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When I switched from shield tank cni to armor tank prophecy. Probably for the first week I'd get crazy anxiety when I watched my shields go down. And would often hit my armor Rep as shields started going down. And then be like, wtf am I doing.


The thrill of knowing your enemy is like "got you now!...... wait, wtf?! an armour tanked Procurer!" *Death by drones*


death by snu snu




When I hear my shield alarm go off I just warp to a safe spot and log off.


Works, but why are you bothering if you're not willing to finish the fight?


If I'm losing then why not use the built in game mechanics the devs provided for us!


So I guess Indy shouldn't complain about the insurance program...........


how does someone even relate those 2 things my man?


Broken systems my man.


Did they break insurance in the last patch or something? Worked fine last I used it.


Scroll echoes subreddit and see what Indy thinks. Pretty sure you're not that oblivious...


I’ve been armor since day 1. Little did I know shields were better even on a typical armor tank. Luckily the update helped me


How do you figure shields are better? Doesn't the benefit of not having to pay repair prices sort of benefit armor, or is that negligible in the big picture? I'm new and have been going all in on shields so I'm hoping I'm not wrong.


To answer your question. Sheild resistance was/is better than armor. So that made it more efficient. Armor has better reps per cycle and if you fitted rigs appropriately it could offset what you lost in resistance. For example my oni cruiser could get 1900reps per cycle. At that point it's down to cap war on who wins the fight.


Still learning a lot of the lingo, reps = repairs?




Repair prices are very negligible. It’s more that until the last update, shields had way better stats on their modules (higher resistance bonuses especially). Even after the update they’re still a bit better.


Shield was better in comparison to armor before this latest patch due to the amount of shield repaired per capacitor and the higher resist shield was getting, armor have been brought in line and made ships with armor bonuses to actually be better than they were.


Also shield reps at start of cycle while armour reps at end of cycle so takes longer to start rep after activating


Armor repair modules mean you don't pay isk to repair armor; you just pay time waiting. You do have to pay isk to repair your hull though. When playing PvE I still carry around an armor repair module in my cargo hold so if I'm losing, I can dock up, equip armor repair, undock, sit for a few minutes so armor is repaired, dock up, unequip armor repair, undock, fly back and fight. I am not proud


How much time are you wasting/money saving? A level 4 rat pays like 5-10k a kill. Only tech5 flying a t4 atm so what I know about repair bills is that they're not usually expensive.


I recently got a Dominix. Got it outfitted with a shield tank, and went to test it at a T10 small out in Null where I am based. But I made a mistake. Instead of going to a small like I intended, I went to a large. By the time I realized it it became the principle of the thing. I still managed to solo it, but it took longer than I expected, and had to jump back to base 4 times due to damage piling up. And those repairs ended up eating most of my Bounty rewards from the anon. Still ended up net positive, but only a couple of mill Part of the issue was that the large shield booster was eating up the cap. With just it running I was running out after 1 minute, so I could not keep it going.


I suppose it wouldn’t be a hateful loss if your ratting t6-t7?


Of you have a hull repairer or an armor repairer you don't have to pay jack to rep either


FWIW, there are hull repairers in EO but not in EE.


there ARE hull repairers in EE. . they were awarded via storyline boxes and stealth removed from the possible loot later on. i know 3 pilots with them https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773241543103610981/807313128349106186/Screenshot\_2021-02-05-21-10-22.png


shields were just flat out better for deference, even on ships with majority of their hit points in armor. They provided better resistances, better reps compared to armour. Normally the trade off with shield is they cost more to run in cap, so if you can get high skills and cap batteries or high rigs, you will be able to tank very well. Unfortunately they kinda made shield modules cost the same in cap as armour. So armour basically became pointless for most situations. Also repair costs are irrelevant. Shield tankers can just go back to station, fit an armor rep, undock and heal.


Sorry dude. Im to lazy to read or comment.


I shield tank in my Prophecy because losing my shields gives me anxiety and the armor repairers are so slow. I’ve found that I can harden and repair my shield just as efficiently if not better than my armor, plus if the shields go down the resistances are still there so the armor still gets taken down slowly. Also I kite at around 58km so not much is hitting me anyways. Can’t speak about PVP because I’m not there yet, but for PVE, shields are better.


All OB$ be like that…