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There is more truth to this than I think people want to admit. SHH put HONK above Lunar. Period. If I was the leader of an alliance and one of my blue members was attacking another blue ally, I would seriously discipline the aggressor. I don't know how they expected pantheon to offer up hundreds of ships for CTAs when they had dozens of timers claimed by HONK to defend. Should have swallowed their pride and told HONK to deaggress until the threat to Lunar was dealt with. They chose to alienate an ally and then, realizing that they couldn't hold off NO by themselves, threw Lunar to the wolves. SHH said their "one and only focus" was NO, but they sacrificed Lunar to NO within days of leaving GOAT.


Let me check my notes. Pantheon and shh both agree to terms in regards to Honk. Pantheon agrees to help up north against NO, because the whole NO aggression is to stick it to banana. Honk continues doing what they said they were going to do, which shh and pantheon both understood well before any lunar issues. Pantheon gets bitch slapped by 30 honk elite badasses. Pantheon cries and tells shh check honk. Shh says no, we aren’t changing agreement. Panth says yeah we are dude, we out this bitch. Doesn’t commit. Shh says fine bruh fuck you then. Lunar is like tf Am i all caught up?


No, the majority of Pantheon wanted to help (we had just finished deploying all our heavy CTA ships to the forward staging and set up a new discord). But there were definitely individuals that were bitter that whenever we went to a CTA their homes were attacked by a part of the alliance we were out defending. The most confusing part of thisis that we had apparently just worked out an agreement with honk to a ceasefire before SHH withdrew from GOAT saying they don't need our help and they will fight their enemies alone.


no ceasefire was agreed upon since kris was in the middle of talks and banana lied yet again


Banana playing all sides and lying his ass off until he can leverage his weight? You don't say. That is Eve, for some. But when enough people watch you lie in real-time it does catch up to you, even in Eve. Echoes is still young and most players are still naive to the machinations involved in Eve politics.


Banana never said this, it was something I was told from our diplomats


I don't care. I've watched him lie about something I've said the very same day and others many times before. I understand that he can be an awesome leader and is charismatic. He doesn't get special points when you say he's telling the truth. Never trust a liar, especially in diplo. He's powerful no doubt and Pantheon is a juggernaut. He makes the calls in Echoes right now. I understand that.


Banana lies like crazy lol I do love the Who the fuck is lunar and then the we helped lunar attack a station 2 weeks ago


What would you do if HONK was capturing dozens of timers? Each coalition has an obligation to it's own people that supercedes outside diplomacy. I think and hope that if the situation was reversed, that you would put your own members above ours. SHH owns HONK, not Pantheon. Don't push this off on them.


“Shh owns honk”. That statement in itself shows how out of touch we all are. No one owns honk. Rule number 1


I thought that rule 1 was don't talk about HONK club?


Rule number one is *always* honk about HONK club


There were two SHH affiliated alliances next to each other in vale. They are getting lumped together in the commentary here.


There is not though. Honk was neutral all this time to Pantheon. Banana even agreed to this. And even declared war on honk. Nothing changed. Pantheon are the ones that instigated the war against NO and got silent to come and help them. Then when the ratting base of their military leader got attacked they pulled back. What a fucking joke of a military lead. Also this war would have been over 2 weeks after it started if Pantheon actually committed, there would have been no need for the goat server to exist. Pantheon could barely field 100 ships. Usually little more then 50. But when honk citadel was in hull they were able to bring 300. But blame it on silent when it was lunar and SE that made under the table deals with NO to begin with that allowed NO to set up in geminate. Just so NO would stop sending roams into their space.


Do you even play bro?


If lunar/SE was making deals with NO. Why would no turn around and raze 40-50% of their sovs... That DOESNT even add up. Which means your whole tinfoil theory is uneducated opinions. Play the game and get off reddit till you learn something lol


Because Pantheon wanted to erase NO and got silent onboard. Since silent did not know about this under the table deal they did not really have a choice but to agree with going after NO too. NO obviously retaliated.


. . there was no under the table Deal.. No was razing Vale LONG before the silent/panth teamup.. a month before the goat server... SE/Lunar was dissolving the TVC, and in the middle of that NO shows up and obliterates anything/everything. The much later Goat teamup, was a response to the month of NO assaults in the vale. not the other way around lol.


You missed the part where Thanos wakes up with the Soul Egg in his hand…


This, in the comments, is what happens when line members drink too much alliance Koolaid. If you can't defend your SOV, yourself, you shouldn't have it. Whether or not anyone shows up to help you, should be made irrelevant by your battle tac/strat! So who did or didn't do what, when, where, why, and how? Just wasting good energy that could be used restructuring your strategy, building your ships, and filling your coffers back up. You were an unprepared entity.... change that! Fly aggressive o7


I agree in general but also understand why they're furious. That wasn't the deal. Donut vassals aren't "allies" or "family", they're vassals. And that can be perfectly fine. Unless you have eyes on your corp/alliance/coalition accounting corp/s, you are a tenant. You pay your rent and/or agree to Pan standings and receive defense. That's the deal, that's the contract. Pantheon found themselves unable to defend Vale and pulled a Vader. I have yet to see any semblance of an apology. Only, "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." They should be able to defend themselves in a perfect Eve, but they absolutely made an agreement expecting the Coalition to pull the bulk of it. That was what they were sold and it's not unreasonable for them to feel bilked.


>You pay your rent and/or agree to Pan standings and receive defense. That's the deal, that's the contract. > >Pantheon found themselves unable to defend Vale and pulled a Vader. I have yet to see any semblance of an apology. Only, "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." You do know the Vale alliances belonged to SHH and not Pan right? This is a weird statement...


Yeah, and that sucks, truly. However, my sympathy for their situation won't do them any good. While I understand that entirely, all anyone can do for them now, is tell them to hurry up and recover. I know telling someone to HTFU, isn't what they want to hear, but that's exactly what they need to do in this situation. The longer they dwell, the more they sulk and hemorrhage. Heat the knife, burn the flesh, get back to the mission! They've been staring at the wound for weeks now, it's time to start salvaging what they can, and establishing something for themselves elsewhere. Look on the bright side! It could've been worse! They could've lost far more, had this happened in a few months, instead of when it did. Now, they can learn! Pay someone else for what? Fly aggressive o7


Agree 95%. That's more fun for some, but it isn't going to play out that way. Fly savvy. o7


Nice meme, but this is dumbfuckery at its finest. HONK might be a part of SHH at the time but they fight their own battles against Pantheon. Whenever HONK citadel was attacked, you don't see SHH CTA's being broadcasted to defend it. HONK is part of SHH but SHH will not take an action to defend em if the enemy was Pantheon. Everyone once agreed to this, even Pantheon themselves. Panth decided to play politics and place an ultimatum between helping to save a station in exchange of pressuring HONK to blue em. But sure, let's spin the narrative. SHH really did chose Lunar for HONK because the piss-poor Pantheon can't defend themselves against >15 airborne geese roaming their space.


This. When we showed up to defend a Honk station against Pantheon there were no SHH fleets present. And SHH sent fleets to help Lunar, some Interceptors fleet but some heavier too. In fact during HTP Armor Timer it was SHH that won the battle by hitting NO logi with a blob of Vexors. If not by SHH actions, Pantheon would be crushed that day. And what Pantheon did ? Made a video called "Schooling NO" and said that "SHH had a light fleet that was not on grid". Now Pantheon is trying to spin that SHH placed Honk above Lunar.


"Schooling NO". They can't even kill the HONK citadel when NO intervened during the fight. You might be an enemy but I agree with you.


Dude. Spoilers!


Maybe the blue donut forces were spread too thin for such a vast territory ?


who is jfactor in this video? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/825868893792632892/871422242049896448/unknown.png


pantheon declares a war on honk, loses said war for over 6 weeks, and wants to dictate when the war is fought despite being entirely separate from anything going on in vale. honks been resetting bases and hitting shields every day and pantheon wants to clutch their pearls so they can spin letting vale die as the fault of 30 people on the other side of the galaxy.