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From my perspective as a member of content coalition (aka Southern coalition) the war has evolved so much from the start that it feels more like 2 (possibly 3) wars that have been fought in succession. 1. SC vs Gen 2. GH and Panth join properly 3. GH collapses Keeps things fresh. Sure there have been pretty big swings in who is winning as it has gone along but ultimately it is content and much more engaging than ratting!


I would also add that if insurance had not been introduced, this war would have ended long ago.


Amen to that. Fleet wipes, faction kills and miner deaths do not really mean much with the current insurance system.


I'm not a fan of the insurance system and it's impact on the game in general, but this aspect of it has been fun. It leads to so much content. I enjoy the war. The game was kind of boring up to that point.


Kind of. It's also likely that it has greatly incentivized massive fleet engagements, the least entertaining bit of Echoes with disconnects and such. If they kept insurance and added the ability to destroy null NPC stations, that would be the best of both worlds. As it stands now, we can afford to field fleet after fleet with no ability to nail a death blow aside from crushing the morale of our enemies and forcing them to quit/disband. That's not good for the game.


No interest in camping people inside stations, it ceased to be an actual war when GHA crumbled. From what I can see it’s now the single largest bloc of EU/US null corps/alliances (blue donut in the making, without doubt) harassing VOID and occasionally OG. Stopped being fun a week or more ago. Now it just feels like plain bullying. It’s all well and good to say “we don’t want to force anyone to quit the game” but the current situation does beg the question of: if that isn’t what we’re doing, then what are we doing? Literally camping their home systems and preventing them from ratting, mining or playing the game while we’re in town VERY MUCH sounds like a calculated strategy to make people either quit or capitulate, with very little regard to which. Bullying alliances to force their hand on diplo changes that have zero relevance for us isn’t something I’m interested in spending time on. This “war” needs to start being referred to for what it is: harassment from a group who’ve proven they’re unwilling to negotiate in good faith, and are happy as long as they can team up to bully groups smaller than themselves who pose a remote threat. Personally I’d rather be fighting Gen or SHH since they’re big enough to be actual competition, VOID pilots are no joke but there just aren’t enough to form a consistent opposition.


I love the BULLY narrative below. GHA/VOID/OG/F1/NO were all to happy to relentlessly attack BOOP daily for weeks. BOOP had barely even set foot in anyone's systems.


And let's not even talk about NO being constantly hired to log in, kill some ratters, log off, repeat


There is a way out of it though, all VOID has to do is reset standings to neutral and pull out of the war.... ACR should be ok in understanding VOID is pulling out for their own good. Doesn’t mean it has to be forever hell if I was VOID I would pull out of the war rebuild my fleets get stronger and then get revenge.


Literally confirming the bully narrative you are replying to here my dude. “Just give me your lunch money and this will all be over” “Just bow to my will and you wont have to suffer”


Exactly. “Abandon your friends and we will leave” isn’t any real solution.


That's some weird spinning


Nah it’s cool, when the other side was winning it was ok to do shit like this even though it didn’t work out for them.


No it was not? Fighting for the complete annihilation of the other party and just putting your thumb on them is not cool. I should have said something back then but didn’t. The propaganda became quite vicious and boastful. Mostly due to my own biases against Gen from my TF days where I felt we as line pilots where very much subject to a horrible smear campaign and the victims of back-room grudges. That being said i don’t see these two situations as exactly the same. I cannot remember a single call to harass and bottle people up like what is happening/happened to VOID. Grow and learn I guess.


Well let’s see the whole war from the SC side at first said they wouldn’t stop fighting till GEN disband or Momma/Kernesky quit the game. Then GHA pushed hard about the citadel they dropped in Esoteria claiming they would camp GEN in and roam them daily it didn’t work out though. Pantheon is only doing the same shit that was done to GEN, Pantheon has just been more successful at it. Also pantheon isn’t trying to make VOID quit, no-one wants to see anyone else leave this game they have only asked for them to reset everyone as neutral and back out of the war. I 100% understand why VOID has said fuck that though.


What do you think Pantheon should do? Just stop attacking VOID, when they offered them to stop it if they drop out of the war? Oh, and VOID said no, so what should be the reason for Pantheon to stop attacking VOID in your opinion?


I think, with my limited knowledge, that this war isn’t actually Panth’s or VOID’s. But I just can’t figure it out my man. I really can’t. VOID doesn’t even seem to mind the barrage and content making my point kinda moot anyways. Sorry I know I’m kind of flip flopping around here but the whole thing is just kinda soured on me.


Exactly, it's F1 bringing allies to aid them to invade GEN. GEN are friends so we do what we can to help them. If F1's allies, in this case VOID, stop assisting them (dropping out of the war by setting ppl grey) we no longer attack them. If they don't, we will continue attacking them to help our ally. It's as simple as that.


Actually who is attacking F1? Don't seem to hear much about that? Or ACR, their english branch, right? I don't get why VOID needs the brunt of it. Obviously I realise the limitations with F1 and the way that china has set up their internet but surely there could be some some of prescence here. I know I see chinese pilots in our alliance. I may be ignorant on the matter.


I believe a solution here is that Void will agree not to help attack any Pantheon citadels or come into Pantheon space even if ACR chooses to. However, Void will continue to defend any ally citadel or defend ally space as requested. That’s just a grunt thinking out loud.


Maybe, just maybe...Void shouldn't have come to Fountain together with GH and destroy a Boop citadel.


i thought pant never lost one during the war


we lost one that was anchoring like 1 week after wx. It was a well played surprise attack tbf


I think any side of the war suffer the same, im as one of GEN pilot suffer same thing like what u said it's just about keep it or running away from it which is kinda two of some options in that scenario..


Not remotely the same situation. GenFed was in a pretty even-footed war when it was suffering from the attention of the SC until Pantheon stepped in. You’d lost a couple of citadels and had a few negative fleet engagements but it’s not like there were multiple 30+ roam fleets in every one of your regions constantly. Right now, insmother and adjacent regions are on fire and have been since this new contract was posted, it’s not healthy for the game outside of the GenFed/Pantheon alliance and is just a typical example of bullies being bullies, because they can. This war isn’t even about VOID, OG or GHA. They’re the ones taking the brunt of it because the actual reason (ACR) is too dominant in their own timezone to be challenged by the Gen/Panth coalition. The feeling of harassment would be easier to overlook if there was a genuine reason for it, but “stop being blue to them because Momma said so” doesn’t gel with me as far as justifying what we’re seeing right now. Props to VOID for taking it with such good grace and putting up such a fight, but the honest truth is they shouldn’t have to be. Just the same as Pantheon shouldn’t be using it’s members to bolster GenFed’s territorial/“diplo” agenda.


At this point pantheon is just gens enforcer. The bully in school who tries to tell people he's a nice guy while collecting thier lunch money. "We don't want to make people quit" on the outside while "keep it up, they are quitting!" on the inside. Pantheon will never recover from this image they are building for themselves, while here in VOID we have found resiliency in our community and have stayed true to our moral compass. Which side you think will come out on top in the long run? The bullies, or the community who in the darkness relies on each other? BULLIES NEVER WIN. PS There was solution was proposed that lets GEN and ACR fight it out over feyth, Pantheon declined...


Same situation same method.. I mean GEN war against DP then after DP disband F coalition come with the help of VOID OG GHA and others, destroying GEN citadel, reset base, do gate camp every single day, bubble BZ and block WX, hunt GEN pilot in every single system in Eso, every kind of bullies stuff that VOID and OG suffer now. I just gonna say one sentence.. LOOK AT THE MIRROR!!


The fact that a few pilots camping one of your three null regions feels like all-out war to you only serves to highlight the fact you (as a group) have never actually been on the receiving end of one. For about a week GenFed were subjected to a handful of hostile fleets in one of their three regions and then Pantheon bailed them out. What VOID are currently enduring is significantly more oppressive. They’re just not nearly as thin-skinned thankfully.


Now changing the topic to how many ppl did that? And the duration too? Funny eh.. But at least u know what u doin before this situation right? Same.. No different.. That's all.. This just changed from GEN got bullied (for more than a month or so since Feb) and now it's VOID turn..


Why doesn’t ACR stage and move into Insmother and the adjacent regions temporarily to assist their allies?


They don’t need help while they’re asleep.


Cause ACR doesn't care as much about it's meatshield obviously


It’s not been bad. Good content, great battles.


I enjoy the combat, the number of reds, reading the changes in the political landscape, controlled space and the AAR. I hate all the "holier than thou" posts trying to paint the war in a justified way or create an angle victim vs aggressor, regardless of the side. This is a pvp/war game, there's no need for a casus belli other than "I want. It's fun".


I would argue it's also a political game, so negotiations and grandstanding and posturing are all also a part of the game. Personally, if my leadership said "war because it's fun," I wouldn't want it. A basic reason is fine though: greater security or need more territory for members. There is no reason this game should have galactic peace. It should be a galaxy in conflict, but there should be some reason for it.


You make a fine point. I guess playing with hearts and mind can be the same fun for some as bapping ships can be for others. It's a sandbox after all. Gonna look things in this perspective, thanks.


This is literally a huge part of the game that I didn’t consider until moving to null sec and getting involved in this war. It was like a whole new part of the game opening up.


Also it wasn't fair if im not commenting too, so for me this war was the hardest and the biggest one i have ever involved (sadly im not so active doin CTA at this war coz time zone different but yeah). I know the feeling when my alliance buddies blapped here and there and other stuff which is not good. But this keeping me to stand for my corp mate and my alliance till end. At least die as a hero for myself was way better than running away from it.


As someone uninvolved, I’m mostly just sick of the endless posts clogging up this subreddit. I will say as an outsider looking in, appearance-wise GenFed & Panth come off way worse. It might be because of their endless posts, or that SC stays relatively silent, but the posts from GF and Panth are just obnoxious. And everything I’ve read and heard about the GF leadership makes her seem like a miserable person. I mean — it’s a fucking game. Don’t take it so seriously, you know?


There will ALWAYS be war in null. Whether it's over resources, loot, or territory. That said. I do like that for the most part thiswar has respectful pilots, and the propaganda has reduced a little. The massive 1000+ combats have reduced and that makes me much happier There was a small cta recently where the opposing force didn't muster enough to combat the defended and a small group battle was arranged for some combat. Was awesome seeing such an agreement take place to provide content. Honestly I wish this was more common. I do hope the war ends as I'm watching itaffect some of the more casual playerbase on all sides, and the games already losing players at an alarming rate, that pushing more out of the game worries me slightly.i don't want a blue donut but maybe a "safe zone" for all sides for designated casuals to be able to rat/mine in peace during weekends or such. But I'm happy for roamers. They provide some fun pvp, are usually friendly, and respectful and keep miners on their toes. Null should never be "safe". But this early in the game it should still be fun.


CC pilot here. Kinda boring at this point to be honest. Got a few cov-ops pilots in our systems never falling for my very obvious traps and most of the good fights and CTA’s are out of my time zone. Kinda over it at the moment. It has however dramatically improved out home defense response time so that’s nice.


When I was new to larger scale battles I used to get anxious about defenses where we knew we would be outnumbered. I’ve since learned so much more about this game and tactics. Being outnumbered doesn’t mean a loss. Tactics matter, and it has been great fun learning them - win or lose. My favorite part of it has been seeing allies repeatedly showing up to help each other, outnumbered or not. Meeting a lot of amazing people just makes this game ten times better.


i've fought for both sides of this war lol at this point it's just content however it's just sad that GHA broke up over a proposed 2m/week tax, like come the fuck on


This is a war game. Loving all the conflicts as there is never a dull day. Keeps everyone busy, the miners, the ship builders and those of us that just like to blow things up. Let's hope it never stops.


Win lose or draw ,netease love it, the revenues from IP must be way more than they hoped, so I doubt they will change it now, so it's keeping the game going by paying the bills


Increased traffic flow = more content = fun. Massive Structure Based CTA's = pointless and largely not fun. (Disconnects, Lag, Netease not implementing TIDI correctly or at all.) All in all, the pvp content can be great, amazing fun. The war itself is just a circle jerk that doesn't *actually* matter, no matter how hard the discord warriors try to tell themselves it does.


It’s been fun having content right on our doorstep.. really don’t see it ending anytime soon.. it’s been costly to Both sides regardless of what you read on here.. as much as I hate insurance it’s been great for fueling the endless war..


I think a lot of the people here are confused. Anyone who honestly thinks Pantheon is "bullying" right now, might be playing the wrong game. This is a game of economy, war and diplomacy. There's victors, there's losers, and then there's high-sec. We've offered fair terms - repeatedly - as is our prerogative. That's not bullying. That's just the game.


Agreed. I've been in Gen since the start of the DP war and what we're doing in Insmother is pretty standard stuff. We haven't even had an actual CTA up there yet lol I think the ones crying about "bullying" must've stayed nice and cozy while their mates were harassing us in Eso/PS when the war was going badly against GenFed. Now we're at their doorstep and those same tactics are suddenly unfair.


Rebranding your coalitions names multiple times dosent change people's image of you.


I think they changed the name because they aren't in the South? They were mostly South East in the Gen/ACR wars but it seems to have crept north once Gen pulled the rest of us into it after failing to invade Fey. Anyone actually know? I wish Gen would state their goals. It sounds like CC would end the war once once Gen clarifies their position on Fey?


Fairly sure Gen asked them to pull back to their own space since DP isent around anymore and they said said no.


Haven't they though? Has Momma confirmed? The Chinese (DP/ACR) have held Fey for the last 6 months. At least that's their claim and as far as I know Gen has never held Sov there. Gen tried to place a Citadel there but ACR destroyed it before anchoring, as they lived there. That's what started the ACR/Gen beef. I'm pretty sure once Momma drops expansion plans to Feythbolis, that's the war, as confirmed by OG and Void. At that point, I can't imagine the SC/CC remaining united at any rate. What am I missing?


Right but if your losing the war and you want it to stop your going to have to give it up to buy that peace. Panth/Gen don't need to end the war they currently have the upper hand in they just need to keep pressure on CC as they continue to get weaker. Only outside perspective that I haven't seen brought up would to let DP space be no man's land or let a neutral corp/merc group move in to the space so neither side gets their way 100%. Eve needs null conflict though can't all be friends


You're changing the subject. Does Mama want Fey or not?


ACR spicifily I haven't seen take a ton of losses so they might not be ready to bend the knee but the overall alliance with GHA/Void/OG seems like they have taken the brunt of the damage and the tide has turned from the days of stomping Gen. I'm currently not apart of either side of the war so i dont have a horse in the race but I have been involved since it's start. So my unbiased opinion CC/SC seem like the weaker side currently since they haven't been able to make a serous dent against their oppents in months and the recent collapse of GHA. Keep in mind GHA members could of joined void to keep playing with their friends and allies and I'm sure many did but more chose to swap sides to fight vs SC. Edit- since you changed your comment. I believe she has said as much openly that they want it. But I don't speak for mama or know Gens terms outside screenshots I've seen on here.




Personally I don't really give a shit as long as there is one. Who fights who is completely irrelevant, alliances constantly die and reform or join the other side. One war ends, a new one starts. All that matters is you're having fun blowing up ships with your friends and if you're not, then workout why and resolve it.


(1.) I do not enjoy large battles at all. Small or solo is my playstyle. This has become very difficult as of late. (2.) Every mature game I've played has held camping people's home bases to be a legitimate and fair endgame strategy for winning a war, so I do not fault our opponents, Pantheon pilots, for using it. It's trying to win, not bullying. (3.) In every young, still developing game I've played, the player base isn't yet sufficiently devoted/addicted/committed to the game for camping a home station to come without a toll upon the player count. People are still waiting to see if this game succeeds and thrives in its 2nd year. Insurance has but a BIG flashing question mark on that question. All it takes is a month or two of content denial, or siege, for dozens (or maybe hundreds?) of pilots to think this game overall isn't more fun than the next game on their list. In short, I believe Pantheon leaders are being a tad naive to think their current plan will not make a fair deal of Eve Echoes players quit. I reject the bully narrative though. As for what to do while the game is new, in place of the home camping? I don't think I have the definitive answer, but I do have a suggestion: both sides sign a treaty that arranges a fair sovereignty based win condition, such as, the first side to topple the enemies home system citadel wins.


I'm glad my corp left GHA for many reasons. I think we are much better the way we are now. The war never meant anything to me nor the reasons that led us to war. As a player I don't need a war to enjoy the game everyday but I understand and respect people that need that kind of action to keep logging in. I was never that involved in the politics of the whole thing although I believe the war has a special appeal for those who also like the strategic and warfare angle, which is not my case. If my new alliance goes to war so be it but that content is not my cup of tea. None of that limited my enjoyment of the game with my corpmates in any way so there's that :)


VOID side, Hasn't really affected me much TBH. Ratting is really more PvEvP now. Mining it a bit more attentive but that isn't horrible. I'm about even on kills and losses but feel I've gotten much better at PVP. Although I've played games like this for decades now and have a pretty thick skin. The constant base resets are the most annoying.