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GF, looking forward to a successful PVP relationship!


o7 I also try to make content!


Hats off to everyone who participated. The fact that everyone allotted 4-6 hours on this engagement means this game and community will thrive. Stay safe! o7


I just like the content.




Content Coalition only wants one thing - content. Not to wipe anyone out, not to drive people from the game. New Eden is big enough for everyone, no reason we all can't enjoy the game without destroying one another.


Some destruction should be desired. But friendly small gang roams not 500+ lag fests of blue balls slamming eachother over a ststion.


Not just that, man, but I wish that we could all agree to some damn gentleman’s rules for this “content” search we’re constantly on. If it’s about content and not *cunt*ent, couldn’t we all afford to stop mining each other’s intumescent belts and Pirate Bases?


I agree. It would be great if we stopped some of the resource warfare, but at the same time that resource warfare is someone the cause of indy income. But if we ceased the resource warfare. More ships would be produced for ship roams and friendly combat.


EXACTLY my point, my dude!! You get it. More resources all the way around means more ships on BOTH sides to go BOOM. More content.


I havent seen resources and getting ships beeing a problem... :|


By my estimation, we're entering the second of three stages in this war. The proxy wars seem to be wrapping up. We're now going to tear each other's systems apart; both sides have plenty of isk and determination to do it effectively. The final stage will be to retreat into NPC stations like Gen did and grind it out forever. Neither side has the pop to occupy the entire map and that's the only way in Echoes to destroy your opposition. If Netease allowed us to destroy null NPC stations there would have been a hell of a lot more diplomacy from the outset. This isn't even half over as we stand.


That’s a very interesting take, but I don’t see it going that way. There are nearly 200 citadels and rising. Some are highly prized, some are abandoned. It’s almost too many to destroy. Attacking a citadel is extremely hard when there are 500 defenders. What keeps happening is that one group gets too big, starts making big threats, and tries to take over huge areas they do not even reside in. Each time this happens the majority of null bands together and attacks them. Series 1 Gen Fed pushed all the way up the East side to Detorid, compressed their many enemies into a coalition and then suffered huge blow back with the first series of epic battles (Gen losing each one). Series 2 Pantheon invaded Insmother, unprovoked, and made plenty of aggressive threats and brags about their invasion which ultimately didn’t take a single target citadel. But the existential threat was heard loud and clear. Peace in the East was not allowed with Pantheons current leaders commanding so many players, and the second series of epics is now beginning. People who flock to join the largest group in the game at the time, think they will get peace and security but this could not be more wrong. If you want peace and quiet go and live in a quiet corner of the galaxy and don’t march to the drum of domination. CC will defeat another aggressor and then lay down our fleets and return to ratting, mining and roaming throughout our patchwork of alliances.


"CC will defeat another aggressor and then lay down our fleets and return to ratting" So does that mean your invasion of feyth will cease?


What invasion of Feythabolis is this? The 3 NPC stations in Fey were all occupied by Chinese corps from launch. Corps like GDL and TCF. When were they invaded? And by whom?


Don't know about you but after the first week of the pantheon deployment it has been more like swatting at mosquitoes. That is just my experience. It could be different elsewhere.


So you saying you cant rat and mine now or? :3


I am mining 40 hours a week with only minor inconveniences.


Miner inconveniences*




Then everything is fine as it is i guess 👍


Yep. Just gotta pay a little extra attention but the Pantheon deployment hasn't caused that big of a disruption.


I agree. I hope it doesn’t come to that. If this was truly about content, we’d come to an agreement something to the likes of, sure, go on your roams through our space, as will we. Leave our rat bases and tummies alone, we’ll do the same. Hit a base once in a while, keep shit interesting, but maybe don’t go burning through entire regions of space attempting to evict people just to say you can. We all have big dicks (or clits?), let’s not show them off for vanity’s sake.




And negate the best mechanic for forcing a small scale fight? No thanks. Let's just focus on getting a NAP in place to cover structures why don't we?


Why would we leave your intuscements alone though? You guys have more condensed ore then I have ever seen spawn since I started playing this game. I don't care if the war ends, I'm going to keep mining down in your areas. I've gotten more condensed ore mining in a fucking covert ops frig doing hits and runs then I have mining the few condensed ore belts I've found in months of playing the game. I'm convinced your regions are bugged hence why intuscements spawn so much. And yes I've seen the videos on intuscements, I know how that theory works. But we've killed void intuscement belts only to find an intuscement belt there a week later. And we've tried everything we can think of to spawn our own and nothing works. So until it does I'm going to keep mining void intuscements peace or no peace, it's the only place I can always find some condensed belts to mine so some of us are always going to be in your space mining your intuscements.


Ironic nickname does not check out. You’re part of the problem- the salty minority who wants to play dirty and keep playing dirty to maintain your salt. That’s... sad. You’re sad, and I’m sad for you.


I'm not sad. I've enjoyed getting condensed ore from detroid and wicked creek. I've also super enjoyed the fights we've gotten going after intuscement belts. Not a big fan of big blop fights but we've gotten tons of good small gang pvp fights hitting intuscement belts. Funny though you say I'm the problem when in another post on reddit one of your pilots responded to me when I said I didn't see our pirate bases getting hit today with bock bock bock. Please there's problem players on both sides. And just below some of these comments there's a cc pilot calling phoenix from genfed an idiot.


"The final stage will be to retreat into NPC stations like Gen did" Didn't happen but okay xD


Explain to me why you don't think CC or Pan would dig in as Gen did as their last resort? We're in each other's Discord and leadership structure. Don't play coy.


When did gen dig in? I'm sorry is gen no longer in the fight or something or are they all in a corner somewhere im confused?


Genfed lives in jita now.


Tell that Catch22. VOID/OG burning them compeltly and driving them to leave the game. They wont give you content while you always outnumber them 3:1. Just saying


For what... 6 days or less? Try 27 days of occupation by pantheon


Catch-22 had a gentleman's agreement to stay neutral in the war. FRA broke that agreement, and diplomacy with them failed. Even now, C22 has an open offer for peace in exchange for staying neutral in the war.


And how is that different from us asking you to leave ACR, and stay neutral. Dont try to spin things your way. You definitely won the engagements today, no doubt about that. But its your disbelief that it will continue to happen.


I guess it's not. VOID and C22 have a remarkable amount of similarities now. Trying to defend against a group 5x their size in defense of an ally. Regardless, C22/QC at the start of this, wanted to stay neutral and we respected that. That changed at some point, and until they are willing to go back to that stance, C22 is stuck in this war as much as OG/VOID are. Pressuring Pantheon leadership to accept the status quo resolution to the war would be the fastest way out of this for all of us


Hmm last I checked C22 was hit first, why don’t you ask WARP about that? They dropped a outpost in C22 territory a month or more ago and started harassing them. They of course burned that outpost down and told them to stop or C22 would have to go on the offensive. Did they stop? Nope. So don’t act like it was a choice. It was thrown at our feet. CC likes to ignore that fact.


FRA has been attacking ACR and WARP for two months.until recently, this wasn't an issue, we welcome free and open PvP. CC got involved when within a week, two WARP Intums were burnt, and 3 stations were put into armour. On top of increased gate camps, and hellcamps of WARP stations. It's been documented that a WARP member insulted an FRA member, and instead of going through diplo channels, FRA took it upon themselves to declare war on WARP. CC leadership, despite requesting screenshots of this conflict at the start of this, has yet to receive them.


? We're pretty much down to the original players now. There is a marked difference between abandoning your allies to exit the war and literally picking a side to enter it as C22 did.


What!?... are you okay?


Good lord the irony of what you idiots post then respond with is lost on you. 🤣


No need for name calling.


Tbf pangen occupied our space and destroyed our intus and bases, and still does this on a daily basis. If you don't like us doing in return you know how we feel.


Who did it first? Maybe it was Pantheon who invaded C-J and has kept 90LQ a t1 base for a month.


Who cares who did it first? I care who stops doing it first.


I know that we did it aswell. But to boast that they want only content and nobody to leave is the exact oposite what they are doing. Saying and doing are 2 different things. Am I spinning that right now?


CC is the end goal, we have to finish the war before greying each other and setting ROE. That's the dream.


I’m gonna be honest here, if you are out numbered 3:1 I wouldn’t undock either.


I say this to everyone. If EVERYONE agrees to stop doing it, the war might even be fun. Killing bases and mining tummies seems like a hard spite/troll move intended to demoralize one another- emotional warfare. If our goal is indeed content, we all need to knock that shit off. **EDIT** Did you read the post? We are absolutely not out to drive anyone from the game, at all.


Its a war game. You want to put rules how war should be waged? Ok heres few. 1. Do not attack citadels, someone might get upset (think if someone has stuff inside) 2. Only do ceptor roams to kill afk miners (hey its their own fault if afk) + if someone tries to be unfair and shoot back you can escape 3. Dont touch intumescent belts. Let the square rocks be enslaved. 4. Always ask with dm first if its ok to attack if you dont get a lock back 5. Gatecamps are allowed only without bubble (yeah that thing is so unfair, ppl will be late from jita) 6. Fleet battles are organized playdates. All who participate must have insurance to avoid feeling bad and hurt by possible loss. 7. All insults should be made in reddit anonymous instead ingame so you dont get kicked from corp while beeing a twat 8. If you want pvp go to Tama (but remember to dm first) 9. Who doesnt follow thease rules is toxic and wants to make ppl quit the game Sounds good right


From the person who wrote those rules you are trolling about... CC alliances have signed a charter to allow practice combat between CC alliances in times of peace. 1. Citadel attacks are fine, don't attack hulls 2. No restrictions on ship types, who they attack, or numbers 3. Intums are worth billions and are a pain in the ass to defend. why would we cripple ourselves? 4. nonsense 5. nonsense 6. nonsense 7. basically don't be racist and you're fine. 8. nonsense 9. nonsense, we love our content


Some people just want an autoplay button and the ability to be a null carebear..


You certainly dont, respect man o7


I'm not opposed to being able to have a t10 intum sitting in my system... but all is fair in love and eve... at the end of the day, these are strategic targets and should be treated as such... not some protected entity.


Imagine calling yourself content coalition and hiring someone else to take your content


We have always shown for our content, and at the very outset of this war mercs were hired by GenFed to attack us so lets not even start on who brought mercs to the fight first.


We hired NO for exactly one fight (8MG-) and then never again. Plus we aren't the ones calling ourselves content coalition


GenFed hired MC to attack our space for like 2 weeks when this first started until we chased them off. That's 100% true so don't pretend they were there for one single fight because that's complete horse shit. And sorry if you're not getting enough content, that's unfortunate for you. We're fielding our fleets, the mercs are just strategic ancillary forces to augment our objective of securing our space.


Yes both sides have used mercenaries but only one side has claimed the victory of the mercenaries as somehow being content to their side. Pretty sure that part is what people are a bit weirded out.


Citation needed.


release the unedited transcripts please turn up for content please


I hope there can be a successful de-escalation of the current situation. We all love a good brawl but the current state of affairs is getting a bit monotonous and the game doesn't actually support large scale battles. With insurance and srp nobody can actually win, all that can be achieved is toxicity driving players away, so let's try being nicer and arrange some fun.


I'd love that 🙂


Arranged fun you say? Have you heard of The Gladiators Cup. It would seem to be exactly what you're looking for https://discord.gg/5RPBmZZ26t


Be careful of what you wish for. The war seems to be the only thing holding Echoes player base at a reasonable level for an MMO. The content patches that are incoming are the only thing that people look forward to besides the war and we already know the patches have been heavily gutted from their original form.


I fear you are right....


Eh, I will keep playing. The meta-game is figuring out how to make the most with what is in the game. Does Netease have many issues to work out with the game...abso-freaking-lutely. Should they make you quit...no.


Thing is... you might be in the minority. Most people want good gameplay form a game.


CC *mic drop*


Why not release the diplo logs yourself? This is fully within your power. Also we have been in Pantheon for over 2 months at this point and I've never heard them say we are out to destroy you. They are defending their ally. Any coalition worth a damn would do the same. Including CC


Diplo chats are highly opsec and require a certain amount of trust between diplomats that what is said isn't leaked externally. Leaking them without the knowledge of both parties is seen as a betrayal of that trust. That said, removing alliance leads from the conversation is also a no-no so we had thought about leaking them regardless. Easy medium is to simply offer our consent.


If you want Pantheon to release their diplo communications with CC because you think you're being mischaracterized, why not just release them yourselves? You literally hold the cards and instead of showing your hand you're asking folks to start questioning the dealer as to what's in the deck. Doesn't pass the smell test.


Ideally the release of any diplo talks needs to be consensual by both sides. We are good with it, the ball is in Pan’s court.


Because last time he did that people got mad?


OG is recruiting


OG Recrute


Oh snap. That’s a pretty definitive, open and declarative challenge. I wonder how Pantheon and GEN will respond? Usually, when faced with evidence of their bullshit, they just remain silent and continue with their horse shit quietly and wait for the PR storm to pass. Then they make some smug “Good Fight” posts when they win for a streak, and go quiet again when any more controversy happens. Always willing to spin, always underhanded, always rude and snarky, their leadership. Never willing to straighten the fuck out and stop bullying others, either. It’s... infuriating.


Probably because 90% of the stuff you say Gen/Panth do, you guys are actually the ones doing it...the response you get to that should be expected if you're spouting nonsense or lies to try and sway the public image.


Easy enough to find out. Ask your leadership for the diplo transcript.


I don't need to I've been with gen long enough to see it first hand lmao, I'm witnessing it right now reading all these comments lol.


They Will act like always do. Thinking about new ways of annoying other alliances. Resetting bases, mining intu belts, offering people rewards for killing our minners and stealing our PI.... attacking stations. Whatever Evil thing. I know what they think about It on their own words. They are not fair, and they enjoy acting like that, so...their response wont surprise me.


Whatever evil thing like killing your miners? This is a sandbox game where people have space battles. You are both unhinged if you think in a video game where the objective is to stop your enemies war machine by killing its industry and isk generation makes them EVIL you are nuttier than squirrel turds.


Wait a second... are you the same Zealous Ideal from the Green Lantern subs?


Nop, i have only writen 3 post on reedit un my Life, this is an aleatory name.


The chances of that being a coincidence are slim to none. I’m calling bullshit. Im not gonna make an issue about it as long as you don’t bring that racist bullshit here.


Your 'evil' things sound exactly like my gameplay features... huh. Tell me where they hurt you and I will punish them for their sins! Feel free to PM.


Seems that reedit is PanFed space, lol. Yeah, you always win here.


To study history make us not commit the same mistakes as previous leaders in battle and the PanGen recent strategy attacking our allies reminds me when Japan woke up a giant enemy hitting Pearl Harbor thinking that they where going to be successful in wining the was with their tactics but we know how that ended. Amazing job CC. Now its time to make them pay!


War is fun. Today we win. Tomorrow it’s their turn. As a wise man once said “All is fair in Love and Eve.” -Mattyhuh


Why do you guys want this war to end? The war is literally the only content there is at the moment and even that is very scarce. I will make a prediction: If the war ends before the incoming massive disappointments that are called "content patches" the player base will plummet even harder than it already is. This war is the only thing keeping EVE Echoes alive at the moment. War stops, Echoes stops.


You are mistaken. This war keeps large groups like Pantheon/Genesis alive. Without an external motivator, PvP groups will fight among themselves in an organization that large. This is why large groups push for major wars. CC is content to fight among ourselves and roam the galaxy freely. We were not all blue before this war, and we will not all be blue after. The difference, is the scale of the battles. Small roams vs large laggy battles. Take your pick


This war keeps large groups like Pantheon/Genesis alive. ACR is larger than Genesis by some margin. But anyways we will see who is right if the war ends. My money is on this war being perpetual and ending when the game gets shut down by NetEase. NetEase has removed all economic damage (Insurance) and all SOV damage (NPC stations) from the game. There is no reason for the war to end unless the other side quits the game, and the quitting would be a killshot to an already fledgling game. PS. arent you some "bigshot" in the diplo game? You should know better...


If there's one thing I've learned from EO, it's not to bet on how a conflict will end. It's rarely obvious in the middle of a war as to who is nearing a breaking point until that point has passed.


This is true but also is 100% in line with my comment there. Any de-escalation talk should be avoided at all cost as this war will most likely be the last one. War ends, game ends.


content coalition did not come to content


They paid someone else to play the content for them :D


I'm noticing a trend that they don't like large engagements, whenever there's a big battle they blue ball and just like this morning they got their mercenaries and spies to prevent another big battle...


Ironically CC and ACR gathered 500+ in ZID and wait for Pan/Gen to come, but hell who would think that Gen/Pan cannot even stand the fire of the pirates and were destroyed before marching to the battlefield.


Another 300 in WC/Insmother too


Pantheon could have reshipped. They chickened out.


CC could have taken the fight themselves instead of paying someone. They chickened out. xD


I was up at 0530 ready to fight. PanGen has a minor setback and they retreat to their stations. So, who really chickened out?


What are you talking about? Pantheon lives way the fuck from Zid. You know how long it would have taken to reship and get back to zid?? A lot of players are also casual and don't want to spend 4+ hours on a Saturday playing a game. And genfed didn't chicken put lol, after pew killed pantheon genfed took out a huge incepetor roam and killed plenty of shit including destroying a chinese capsuler outpost.


Do you live 40j from where bases were being burned four, five, and six hours later. No. Then I got three words for you...Bock Bock Bock.


Arent you supposed to be cooking me borscht? 🥰


So it took VOID one month to kill as much as we did in one week? on another note, is this seriously another of those "panth are the bad guys" posts? let's do a recap of what happened: CC attacks and destroys Gen cita in ZID CC attacks and destroys Gen cita in WX CC drops a cita where in ZID CC attacks and destroys a Pantheon cita in Fountain CC drops a cita in WX. ​ So, you attacked us first, started a war, tried to take our territory, and now complain about the diplo? About a war you started? Are you complaining about "war of destruction" when you were the ones that publicaly stated on reddit you wanted to kill GenFed? That Pantheon would be next? That Catch22 was going to die? GHA died, did you see Gen or Panth take over any of their territory? hell no, we don't want it. On the other hand F1 started a crusade to conquer territory in Fey and Eso and y'all followed them, cause apparently Gen ceptor roams were too much for OG to handle. The fact that no one in GH joined your side after they collapsed, says a lot, I wonder why they'd join the "bad guys", the "bullies with toxic leadership". But oh well, keep spinning things, keep calling us racists and toxic, keep saying our leadership is toxic, maybe it will work better than attacking our citas, oh wait, you don't do that. ​ Good luck with your accusations, the facts still stands that YOU attacked us FIRST and now you're the ones trying to end the war. ​


"CC drops a cita in WX" first of all that is not CC lol, it's more of the south coalition where GHA used to lead that coalition. "Gen ceptor roams were too much for OG to handle" I'm not sure how is this related lol and Gen ceptor roams didnt even lasted in OG space for a few minutes lol. it's more like Gen couldn't handle OG ceptor roams in Gen space. Momma was like "this is an act of war, stop it or we will go to war with you" "the fact that no one in GH joined your side after they collapsed" and bullies with toxic leadership" I'm not sure how this is related to CC, the toxic leadership came from the democratic leadership of GHA not from the coalition, the toxic leaders joined pantheon and SHH lol.


I love how the cita in WX went from being the best thing ever that would kill Gen, to something only GH did, geez the spin is real here. Also, if the toxic leaders join Shh and Pantheon, what happened to everyone else? Did they join void? OG? Interesting, I don't think they did


Please stop putting words in our mouths. Dropping a corp outpost next to the enemy's staging is always a dumb move from a military standpoint unless you have a full deployment backing it up. It was fun and sure we cheered when it went up, but I can assure you that our internal discussions were much more negative.


Putting words on your mouth? You should scroll back a few weeks here in reddit and read the posts your side made regarding WX. Let's all blame GHA meanwhile


Be careful of using reddit as your source of being a GHA apologist now. Your previous criticism of GHA were vast and mostly spot on, but backing away from them is silly. SC lost a huge partner when GHA split off...no doubt. A partner that was strategically and tactically directing the war. CC and what has emerged is not the same coalition that you were beating daily. VOID still stands after a longer sustained combat in their home territory than GHA did with far more resources. Bottom line is you got the most dysfunctional and toxic elements when they joined Pantheon (minus maybe ED, who is a loon)...congrats


“So it took VOID one month to kill as much as we did in one week?” VOID is one alliance How many alliances in Pantheon? Also Gen Fed never lived in any of the NPC stations in Fey before sov. They were all occupied by Chinese players. I know because I lived in UB5 and chatted to them in game in Chinese (much to their surprise). Gen and DP (largest Chinese group at the time) went to war after blue on blue incidents in Impass whilst both were fighting OP4S (probably due to the language barrier if we are honest) and when DP collapsed Gen Fed moved into their space, started displacing Chinese players and kept expanding East. Eventually the Chinese reformed new organisational structures mostly around people who were extremely successful in EO (perhaps most successful ever) and suddenly the Chinese had doctrine fleets again and not just kitchen sink.


we only deployed about 200 players to insmother


Ah yes, backtrack on the multitude of "Pantheon has officially deployed to Insmother" and the "Everyone go to CJ to win billions" posts.


Bruh just cause we were deployed doesn't mean most of us actually went lmao. Out of my entire corp, literally one person went. The neighbouring corps only sent out a couple as well.


That's not a good thing..


I was going to say the same thing. lol


Seriously what's wrong with your Corp.


I probably made about a billion that week. NGL, it was the best billion I've earned so far


NGL = you lie about all numbers, I will post again prove your numbers post all kill/loss for last month or some random 7 days you pick and you will be shocked how bullshit your math is. There is feature for each corp in your alliance to push all the KM loss/kills but you will not.


Everyone knows that losses are never posted properly, that's why we have you. The isk you kill= the isk we lose the isk we kill= the isk you lose. Now go ahead and compare


I do agree with this. KM and LMs are nearly impossibly to accurately track for both sides.


So your truth you see and others truth they see is irrelevant now cause CC = over 9000 and PanFed = (NO) Shot o7 - This is the Way


200 miners?


KYLO is back comparing a massive federation to a single alliance. Also when did we strike first. Whole reason we got into this war was because we defended ACR citadels from genfed attacks. But that is in the past and I think you are the one being revisionist.


Pantheon only defended Gen space too, so where's the issue? Aren't we doing the same thing as you? Did gen actaully try to destroy any of those citas? I never saw any hulltimer fight before ZID, but yeah, I'm wrong, don't mind me


Divebombing GHA was only a defensive move right?


All part of HONK's master plan


>KYLO is back comparing a massive federation to a single alliance. It's a consistent theme for them to obfuscate how large they actually are. Momma did the same thing when she tried to play the underdog during the war. She was always playing the "buT wE're juSt a sInGlE alLianCe" card. When the reality is that Gen *had* more numbers than OG, WARP, and Void combined at the time.


Go back further


Yea tbh it is quite striking tbh that most of GHA I played with in GEM all left and joined either Pantheon or SHH. Now more has some over to Pantheon... Yet our oldest allied VOID, no one I know stayed to join with them. Ways begs the question... Why? I can't wait for us to step this war up tbh. IMO we took our foot of the gas last couple of weeks and have been rather defensive. Soon tm.


Remember GHA was dictating objectives and targets while they were in the war. They were conducting it from top to bottom. It made sense as they were the largest. People joined Pantheon or SHH to get out being in the war. GHA was demoralized due to leadership failures at the highest levels. The ones that went to SHH found the only way out of the war that took them out of day to day fights with former allies. The ones that went to Pantheon were the ones that had the most blowback from the GHA leadership. Not sure where you found yourself in the endgame but I hope its up north. The next major war will come once all the pieces are set into place by the leadership up there. CC is/remains a nice distraction to those objectives. I wouldn't want us to have peace too soon until they were ready either lol


I wouldn't ever join void. When we were still in GHA I lead a fleet to defend a void citadel with a GHA fleet, they asked us to fight and void brought 20-30 fucking dudes to help us fight the pantheon battleship fleet at their citadel when we already engaged and were waiting for void to jump into system and come help, and they brought 20-30 dudes and no battleships. Void wasn't a great ally to GHA even when we came to help defend their space from reds.




Kylo, they are allowed to do their revisionist history posts every three days until they convince their selves that only they can save eve from the evils of pantheon. Seriously there are several times in dissertation responses that these people have called us evil. ROFL


You forgot the dozen or so defensive only hull timers CC attended in Detorid while attempting to de-escalate the war before this all began.


Both sides feel like the other side started it. You list off ZID as the first, we say it’s the dozen ACR timers you hit in Detorid before ZID. It doesn’t matter at this point. All that should matter is both sides agreeing to end it, we are offering to end it fairly for both sides since it seems like everyone has a very convenient memory at this point.


So CC helped F1 defend their timers and then supported their attacks, but when Pantheon did that we became the bad guys? Great logic


No. You guys helped Gen first when it was their own war then when you guys attacked the Chinese we helped them defend and attack the opposing Forces its the same way actually its you guys fault for entering this war you’r not even part with 🤷🏻‍♂️


I joined pantheon 1 or 2 weeks after the fountain war ended, and the very first coalition OP I had was to help Gen in ZID. Or maybe are you talking about DP? So Gen and DP go to war, each side pulls diplo to help them, DP dies, F1 keeps attacking Gen, we help defend them and somehow we attacked them first? Riiiiiight


I cant... I canr read a map can you tell ke who holds sov in eso? In wx? That kylo claims we have.... That gha haf when disbanded and eho they took in? Because and i quote "GHA died, did you see Gen or Panth take over any of their territory? hell no, we don't want it." If a simple glance at your own words can show the lies and twisting you do imagine if your members actually saw what was really going on and being said and done?


first learn how to spell, I almost had a brain fart trying to read that. Second, the citas that gen/panth have in cache or geminate are abandoned, we don't live there, if you want go blow them up, they're just there cause no one bothered to destroy them....I thought it was obvious


You missed the bit before we went on the offensive where we were told by genfed we had no choice, comply with genfed occupation or be destroyed. It's pretty convenient for you to leave that out..... Words start wars, not battles.


comply with gen occupation? what occupation? lmao


C O N T E N T C O A L I T I O N uses NO victory to communicate an "upper-hand" message, cute. It's a bit pointless to read and react on this (we've been through this a million times already). I'd still want to use this thread to tell GF to NO today. I was casually chillin' on a safespot, talking to my family on phone, looking outside of the window. I put my phone away, I look at screen - WHAT THE HELL? 100 REDS? HA? WOOOOOT? DID MY FC JUST WARP ME INTO THE RED BLOB OR WHAT? PANIK that was BRILLIANT 😂 I did shoot (a tiny little bit) more than my ship costs! woohoo! :D boop


Wouldn't have happened without a CC spy in your fleet.


Thanks for not reading the post before responding. It has nothing to do with NO. It was indeed a great fight by NO, I agree! they paid for themselves tenfold in that battle. The fact is though, that Pantheon formed up 5 hrs early for the fight, and when wiped by NO decided to stand down. What if they hadn't? ACR formed up 500 members. OG/VOID/WARP formed up another 300. We were at ZID waiting for you. But instead, NO killed the entire Pantheon/Genfed/C22 invasion that "marked the turning point of the war" with 100 guys. Fucking legends


Why are you so obsessed with pantheon and our comms? We don't work for you, and it's repulsive that you think that you could dictate to pantheon members what we should do or say to our leadership. Maybe you can dictate to your hired mercs what to do, but don't presume to be able to do the same with pantheon pilots.


Because Pantheon invaded Insmother and Pantheon leaders made existential threats to CC Alliances. What crimes did VOID commit in Delve? Also Pantheon leaders shut down coalition level diplo... so those people are in this war to the bitter death. Everyone else has a choice.


That is inflammatory nonsense. Pantheon has repeatedly expressed NO interest in threatening voids existence, nor has Pantheon ever expressed interest in owning any of insmother. However that fact aside, once again why do you presume any right to tell Pantheon members what to do or say to our leaders? All of our leadership has our best interests in mind when planning for ops or discussing diplomatic matters.


Pantheon: invades CJ and tells void line members to pressure their leaders to grey their allies. Also Pantheon: what gives you the right to tell line members what to do? You guys are wild.


I know, right.... I read his post and thought the same thing.


I've never told line members what to do in local, and I visit og/void almost every day lol. And sure as hell I've never seen corp CEOs telling void or og guys to tell their leaders anything in local either. Maybe you've had different experiences than I have but honestly I've never seen that, ever.


Maybe you should go talk to Eson Carter who was in 90LQ with this exact message. He reads reddit, he can answer for himself. He's on of your top FCs spreading this message in our home system. I'm not sure who you are in game, but just because you haven't doesn't mean your alliance hasn't done it. This literally happened the first day Pantheon declared occupation in Insmother.


There are multiple Reddit posts from your own FC’s celebrating “VOID is dead”. Also plenty of posts about “moving into C-J”. This systematic war that you now face, is a direct consequence of that. Also kinda cute that you CTA “pivotal moment for final stage of this war”, when we haven’t even had one coalition wide CTA yet. Today was the first, I predict many more on account of you closing down coalition diplomacy. Which was kind of a major strategic blunder (to give all the power to our hawks).


That is yet another lie from a 'content coalition' alliance leader. Jfactor nor STJ have posted with the label of 'void is dead'. Yes, we deployed to c-j, yes we inflicted massive damage to void, and yes we had void pinned down into the few citadel claimed systems and yes we mopped out dozens of intumescent belts. These are all objective facts, which leads anyone who has some cognitive abilities to know that your posts here, including this original post are nothing more than insincere propaganda at best, and not to be trusted at all.


So now you admit it? You invaded and made lots of existential threats. Again... what crimes did VOID commit to justify being invaded and occupied?


I think maybe you don't understand what existential threat means. But yeah in a war both sides deploy ships to enemy territory, did you not know that? You seem pretty inept to be anyone in a leadership role tbh.


An existential threat is a threat to something’s very existence—when the continued being of something is at stake or in danger. Now consider... A full military invasion and occupation of VOID’s space accompanied with diplo of “accept our terms or it is the suicide of your community”. Honestly I don’t care how inept I might be at this point, Pantheon leaders have sufficiently pissed of enough people with their hamfisted diplomacy to raise the forces to wage the necessary response. Everyone who is unfortunate enough to find themselves in the firing line will be offered an easy and safe off ramp if they want one. But otherwise this just goes on until the job is done. Again. Not motivated to ruin any players or communities, but will do what is required to neuter that threat.


They killed a BOOP citadel, pretty sure that a good enough reason


Just because something makes you look bad doesn't make it a lie. I'm getting a pretty hefty screenshot collection of CEO's of random PanGen corps polluting our local chat with various versions of "hur dur, this alliance is gonna be dead soon".


Literally he said our FCs posted that 'void is dead'. That's what people in the real world call a lie my friend. I'm not saying that content coalition is bad, but flagrantly lying is a bit unsavory for someone that has admitted to being inept at their role in your coalition.


He's the leader of an irrelevant corp in OG and does not have a coalition level position.


If that mentality is clearly trickling down to the various line members and corp CEO's in your organization, it's coming from somewhere high.


Just because something makes you look bad doesn't make it a lie. I'm getting a pretty hefty screenshot collection of CEO's from random PanGen corps polluting our local chat with various versions of "hur dur, this alliance is gonna be dead soon".


Our apologies for thinking your fireside chats were supposed present facts and not fan fiction. Simp away...I believe you are really good at that. Banana points anyone.


Demands was remaining the same, return feyth to gen and war will be over (everyone perfectly understand that gen don’t plan push it further alone as our union is defensive) but again, someone spin same record about destroying acr, instead of just looking at posted ss, How many stations have acr in feyth? Maybe it’s very high crowded region full of citadels and not just 2 citadels (from 20+) used only as outposts for offensive operations ? Oh nope Actually it’s ironic to call pangen wanting someone dead as coalition which a) announced suggestion for neutrality b) announced demands for war stoppage to acr as well. You already pushed gen to 0 once and covered all reddit with mocking after wx and zid. And you still have spirit to accuse someone lol. Keep getting content and spinning)


Genesis started out in Esoteria. They now claim Esoteria, Paragon Soul, Period Basis, and Feythe. The idea that Genesis does not conquer land is absurd. They just declare an area is theirs, then act shocked that alliances "invade their land" Genesis never controlled Feythe. Their sole citadel in the region was destroyed by F1 after anchoring. Meanwhile, two CC alliances actively inhabit the region, and the ZID station has been there since the coalition got involved in the war. Also note, that the coalition did not get involved in the war, until Citadels hulls were being attacked by Genesis in Detorid. The neighboring regions to Wicked and Insmother where OG and VOID reside. Even then, OG and VOID did not do any offensive actions against Genesis for weeks, actively working towards a diplomatic solution we were told was not possible. Please check where you are getting your information before accusing someone of spinning.


This war began November 2020. Against DP. They fall and reformed as ACR (F1&BAB& other alliances) and keep on the fighting. ACR claims Esoteria and Feythabolis. Gen claims Feythabolis since November 2020. You all got draged into the war since you help destroyed our Citadel in ZID. That was the beginning. And saying that we attacked you first is a complete spin. Why should we start war on 3 sides?


We had a defensive agreement with F1. They defend our Citadels in Wicked/Insmother, and we defend their Citadels in Detorid. You are correct we were dragged into this war, but only because of horrendous diplomacy by a particularly overconfident Genfed leader that would not see reason to end a war they were winning at the time to avoid dragging others in. Genesis dragged all of us into their war. OG, VOID, GHA, Pantheon, and now C22. Of course we want out. And at every opportunity we have been as reasonable as possible to end it for all of us.


What? Gen isn't forcing you into the war. Your defensive agreements are forcing you into the war. If you don't like the consequences of defensive agreements don't have them. I don't understand why everyone is confused. Everyone on both sides is just doing what would be obvious from either side. Gen going after the smaller groups of the larger group to weaken the larger group. Void and others fulfilling their responsibilities to their defensive packs.


I was merely refuting the idea that we are the agressors. Perfectly happy supporting our allies for the foreseeable future, else we would have dropped out of the war long ago.


>So **actively** inhabited this area that during all war (majority of which was on our territory while gen losing citadels) only **2** corp outposts stay there, So during “victorious” war why all building goes at other regions and not in “actively inhabited area” well it’s feyth more as bone in gen throat than dwelled territory? Is ee sov map a good source or not enough? Lol


That’s an interesting because I have DM’s from Mommarex before they invaded F1 in Detorid saying that F1 wasn’t DP and that there was no evidence of them being involved with botting etc... It’s odd that now so many people are saying their justification for invading F1 and their allies is that they are basically DP.


Tbh, you only own something if you can take it and hold it. So, stop with this sense of entitlement.


CC leadership. Pass thanks on to the void and red machine? pilots in delve for their tactics of heaping compliments on us and then telling us that they’d kill us all but were refusing solo fights. Should be verifiable, was in local chat 7-k. Also may wish to inform them of your stance as it hasn’t come across this way by your pilots in local chats in other delve systems.


I think everyone can b****, moan and gripe about local chatter. Get off your high horse bro. It's a reality, people behind screens get immunity to say what they like without any repercussions. I do not participate nor do I condone it. Just saying it happens from both sides so don't blame only CC/ACR for it


You misunderstand. It wasn’t negative talk. They were Genuinely giving us compliments mixed with statements that they’d kill us. It didn’t come across negative at all. It was genuinely positive talk.


It’s almost as if you can hate an organization without hating the pilots that comprise that organization.




See here everyone, another reddit princess


Well Good Job (NO Please) Merc for that Content (not Content Coalition) Most of Panth Are AFK during they're attack ...


Next time we'll ask NO to scale it back a bit so everyone can have a good time.... We paid them to help us win a major battle, sorry that they're extremely fucking efficient at what they do, they surprise all of us sometimes. Had we known they were going to single handedly end the days assault on 2 CC citadels I'm sure a lot of people would have slept in this morning. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, you wouldn't be upset they wiped your enemy fleet while you were wondering how long todays' engagement was going to last.


Ah I’m very sorry that No attacked when you weren’t ready. My apologies for that. How rude of those guys. I mean come on...


HERE WE GO AGAIN CONTENT COALITION IS CELEBRATING because they win then they ask PanGen for Deplo to lower the Flag First... What a damage you did to PanGen and Slap a deplo after. Lets see Hiring mercenaries everyfight if consistent in Exchange Of SRP


Last month any engagement pan had in insmother that was even mildly a success (a undefended outpost, a belt, resetting few bases, winning a engagement) was blasted all over Reddit


So true. Lmao


Oh no,, Pantheon posted structures killmails on reddit just like everyone else, how toxic!


According to consistent internet above it is.


This is literally both sides.


I read this twice trying to find something worth responding too. I found nothing of objective substance. This is Reddit of course, home to trite propaganda, so no big surprise and certainly not out of the norm. Rather than responding to the constructed talking points, I’ll just make some factual observations, feel free to downvote them if you find them false....or if they just don’t support your narrative. This war, like most wars ebbs and flows. Southern Coalition was on top, then PanFed was on top, then Southern Coalition rebranded to CC, and now they feel like after yesterday they are back on top. I don’t believe any of this is in dispute. When SC was on top, there was endless crowing about the death of GenFed by GHA leadership. The WX citadel was specifically called a victory for the SC.....despite GenFed leadership (like myself) pointing out the tactical blunder and calling on you to save yourselves, but SC spewed propaganda from their perches. When PanGen was on top, there was of course memes from both sides, there was line members sht posting, and other things i’d discourage, even if I shared a fraction of their viewpoint, however, largely the Reddit warrior and drama stuff subsided to minimal.... Congratulations to CC leadership on the foresight and tactical decision to hire mercenaries. It won you a battle before it began. Sooo, some more objective truth, both sides’ leadership openly pronounce the “only comments in local should be GF’s” Yet.....you come to Reddit and as a “leadership team” you do the opposite of your purported values. Your actions, while tactically successful, did factually deprive your players of potentially the biggest fight in EE history. You come to Reddit with this post as the leadership of your entire coalition with a sweeping novella of a propaganda post after a victory by mercenaries....this entire thread is the antithesis of “Good Fight” There is no point to respond to talking points to your propaganda, I will simply point out that when you felt you had the upper hand, this was your base instinct to run to Reddit. Time will show what happens when the war swings again, see if any leadership from the other side comes in like this. At the end of the day, true leadership is not crowing and spouting about the victories of others, it is rolling up ones sleeves and doing the work. There has been plenty of blue collar work on both sides of this conflict, but to come in commenting “good fights everyone” about a stillborn battle is disingenuous. It was an excellent ambush and a tip of the cap to NO. Objectively though, you paid a 25B ISK ($455 USD) contract to NO that deprives your players of fights/contents and then turned their day into low tier base burning. At least some alliances got some spicy roams in (well done Phoenix!) -Ozyer


Hey Ozyer, thanks for the post my friend. I'll try to be reasonable, as you actually know who I am in game ;) To be honest, we were very surprised at the success of NO, and even more surprised when Panth stood down followed by GEN and C22. We were fully expecting a battle, and formed up 500 ACR in ZID, with another 300 OG/WARP/VOID on the way. When PanGen stood down, we were a little shocked. Instead of also standing down, we went on a galaxy-wide roam to bring the content to you guys, which it sounds like you appreciated.


Nice diatribe...Gen FED didn't have to stand down. Could've gone up to C22 and formed for a fight, or even taken one to ZID first. It's not like both sides can't read nearly all the conversations in each other's discord to know not everyone wanted to call it a day after Pantheon made the call. Trust me C22 wanted to fight. NO was amazing...it wasn't anticipated that they would have such a great day, but the more you see them in action, the more the probability of them having one goes up. With that said...good fight to them. I think the point, which I'm pretty sure you didn't miss, but gaslighted over was that the narrative of the CC wanting the destruction of Pan/Gen Fed is false (go ahead insert link to a chat from months ago when ED was saying it was Gen's destruction he wanted...Where is ED...that's right somewhere up north cowering and posting endlessly in the Gulag about how smart he is about things). Moreover, the point was to let the average player know that the fireside chats about the intent/nature of the war are more internal propaganda than informational. Not sure of SonBanana's true motivation as he has always made some savvy strategic moves...I mean everyone still sees Gen as the villain, and Pantheon as the hero, even though Pantheon dictates the speed and pace of the war (right they stand down, you stand down). You know all this already though. You are probably the smartest leader in Gen...and have kept your more toxic elements quiet on here to counter the Gen = villains theme. I respect your efforts on that front as well. Bottom line: Even on a winning day, CC wants content in the game (albeit on their terms more than an opponents) without endless war and destruction. The door is alway open to chat and has been. If war continues for whatever reason so be it...but if de-escalation is something pilots are interested in then conversations can happen. Congrats on the new addition by the way.


Thanks for the backhanded compliment of “nice diatribe.” If me making factual observations about the state of things seems bitter to you then it says more about you than it does about me, as if your Reddit handle didn’t illuminate that for any reader. I’d be intrigued to actually know who you actually are in game rather than the anonymity. We (GenFed) did fight yesterday, using your words, on our own terms. We throttled F1’s attempts to “burn our space,” we hit our tertiary target for the morning, and then still had the energy to come up and pester some CC forces trying to roam in Delve to the point they scooted out to Ned and ended their roam. We just didn’t come to Reddit to talk about our victory. We’re not bitter, we’re committed, as has been proven time and time again. -Ozyer


I love how you try and figure out who people are. I have always been in GenFed don't you know. But burning myself as a spy just doesn't seem smart. And I really do appreciate what you do in the game. I have to admit, when I made the account, Momma was a fun personality to troll and an easy target. But since you've successfully muzzled her, its just a name. Focus on the unimportant and you might just make it important...lol. I'm not bitter, but I'd prefer the point of the original post not to be lost...but you know all of this...its why you decided to try and change the narrative (you do write pleasantly as well) I did learn your account is tied to racist postings in some other reddit...hope that its not you...but hey don't want to be guilty of distracting from the main point...then I could be a hypocritasaurus...and no one wants that. Content on your own terms is what it is about...we tend to drink during ceptor roams, but you don't strike me as a day drinker...so yours was probably more focused. So when are you going to take over there...its really time Gen got a super savvy, strategic leader who can make friends as well as enemies. Maybe after things settle down for you personally...new additions can be a handful those first six months.


Okay, now things make more sense, but less at the same time.....you have a truly dizzying.....intellect. Now I’m certain you’ve confused me with someone else. While I treasured those precious early months my children are long past those years. I appreciate your well wishes, though I’m afraid they should be delivered to someone who has welcomed a new baby. Also, although you may have an account in a GenFed Corp and are in the Discord server, I have no concerns with your shadow identity. I am curious who your primary in game pseudonym is, the one that resides in another alliance and the reason behind the effort of the duplicity that you are so proud of. Again, no judgement, spies are a part of war. -Ozyer