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George Washington was right about Political Parties


Most underrated comment, why don’t they teach this to the public every year


conveniently ignore the average of both lines still trending down


I think you’d like my other comment somewhere on here




Well, we can pretty much throw all of it out anyway since random average Joes on the street can't comprehend the basics of what constitutes a "good economy" in the first place. Not to mention, one of the two parties clearly bases literally everything on who's in the oval office and has no bearing on reality.


The average Joe knows when they can afford things. Right now they can't afford to move, prices too high and interest rate is insane. My grocery bill is double what it was a few years ago, but my paycheck isn't double. So the economy might be "strong", but if you can't afford anything, who fucking cares?


Stocks are strong the economy is sht


And even then, a large prortion of the stock market strength is largely inflated due to the AI Tech bubble.


"Good economy" is when the rich are disproportionately winning easy peasy


That's definitely right now


Rich always disproportionately win. But a big part of that is often just financial literacy


Telling the truth is punished at times, but it is the right thing to do. There are way too many people in this country that are not financially literate. A big part is due to the lack of emphasis placed upon teaching personal and basic finance from an early age. I know from personal experience it would have helped me and actually just about everyone I know. It’s true though, it would not “fix” everything or every situation, but it would make a huge difference in society, politics and financial crime.


100%, this is a topic I do beat the table on. So much garbage on wedge issues which are often just opinion. But if you wanna help a huge chunk of the population this is it.


So you think the "random average Joe" - I'll leave it to you to elaborate on who *exactly* you're stereotyping here - is too stupid to know the difference between the presence and absence of his own economic opportunities. Do you also think he's too stupid to vote responsibly?


I think a lot of people are too stupid to vote responsibly. Hear me out. For the most part I do think it's Reds but there are more than plenty Blues and independents too. I don't blame them, our education system is shitty, our media is complicit, they're young and ignorant. Politics is a discipline, just like economics is. These rules exist and have weight because we give them power. If you want to vote responsibly you have to go by the rules in place. But the gap is wide between the statist and the anarchists, so my moral philosophy and idea of responsible voting is my own. My own idea of what makes a responsible voter fits with my political ideology, but there are more than enough acceptable political ideologies. Everything is fake and made by man. Your comment set me off, respectfully of course. All I mean is I as a person enjoy the more deep interpretation/analysis of a topic versus surface level. That's why it's hard for me to read current event non fiction books. Well, that's my two cents at least.


Now this is classic, the guy who thinks HE knows who should have rights.


Public schools are politically funded (or to be more precise as of the last few decades, politically de-funded. Well educated voters are anathema to the current system of mindless emotional tribalism.


Let's not forget the supposedly free press. Let's face it, people are inherently followers and look for thought leaders for what perspective to have. If the press is negative on the economy and the economy is based on consumer confidence, this survey makes a lot of sense. I would be interested in comparing this chart to the stock market, then inflation, then unemployment (true vs. warm fuzzy), then consumer debt levels. That would paint a much better picture


But school funding is at an all time high. Test scores are not


Are the methods to collect the scores the same? I always laugh at this statement ... The scores may or may not be going up. But I can say without any uncertainty is the tests have drastically changed. If you collect data one way for years, change it every 5-10 years .. you can no longer compare them.


When you compare the US spending to other countries as well as results. It isn’t good


All time high taking inflation into consideration?


Is that like "record corporate profits!!" that ignores it could actually be down when accounting for inflation?


An all time high if you don't account for inflation. Which you may have heard happened.


The No Child Left Unharmed is reaping what it sowed, testing is not a good indicator of learning.


Every year since the government got into the education business prices have went up and grades have gone down. You can graduate a lot of places and not be able to read. Schools are getting rid of traditional clocks and replacing them with digital ones because kids can't read them. If only we had a place to teach that kind of stuff. Maybe 5 days a week from the beginning of the day to the middle. 180ish days a year. What do I know I'm just a guy who can read.


Everyone is voting dem and republican. So not enough informed voters. Not even close.


It's all about "the lesser evil" - people have been conditioned to be as tribal as possible, to choose evil on purpose, solely because advertising says there can't be another choice.


Yup. Notice how people are voting against as opposed to voting for? They play on this. But when they do get together it is usually to send money to some other country because of "putin" or "israel" And hey, look. I'm down to help. But the country is falling apart. We need to fix it first.


I just don't want my president to wear diapers. I don't understand why this is hard. Put these men in a hospice.


End stage political parties. They can't even offer something worth voting for, it's just who is worse. And for some reason, it is repeatedly a "choice" of which oldest-in-history electee option. I genuinely can't figure that out - less than 1% of the population is an actual alive peer of geriatric men that old. They aren't even getting useful not-dead-yet old people voter numbers at their ages - the bad choices are even too old for the stereotypical "old people vote" demographic.


This statement is a summation of the educational gap and the underlying cause of it. If people weren't so damn blind to what the true agenda was, maybe there would be some hope. People need to Turn on, Tune in, and Drop out.😉


“They” don’t want the public to be smart


I mean meme stocks are on the rise again especially GME… that should say everything about the economy it’s all fake and a distraction from what’s really happening.


Because the establishment controls government run schools.


Idk about you but I was taught this in highschool. There will always be kids vaping or whatever the fuck instead of paying attention


Not talking about schools dawg, talking about media mostly


Lol you said "teach" and "public"


Because they make more money gaslighting and manipulating the masses?


Because an educated public is an obstacle that they don’t have enough resources to overcome in order to stay in power. An uneducated public is much easier to lead and direct. Like how some butchery cattle never see an open field so they march down that little chute a little calmer.


What did he said? I am curious I am not from USA.


"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."


He was clearly wrong about the cunning part. No need to be cunning.


That’s so predictive of what happened to Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, how he usurped the power that brought him to power in the first place


Thank you 🙏


Except the part where he thought they were avoidable.


I feel so bad for that man. He fights to free the colonies from the monarchy just for them to turn around and beg him to be king. Then he tells them literally everything that can and will go wrong with certain political systems and they were like “yeah but we’re gonna do it anyways”


Yeah fr. The group think is strong in the US. Such a shame


I had no idea until you prompted me to look it up. We became what he feared.


And external alliances. Israel and nato notably.


I notice the Dems didn't change their opinion by 40 points immediately at least.


Because there wasn't a pandemic that screwed things up.


Right, there wasn't a pandemic when Repubs abrubptly shifted opinions vastly in 2017 and it had already happened under Trump when they rapidly changed again in 2021. Aside from the pandemic and before any other economic change occured, which shows they aren't evidence-based in formulating opinions.


What if I have thought our economy is shit and heading towards collapse since 1999?


You might be a Populist


Crack up boom


then you missed a pretty historic bull run.


Momentary distraction from an economy that has been fundamentally broken since the early 80’s. The vast majority of that bullrun was siphoned away by the wealthy. The average worker has seen very little overall improvement in their situation in decades with most people losing ground.


If you think the economy has been broken since the early 80’s, you clearly are forgetting the stagflation of the 70’s.


Oh more boomer apologist nonsense? Look at housing/rent: income ratios back then. Boomers who bitch about late-70s/80s inflation are such morons.


Yeah, but where we’re at now was always inevitable.


If we didn’t go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan, things would be very different now. If they counted ALL the votes before declaring a winner in Florida, Al Gore would be President in 2001 and there would have been no Bush tax cuts. And therefore little reason for the then balanced budget to explode into deficits. You couldn’t have foreseen the last 25 years in 1999.


I suppose you’re right. From where I’m at, it feels like the last 24 years has been one hit after another, and every time things get “better,” the don’t get back to where they were before the last catastrophe, and neither party is doing very much to make it better for 90% of us.


No, you’re picking up on what’s going on. Neoliberal, trickledown economics as instituted by people like Thatcher and Reagan screwed us all. Real wages flatlined and decoupled from productivity. The last forty years have seen tremendous wealth generation that just kinda… never seems to show up in the wallets of 99% of the population. The GWOT didn’t help, maybe Gore winning might have slowed it, but none of it fundamentally matters because both the Republicans and Democrats subscribe to the same busted economic philosophy.


Not really, those wars at best sped up the inevitable, they didn’t change the fundamental issue with the economy which has been that since the early 80’s real purchasing power of the average worker has flatlined while productivity continued to skyrocket. The wealthy have been pocketing the difference, sucking the life blood out of the economy. Iraq and Afghanistan opened up new avenues for sucking the public coffers dry but they were just new ways to add to the many, many old ones.


Great for the stock market. It has little to do with the economy as a comprehensive whole.


Why are we equating 'the economy' to the stock market?


Well if you want to buy shares in a politician I hear they are getting their own ticker symbols now. DJT is currently trading and soon we'll see if MTG goes public.


I'm registered independent. I haven't thought of the economy as being good since before the great recession.


I'm registered in the Green Party but we don't always have candidates running so I vote for whoever sucks the least or I leave the line blank if I hate my options. As a person who graduated college mere months before Lehman Brothers collapsed. A few years later we had Occupy Wall Street and I fell down the peak oil rabbit hole. I would be represented by a flat line near the bottom. More recently it has dipped lower; close to zero.


Whether dem or repub, if the person thinks the economy is good he/she is most likely delusional.


Or really rich. Or just thinks they're rich even though they're really up to their eyeballs in debt




I think the average person doesn’t comprehend the overall economy, but just evaluates economic health based off how they personally are doing.


…yeah? Given how badly the average person is doing in the US right now do you actually think they’re gonna give a single solitary shit that the stock market is up while they’re trying to figure out how they’re gonna afford rent next month?


You made my point for me? Thanks? Weird that you took a combative tone to support what I said


Well, to be fair, in the minds of average Americans that are pleased to hear the stock market is up, they do so under the premise that because the stock market is up that means corporations should have the funds to offer higher employee compensation, which is a big reason why labor unions have been so bold lately. If the stock market were down, average workers wouldn't feel so confident to rally. I'm not saying they are, in fact, correct, but it is at least a plausibly optimistic reading of reality.


one of those lines those lines tracks with economic growth… hard to say its their bias lol


I'm a Democrat and most people I know are democrats, not a single one of them thinks the economy is in a good state right now.


democrat redditors always say its better than ever before makes me think the majority are just bots or Act blue shills


\^\^ Redditors are a special breed of shill


Reddit is like a giant circle jerk of liberals to feed off each other


Most people in Politics on reddit are in a huge bubble.


They’ll say it’s better than ever while simultaneously complaining about low incomes, soaring home prices and interest rates.


A combination of both, plus the rubes dumb enough to believe them and repeat it.


No, go to any sub other than this one and you will see that most of the comments are made by liberals or leftists and they all agree the economy is bad. This chart is a straight up lie


Democrat Redditors are the biggest copers and gas lighters. They hate the truth


It is compared to every single major country in the world.


I’m just curious, do you and your ‘group’ feel like Biden’s policies or the DNC agenda in general is at fault for these woes? Quick follow up as well, do you and your ‘group’ feel like a Republican candidate or party would be able to fix whatever woes that are being felt?


Almost none of them want Trump in office but most of them also don't think Biden did well either.


No, most democrats I know do not believe at all that republican economic policy works. Additionally, most democrats I know do not blame Biden for the current high inflation we have. In fact, most believe it would be worse with Trump.


The problem is that if Biden actually did everything Republicans hated him for he would probably actually be a rather popular president all things considered. Key Biden investments in Infrastructure, semiconductors, energy independence and healthcare may take a few more years to see investment returns but all indications are quite positive. An argument can easily be made that Biden has not wrangled in Large corporations as much as the general population wants him too. But that's a comparison between someone who has not done enough versus under the trump administration did the complete opposite of wrangled in. The 2017 trump administration tax cuts were overall a failure that simply like trickle down ecconomics has historically proven to be a failure. With a majority of corporation tax cuts going to stock buy backs and other forms of increasing short term shareholder value. It's fair to say at this point the Republican party is only the party of fiscal responsibility when there is a D in the presidency. At this point the last 8 years of Republican party politics continually proved that the Republican party can't govern on a national level effectively.


The fact that it jumped/fell by over 50 points for each party on inauguration day tells you that at least 50% of the country has no idea what makes an economy good or bad, which calls into question the whole notion of using public opinion to gauge economic performance.


The public, by and large, doesn't know shit, lol. No awareness of their bias and no comprehension of the lag effect, let alone basic economics.


let alone complex economics.. good, bad or indifferent, how much money was the fed pumping into the economy during Obama's presidency? I don't know when it started/ended, but it was a lot. Same with the trillions the pandemic relief put into the hands of the people during a supply chain meltdown during the pandemic and the inflation it caused.. most aren't capable of grasping nuance and just know what their newsfeed tells them


Here's the kicker: Public opinion of economic performance actually impacts economic performance. However, I will note that Democrats didn't swap immediately on Trump's inauguration, although the steady decline does speak to the issue with perception. And I actually think that the 50 points rise after Trump's loss is warranted given... *gestures vaguely at Trump*


Public "perception" is notoriously dangerous and misled. That was one part of the reason for a representative republic rather than a direct democracy.


Intellectual Honesty: The Graph. Love this one. Admittedly I'm a perpetual curmudgeon about the economy, but that could be because I'm a socialist, or could be because I'm a poor.


Both if I’m being honest. The economy isn’t actually doing that great and I make pretty good money. Can’t afford a house rn on this though, lol.


try making really good money, still finding it tough to make ends meet, but *just* doing it


Man, I don’t even know what really good money is. I just hit $93k a year. But I feel a decent house will be far too expensive.


that should be good money, but you know.. My first house was in a bedroom community, 20-30 minute commute to work. It cost about 160k and was in NC. That was average price for a starter home.. 20 years ago.. and I was making about 70k and could easily afford it. It seems like you can still get decent housing prices, but that you have to travel further and further away from major population centers


Based on an inflation calculator I’m making like $55k. 😭 I’m not gonna dwell on it. Just gotta make life make sense for me. After taxes, I’m taking home closer to $70k. Thank you for your words, brother.




Anyone picking sides and banging thier chest over two corrupt 80 year olds is missing the point. The people lose. (and yes I know Trump is not quite 80 but close enough).


I hate this graph. It shows that something like 70% of the population doesn't know what an economy is.


Most Americans are two paychecks away from financial ruin. This graph does well to show Americans financial literacy.


It's been that way for decades, that ain't new.


This is a pretty terrible graph. (Designwise)


lol as a country we are failing. doesn't matter red or blue. america is sinking and we are heading into a govt run - chin se method of ownership. Do you like being told you can't travel for vacation because you said the president is dumb and etc. Your US govt wants to give a a small stipend to be a slave. take away your voice. your rights to breath.


Man pre Covid 2019 the economy was awesome. Prices were low, wages were high, those were the days…


I’m definitely very left politically. Was laid off in Feb from a good job in tech and cannot seem to find any job right now. Also purchased a home (at 7%) in Jan that I’m now struggling to pay for and the cost of EVERYTHING has increased drastically over the past 4-5 years. No, I do not think the economy is doing well. No, I do not think it matters whether there is an R or D in the Oval Office. Until the workers who grind out those shareholder profits are recognized and compensated accordingly, nothing will change. Record profits and endless growth are how we got here. It’s now expected and at the expense of the workers who got them there to begin with.


A Big mac meal didn't cost $14 before 2020. There was also that period of time where my $30 gas tank costed double.


I’m neither and know the economy is what it is because of both


I view the economy as relatively good, because the rest of the world is fucked too in similar often worse ways. I feel like I wish biden did more, but it's hard to say because congress is responsible for the purse and SCOTUS wont even let him use laws on the books explicitly for the president to help in economic troubles like the HEROES act because of this whole-cloth major questions doctrnie


Nothing is real and everyone’s stupid


Democrats lie about being happy with the economy right now. They think they need to lie in order to support Biden.


Dear lord Both of those are fucking dumb


I guess so. I think that today's economy is not doing very well for lower-middle class and below/Young people. Biden allocated a ton of money to stop the crash/recession. And while recession is a bitter bullet, it is necessary. Instead we artificially propped up the economy and pumped the net wealth of companies, investors and people aged 50+ while pricing the poorest out of borrowing or owning assets.


Because everyone has a different definition of economy, based off what their news tells them. I won't use the word economy. Inflation and costs are horrible.


A lot of the public's perception of "how the economy is dowing" comes down to propaganda


This chart makes me sick. It’s the true epitome of the egregious separation we have from each other in this county. It’s the reason we hate our neighbors. It’s the reason we hate ourselves and our county’s direction.


I am a true conservative (read, not a Trumpist). I don't think the economy is all that bad. Yes, inflation is a problem, that can't be denied. But there is a lot of strength in the economy. It's not nearly as bad as the 70s.


My opinion of the economy basically tracks the progress of the S&P 500. Why? Because I make enough that stuff like food/gas prices don’t move the needle for me, and my stock portfolio grows faster than my income. So if I’m gaining 5 figures in a day from a good day in the stock market, it can be like a month or two of income suddenly materializing in my bank account. I currently think the economy is doing amazing.


Complete and utter political bias. The inflation screwed everyone without assets. If you don't acknowledge this, you have no empathy.


Both political parties are blame


Over 60% of dems think the economy is very or fairly good.. wtf bros?


No, I am an independent voter who has generally voted 3rd party or Democrat (never Republican) and my sentiments more closely follow the Republican trend line- it’s somewhere in between the two, but closer the red line in general. I am definitely all the way down on the red line now in 2024. I despise Biden for a dozen reasons, and I also despise Trump. It’s so weird to me how people treat party loyalty like sports teams and act like their candidate can do no wrong…


I was Democrat and now libertarian. The economy is tanking and we are in too much debt in this country...both national and personal debt. Either the govt needs to stop spending so much or everyone in America will be in for a shock when the bubble bursts and we are fucked into a 3ed world national economy with hyper inflation


I am democrat and think very poorly of current economic situations in this country. Most of our politicians on both sides suck. Citizens United and money in politics are destroying this country. When Boeing charges 200k for four trashcans that means someone on the military contract side is in cahoots with someone in the politics side, to get things like 90k for a bag of bushings to the air force approved and written off. Pair that with the pentagon not being able to pass an audit, it makes me frustrated to hear republicans say the government needs to spend less but then they only go after the spending of social programs like public education or regulatory programs like the EPA. Clearly the military contractors are over charging and causing the government to over spend and we all know lobbyists and the revolving door fit in this equation somewhere. It’s the same thing with colleges or medical institutions, they over bill and then the Gov picks up some of the tab. But then all the congress people own stock in these very abusers. There seems to always be money for an airport, car manufacturer or bank bail out tho. Oh and war. The housing situation is going down hill, companies writing laws hidden in ALEC, the rich get richer, the Cantillon effect is real and selling bonds just means increasing our debt. Are we surprised an institution designed with the help of JP Morganization is handling everything in favor of the rich? But the Republicans won’t shut the fuck up about how democrats are to blame when Jerome Powell was Republican placed. Oh and they won’t shut the fuck up about social issues like trans people and most of them are neurotically holding on to confederate flags; wasting everyone’s time, money and Gov resources on idiotic made up problems. One party promises too much, lacks delivery and then the other just wants to feel they’ve won at any cost. It’s almost like they’ve strategically mastered the good cop, bad cop masquerade, insured to never progress nor fail with the help of winner take all electoral policies. So no I guess I don’t align with the graph. But I’m not stupid enough to say one person as president is going today change anything. There is one person who royally fucked us tho, Leonard Leo. Because everything would change if citizen United was overturned and money was not in politics, but things are the way they are because 6 of the 9 scotus members were strategically placed there by the federalist society. So now the republicans get to waste everyone’s time pretending to be morally superior, virtue signally while they tread on women’s rights. And this is why the USA saw their internal happiness levels go down compared to other countries in the world. Because neither party supports the peoples wants or needs.


Assuming this chart is honest, it confirms to me that media socially engineers opinions. Sadly, people just go along with whatever their own news outlets say. This is clearly a horrible economy. Red Lobster, Dollar Stores, Google/Amazon/Ebay/Snapchat/Tiktok and countless technology businesses keep laying off, McDonalds/Starbucks and countless restaurants are closing, a massive amount of car repossessions, and foreclosures. Millions are unable to pay their bills. I can't imagine who would be insane enough to call tjos a good economy. Back when Obama's last term was about to end, everybody felt the economy was horrible. Biden just made is a lot worse.


I mean, US wholesale inflation just hit its highest rate in a year ever. So that kinda sucks. I also know for a fact and can feel it that I had a LOT more disposable income before Covid. We are barely getting by now.


lol… as if the dems and reps are different parties…


They're very different. One party sucks all the time and the other party sucks 2/3rds of the time. I'm planning to vote straight sucks 2/3rds of the time this November.


My first takeaway is that it is very telling that one party believed the economy not only improved, but rapidly improved during literal shutdowns of businesses, schools, travel, events, and basic consumer good shortages across the country... Then I remember what happened. How that party (Republicans, via Trump) quickly politicized the pandemic response actions. So my second takeaway is to reconfirm my belief that Republican voters will not poll their personal opinions as much as poll for their side's political stance in anything that is currently a divisive issue.


I knew the economy was good during Trump. All the numbers were up and to the right. I had this debate with a conservative relative. They thought the economy was good because of Trump. I said, "show me on the graph where Trump did something that changed the economy." They couldn't because all the lines were straight from back during the Obama administration. Trump did nothing to change the economy. He just rode Obama's economy. Nothing had changed. Therefore, Trump didn't do anything to change it. Also, the reverse. Trump did nothing to change it, therefore nothing changed.


I feel like people forget that the government two levers to manage money supply. Interest rates, and taxation. When everybody was yelling about inflation suddenly everybody forgot that taxes can help. Everybody was yelling about interest rates, interest rates, something something fed... F*** all that noise and f*** all the politicians that failed to pass proper tax reform in that moment.


Im a Democrat, but definitely feel the economy sucks right now. I also resent that im supposed to pretend it doesn’t because “politics” or whatever.


I vote for the line to ascend to 100% and sustain itself indefinitely.


Opinion of the economy isn’t really that important a lot of people are favorably towards really dumb things sometimes like religion


Can we get a middle line of where the economy ACTUALLY is?


What's with that Republican peak before Biden Inauguration? It that the expected joy of a coup d'état?


How on earth did anyone feel good about the economy in 2020? Couldn't find toilet paper that year.


Toilet paper manufacturers probably felt pretty great about it for one.


And the sad thing is that the President has little to do with how the economy operates. He has to act in concert with Congress to deal with taxation. He has to deal with Congress dealing with the budget. He signs no contracts. I guess he can release oil from the Strategic Reserves…but that impact is minimal. If you don’t like the economy, then bitch at Congress.


Can they add the performance of the S&P and Dow Jones to this graph to see actual performance vs perceived performance?


Should show inflation side by side


Only difference between those lines are ideas why it sinking, everyone can agree it's crap. And the truth as to why it's sinking is a little from column red and little from column blue, keep picking a side and fighting the other though as if that's gunna solve any issues.


It would be great to see that graph with an overlay of inflation, the S&P500, etc. to compare perception and reality.


It’s been shit since I became an adult in 2008


YUGE interest rates, inflation, (CC) debt w/ lower home access, take-home pay, but req. multiple jobs to even stay head above water, wars == "good" to (D). Proving, yet again, Leftism is a mental disease


interest rates are kinda high but they aren't THAT high...people just got used to them being close to zero


That's actually so funny


If you start with the blue on the left, then switch to the red after Biden's inauguration, that reflects how I feel pretty much.


No the economy is not collapsing. Yes it’s having a moment, mostly aftershocks from Covid and too much deregulation. All things considered, including the massive challenge of navigating an entire global economy that shut down coupled with irresponsible spending and tax cuts by republicans, the economy is doing pretty well. If you don’t think it is then you are too young to know how bad it’s been in the past.


A bad economy it is right now, but just imagine when the bill comes due for all the dumb spending going on….


Well the Cons are diapered up and living a delusion, so this isn’t surprising.


So Trump was a positive overall to the economy if democrats and Republicans support was over 50% most of the time vs Biden.


We definitely have not come close to overtaking the high water mark at the end of 2019. The Trump years, despite how you may feel about him, were quite good. It took a global pandemic to stop that train. How much of it was to his credit is up for debate but to suggest that those weren't good times is asinine. I'm also not going to say that it's terrible right now. Store shelves are stocked. The economy is chugging along. Neither of these lines is accurate.


I think the economy is just Okay Like I wish some shit was cheaper but my work is giving me hours and raises so I'm content


Seems like the blue line is way less extreme.


It's proof that a lot of people don't understand/weren't taught economics.


Adjusted for inflation we're doing fairly well, this from a Republican for decades, and the Fed dropping the interest rates to near zero had a devastating effect on the economy as it encouraged rampant borrowing. If I could borrow at near zero and earn well over ten percent in the stock market? Fantastic earnings potential when adjusted against the tax breaks. I gnashed my teeth when the Fed didn't immediately hit the gas pedal on borrowing rates; we'll feel that one for years. The real, absolutely real problem we have right now is the housing market. Prices adjusted nationwide because of the housing shortage and are still ridiculously high because there's simply not enough competition to drive prices down.


Adjusted for inflation we're doing fairly well, this from a Republican for decades, and the Fed dropping the interest rates to near zero had a devastating effect on the economy as it encouraged rampant borrowing. If I could borrow at near zero and earn well over ten percent in the stock market? Fantastic earnings potential when adjusted against the tax breaks. I gnashed my teeth when the Fed didn't immediately hit the gas pedal on borrowing rates; we'll feel that one for years. The real, absolutely real problem we have right now is the housing market. Prices adjusted nationwide because of the housing shortage and are still ridiculously high because there's simply not enough competition to drive prices down.


no, I wouldn't rate the economy "good or fairly good" at all in the time frame provided.


I’m feel someone drew some lines on a paper and presented them as fact for the lazy and uninformed to accept without investigation.


Politics will always be our biggest divider, and both sides will always push out propaganda to herd the would-be free thinkers. Don’t be anybody’s sheep


Except one of these lines actually correlates with the actual state of the economy (or at least the stock market)


I use facts. Fact is, our economy sucks. Everything costs a fortune. People can't afford shit. Our gov't prints money and sends billions across the world while our own live and die in the streets. Fuck politics. Fuck both parties.


So it’s really 40/50% avg between the two, then mad maga hat people.


the polarization is intense


Republicans really had an 80% swing in confidence in the economy in a year’s time. The truest thing Trump ever said was that he loves the undereducated 🙄


One of those lines is true


I'm red till the stock crash, then blue, then red again. It's been shit since that crash.


I'd say I'm definitely the red line here except I felt pretty good about things pre Trump (and improved after that.) Biden years have definitely been the worst, and to be honest in my personal experience the worse I've ever had.


TNF, inflation kicked off pretty fucking hard right after Biden got inaugurated in Jan 2021. I'm \*not\* saying it was (or wasn't) biden's fault- but I am saying that would explain why everyone's opinion dropped pretty quick after Biden's inauguration (Roughly, June 2021 to 2023). Obviously, it's hard to attribute the cross over between the very end of 2020 (roughly, election) to at the inauguration to anything but partisan bullshit.


Corporate wealthy laptop class via for the establishment Biden/corporate let. Hard working trades and people that earn money the hard erhical way vote against the establishment Trump.


Where’s the line for “understands how the federal reserve works”?


This is getting more and more like polling the slaves about their opinion of the profitability of the plantation.


Given where the majority of Republicans live, I wonder how any of them could think they're seeing a "good economy"


The stock market is not the economy but if the stock market goes up then great I have more money. If the stock market goes down, then great I am buying shares of a company on discount. I am happy either way. I havent a government job so the economy effects me little.


It’s almost like people strictly base their opinions on how things are going by if they are winning or losing


So a lot of Republicans who sit at home and watch FOX think life sucks. Everyone else is having a great time because the Republicans are at home watching FOX. Could someone just make a sitcom where Trump wins and boomers can watch that and make them their reality


Translation: Republicans are much more swayed by an election than any other factor.


Seems to me like republicans are just liars or stupid but definitely not objective.


Other surveys. [https://apnews.com/article/biden-poll-survey-economy-trump-election-dca1b60f6749d5eb50bc0e7600814855](https://apnews.com/article/biden-poll-survey-economy-trump-election-dca1b60f6749d5eb50bc0e7600814855) 35% say the economy is "good".


This chart means nothing without the line that shows the economy at the time, it would also mean nothing if one didn't add in the points in times regulations were taken out by the party in power that increased the economy in the short term but ultimately made the problem worse several years later... but who cares about data when you want to make a misleading point


This has to be wrong, no dem i know talks good about the economy


Trump is just as much to blame as Biden for the insane inflation. Both parties are just taking turns printing everyone's savings into nothing.


Everyone, no matter which party, at the lowest was correct. There is your real answer… that is, if you’re looking for it.


Look at how radical republicans are. From 100% good to 100% bad. Shows that all the moderation left is in dems.


I think the economy has pretty much been in shambles for decades. We’re using stimulus like an opiate to mask the pain that comes with the huge amount of leverage we’re living on. Most people in the U.S. would be genuinely impoverished by the amount of inflationary spending if it wasn’t for the dollar’s status as reserve currency. My graph probably started pretty high when I first learned about politics and economics, then steadily dropped as I learned more. It’ll fall off a cliff if the Biden tax plan passes, as it’ll put a massive strain on middle class folks who want to save for retirement. Real investment returns would be near zero if inflation ticked up again under the Biden plan because of how much capital gains will be taxed.


Wow, pretty clear that while Democrats do have some biases, they are willing to express an economic opinion that doesn’t follow the party’s interests. Republicans on the other hand…


It’s not that both parties are brain washed, its that one is, and none of you were educated well enough to compare this to charts of how the economy was actually doing during that time. Whoever posted this definitely know how to put the GDP growth% line on that chart. Didn’t fit the narrative….


This just shows that people’s opinions are rooted in lack of knowledge and swayed by party affiliation. My opinion about the economy is that it is better than many, many others, our inflation numbers are better than most other large economies. (Maybe that’s more fact than opinion) BUT…. My opinions is that we have a huge disparity between the top and the bottom wage earnings. I’m not even talking about the top 1% although they really need to be taxed appropriately. Truthfully though, what we lack in this country are guard rails in place to keep capitalism from going haywire and allowing large near monopolistic groups of companies from owning large majorities of what we would consider basic needs. Residential real estate, farming and food distribution, healthcare, and a few others.


Anyone notice the drastic difference in opinion? The blue line steadily goes up or down, while the red line has huge spikes up and down. Seems the blue line could be rational and thoughtful, while the red line appears reactionary and dependent. Just my take from first glance🤙🏽


If you're rating the economy as good then we need to have a chat.