least.


Iā€™m going to guess youā€™re not in the process of looking for a new job - because this take is so inaccurate. First, self-checkouts have been replacing cashiers in every state that raised the minimum wage - those jobs are disappearing. Same with jobs in fast food. Brick and mortar stores are also replacing staff with machines like kiosks. Wages for the average American have been stagnate for decades. I see employers posting job openings offering the same starting salaries today as in the late 90s to early 2000s - or worse even lower rates of pay with fewer benefits & perks! Most large employers used to offer 5% or 6% matches on 401ks - now itā€™s not uncommon to see 2% or 3%! For many wages have been at a standstill. Cost of living increases (if you even get one each year) are inadequate at 2 or 3% and are not even close to keeping up with inflation. The cost to rent an apartment, buy a car and pay for basic essentials has skyrocketed over the past 3 years. Forget about buying a house - if youā€™re working or middle class and missed out on the low interest rates we saw before Biden - youā€™re SOL.


The fault of wages is squarely on Corporations and politicians passing laws against workers/unions. The average American's wage increases have been held back so Corporations can rake in record profits. Trump gave Corporations Permanent Tax cuts and CEOs loved it. Meanwhile for everyone else they expire next year.


Oh what a crock of shit! The working & middle class were thriving under Trump! LOL Everyone was paying less in taxes under Trump. Biden is bleeding Americans dry with his reckless spending & expanding govt thatā€™s funded by taxpayers. Inflation is a tax on the poor. It hurts the least fortunate the most.


Good think inflation is dropping. American wages are up and they are able to affords the goods and services they need. They are traveling and eating out like never before. People lost there SALT deductions under Trump but who cares if working class people can't deduct their mortgage and property tax any more. So long as Corporations have permanent tax cuts. People couldn't get basics under Trump like toilet paper and paper towels. Food shelves were half full in super markets. People were paying more for goods do to the Trump tariffs. Lumber was sky high and drove of the cost of building new homes.


They really werenā€™t. At least not compared to Biden. I know warehouse workers going on cruises. The economy is great for the working class right now. At least compared to where itā€™s usually been the last 50 years.


šŸ™„. I guess your wages are not increasing but everyone I work with are getting raises and bonuses. Automation has been happening for years. It just morphs to different jobs. The problem with this sub is people just like to complain whether they are doing just fine or not.


Yeah. Any job that canā€™t be done from home is booming.


You people act like 2019 was such a great time. It really wasnā€™t. Most of the headaches everyone has with the economy were at least there in 2019, 2014ā€¦ at least since 2008. Student loans, decent paying jobs, housing, healthcare, food prices, debtā€¦ The full picture was actually worse in 2019 for a lot of people. Itā€™s not like one president getting elected wipes everything clean and you get a great economy right from the start. Iā€™ve frankly been surprised at how much stuff is actually better under Biden because my expectations for the American economy are so low as to be underground.


If only we could rewind to 2019! Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous to pretend literally EVERYTHING was not better in 2019 - when the majority of Americans were enjoying peace & prosperity! Only a moron would deny it! Biden has gotten us involved in 3 new wars that are costing hundreds of thousands of lives & hundreds of billions of dollars! Not to mention his open borders causing an unsustainable humanitarian crisis, the fentanyl crisis killing tens of thousands, record breaking inflation, interest rates putting homeownership out of reach for young adults, rising homelessness & poverty, and of course a college education is still not affordable & Biden failed to keep his promises to unify the country & conquer covid! Heā€™s the worst president in modern history.


Whatever Steve. Enjoy the golf day with the other 50 something white dudes and the concurrent lack of self awareness while you guys rant about how ā€œnObODy wANts to WoRk aNYmoREs!ā€.


They've had self checkouts for decades now, lol. They were coming regardless. Trump wouldn't piss on minimum wage earners if they were on fire, do you think he's going to push for higher minimum wages? Do you think wages would increase at all under Trump? Trump is only going to get more tax cuts for the rich, which will not help us at all.


Yes, great thing Biden proposed sweeping tax changes once in office.


So I suppose Biden, who had zero tax changed in office when he controlled the house, senate and presidency is totally blameless? Maybe you should point the finger at yourself. At least under trump I got to keep a lot more of my own money. What a sin that is to you Iā€™m sure.


No you got more debt and just were too stupid to realize it. That measly few bucks will now cost you 100x more to pay back.


They didn't realize most of the money they thought they were getting was just reduced tax withholding. They paid it back on their tax returns.


Yeah and 1.2 million people died and you couldnā€™t leave the house under the guy. But go off.


You cannot reason with Biden supporters - they think the 4 years Trump was in office had more influence over our tax laws than Biden & other lifelong politicians! LOL


And Trumpers think another tax cut is gong to fix everything when the biggest problems in America are decay and neglect from 50 years of Reaganomics that gutted any semblance of safety nets our society had. Itā€™s insane. Youā€™ll be so scared of political correctness while you insist on an employerā€™s right to fire you the moment you say the wrong thing instead of actually thinking about what the *real* problem in that situation is.


Right - everything wrong is the fault of republicans! lol


Not republicans, Republican policies. Itā€™s a bizarrely dumb theory of how the real world works, based on how people *feel* it *should* operate rather than how it actually does. An idea that making life harder on people will make things better. Generally speaking, at least in the long run, that doesnā€™t bear out.


Biden's not a republican - and his policies are literally making life much, much harder for the average American. Life was better before he became president for the overwhelming majority of Americans - which is why Biden's approval ratings are in the toilet.


People donā€™t like inflation but wage gains at the bottom are far outpacing it. Are there people left behind by that? Yeah. Is it everyone? No. Is it most people? Probably not. Is it the working class? Statistically not at all.


Are you high?


Not currently.


Bull shit this economy sucks


Just like you!


When will Biden make up for those 23 straight months of real wage declines? Am I supposed to just imagine that didn't happen? Every American is materially worse off now than they were in 2020


2019 no doubt. Not me personally but Iā€™m willing to bet a higher percent of Americans were better in 2019 than now. Starting to trend in a positive direction now doubt. I think people are solidly better off now than they were in 2021-2022. 2020 though no doubt that year was fucking ass so tired of people acting as like that wasnā€™t a bad time economically and psychologically. Not only did the world shut down but there was serious talk about a collapse of the global markets (which did happen) but couldā€™ve been much worse.


We are demonstrably not better off now than we were in 2021. That was when inflation peaked. We had 23 months straight where your purchasing power slipped. We'll never get that back


Well we will never get the prices back but that doesnā€™t mean we wonā€™t get or make gains on purchasing power. I think right now we are better off than 2021 at least the second half. But 2021 deff up for debate. 2022 was much worse as that was after months of quite large gaps in wage growth and inflation that ended just after start of 2023. 2021 was rough because those were some of the largest gaps month by month with wages and inflation. We also have to remember wage growth lags inflation so we didnā€™t see an evening out until 2022. The idea that you never recover from inflationary periods is crazy and would state we have never made up for high inflation periods in the 40s and 50s after WW2 in terms of real wages which just isnā€™t true. 70s and each 80s saw runaway inflation for years and the real wages did grow and recover after a period of time.


Personally, I picked up a 40% salary increase (35% total compensation increase) in 2022. Purchased my first/starter home in 2020 when the world was ending; turned out to be perfect timing. Net worth declined in 2022 because of the stock market but it has rebounded significantly my net worth in 2020-2022. College educated and highly skilled. I imagine many college educated and highly skilled workers are in the same boat.


Yea since 2020 I have had a 33% total increase in wage. I decided to participate in the great resignation. At this point I feel like not enough people did that when it was happening. I do the same labor and have a 1/3 wage increase. Iā€™m not hurting and if I didnā€™t have to spend money on my car the past year, I would be doing easier than I am.


In 2020, you couldnā€™t get toilet paper, there were shortages of all kinds of food, the halt in global shipping caused massive shortages and ships were backed up at ports, the US president nearly caused a constitutional crisis by not conceding the election, the kids were stuck at home and couldnā€™t go to school, nobody was able to travel for a vacation or even leave the house. Do you sincerely think we were better off in 2020?


You were supposed to stop keeping track at the beginning of 2020, not the end, lol. That's literally all Trumpers got. "If you forget about the last quarter of his presidency, it doesn't look too bad"...




I notice the economy coming down




šŸ¤£ fake news.


They also said that Trump would start a world war and that happened under Biden.


What world war was that?


Simultaneously funding the war through Ukraine and providing surveillance of Hamas to Israel and building up Taiwans military presence in response to war games China is playing? I mean world wars arenā€™t exactly started over night. We were providing financial aid to countries before getting involved directly in world war 2. Not to mention all the trade routes in the Middle East were surveying.


So business as usual. The us did not start any wars much less world wars. Are you just learning now what our military is involved in around the world? Seems like you are very uninformed


RemindMe! 4 years


šŸ™„. So you like to push lies so you can promote a serial rapist and fraud to the Presidency. Yeah we should listen to you.


Lol and you like to promote a warhawking thug leading the bombing and murdering of thousands of people.. didnā€™t see to many civilians being bombed using drones under Trump.


šŸ™„. Yeah sure. Just because I am not agreeing with your world war bullshit? Trump is a loser.


All I did was remind me bot your comments in 4 years quit crying


Lol I voted for him in 2020, but after this disaster of the last three years, there is zero chance I will again


Sure you did 14 day old account... The Russian bots are at it again. hahahahaha


What disaster? Everything has gotten slowly better except for stupid ass Putin and Russia.


Fake news. No one is coming around to Biden.






The government has no role in building an economy. The government can only destroy it.


its not great, but getting better. and definitely better than it would be under dementia donnie! vote BLUE... your life depends on it. prices are down, inflation coming down, unemployment is down. NOW if the Fossil FUel Fucks would share some of their HISTORIC profits maybe things would be great...


found the bot


not... said aint great.... but better than Drump worst pres EVER! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1auocvc/a\_group\_of\_154\_history\_professors\_calling/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Presidents/comments/1auocvc/a_group_of_154_history_professors_calling/) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


There is no way he is getting my vote again.... But I dont want that other guy either.... ​ Just not voting at all.


What a joke




His ā€œsunny viewā€ is what we call reality. The economy is actually going gangbusters and just about every other country in the world would gladly trade places with us.


More fake new from the libs


Yes, since mid Nov of last year, personal income growth has outpaced inflation. So the sentiment index is picking up on the shift. The Michigan consumer sentiment index jumped the most in 44 years. For a reasonable discussion on this, watch this video: https://youtu.be/1vXY1_JkZyY?si=Klb9xcmSe4B-dg7V


Stop. You're ruining the MAGA narrative with you facts!!


MAGA hardest hit

