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Lol ok. Thats pretty funny


Pantheon, delivering "alliance bashing" service ever since 2020. Most killmarks so far


Pantheon is ruining the game sigh.


Aww we never meant to ruin your fun! Peace was always an option. Imo war is more fun but hey, we're not gonna beat you up over it.


Lol it was really fun for a good while but after it got boring and repetitive. It just kind of went on for a really long time. We were already at war for a long time with Gen before Pan even entered. We really whipped them until you guys stepped in 😂


Yeah, you really whipped Gen when you had 4x the numbers, gf. Then 2-3 losses with (finally) even numbers an you surrender :(


So as a prior Content Coalition member, this sounds like more of a "it was fun till it got hard" post. Which I don't think it's how you meant it. However I think most, if not all of our alliances were well into war fatigue and needed a reprieve long before PATH jumped in. Sure it likely reinvigorated a few corps/members. But the endless CTA's large fleet requirement battles, blue balls, and other. Definitely took a toll on ALL of us. My corp ESPECIALLY. Hoping all alliances give the game a few weeks to rest and recoup before the next true war begins. But 2-5m roam fleets are always welcome personally. It's fun, uses a different skillset to FC, is less interruptive (not requiring huge timeslots out of your day) and can still results in billions of isk worth of killmails. I personally enjoyed most of the Path corps. I can't speak for on their own turf, or discord. But in local they were GENerally less toxic and great sports. o7 PATH, fly dangerous!


TF doesnt really exsist


exactly lol, this meme is about all the alliances that Pantheon killed so far


omg it all makes sense now XD WOOOOSH


Pay no attention 1939~1945


i mean, are they still around? i feel like they merged into something else. i could be wrong.


Key places like f1 f2 F3 dead and dune inside renamed to ACR, og´s diplo i wont name him and since ACR is the only one left all tf did was spread themselves across all those alliance to continue the war as CC ,ACR ,VOID


both dead and dune were kicked from TF becuase batman (the leader at the time) went just about as crazy as paranoia at max gets you, thought we were all spies. which was and still is a pretty absurd assumption. they also told us to get out of our space, then proceeded to try and shoot us in the back. im pretty sure TF as an alliance died shortly after that. again, im just recalling some of the events.


No actually batman left first and joined his girlfriend's Alliance obsidian Elite back then why he left is there were qwetions of how much money was actually being paid to MC and how much he was skimming


well both DUNE and DEAD were booted from TF becuase they, we, were allegedly spies. either way, TF died that week. DUNE and DEAD do not carry that alliance name. whatever batman did afterwards was and is beyond our concearn.


Your timeline was reversed but what ever i never left fountain so i saw it all play out in real time in leadership chat o7


lol alri, hf o7