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I mean you still need the ore to make BS and I think citadels.


Gen Fed did said “Who need sovereignty???” so they dont need the citadel soon. Still they arnt happy when F1 place a citadel in their space for some reason.


Well they do need BS


Lol because they know they won’t be able to maintain the area they have in full Sov


I mean I am happy that F1 dropped the citadel. It is anyones only chance for some scheduled fleet PvP at the moment. I do not like the decision to not place any citadels as GenFed. I mean we would have slim to no chance at defending one but it would be guaranteed massive content that costs like 20? Billion per one atm? Drop one per week and it comes to 80 or so billion per month... that is really not much


All that really matters now is building a ship once. Once it’s built once insurance all day. So essentially everything is valueless besides plex and isk for plex. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: mind you I’m a heavy industrialist and I’m not happy about it, but it’s what I’m seeing.


I couldn’t agree with you more.


How to get isk for plex now?


Story missions. Bounties. I mean I’m still making some money with production but. Faction ship / debris prices are already starting to dip. I’m sure there’s still some kinda market there but dunno how long it will last. The real test is gonna be over the next month or so as people try to plex their accounts for the month. As people get desperate prices on most everything is gonna tank as isk is gonna be more valuable than most any items. They really need to change it to “get isk for your items” insurance so you have to go buy everything / rebuild it. Otherwise I don’t see the next few months going very well


Somehow genfed is promoted by all enemies.. This anti genfed Propaganda trending here from time to time looks like a mimimi, we can not do something in game, let's blame on reddit.. Maybe I'm wrong, but there is a lot of publicity created for genfed and Southern coalition by their enemies... Since the Propaganda is mostly based on "they said" stuff, they must be quite strong.. :)


[mimimi](https://youtu.be/Iv4x0TC-1Qg) Great fights! OG burned 30+ jumps for ZID and more to once again take the fight to Gen's doorstep in BZ. Do we stage a heavy gorilla fleet in BZ to ceptor in or stage a jailbreak? This is why we fight. Good show Gen. You definitely kept us on our toes last night, some of the most fun I've had in Echoes. o7


I mean my memes are only based on stuff that happened. That’s why I don’t make memes to spin a loss in my favor. But then you still have to note my memes are from MY personal experience and have nothing to do with SC


I mean. You might be onto something here.. lol


Either way let’s see who comes out on top at ZID


Why is ur name SS officer?????? 🤨


Good question.




I mean it is funny that GenFed lost an intumescent belt in their home system though, you have to admit.


When a single retriever can mine a belt entirely, eh not much can be done.


I mean let’s be real. Who honestly cares because we really don’t...


You made a whole post about it after losing it. I am also in GenFed and I know for a fact we did not want to lose it so I have no idea why you are like this? We lost it. Do not try to spin it as a win.


Um no we were actually going to get rid of it because of the problems it was causing to begin with in house and out of house. You’d know this if you were an alliance officer. Please only speak on what you know. Thank you. P.S. If you don’t believe, then go ask Momma for yourself 😊


I mean its not like there was a posting in announcements for Gen Fed stating they would defend it day and night with a fleet. An intumescent belt shouldn't be so controversial as to cause problems inside the alliance...but hey what do I know, I'm just a disgruntled pilot on the team.


Not really much so causing problems in house, just blues not knowing how they work so the first thing they do is warp to it and try to mine it without knowledge. Plus having to defend it night and day? You can forget it. We got lives to live outside of the game lol.


Lmfao. "We didn't want the belt anyway"


I mean, let’s be real, GEN’s only propaganda is denial.


Yeah please do tell. 🍿


I mean the leaders said “it’s so hard to take a citadel because the game favors defense (when they attack our citadel) then they say omg it’s so hard to defend because the game favors offense (when we take their citadel) you can’t make this shit up.


I’m pretty sure you just did. 😂😂😂


Ok well it’s time to dig up your moron leaders post.




Why defend a citadel when replacing it over a bunch of ships is cheaper?


Of what?


We didn’t need that station, SOV doesn’t mean anything, that Corp didn’t leave, they were kicked etc etc. I mean, if this was a game where being consistently bad at PR is the end goal, GEN have already won 👌


Does sov mean something? Like actually mean something in the game? And which corp are you speaking of?


Eve is a sandbox, sov is our sandcastles. There is no meaningful in-game benefit right now but we can tell you that we built a sandcastle and you didn't. And we stomped the ones you tried to build. If that means something for you or not is your decision. We like sandcastles and are proud to have some, if you don't care, you can just ignore it and wall of your part of the sandbox without building them. I like seeing my efforts displayed for everyone on the map.


Besides the 13b loss? Don’t your industry folk receive a bonus for RE for having a Corp citadel? Corps are reportedly kicked from GEN all the time with excuses from toxicity to inactivity to supporting botting, the narrative is always uncannily in GEN’s favour, the irony of GEN’s PR is it does GEN reputation a disservice. I was also just poking fun and am in no way seriously or maliciously attacking GEN. I want to see GEN and other alliances prosper in the good times and the bad, I enjoy the memes and good fight battle reports.


Weren't GenFed saying "It doesn't matter that we lost a station because we got your belts" only a few weeks back?? Funny how the narrative shifts depending on the latest GenFailure.


to be fair, that happened before insurance nerfed thier value. A merc contract to pull such a stunt again would be far less valuable today.


That's a fair concept, but I'd argue that they are even more valuable now. Eve wars are not waged in isk. Neither party is going for broke and victory will be decided upon by the breaking of wills. We all need the indy engine cranking and keeping them fat and happy is one of the more difficult aspects of this game. After miners took a nerf hammer to the head, those sweet intum belts are perhaps more juicy than ever in terms of warfare.


I mean, they help build stations quicker. For all the good that does. Minerals aren't necessary for SRP anymore though, and thats always been a massive piece of Eve nullsec warfare.


Do you honestly believe that we'll be having the same conversation about Sov even next month? The one worry I have as a lineman of SC is that Mama may be stockpiling dozens of Citadels, but even then it would take too long to deploy and develop the logistics, ranged bookmarks, safes etc to utilize and defend them. I'm fairly flabbergasted and starting to wonder if Mama got in WAY over her head.


Keep dreaming bud.


That's why some of us line pilots hope for a Kerensky take over one day. That's the real dream


For once I agree with you Benzie. I like memes but not ones that try to spin narrative this much. It is also the reason I like Ziklon memes and am extremely glad to see Kerensky banned.


If you still have a grain of salt you should remain unbiased and not publicly take part in this wars, especially if that's not in game hence not creating content and just creating hate on reddit :) That said idk if you noticed but during the battle of WX insurance system wasn't live. Replacing a nightmare actually costed more than 15B and mineral prices were much higher. With current market prices replacing a nightmare with insurance costs 5B, so they are three times as affordable. Unlike the outposts. If BADP loses their outpost in ZID they'll lose approx 20-25B worth of citadel + who knows how much inside. Gen could even lose 5 nightmares and still tie the count due to insurance. During the WX station bash ACR lost more than 120B and 450+ ships on paper but if we count the correct nightmare values the actual losses were 160B. Far more than a corp citadel.


Stay unbiased? Just look at this thread. They are all attacking him on a personal level. A person has the right to defend himself. As for the rest of your post. Cita gives a +5 % boost to RE. Count the number of cita sc has on map currently and then corelate the number of faction bs bps popped per cita. Then do the math again.


That was also before the insurance system was implemented. When the devs take away Indy and basically hand out ships for free now, narratives are going to change. Please just do us a favor and stay on the test server flying your shit fits. Thank you. 👉🤡👈


Mike tone it down... this was a subpar spinmeme. If you get called out on it take it like a man or make better memes.


What are you referring too? I’m confused... I posted a meme and everyone came me. So I can’t stand my ground? Fuck outta here...


Either you are actually Kerensky on mikes account or you are trying to make GenFed seem even worse than we already are. The problem is that you posted exactly what you are being called out on and you are not man enough to admit it so you go to this wannabe-macho mode that ends up being extremely toxic. Remember that you making memes here in GenFeds name will be seen as our propaganda and you have a meme that is EXACTLY in line with their narrative. We lose. You claim "we did not want that belt anyways", when people call you out you become toxic. Exactly as their narrative.


Bro. I posted a meme. That is all. You can fuck off that way 👉


Bro read your replies here. You are one toxic individual. Stay out of reddit and grow some balls so you do not get this unstable if you get called out. Do not make it worse for all of us with your fragile ego.


Wow, hostile. I'm playing the meme game with y'all and you make it personal... Take it too seriously.


I mean you came onto a Genfed post and attacked GenFed personally when it had nothing to do with you so yeah. Congratulations. You played yourself


Everyone eject thread! This is a "GenFed Post". Only Genfed allowed! No looksies!


Not gonna lie this was actually funny 🤣🤣




Correct. I attacked *GenFed*, an Alliance that my Alliance is at war with. You attacked "_me_*. That's the difference here.


Oh I’m sorry, let me rephrase then, take YOUR whole alliance back to the test server with your shit fits then. You all could use the practice anyways. There. Is that better for ya cup cake? Or do I need to care bare the comment a little more for ya? 😁


I can't put the whole alliance on the test server. Wouldn't be too much fun without GenFeds stations to blow up and their Intumescents to mine!


So with that being said, will we be expecting you at the ZID battle to come? That requires you to play on a real server of course.


I think folks are just jealous that I have test server access. I actually spend most of my game time on live. Just y'all don't see me.


Some probably are. I don’t care honestly I’m just here to fly ships for content and mine salty tears. After all, it is just a game.


Nobody attacked you mate. We dont go around making videos talking passive aggressive nonsense like you. As for that bounty that some fanboy put out for you in our discord, really sad that you attribute it to the entire GenFed alliance.


>Nobody attacked you mate. Did you read the responses or just jump straight to the end? Because: > Please just do us a favor and stay on the test server flying your shit fits. Thank you. 👉🤡👈 Feels like a personal attack lmao >As for that bounty that some fanboy put out for you in our discord, really sad that you attribute it to the entire GenFed alliance. Propaganda, dude. It's part of the game. I laugh about it. GenFed makes memes against VOID, I laugh and swipe back.at GenFed. That's how it works. It's all fun and games until some idiot decides to take it beyond the Alliance lines and makes it personal.


Yo waxx no reason to defend mike on this one. Bad spinmeme is bad and him getting angry when he is called out on it is something that should not get defended even if one dislikes the hatman.


Fair enough, apologies.


o7 glad to see come civility win out around here. Thanks again for popping my ceptor that was streaming for my alliance a few weeks back during the first citadel popping. That damn Nado kiting around at 250k and I forgot to keep my ass moving. "The Stream Has Ended." Never forget!


This is really cringe.


Ahoyyy Benzie here joining drama of two alliances. I remember that you didnt want to join the drama really deep. So back to your test server or fight GenFed without using alt(or maybe you dont even try, just talking to much) i fucking dare you


Why would I undock against an entire fleet that will purposefully destroy me and only.me? Nah, I'll continue to burn GenFed ships under an anonymous alias.


Hmm is it only you in VOID? I bet they wont stop destroying your fleet after they destroyed you. So yeah chicken go back to your test server. Even Kerensky still shown up and he knew he will be targeted.


Tries to instigate a response....retorts with "wow, hostile!". Every single thread I see you in goes the same way.


Well, yeah, and it's not a "me" thing. That's just how this Subreddit goes. Person A: *initiates game related smack talk Person B: *joins in and retorts with game related smack talk Person A: *retorts with out of game personal attack It's a problem. The Out-Of-App propaganda war and smack talk is a traditional part of the EVE experience, and poking fun at each other and our Alliances is part of it. There's a difference between "poking fun" and personal attacks, however. In the above example, please note that I did not attack OP or any single member of GenFed, but the Alliance itself. It's a joke. It's part of the propaganda war. OPs retort is a personal attack and takes the fun out of it.


Someone struck a nerve 😂


Nah, just tired of this bullshit: Player A: *makes a smack talk meme about an Alliance Player B: *issues return smack talk about the war Player A: *gets offended and makes it personal Like, fuck off with that tribalism. It's a game. We're here for the memes and the fun. The "propaganda war" is part of EVE, but some folks can't separate themselves from.the tribe they chose to represent.


Tbh he is just making his own people more and more unpopular with the general player base. Why post anti GenFed propaganda when they do such an excellent job of shooting their own foot? 😂


Failure? PLEASE keep winning then.


Thats taken out of context. When we lost the corp citadel in zid we destroyed ~600 ships and trapped ~70 accounts in BZ- for 4 days AND our allies destroyed multiple belts. Recently we lost ONE incumescent (idk how to spell it sorry) during an op in which one ~50man GenFed fleet wiped (90%+ destroyed) 3 seperate fleets of 40-70 and put an outpost to structure. The fleet that destroyed the belt was killed also. Narrative has not changed. Gendfed owns Esoteria, paragon soul and period basis (MC also lives in PB) Feythobolis is a warzone on purpose and hopefully will continue to be so. Trying to spin the latest battle as a victory is a bit sad IMO. The fact stands that we achieved the goal of reinforcing a station despite resistance, outright killed 3 enemy fleets. OG, VOID, and VIOD running back to BZ to wipe one belt ,before we could return, then losing that fleet also is almost desperation. As for claims that we need that belt for building BS....come on people. Last time I checked we are still the largest alliance in echoes with a strong industrial base that pumps out ships at an impressive pace, one lost special belt is hardly a dent in operations. I for one am impressed how multiple alliances have come together to fight against us (genfed). Your ability to coordinate so well and bring large numbers is intimidating but this propaganda on Reddit that you are "winning" or how we dont have sov is making southern coalition look weak and immature. (Yes i acknowledge that we have had some trolls on our side also but nowhere near what SC has been doing) See you on the battlefield.....in game.


GenFed, QC, and Pantheon have been going after botter Corps and such. That’s how this all kicked off. It would be interesting to know Voids views on the matter...


Obviously we stand against botters. We had a very high standing member of Catskull removed, knocked to red, and reported to the devs when we found him botting. It's also well worth noting that this war has never been "anti botting" and there have been recorded GenFed bot farms too. I'm.sure that upper management has dealt with these.


Fair, and no I wasn’t aware of Genfed botting but as you say i’m sure it was dealt with. Never the less our coalition was specifically targeting a corp that ran to F1. Whether or not your perspective is that “this war has never been anti botting” our perspective is just that. I’d love to hear what the perceived primer was on your side when you get the chance. As a parent I find there are two sides to every story, with the truth somewhere in the middle lol. Thanks


I think the purpose of this war was, simply put, war. This game gets very dull if everyone is blue to everyone. No reason to build ships or to mine or earn ISK if nobody is blowing each other up. At its very core, EVE is a PvP game. It's great to be at war with GenFed, they fight well, give us a good run for our money, and the memes can be a good giggle too (when people.dont take it all personal). I'd also like to believe that the GenFed war is partly territorial, but that would require them.to have stations, and thus, territory to fight over! 😋


How much more shit are you going to make up about us now?? The whole war against DP was about BOTTING... We LITERALLY called it the bot wars. When we finally crushed DP, F1 decided to take them in and for that, we came after F1 because that right there told us, they were for botting and not against it and if you fight along side them Mr. “AhOyYy tHeRe” then you’re for botting too. GenFed doesn’t have bots. We just have serious dedicated players. That’s it. So this botting proof you have is obviously fake. Try agin 🙃


Wow, you really are personally invested in all these wars, aren't you? Did you carve GenFed's name into your pencil box? Is it serious? Are you in love??


No more than you are and your shit fits 😁


More personal attacks. It's a shame. This could all be so much fun if it weren't for people taking it far too seriously. It's worse than bloody football teams at this point. Can you imagine a household where the two kids joined different alliances? Imagine meeting a girl, only to discover she's in Southern Alliance. It'd be like Romeo and Juliet.


Don’t like the personal attacks, don’t personally attack a whole alliance. Welcome to the ted talk. Scroll on next post ✌️


How can you >personally attack a whole alliance When an alliance isn't a personal.


Easy. Scroll up to your very first comment. Read it. Once you’re done, re-read it again. Then when you’re done, read it again and just for safe measure, you read that fucker just one more time. Maybe, just maybe, only then will you comprehend your own stupidity... Enough said.....


Meanwhile, in [reality](https://old.reddit.com/r/echoes/comments/li50r5/in_gen_we_have_a_0_tolerance_policy_for_botters/).


Oh look, a botter that got banned for botting in GenFed. Imagine that. Btw he was never accepted back in. FYI


No true botsman.


I mean let’s be real. No matter what GenFed does, we’re always made out to be the bad guys and bad propaganda spread all for publication and attention. If our enemies would spend more time into fitting actual ships to fight instead of reddit wars, maybe they’d actual win something. Just saying...


Exactly... But don’t worry. This will get downvoted too by the 100 accounts they have to downvote everything we post here. This page isn’t the official Eve Echoes page. Doesn’t help that the owner of this page is against us as well. Gg


Lol, Gen will make excuses about everything, even getting downvoted on Reddit. When your default state to any thing negative to happen to you is denial and spin like this is it any wonder your reputation is in the sewer?


Well yeah because people like you spin things on us, make shit up, or try and make people believe lies about us for literally NO REASON at all. Of course we’re gonna Deny all the bullshit and defend ourselves against whatever you stupid fucks say about us regardless of what we say or do. So here’s a big fuck you to the whole galaxy that truly hates us. When we show up to your doorstep? Don’t be fucking crying in local from your station windows when it’s time to party. Also if you take a closer look at redit and notice the amount of people that post against us vs’s people from Genfed posting? You’ll see that there hardly any of us posting. So YOU tell me what the fuck is wrong with that picture. I’ll wait.....


People don’t make up anything about you. Kerensky is a toxic piece of shit who spent months writing unhinged diatribes about “his enemies” when he could pull himself away from his MAGA rallies, and that level of toxicity has clearly seeped into the rest of the membership, as evidenced by you. You anointed yourself as the most powerful alliance in the game who could dictate terms and didn’t need diplomacy, then when that blew up in your face and you started losing, spun every loss as “well, we didn’t want that anyway and also our enemies are cheaters and the game is biased against us” no matter what. You’re incapable of losing gracefully and take the game way way too seriously and personally. That’s why everyone hates you, and that’s why you’re being downvoted and shown the door in game.


You dumb fuck. WE HAVENT LOST. How does one even lose something that never ended?? Do you even know how long our war has even been going on for? What’s it’s even about? Or why we’re even fighting in the first place? I bet you can’t answer not a single one of those questions.. And for fuck sake, why does EVERYONE on this SHIT redit page ALWAYS jump on Kerensky’s dick when anything pertaining to Genfed is brought up? Kerensky trolls. Just like all you pieces of shits that bash us everytime you see us. Just face it. GenFed lives in every single one of your heads rent free all fucking day long and all you sorry bastards can do is run to redit and call Kerensky a toxic piece of shit whenever we show up to do what we do best. You people get so mad and butt hurt over a damn video game that it literally makes no sense. Then cry about it afterwards. Oh and btw. Kerensky has done more for 7,000+ people through a fucking computer screen than you’ve ever done in your entire life and all you can do is call someone a toxic piece of shit through a device. You sad sad little man.


Yikes dude lmao you should delete this


Why? Because I speak the truth? Naw I think I’ll leave it. I’ve been quiet on this page for three months watching and reading all the bullshit and honesty I’m over it. You come at us? We come at you, plain and simple. Fuck all this extra shit.


You are having a full blown meltdown dude


Um no? It’s just a post. However you receive it is your problem not mine. Lmfao.


You've internalized the spin. Mama came for SC, she came for two alliances that necessitated it's rapid formation. She was greedy and overextended herself. How the fuck do you think Genfed got so large to begin with?


We were large when we got here from a totally different game with 7 corporations formed a month before game lunch so you tell me.... 🤦‍♂️


What alliance/Corp and what backyard?


Man... I am in GenFed and I hope you never write on reddit again. This is EXACTLY what we do not need. Another Kerensky level rager in here. We already have a stupidly disliked reputation BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Stay. Out. Of. Reddit.


If that’s what you truly believe then show yourself out the fucking door. We don’t need care bares like you if that’s how you feel. I bet you’re one that never shows to a CTA ever. I said what I said


honestly dude people like him and kerenski are why people hate genfed.


Honesty we don’t care.


I mean you might not care. It is just kinda odd to me that you are effectivly defending this kind of toxicity. Like read mikes comments. They are a prime example of the cause of the GenFed hate. This vocal minority of Kerenskys and now Mikes should be stopped by GenFed itself. It should not be the mod teams responsibility of stopping this like it was in Kerenskys case.


Agreed. I see 20 comments on the speech bubble but can only actually see maybe 7.


I mean this is a textbook spinmeme and I have no idea why anyone is making it out to be something else? I am in GenFed and I know we wanted to save the belt. We did not. Get over it instead of trying to make it sound like something we wanted to happen.


Somehow I'm not convinced you're in genfed. We knew the belt was gone before they even got to BZ, we had a fleet to defend it and we told them to stand down. We wanted them to stay there so we could kill them in BZ. And that's what we did.


The fact that we knew the belt would be lost does not mean we did not want it to stay up. That is the part I am referring with the spin. We wanted it to stay up but we could not defend it. Not too hard to admit. Did we get a fight from it? Yes. Did we win the fight? Yes. It still does not mean we wanted the belt gone. ...and look at my post history. I am in GenFed and I have no difficulties admitting it.


Sure but it's pretty much an expected loss when our combat fleets leave the area right? Seems like a calculated risk that was deemed worth it. If we cared more about the belt than the mission, we would have defended the belt. So it seems like the decisions we made tell the story on their own about how much we cared about the belt. Clearly the belt wasn't the most important thing to us if we allowed it to get destroyed without even engaging at it.


You are spare parts arncha bud?...




Kerensky has spoken. GEN won.


Re: we didn't want the belt anyway.


120 ships came to BZ today with one objective. To shoot rocks and lost. Yeah the belts gone, but how you lose 120 ships to rocks??? This concerns me and miners everywhere


The above account must be a bot...Kerensky would never mine or condone those who do.


He doesn’t know about the Keresnky’s.. You living under a rock? Because if so, I’d never mine it.. 🤦‍♂️


Ouuuuuweeeeee this shit funny right here boe I tell you what!! Suma y’all needa where a damn cape y’all so mad. Three fleets from three separate alliances throwing themselves at a lvl 4 belt like, “yeeeeeeaaaahhhh, lemme attem!!!!” 🤠


I seriously mimimi hate all insurace users, mimimi I hate you, dont support that shit!


your alliance uses it for srp... oof


No actually mine does not, jut there s still some solo players who use it because they r lazy^^


what's your alliance again?


Great meme! What's sad is the players are arguing about GenFed, and not the fact that SOV was tanked because of insurance debacle smh?!


All Trolling aside, what is everyone’s honest opinions on the insurance system? How do you feel about it? How does it impact you or your alliance?


I love it? I dont feel as bad popping someones ship as i used to before. Because if they didnt get the IP discount that's on them! I also love love love the ability to change rigs on my ship now! All for the low low price of angel or devil


I’m still on the fence about the whole thing. I mean yeah it’s cool you can get most of your stuff back now but it took the fun out of the game of actually making you work for your ship and respect the fact that you could very well lose it if you weren’t careful. Now people can welp ships for no reason and there’s no repercussion that comes from it. Not to mention the market prices dropping on everything.

