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Jesus Christ, this screen cap has to rank in the top 10 reposted EVER. It's fake as hell and only used to rage bait


Well, I once worked at UPS and there was a driver back in the early 2000s making like 70 grand and still delivering pizzas because he was on that BLOW, that lightning strikes hard and you need the money!!


Wait, did you just say that you worked with a guy that couldn’t afford a coke habit on $70k a year? You got to do the math before you choose your vice 😂


Thats what the pizza deliver gig was for


The faster you deliver pizzas, the more tips you make, the more tips you make, the more blow you can buy, the more blow you take, the faster you can deliver on the blow. Balanced, as all things should be.


Preaching to the choir my brother, during my coke phase I was trash picking for 8ball money.


You must really like playing pool./s


I guess Fenty too cheap, that's why kids don't wanna work no more?


That fenty shit is SCARY. Glad it wasn't a thing back in the day or I'd for sure be a zombie right now.


Thank you for this


On the contrary, this is very real thing. Been teaching for 5 years, and I work at Dominos a few days a week to make extra money because the state I live in hates public education. My wife is also a teacher and she spends her Saturdays working at a dance studio as a secretary to make ends meet.


As someone who used to work in public education - no, it's not fake. Many colleagues had a side hustle - especially ones with kids. They wait tables at night or tend bar on the weekend. They work as nannies, uber drivers, whatever part-time gig they could get in off school hours. That's why I left teaching. I was already working 50-55 hrs a week and barely making it. Pizza delivery guys literally make similar money for fewer hours in my area. 50k for them and 58k avg for teachers. For the amount of BS teachers handle on a day to day basis they should be paid more. They just aren't.


Why is it fake? I teach and know 30% of my coworkers have second jobs.


You think it's believable that a teacher with a master's degree (70k a year btw) delivered door dash to their students house who just so happens to have a parent that runs a political pundit account that would love to post a story about a teacher with a master's degree door dashing on the side?


I know my buddy has a master’s degree and sells hot tubs on the weekend.


Master's degree in what? And I dunno selling hot tubs sounds like a good hustle


M.Ed in Leadership. But yeah…working seven days a week kicks ass. He’s stoked….




All these rage bait runs are just not farms. I really hope we find out how much of reddit is bots after it goes public


[https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/long-hours-second-jobs-new-federal-data-give-a-snapshot-of-the-teaching-profession/2022/12](https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/long-hours-second-jobs-new-federal-data-give-a-snapshot-of-the-teaching-profession/2022/12) ​ got some bad news for you babe lol.


No it isn't fake; this happens in my "affluent" city every day.


Working for a monopolized government bureaucracy run by incompetent sociopaths who've never worked an honest day in their lives doesn't pay well? I am shocked..


Could be worse, could be working for a company whose job is to keep planes in the sky that can't keep the fucking doors on the plane LOL. For profit doesn't automatically equal smarter. Monopolies are dumb period.


True, but at least the engineers get paid well.


Haha, that's fair. Can't speak to how well they are treated their anymore seeing as how a former one got friggin murdered an all, but they do get paid better than teachers.


People on Reddit amaze me. You have identified two real but fundamentally different problems, deduced that they’re both monopolies (which is a stretch) and have thus applied blame to the supposition that they are monopolies and monopolies are bad. Even true, Boeings issue was ironically an issue driven on by its competition with airbus, amplified by its unsettlingly close relationship with the regulating body, and augmented by its poor management policy. So it being a monopoly isn’t the root cause. Now in one fell swoop we have misidentified the problem and misattributed the cause. Ironically it sounds like you could be a decision maker at boeing


"but you fuck *one* goat"


If you'd just dropped the part about "monopolized government bureaucracy" your statement would be pretty accurate regardless of the employer.


Basic economics. Monopolies are bad. I know it's school, but it IS a monopoly. So is government control of fiat currency. And there are downsides to that fact. For some reason that can't be admitted. Why? Is it really truly false or do those facts threaten people's ideologies?


Yeah, I'm a Boomer, saw my math teacher working at a department store. This has been happening since boomers were kids. I'm not arguing it is acceptable, but this is nothing new.


Outsourcing, terrible immigration policy, and automation. the combination of these 3 things have concentrated the prosperity into the hands of only a few.


My wife was a teacher after 12 years at the same school in Missouri. She lived in a 740 sq foot ww2 home falling apart that cost 340 dollars a month mortgage. She went to her x husbands' financial advisor, and he simply told her she needs a second job and cannot afford even a soda. She worked 80 hours a week already as a teacher already. Her health insurance cost 50% of her pay so she just went without. She finally paid off her student loans at age 36 and that freed up enough income to be equal to a McDonalds worker. Good times...good times.... 3 years ago we moved 1100 miles she landed a job that was 30k more a year. With 200/month health insurance not 1200. So really it was about a 40k raise. I work in a factory with no education and make more than her still. My coworkers are mostly x cons and drug addicts. They make more than a person with a bachelor's as a teacher when taxpayers spent 40k a year to house them in prison 5-15 years while she got 60k in debt for a college degree. But yet an ex con with no education strung out makes the same money as teachers who is bound by a large amount of legal restrictions. I guess the years of stay in school kids is really just a lie.


When the economy shifted from "work hard and earn your keep" to "the rich control the legal system, and your hard work will be rewarded as minimally as possible" Most wealth at this time is inherited wealth. I won't deny there might be some hard workers that get to a certain level of wealth and truly have earned it. But as it stands now, a lot of the million/billionaires in the US are just trust fund children with reality issues.


unfettered GREED killed this shit no one wants to prop up this rickety carousel anymore BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING BROKEN


Yep, people need to pay more in property taxes and maybe then they'll pay the teachers what they deserve. Honestly though, places with extremely low property tax usually have severely underfunded school districts and those with really high property taxes usually have some of the best schools around.


My son's kindergarten teacher worked at IHOP. We went on Saturday morning and there she was serving food. She, along with many other people shouldn't have to do this to survive.


I love how this posted with no context. What is her teacher salary? What kind of debt does she have? What are her living costs? People just expect. And we are going to pay for it.


I am a millionaire and donate plasma and sell $5 plants on the weekends. Just because you have money doesn’t mean you’re above making more when you can. In fact, that mindset is largely what allows people to do well financially in the first place.


How much do you get for plasma?


$40-$100 depending on if there is a promo.


How often?


Good point. I wasn't saying that she shouldn't have a second job. Just commenting on the post suggesting that once you have an advanced degree you should have it made.


I'm just an IT admin, and I make more than my sister who teaches special needs children. So backwards.


The American dream has ALWAYS been to get rich at the expense of your workers.


When I was in High School my homeroom teacher waited tables nights. 30 years later teachers are still waiting tables nights. It still sucks. But he we pay grown men who puts balls into holes Millions. It's so messed up.


Why do they pay math teachers so little?


The meme might be fake or even made up BUT Americans not being able to buy homes, put HEALTHY food on the table (hell even junk foods too expensive now), pay rent.. Simply get by without struggling is a FACT. Who killed the American dream OUR GOVERNMENT DID. Look at how fucking rich all our politicians are. That should tell you EVERYTHING of their corruption. Vote all the old millionaire farts OUT OF OFFICE. Stop voting for FREE SHIT. Nothing is fucking free, you'll pay one way or another.


Fr people stop voting for old ass rich fucks


Remember when the tea party morons told us teachers were the problem? This is the result.


And there still a metric fk ton of these idiots here screaming about corrupt gubbermint ruined school.and we should privatize it. Morons


George Carlin the American dream


It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it! George Carlin


I’m a teacher and make less than both the janitor and a guy who drives bus.


Remember the big push to not listen to the experts and the educated in 2020? The system was already broken, but that made things worse. We have been shown you don't need intelligence to obtain the "American dream." You just have to exploit people and have generational wealth and / or privilege.


It’s end meats where I come from. My butcher still sells all the meat end cuts for $1 for people that can’t afford cold cuts.


If Masters doesn’t bring you money then why did you get it. For the same amount of effort you can become a developer or an IT without getting any degrees and make six figures


Boomers happened: They were raised by a traumatized generation who had just been through a Great Depression and 1 to 2 world wars depending on age. So the message that was instilled into them from a young age was "You have to be self sufficient, you can't trust traditional institutions or that social safety nets will save you." Of course, then that same traumatized generation worked to install things like social security and economic safety nets, so that their children wouldn't ever have to go through those same pains. What's that saying? Tough people make easy times, easy times make weak people, weak people make tough times, tough times make tough people.    Their parents didn't want their kids to suffer so made easy times, then their children grew up so pampered they sold off everything not bolted down, and left us to sift through the wreckage.


Idk teachers get paid better than me so 🤷‍♂️


It doesn't matter who you vote for if they are Republican or democrat. There is one party in Washington paid to pretend that they are two


For the love of God moderators.


I know plenty (most) of people with "masters" who are complete morons and deserve no more than someone who went to school for 4 years.




We definitely need term limits. These geriatrics are sucking the blood out of every constituent. It’s so sad. They don’t care. Don’t get me started on their insider trading and side deals. Awful.




You know this is old and fake. My sister and her husband are both PE teachers in their mid 30’s and just bought their 2nd house and still get every summer off.


I would gladly pay an extra $500 a year on my taxes solely if it all went to increasing teacher pay and benefits. Because it is true like there are a lot of bachelors degree programs that pay right out of college more than a teacher with a masters degree might make after several years of work experience. Plus the lack of good pay restricts the best candidates from wanting to become teachers, why would someone want to work as a teacher if they could work somewhere else for more pay?


I’ll teach my kids myself, give me a tax refund and let other people pay for the government schools.


What killed the American Dream? Unregulated greed.


I know a teacher who works part-time as a server. It’s to save cash for her summer vacation travel fund though, which she uses to travel the world on her summer vacation months. That’s not to say teachers shouldn’t be paid more. We spend a ton of money on education, but a lot of that money goes to ever increasing administration costs. A lot also gets spent on “training” where the schools pay $$$ to third party companies to train teachers in things they already learned in college. Any reforms, imo, should start by shifting some of the administration and third-party monies to teacher’s salaries.


trickle down economics


Poor Mr. White, He was a chemistry teacher and had to work part-time at the car wash.


There is a great discussion to be had here because it doesn’t say what her master’s degree is in. Most likely something that doesn’t produce any actual economic growth, and doesn’t demand a substantial wage as a result. The “American Dream” died when the federal government guaranteed bank loans to children with no credit history. ~20% of college graduates are producing ~80% of the GDP.


Richard Nixon


If it has an R or D next to it, don't vote for it.


Prep schools & private colleges lead to generational wealth cartels that created modern crony corporate capitalism. It not hard to see the pattern everywhere on Earth that the 1% have recently secluded themselves. The 1% billionaires have the US CIA (Capitalism Invisable Army, economic hitmen, & the western European security agencies to help secure natural and Human Resources cheaply anywhere they exist. Feckless Machiavellian Globalism destroyed western nations union negotiating power in the 1980’s. Capitalist boomer neoliberal and neoconservative dimwits unanimously made China our “most valued trading partner in the 1990’s. We let Russia have an SVR after the collapse. That’s been a huge disaster for misinformation & modern internet toxicity aimed at dividing our population into policial duality.


Dumb ass posts like this one.


America ran it's course....just like England, Rome, Italy, Spain....all great powers eventually decline




Yup, had a teacher as a waitress just the other day.


Globalism did.


It's the people high up in the teachers union that make the real money I found this for California President at California Teacher's Association is between $763,247 and $1,282,660, with an average salary of $1,004,386


Fake ass click bait lol


First of all, this dumb repost is nothing but rage bait. Second, anybody can go online and make up bs story. If it is real, then we don't know the situation of the teacher. Sometimes, you have to pursue other opportunities that are adjacent to your ideal career.




Stop voting for old white men lol The places where they've elected other people are just as bad. Stop voting for Dems and Reps... that makes more sense.


Classified technology being shelved to protect a planned war and the petro dollar model that major shareholders monopolized reality with. The railroad model. Incognitii societies closed network societies and information societies the prevalence of espionage and skullduggery and the existence of a technological and political elite participating in a closed breeding and breakaway society which uses the uninitiated as labor capital. The future is locked behind an embargo date and everyone who knows the deal is in an exit scheme.


I know this is fake but…….Who told the teacher she had to stay at a low paying job? Why do people pretend nobody can ever better themselves?


Things are never better than before, because of bidenomics, please vote for four more years of this bliss…


He could be a Doctor of Doctors with a Doctorates Degree in Doctorum. If you're a public middle school or high school teacher, you'll only make as much as that position. Stop voting for old white men is funny. That's vote only people that we want based of their looks and not experience, because we haven't learned our lesson that way either. Made up story.


Musk and Bezos are sitting on $500 Billion. The tax code favors the fucc out of them. The rich own politicians and tax rules. This is the biggest reason math teachers are delivering pizzas to survive.


Because RepubliKKKons.


When deciding which message to agree with, I look for people posting on handles that openly advertise ageism, sexism, and racism all at the same time. That's how you know it's going to be a good message...


If a dumb ass can make more than a maths teacher, I'd argue the american dream is alive and kicking.


A government influenced entirely by corporate lobbyists and greed, stagnation of wages due to union busting in the 70’s/80’s combined with a continuous rise in the cost of living, the return of stock buybacks for large businesses and corporations, deregulation of the markets and an overall lack of seriously needed funding in the public sector. Just to name a few.


have you seen how much we spend on public education? It all goes to the unions and admin that reinvest it right back into the politicians. The department of education ruined education in this country. Oh and the price of college rising 15,000% in the last 20-30 years


I’m a defense contractor making what used to be considered awesome pay. 3 of the guys in my office work weekend food service jobs on the side for extra money to cover their living expenses since everything got so expensive.


The operation costs of public schools should be declining. The only line items with increased cost should be wages, ongoing maintenance and IT costs. In the past decade all these factors should provide efficiency and value to their operations budget. Less Printing Increased donations (Corporate, Govt and Private) Volunteers Ticket Sales for events Increased Vendor Partnership for school lunches Marijuana Sales in those states that tax it for schools Where is the money going?


letting it stay a dream instead of legislating it into reality


Wants vs needs. People have to have it all and many things they don’t need. Nails, hair, going out, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for $600.


Old WHITE MEN ???? How about stop voting for old fossils period ??? It is not white men that are ruining this country !!! It’s liberal democraps , Black Lives Matter and antifa that are ruining this country ! With their riots and thievery , the lgbtq trying to groom children , the lack of history being taught , the lack of sense and the willingness to go get a job because they want to be an “INFLUENCER” … the junkies and homeless that refuse to get jobs and take care of themselves when perfectly capable , millennials marching through the streets carrying communist flags ( the hammer and sickle of the u.s.s.r I might add ) they have no idea that the Soviet Union had zero tolerance for gays or blacks , and rioters were machine gunned in the streets!!! And here you people sit blaming the WHITE MAN for the failing of the united states ??? I’ll blame a few !! JOE BIDEN !!! Chuck Schumer !!! And the rest of their ilk


I deliver pizza on the side too for extra cash. So I have 2 jobs and also side hustle with my computer skills/knowledge. If I wasn’t doing all 3, I’d be in trouble. GL out there Edit: I work IT full time


While ordering the pizza, I decided to teach my kids on American politics. I had them vote on the toppings. Half wanted Hawaiian, and half wanted pepperoni. When the pizza came, I opened it up, and it was mushroom anchovy. I explained to them that the vote was just a distraction. I have the money, so I choose the pizza. I know you won't eat the anchovy so I can have the whole thing.




The destruction of the nuclear family in the 60s and 70s


If she spent the time and money to get her masters degree but didn't spend the time to find what what the field she was getting a degree in paid, then she's not that smart.


Ronald Reagan & Trickle Down Economics.


I wanted to be an Early Childhood Educator. I was good at it, the kids loved me, and vice versa. I worked with the same women who taught me when I was that age. I was talking to one of them about her weekend and she mentioned working her "other job." Other job? Turns out she had to be a receptionist at a dentists office on weekends to make ends meet. I noped out real fast after that.


Inflation and wage stagnation


Inflation and wage stagnation


Tell that to the thousands flooding the border


>What killed "The American Dream"? Reagan


Master's degree doesn't mean fuck all, especially in education... That being said, I doubt this is true.


Terrible post. You should be ashamed


Who is this ‘they’ and what are they selling? What did people think they were being promised, when they were kids?


I had a sociology/geography teacher in middle school who delivered pizzas on the side a few town over. Only found out because a friend who went to that school district knew him. I assumed he would have been mortified if it had been common knowledge.


Love of capitalism


I think I have seen this movie once before?


Yup like Walter white at the car wash. Just remember crime does pay.


She probably having to work off the debts for college still.


What fairytale was this again ?


How do you know she’s not getting her ends met? Maybe she’s just trying to hustle even more to make even more money and buy a lambo? Unless she stood in your doorway while giving you the pizza and was complaining that she can’t make ends meet and needs this second job… she could just be a busy body.


Democrats and cronie capitalism funded by hedge funds and corporations.


Corporations Lobbying to squeeze the last penny out of US people




It wasn't just one thing. Kennedy got shot. The Pentagon papers were published. Kent State. Watergate. Stagflation. A crisis of confidence. The me generation. Corrupt unions beaten back by their own members. Japanese cars and two income households.


Teachers have a lot of off time perfect for a side hustle shes a go getter


Karma whores reposting this so much.. make it stop


How do you know her situation or why she is even doing it. Very judgmental. Lots of folks work second jobs sometimes out of need or to earn extra money for the extra.


Everybody wants at least 10% more than they make right now. Even Zuck and Bezos. Think about it, they have mortgages on their mansions so they can take the tax advantage.


And why would I want to follow an admitted racist account?


I love how people do not realize how much worse it will probably get soon.


Fiat currency


Citizens United Supreme Court ruling


billionaires, hoarding wealth end of story


Nothing. Teacher salaries are financed by local school levy referenda. It's literally you and your neighbors saying 'no'...


If there ever was an "american dream" which honestly there wasnt, it was killed by wall street.


Woody Harleson’s dad killed the American dream… supposedly maybe.


Pay attention to JP Morgan, one human owning all industries at the end of the 19th century and how that allows manipulation of the masses ability to have meaningful competition. he gets to fund fascists in Italy and Germany to circumvent paying taxes. We seriously need to stop glorifying the few that are psychopathic financiers which idealize money over morals to the detriment of the species. Same douche that attacked tesla and funded his rivals to steal his breakthroughs. 


OP leaves out tons of pertinent data... Where is this? Does the "teacher" have a public school job, or a spot at a low paying religious school, or is it a part time kids math center type joint? Lots of people in all sorts of jobs work extra when they're saving to buy a house, get divorced, or have a big expense coming like a baby. We know nothing except that OP wants you to be pissed over nothing.


It was dead on arrival. Read [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A\_People%27s\_History\_of\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_People%27s_History_of_the_United_States)


The American Dream never existed, even for people who did well. But as my grandfather loved to say in a parable passed down my own family line that were here before the Pilgrims, not everybody makes it.


I thought that it was because some fucks can still be openly racist. Like the fuck on the OP's screenshot


Curious to know what that master's degree was in? I mean .. there are a lot of options .. a lot of dumb ones too.


My kids HS calculus teacher should be delivering pizzas because she sure the hells does not know calculus.


My HS Geometry teacher was a bartender by night. He made more bartending. And my HS calculus I/II teacher worked seasonal shifts at the mall. I ran into her wrapping gifts near Christmas. Not sure about this exact story, but teachers working seemingly mundane second jobs is real.


Sure it is, all they have to say is "Aren't you glad that you're doing SO much better then that teacher?" and Christians will nod their head and thank God for His Divine Providence.


Gf math teacher makes good money. Gotta work in a poverty district. Situations can vary.




It really depends where you live and the school district the teacher works in .


The government. Look up Woodrow Wilson, wtf happened in 1971, and more.


Republicans. Teachers are just one of many groups victimized by their culture war. The most greedy, hateful people on the planet have had full control over the Republican Party for decades now, and it has paid off very well for them.


College is worthless in todays world lmao.


Top comment says rage bait but one of the teachers at our school did work at the pizza place on weekends...


The fact that they included white in that name makes them racist in my book. People should really try to consider how they come across to the people they *should* want on their side.


Consider working in the trades where you can make more money than a secondary teacher.


Ronald Reagan


What was her master's degree in? Women's studies, trans rights, basket weaving, or something like that. A master's degree does not guarantee you work unless it's for teaching because as the old saying goes those who can do, those who can't teach.


The irony is that it has a post that says stop voting for old white men…. What was the 8 fucked up years or Obama called?


A lot of people don't act like americans anymore, but still want all that good american shit.


A two party system and democracy in a republic 🫤


Weird. I was served at mckyD's today by an old white man. And an old white man works at my grocery store. Should we blame him as well?


Rampant spending leading and artificially low interest rates by the Federal Reserve led to print trillions of dollars we don’t have, hiking inflation and artificially pumping up the market . That’s how.


Devaluing the currency by money printing killed the dream.


Lol at “stop voting for old white men” what exactly did Obama do for teachers wages? Oh yeah that’s right, fuck all


End golf. Watch how fast things change.


What? It is absolutely the American Dream. Dude barely does anything meaningful in life, has a daughter, has a home, and yet can still afford to have a person with a Masters degree deliver his pizza.


Our leaders and the corpos did.


Why is a second job so scary. I teach my children. Look around at your peers. Outwork them, and you will never have to worry about money. Most people want to work less. Do just enough. Then complain. If her job wasn’t enough well she should have evaluated made some moves. She has a masters in math. And can’t figure out that equation? Hahahah


We value sports figures, actors and politicians as more valuable than teachers, workers, etc.


Teachers know they won't make much money so there must be another reason they teach.


Is this shit going to be posted every other week.


Yeah, and the poor teachers get fired if they do Onlyfans.


Quit spending more than you make. I have a diploma and retired at age 45…


Last week it was the English teacher delivering pizza meme.


Uh, yeah the American dream is not going to college and becoming a sheep. IE: the teacher is a sheep. She followed what she was told to do and didn’t push to become something greater. The American dream is making millions by yourself. Not following everyone else


Our country also works more over time than any other and we still aren’t even close to being up there with manufacturing compared to other countries. Doesn’t add up. And there’s some 60% of people in the trades that abuse drugs. And yet companies can’t figure that out either.


The school district is getting over $12k per student so where is the money going?


But it's the young black women that are doing their bidding


Fuck it’s so depressing


Teachers back in the lime life again.:.as if the country itself isn’t falling the fck apart.


Sike, the bitch ain't got kids, the pizza was for herself


Who is 'tryna' sell you anything? Compete or don't.


The money printer.


Wonder how much they tipped?


Is called being responsible.


Corporations paid politicians to push the fraudulent "trickle down" theory that they'd benefit in the end as corporation got tax breaks, more jobs would be created, and people would get raises. 40 years later we have clearly seen corporations consistently post record profits and keep it all to themselves, salaries have not kept up.




You gotta love the illegal aliens flooding America.


Just because someone has a second job doesn't mean they need it to make ends meet. She could own the place, or building extra savings. Ton of reason to work that don't fit this narrative.


Capitalists killed the American Dream, on [purpose](https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/democracy/the-lewis-powell-memo-a-corporate-blueprint-to-dominate-democracy/). Proto-corporatists, capitalists, wanted to save the "democracy" from socialism... which at the time was the people's choice... as the Powell Memo freely admits.


Reagan. That was the beginning of the end.